MENS LEAGUE WINNERS ANNOUNCE Mens League Monday and Wednesday schedule winners of the Barrie Curling Clubs second section went to the rink skipped by Jack Lloyd At left is Wayne Dobson vice Bill Squires was present to hand over the Melchers Dis tillcrles Trophy to Lloyd with second Robert Paar and lead Gene Kosar Examiner Pho to Vandalism within Britain termed national disgrace LONDON tAP Vandalism in Britain has become na tionai disgrace costing com munities and private companies tens of millions of dollars year report prepared for the gov ernment said The situation is getting worse and the economic and social C1iCtllCllCCS of allowing this state of affairs to continue un channg 1119 intolerable in any society the report said The stateowned British Rail spends $2 million year repair ing coinage to trains signals buildings and fences London lrunsport has an annual 5100 too bill for damage to its buses and subway trains Damage to post otfice telephones was $33 000 in 1974 There also are small builders being driven to bankruptcy by vandalism on their sites There is little sign of van dalism in quality residential areas or in streets where homes are owncroccupied or privately rented Broken windows smashed street lamps and graniti mencd walls are worst in pub lic housing developments YANDALIZED MOST police report said that Kirby New Town built by Liv erpool City Corporation for 50 000 people was the mest vain tinlizzzi are in lKrituin lulicc superintendent Norman Chap pte said Kirby was suffer inc wanton bruinlity and its conditions of ems vandalism are accented as the ncrui Rev James COllllb ivirbc parish priest blamed the tutor failure of Liverpool City planners to match home build ing with leisure transport and shopping facilities We are just getting our tircf cinema 27 years after the first house was built he nd Norman Cl9Cil of LlCl poet said the blitz in the Second World War left the city so short of homes that lirby housing was pushed ahead regardless oi peoples other needs He said The tight warm community of the Scotland lioatl slum area was shipped away overnight and dropped into concrete morass and their old homes were demo lished lhe rehoused families were given baths inside toilets and hot wacr for the first time Iin their lives But that isnt cnoulli and its made worse by one in tour being unemployed uiziisoNs GWEN tolm Ward editor of the lmn antlniisiii aid the large amount of public housing in Britain and consequent depend cncy without responsibility is the culprit Over 30 per rent of cur home are publicly provided compared 1th about three per Communicator would like to keep legible writing LONDON Ont tCPI Fla monn Dunne of London is communicator and will use any thing from Indian smoke sitL nals to beautiiul handwriting to communicate Born in Dublin Mr Dunne is involved in calligraphy which is the art of fine handwriting He says the age of machine writing is not so far away can foresee the day when there will be nobody aroind who can write legibly with pencil he says dont mind the loss beautiful hund tltilll lull tuttilil consium the pussin of legible hund vriing grcat lows in deed tr Dunne says that progrcs is progress that one cant be too critical oi mechanization that he is quite hardhearted Young designer converts dune buggy info EIONCION NB tCPl Vid Falkjar could be bud ling Malcolm Bricklin or Henry Ford Iles alrcudj built done buggy and then converted it into snowplouv and he has design in mind for sports car hed like to build some day The Moncton youth began building the dune buggy two years ago From the ground up yielding the frame together himself from Eliinch pipe ano aalvagng the wheels trans mission and tccrin aSsembly from junkcd car The 12 horscpowcr liCaLl engine origi nally had been used for hauling nets in fishing trawler He finished the tune buzgy last summer but encountered few snags its top speed was only seven mile an hour and it was so heavy it with in the sand So he fashioned blade by splitting an old boiler and built lifting assembly on the front end Now he is the proud owner of ilii may bc tht only front wliccl flllCgt rearengined rear Slilll crankstarting home mah iiouplol in the country SOLYIIII PROBLEMS He did not use any plans but experimented and solved prob len is he went llis lather pru vidcd tools and tcclnicil idilcc wcn requested and two broth crs llric ll and Curt 16 htlncd with the constriudionw llll is not lll what his snowplow next project nil he lie in thinking of convertzn the snow plow into an endloader and en closin its cab Bur alter he has ifprovcd it as much as he can he expects to take it apart and use the parts for something else or sell them to the junkyard He is not as interested in the end product as in the work it self and what he learn from it lhat attitude has been strongly encouraged by his par cntv When the boys were younger their toys were tools said his father Paul lalkjar Ive tried to teach thcm when they have an idea to go ahead and do it and aduv to any situation in which they finri themselves lvc tried to teach them thnt ev ery day in life in educational CAN BUILD AIF David says he thinks hc could build regular cut but it would cost about $60m