Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jan 1976, p. 5

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STUART SMITH new lead er of the Ontario Liberal Par ty talks with Reeve Wullac Key of OlO Township at Barrie Kiwanis Club meeting Monday night Mr Smith ask ed the assembled group of hu sinessmen and local politic ians to rain tlr the need tor decentralization of govern ment and suggested that fail iire to decentralize could mean the end of democracy Ex aminer Photol Complexities explained to City school students As well as cxplaning some of the Liberal Partys philosophy Stuart Smith glue stulents oi Barries four high schools some education in the complex world of politics Monday attcrnoon The Ontario Liberal leader Lis ed the situation of wild rie crops in northwestern Ontario to show that utntriiincnt pin blcms and decisions are quite often not so black and witnc as some peo ple would like to tiaiiilc you may linen said ll Smith Indians of the GritsY Narrows and WWI3 Do reserves were forced to diconiinic their usual livelihotxl of fishingr helt tauc of mercury pollutinn in the Wabigoon and English liLl tents One way these lzidians make up for the loss of fishins is by harvesting ild rict iili1ll grows in low swampy ground lloumcr there is tlD hy droelectric dam in tlic area which is extremely important because ol the rcniutcncss ol the urea and the tictil for clcc trcit liiilorttinotcly the darn opcruttw by nnissiii lnru mounts of water hiring wct times and slowin lowciin the level dour dry spczls lhcsc illicitttitiotis ill water it cl ol ttllllt lllill tiic lltt crop above the dam llocvltr it kelp lctcl constant bcloiv ii1ZliliSlliLiiill of thc ric tiH lillt kro in one the other lliic illitl iti it tlLn Ji5 on xTctii tit trons ittli If the dam cl iottll zit lcl Statics litttl 11 Ill international treaty which says tc will not allow such thing to happen Ulitiously Dr Smith con tinued the situation is more tiilllll than appears on the surface dont know of any hody who could propose olu tion that could answer all the problems or even most of them lll must gtlltlLlltils are like this wth no clearcut answer then the lat that me In dians dcpend the rice crop is not clcui cut The harvest it they cant fish they cant iil because of mercury pollution from the mills but thc pulp mills lc ii lcrztiz brunt to thc JUVEOITTY of the region and tn illClS ccitiinly didnt go in iie pulp ltllililt with the in illltlll of creating pollution in ii rivers hill of names Paul Arbour personality oi the month Paul Arbour illt yilltl the February pcrsmaitty of the ioti b5 ti il Chamber of Cinniiicrcr The award ult in work as chair Christma5 Cheer iuti Ettore than lil ticitlj ricrpiivileged lESKlL scntcd iitn Tool tltani min in whinings iit Win ti llilt uni tun toilet in tool yu lf 1li CITY NEWS TH EARTH I5 EXlllIIl IlehllAT Hi lillltL ll iiliilt called in days 13 hours litllt linm home and furily and lcvp concern for the lure oi inc lcs ioitiiitc umbrr tillllt mintag llob llollywosd said in pre the award Tuesday iir btW rcul for Li icmon ltcal Ld tor slit zbil lln is sin member oi the Barrie inn no lie ciiaiinii cf the Bar lloti Ilisirv commit util ins engnutusn in the in LOCAL AND GENERAL IIYPNOIIS loc jraliani mental lrgptliitlsi ll nciliilm lull ssy llatl Sunday out His liloii DCllHllllitllu ll lr viyill irIiwlcrl il Lakes secondary school it Hi ilia Si lzt 231w ht £233 oicr well lii rt will it an ritllcr show ltch lLllSl SllAlxljl lcxcrcnd ll tolltci tn91nd Ili 41il Hi from ionsnon in iiiiiu i1l jlti ll till tol inllv vi llri lior all tlimillllioii lr Imz inl Restauran on lJiinlop Si ct gun at 73 14il Mood li inllr inl ll vl liuy nstriuiich in nu iii lztr lnrililzi lii lllll itcntling non ihlc win tol pawn to in out ll lllll lilg ltltl iv lit in lrial Accident lllliOli soA Zr Melvin 1th hoiiv pm The ionic tor the mti tini ll lll 30 iin ioi in viiratlon tl lll tn Vlllltl lli llltl vitici to ll lil llill hi Will llll liiii 15 Noon tL voii iiii no ltttlnt ill till Tim llll illil iw lilllilt Hutcht7 din ll lilitl 4llli Linlasy llill vl lltillllll lillliu agiil alttir littlv iw vltiiii lii soonorcil the rri rinmu ill fltili was ttllllllsltl ol oin littiiltcd lili vil li ltutmc Irmt he llllilll iil old ill iici llli cos tilio 25 llltlllll of the it lt1lt Iltlli 2215 iilcl tor iln tlil liltlil lwr lllll through li ilt li litlltlS