and he tasks that kind of money Meanwhile he plans to bccomc mechani cal engineer The design he has in mind would rcltemhle the formula racing cars ul not thc New Brunswickbuilt Bricklin sports car The lilltlilitl has lint back which would cause Itllllln it the back That would hold thc car back and it wouldnt be able to go as the kind oi car Id like to build would be pointed at both Nada Hamilton police arrest brothers in connection with counterfeit ring lvllCllENEft Ont CPI lhrec brothers were charged Thursday here and in Hamilton in connection With what police beliec is an Ontiuriobziaed con lertcniuu lin Illl inter national connection Suhall Yousof Zarab 27 ot Kitchener was arrested atler police here seized Some mega tives for counterfeit engraving plates Police in Hamilton arrested Kahlil Yonsof Zarab 33 and his brother Michacl Y0iiel 22 who snlls the uriilv irn 20 rob alter confiscating $3540 in also lnilcd htt Ho bills printing plutornnkinq and cum Ia cnuiumcnl luring rulrl on taco llumillon llll1lf and hop Police said the three brothers are charged with dlllly oi oftencas lllCiUdlll possession of counterfeit money passeseion of instruments to make counterfeit money muiiufncturing bogus bills uttering them angl con spllatfy and takes snentitic approach to all forms of creativity lie rays his interest and skill in calligraphy are practically oriented and adds that he is concerned onlv with lcqihility and attentiongetting with it DICVOTED HOUR8 5m the lctcrs he writes cun tradict his words There is charm and elegance has ircd another era when genita men and scholars devoted hours to handwriting in lcters jour pal and manuscrips It was the age when piece of paper was nrnately carved till bold strokes and delicate sweeps ex prewing rat only the meaning of the wmis but the manner of the mind behind the pen lhc calligrapher and lettercr wheher working on stone pup rn DilltlllllPllt or paper hIve curitrilmtcd lo lbr cslhnic beauty of the written word through all ages However the coming of the printing press and movable type took mlruy the importance or calligraphy Now he 11 lroduciion of highspeed clec mnic printing devices capable of repeating photographic letter images means but there Ii even less demand for be hand deined letter layout Elec tronic printing lacks the person niilcd irregularities of ilVl writing but is compatible with mass producioti DEMAND LITTLE Mr Dunne has worked as an advmiisin aint print designer in lrcland England and Canada nud has used calligraphy in many of his layouts But now there is little demand for this form of stylized hamdwriing loday calligraphy is used mainly in illuminaed addresses md book jacket desirgms he guys or sometimes calligra phcr are employed to fill in name on certificates and diplo mas Mr Dunno says that skilled culllglupller can make nonsense look like poetry can write anything in such it ci that the person looking at will think it something spe tlill GUTHRIE By MRS CAMERON Debbie Amos and girl friend are spending weeks holiday at Aruba in the Caribbean Mr and Mrs Bruce Campbell have moved into their new home at Guthrie and we are pleased In time them tettle here Mr and Mrs Roy Campbell llrs Velma Bradley Mrs Charles Simpson and Darren Cameron attended the Ontario Agricultural Society convention in Toronto this past week as representatives of Oro Agricul tural Society cent in the United States he said in an interview He said the families living in housing developments mostly are underprivileged vitliou skills and on law incomes ant they have to meet higher prices in the sheps and pay more to travel to work They have no leisure facil ities except television so the parents become apathetic Etll the kids unruly The youngsters in sinh fami lies get no thrills he said Perhaps youve gotten lift in Honda Civic and ish Antique toys are up for sole KANSAS CITY Mo AP One of the worlds largest pri vate collections of antique toys folk art and other Americana is being offered for sale here to the public The collection gathered over 25year period by Jerry Smith retired Kansas City auto dealer includes more than 12000 items While the majority are rare antique toys Smith also collected weathervanes barber poles wooden Indians antique trade signs folk art horsedrawn carriages and sleighs and oldtime automo biles The collection will be sold by Halls Crown Centre The collection is so vast that it would fill the entire store said Jack Kaiser president of Halls Kansas City specialty store and subsidiary of Hull mark Cards Many of the rare old toys havent been seen publicly in decades he added Included are castiron toys dating from the 18705 among them examples of horsedrawn fire engines circus wagons and early trains SPAN AUTOMOTIVE ERA Hundreds of castiron car and truck toys spun an automotive cra from Model to Chevy ltoadster More modern items include tin cartoon characters from the 19205 and l930s Highwheel bicycle and rare sidesaddle tricycle arc in the collection Wagons sleighs and sleds in clude mint condition Studebaker Jr wagons miniature versions of models built by Studebaker for westwardbound settlers Antique autos and horsc drawn carriages will be gtlltll but will not be for