on hc vlcntiic READING IJISAllllJlllub ti oriilioii tor llltlltll iin litrnriitiiu lJisnliilItic till fizotisci ptcci by Dr llintcr Feb 15 at In at liar iic ctitrul Ulltlelllt iztctilty llltll lli llllllll lotizc will Uptoinctzj and Radian illllli£ Tlli1il NIlNliSlti illl lw tuiiiti annual liiciit nc 1s tlcil lt Tl vi 1s iuifx Suuttiu lcb ii lllll iftiii lihrivl iiilil slit IJlll sumoiolnlc mens and oliti ii =ci snow iil Quints lo ItLlsitiiIitJ to his and in tr ivti iinti Twirl Molt ili illi KRIS hlli tor tin iniinin than to oi llfhl in Home lnrcn it tJl Jiii ilttliltliil Siiw and lo liunlop and tli nzrl vloni Will lino llll iul lttil tiinlil Sittiil l1 tlltl ilP il titlt liil lilt tlli llllltll loi lir littiil cr will lliltiliti Tait art il =iililili the Municipal and to lurcii ilic liairic rinoniis lltm ilt tr iiiticis will all per ililll tni itintin lickrta loi ni 4lillillt illll won the 111 lm llll it tt litl lf to llic kriciii til inc icliziil ll til lllil7ilill lit llii ililillf lt ilif rii id lortc ct tlill lltlllll timed uliIIhooIvl uuiw IM ztur urin our il iltl ll iwi lllfI dart it iiinoiiiti lco Ill litlf ml vt Ah illtllll njmnc inin to ill Iii inlilioiltl ll on Iniilnn llill llllll loc fiiiiicoc toiiiitv hiltlrcni Hold nun ii lrl it i2iiiiii follicle 1i iiiilil Liioi til lnhlli fft llli Etc till lion iiuki phii lat inrl cii taltltlll tl lnc lurlml lniwn hil Tliil Ii Sci ttl HAHN XVIIIUTE iiiint or tti ri llli iii satirical ltltV ml llznizv itclltl mi hid ltl at llt ticntral Vol iimtc by iilt lintcrsity io InnK uh il ill lbw innth llil uc uil ililf HMll it tl lit 11 Mon Mall or Bookstore ltiiyticld Mall Sam the Record Mon and Janes tinnciv down ltnll ll nil latk Webbs Clothing Alldltlzli Tickets are no turntable iv telephoning ivrlill ol Tits5732 VIUUW PERFORMED licoric College Music Theat re under hc duration of Wendy Hick will present the merry ltlU oi music by lranz Letter and lick hook and lyrics by tliailc lcorgf in the icorgtnh Iolttt lhcatrc Bar lIt March 27 llCliLl for pin ocitinmanch are uni available in Barrie irnn Sam lhc llcc itd lm lint Ccntrc rinl Georgian foll in tlliston from Wrziys lllilflllitj and in tiliiropractit tiiiic by calling tilts33731 or at the door llllY EVENING Loni Insttl of il 0t lorontos lu iiiJ lllthltiiillr the lcd Moses luz Quintet will present liicly citnine of entertain nicr Marth Ill at tlic lcoigiiin College llicttrc lilllllt Des cribed by The Globe and Mail ti superbly professional and turnip tlic Quintet is being brought to llzirric by the ticor inii oIltgc liaculty sociaion llthCls for the drill pin per lorniorcc nic HS in the main body ol the liltillt and $3 in the uollciicu arc available llOlll Sini Ihc litcord Mam lunt Centre and icorgiun Col gc ULILSI SIISAKILI inn lonclicr whose point il now on mspla at the llnrrit lttolic Liliiniy will be it wiiw speaker il thlitlitl IllttllllJ oi the Barrie rt Club crliicilay lib lit at pm thi lower level of the libraiy tlir v12 spcak on abstract pointing out will use her paint backdrop and lo d0 llliiil1lltm during her fccturc Club member nd intuit can attend itt of charge adinissioii ice for none members ill NOT IIYPNOTIC ll lli ii 79year old inior thh cliool student hought 1i uis part of humm llUW ieccntly when ec non ti ilic gymnasiums cciiiig lilttd oil the school lony Ial lttlt said he thought it was part of the act when it hurri coneforce wind whipped past the school causing large sec tion ol the root to come apart Make government sm Liberal leader suggests By JOHN WROE Examiner Staff Reporter Democrmy is doomed if gov ernment continues to become less responsive to people says Ontario Liberal leader Smith In North America more and more people are taking the at titude that government is irrel evant that it doesnt matter who runs the country things Stuart SMITH TELLS STUDENTS will keep going be told about 150 members of the Barrie Kiw anis Club and representatives from the city of Barrie and sur rounding townships With this type of attitude growing it wouldnt take much Will force election on hospital closings The closing of the Goderich and Timmins psychiatric hos pitals has set mean health in Ontario back 50 years says Stu art Smith Ontario Libeiral lead er and he is even prepared to lorce an election if any future health cost cuts are in the same vein Speaking to about 1000 Barrie high school students at East view Collegiate Monday after noon Dr Smith criticized Premier William Davis for leaving the people of Ontario in the dark about health spending and sug gcting that the Liberals and the New Democratic Party are con stantly threatening the govern ment with nonconfidence votes It would have to serious issue before would call non confidence vote But the threat did make is that if more meti tal health centres were clased such as Timmins and Goderich only to cover tip monumental planning deficiencies by the Da vis governmentl would call for vote But dont want to force the people of Ontario into another election If Davis wants to call one though Ill be willing and think the Liberals could win BREADbe MISTAKES Cuts in Ontario health spend ing should have been made in large metropolitan hospitals and not in smaller community insti tutions Dr Smith said agree with the fact that health costs must be cut but think health minister Frank Mil ler has made some dreadful mis takes in doing the actual cut ting he said Dr Smith also criticized the Progressive Conservative govern ments attitude to making the cuts Premier Davis comes across as being the only man strong enough to drastically cut cons he said When or Stephen Lewis the NDI leadcrl criticize the cuts he says we are not strong enough to do it Not that like being lumped with Mr Lewis Ilovcver all the wiiilc when he is saying how strong his government is he is ceicring tip the fact that the cuts are necessary because of atrocious planning by the PCs in the first place Responding to students ques tion Dr Smith explained that he saw better solutions to cu ting the hospital budget and did not like the governments high handcd attitude of simply tell ing people what to do One way would have been to gather hospital administrators in certain area and say We ve simply got to cut so much from the budget he said Then the local authorities who cottage may also quality An individual making around 10000 could realize yearly tax savings of $300 As well the money deposited to the Plan earns good interest You can find out about the Canada Trust Home Ownership Savings Plan through handy booklet available at our branches But hurryyoull have to act now to save on 75 income tax TAX SAVINGS OPPORTUNITY if youre wage camer you can start smiling because Canada Trust Retirement Savings Plan can probably save you bundle on income tax while you sock away money for the future Say for example youre married With two dependent children and make around $15000 you could save as much as $1000 on 75 income tax And if both hus band and wife are income earners both can set up Plan Short of cash We can probably help you start Plan and get your deduction against 75 income tax with Canada Trust Retirement Savings Loan In most cases it can be arranged right on the spot and with no red tape Even if youre already in pension plan at work it makes sense to take advantage of this tax saving since company pension may not be enough to guarantee you comfortable retirement on its own With Canada Trust Retirement Savings Plan theres no sales commission to pay and your money isnt locked in forever In fact should you decide to forget the whole thing you can get your money out But if you do youll have to pay the appropriate income tax We also have handy booklet explaining all about the Canada Trust Retirement Savings Plan Call or drop in and get the details But as with tax savings opportunity youll hava to act now to save on 75 income tax have some knowledge what is needed in the community have some say in just where the cuts should be and fewer people get hurt This of course has always been the PCs attitude toward the people of Ontario They tend to tell the people whats good for them instead of finding out the peoples feelings first Dr Smith also criticized what he called the governments pol itical gifis to communities which often took the form of hospitals There is the case of Hanover which got fine new hospital but the government didnt tell the people of the surrounding small communities that they would have their hospitals closed And often the small hospitals are very efficiently rim and dont have the huge amounts of waste associated with larger hos pitals Of course there is bigger saving by closing 50 beds of 300de hospital because of the costs of heating building So the small communities which often have hospital as the heart of the town are