illllllCtilLtt sale LAND CEDED in 1795 the Scottish owners of what now is Cumulus Pacific Coast CCsti the land to the Brit mancllcd at the use otspacccll iinziginc ll to same idea and make it bigger its thc new londu Civic station Ago ho rating All the usual fonds Civic attributes joint lldllcllllitï¬ excellent stability and top gas efficient litcrust it from llCCl drivc Precision siccriiigductu Lit and pinion design bore stopping think to pom assisted front llJt brakes Smooth ride on in to lln rmn strut front suspension lncrcuscd passeligcl Mi BARRIE HONDA AUTO SALES 30 ESSA RD EDMONTON Cl Big Brother fits on to University of Alberta computer enabling it to turn rdinlary literature into braille transcript at more than 300 lines minutc This might mean big change for blind people in Canada The device is the only an swer to production of braille in Canada consultant for the visuallyimpairul with the edu cation department said lon Murray with the Cana dian National Institute of the Blinrls Edmonton office said braille now is transcribed from original texts by volunteers The computer braille output he said will increse efficiency of braille production Maig lletch an education do partment consultant said computer that can produce braille at the rate of Big printed it lirst five copies of book would help shorten the schooling of blind children Now she sad blind children TEE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY FEBRUARY 1918 Computer able to turn literature to braille who attend regular classes of ten cannot get textbooks on time to finish courses with their classmate GOOpage chemistry text could take 112 years to have transcribed bound labelled and sent to the student she said With this new process we could have the same wok in six weeks John Stasink scnior system analyst for the university said he and his colleagues tried var ious methods to get the com puter to produce braille but none worked satisfactorily When they heard of United States school board which had ordered computer component that did he work automatically as long as the material was fed into the computer in machine readable language they ob tained $5400 grant to buy the device Mr Stasiuk said computer services donated time and man power to program the machim Holiday ride with police friend ends in shooting death of officer DliLIlAY BEACH Fla AP Florida highway patrol trooper and visiting Canadian pollcman were shot to death lriduy and he gunmanwho lutcr took hustugewus ap turcd pulicc iil lZic itmzgc was reported to bc uninjured in morning llu through Palm Beach County uiiicli cnzied when po lice sci up roadblock of trac tortrilcrs folicc iiitlllilleil the slain llr pcr lhllp Bliick 35 of lort Lauderd lc nineyear Lltlilll of the Lonny patrol ll lilrid1c llcccli resulting horn snicn mounting otthc cnginc lltlnvlJ in ic it is iinl Henchlilo station nignnsciiuiuc lilrttiltl ll lilklus to givc you tlic lll pop undci lici ttl uniflbc vhccl lusc is but iittlt tun to this llltllthi llltll ilsugivcs it cil lucwtiiccrs mum to Ntiftvll tliclr logs lilll lltHlt itli litt icu mt tiililcd chm ll tiIClcs unlnsct pcrfitti tin lair or spice total of tnbh tcc ill madc accessible through in doors Honda Civic Stationwagonflhe of the patrol identified the Ca nadian officer as Donald Erwin friend of Blacks who was rid in with him Ontario Provin cial Police later said liwin was corporal on the force serving in Kitchener Ont lhc txvo men were killed after stopping ca on Interstate 95 Details of events leading to the shooting were not immediately available Police said officers arrested man identified as Walter Nor man Rhodes 25 of Miami after high speed chase Charges director were pending they said Now on display at Bayfield Mall Autorama All other models available for immediate delivery The Honda Cit ic station icon Because most of tlic timc yourc carrying my link liy tucl big Vhy park big Why pay big white paper suppliers developed special stock to print on The process 51 expensiv Mr Stasiuk said with the first copy printed to cost about $1 page although unit cost will drop with increased volume Miss Hatch said manually transcribed books also were ex pensive while the computer printed books bad the advan tage of rapid production Com puter tapes can be filed she said and prints made at low cost The operation would become more economical she said if University of Alberta could pool its resources with other centres in Canada Plastic tubes to stem floods STUTTGART West Germany Router Last months North Sea floods which caused exten sive damage in lowlying coastal areas of West Germany have revived interest in simple emergency device for reinforcing dikes Flexible plastic tubes about one yard wide and 30 yards long would be placed end to end along the top of threatened dikes and pumped full of water to stem floods Prof Frei Otto and two col leagues who develOped the idea at Stuttgart University said it was quicker than sandbags and more effective Also the tubes can be filled partly with air and used as floating barriers to plug breaches in coastal defences BANS ALCOHOL FIRST Maine became the first Amer ican state to ban the sale of al coholic beverages in 1851 7371 061