the ones to suffer Mr Smith also defended the federal governments wage and price controls after student questioned the credibility of pa rty which argued against con trols then turned around and imposed them for one rabblerouser to stand up and say Whats the point of all this Lets just get rid of the whole system We are minority in the world you know The trend is toward less dem ocracies not more It could happen here Dr Smith spoke on this sub ject to emphasize what he says is need for decentralization of government He was concerned mostly with the provincial gov ernment saying that the feder al government was not the type to be as closely involved with individuals as the provincial There is need to get gov ernment back to the people and reduce the size of the central government Of course there al ways must be province wide standards but government must be made smaller and power and money should be put into the hands of local organizations That way the individual can feel in closer touch with his govern ment WRONG WAY He felt that the Progressive Conservative government had seen the need for decentraliza tion and reacted by forming re gional governments But those were not enjoyirf any success because the PCs had gone about it the wrong way What they figured on was forming the regional govern ments then handing oier the money and decision making pow er when things began running smoothly explained Dr Smith However when the people of the regional municipalities got more government btit no irore power they rejected the idea They saw the regional govern ment take over power which had belonged to the local municipal ities The only way can see to make the regional goiernments work is to take the power and the money to the areas and say Here it is Decide for yourselves how to use it That way think we will tinl the people of the region willing to work together Dr Smith pointed to urban sprawl surrounding Toronto as aller cas such as the quality of life demonstration of the need for decentralization of the govern ment as well as the industry of Ontario He mentioned that choice farmland some thing which will become more important as food resources start dwindling is being turned in to parking lots to help feed the urban sprawl SPRAWL SUBSIDIZED And the government of Ont ario is indirectly subsidizing this urban sprawl by its aid to the provinces transportation system Consider that person would not live in suburb any dis tance from his place of work if he did not have means of getting to work fairly quickly YOu are beginning to run in to that problem in Barrie where the city is becoming Toronto dormitory People would not live here and travel to Tor onto each day if they had to spend two hours travelling one way While one can extoll the benefits of rapid transit sys tem which gets people out of their cars one must consider the effects it has on other ar in an urban centre Dr Smith also criticized the provincial governments treat ment of municipalities in the area of restraints He said so far all restraints had done was to put more money in the hands of the government and put greater burden on the munici pal taxpayer have said and the Conser vatives have said that the property tax is unfair but still they expect municipal mill rates to make up for the reduc tion in provincial funding There must be another solution such as having portion of the in come tax earmarked for use by municipalities Dr Smith said he had no pro gram as yet for decentralization simply the knowledge that it must come about am just ask ing all of you for thought he concluded because government must get smaller and closer to the people or in 10 years we may be facirg very ugly scene mule USE THE GOVERNMENTS OWN RULES TO SAVE BUNDLE ON INME TAX TAX SAVINGS OPPORTUNITY Many people are eligible for this tax savings opportunity so there should be smilesaplenty Husbands where the family home is in their wifes name income earning wives where the family home is in their husbands name And all apartment dwellers and others who dont own home This tax savings opportunity is called Canada Trust Home Ownership Savings Plan and the money you deposit in this Plan is tax free if you eventually use it to buy home or home furnishings Dunlop at Memorial Square 7261848 ACT BY ARCH TO SAVE ON 75 INCOME TAX WE RE OPEN THIS SATURDAY

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