IHFJ BARRIE EXAM FinMONDAY FEBRUARY IS 1976 ANNUAL CARNIVAL TOURNAMENT Minor Atoms sweep to championship 11 preventing the lililis club from The defending tournament goals 01 the lirst period Water 5111 IIULICCV Tournament iill reaching the clianipicnship of the irom walking 011 with the game oliuinpions toek 21 lead in the loo cut the margin in halt on no rememlxrl the one 00 minor midget division where Barrie climbed into 21 lead lll3L period only to liaxe the Que stove Ora secondperiod tallo iorgii to the Itllll illis Con aerloo was to provide the no in the second period on yrs he entry tie the 331111 in me Burlnigtons Dana 3011132119 tiuction minor 11101115 poltition The score linished 31 111 markers Shayne Corson gttoierl 111 rd period Overtime tailed to added the iiisuainee goal on Fm me ï¬rst mm in the 1m 1aorot Burlington ith it went his InlLII goal ot the tournament 111 the deadlock with Oshawa powerplay 111 the Iinal period histh Barrie mum the Bill Rotme Memorial irep11 turadded insurance 111 the lllldI winning as ttutestlh ol harmg One highlight ol the garme was Allocku Assusiution ponsorcd Brampton claimed two consol PelWI Tmretl lbt EOdl JEnI mfle We SPalkvllli EN $09100 tournament Bturte entrv sur ation titles both at the expense Craig Mun iephedlm Iettl and opened the gtc01mg with goalie on Ivieeborn in the third 1el with rand championslup of Burlington entries The borough Bï¬llle URINE 9101 New IVltv chIcwmg Mitt 18 to prevent the forward from corn ï¬hï¬c wmmw yum peewees Momma liorougti 11212 Allan lialk and adult and Jerry Howard tied the pletmg his hattrick llic Construction crew ILtouted Burlington 41 while the minor ltd We Bmllann shined IIIt gulllellfll nitriieati hurling swept into the pcierbUIcuoh 34 51mm 101111 11111113111115 edged 111m wuntep ioaltentlmg duties 1111 811110 tuitineun Cdltled the edge in tIjldnlPIOIIbile game on 1119 Elke effect retard WY Wmrm in 1mm Burmgwn 1H 10 throughout the 10111 11111119111 play lltllltlllOLILSIIOOLIng Oshawa ot 11 WIIIIOVCl Burlington but tournament and 11111 the 10 tlieh consolation title and CJ50111134I Im SONS 91W OUIIQHKIQMele Benkgnskiwas IIldify morning and win 3611 um gum Trophy f1m tollllellIllq leCl 1ncdals names against 11113111111 and tllekey tigure in tne Oshawa win against Peterborough late in the 1L lt Brampton Cli lliltl Um 21ml tiuri Iieeborn scored twice in evening It was against Peter liolic ot gtLlplClIldL in the atom inelph stopped Stiattmd in swims Waterloo the midnet final to lead Btrrlinn borough that IIaI Moiiford ltc01cd tIIVlslUll the minor atom COIISOIaIltll show 11 to win 0ei terloo n11 Oshawa tailed lU duplicate Iiisl down while Oshawa blanked Ber IIIRILE Its33 INS mm aom low 8mm° tall to Oshawa in the grand There were mmnmla 120m nonents between Oshawa and the 1lia1npionship 11111115 at the Bar medals me Chanmicnshm title were the Barrie tinned Steel the win to the team scoring the lirst goal of the game if spot MINOR ATOM WIN 201cad in the first period The Oshawa no1 oVCl miner1 to the liastview Arena Barrie 111111 goals in the third period netcnd its championship 11 the 1ei Brampton 11 then went in Brian Gray Stored his litth LIIltI 20115 at the feifliil annual Bar Ieteihorough uelph r1e inter Larinial Minor IIorv Oshawa Kitchener 1115 Frevborns ooals were the ml to iear sweep ot the annual totun lcnlle 30 to lay claim to the Oshawa had three eels lllgt 111 Workers ial five minute suddendeath It as the John Ellis COIlbLliIt lead was iiiteased by one in the Brampton finished with 1111 MINOR ATOM ninor bantani division The 111 to the championship round sixlll goals of the tournament to key tournament oi er the week 08 deeules gane tor Kitcheneri 11171 Barrie Winter Carniv Burlington had little trouble in I10112 IlliAVIIC pro =11ted the ship win otcr Waterloo in the trophy i1 symbol of the sup Iiiil IICHHI Memorial Trophy minor mdgot final at the Ill1 rtmaiy in the urinalnirzl It Ire rie Winter Carnival Minor llo 1i1i11 won last lic 51 111 nintr lhotw ament four division titlesi al minor Juidgct consolation champ rolling to the cliainipionship of the Us Menu Sundry teams and amber medals to Oshawa on handin 111 ortime period fails to break the hon minor atoms which opened next period with Oshawa break 11 the consolation 11m 01 both Some Braiinon 111 711111111211111 1111111111 though two championships did ionslit1 minor peewee division Last op Usnawa mohalvmlhlgc the tonsolation title holders tournament ruling which gives whet mm received pins physically bruising game lne game opened mth Oshawa tukui deadlock from regulation time the tournament Friday night 111 mg the game wide open with tour the peewee and bantam d111s btratlord 01121ttrloo l11 111I111w1np 111111111111111 kex lount11neiit bu Overtime for rimmed in Toll tl1 111211 11 11 against Waterloo on Saturday pace the Oshawa win Barrie got awa donning the gold medals at Three was Barries lucky num goals from Darryl Lynn and Pan and CONSOLATION result 01 the tmirntinwnt 111 her as the club stopped Water Smith in the tin111 period Brampton 145 WUIH of the llanDIOll Slldlolkl 71 mg loo 30 Against Peterborough 11 One of the more exciting oi the NFL 20111 ruling to decide tic Guelph Oshawa Utimt titielph Stiutord Ol1awa slitoesstully withstqu the championship linal Sunda 10 games pla ed war the LLl suddendeath tertiiiie 1nl Ino challenge of the Barrie Lnii the score favored Barrie 31 end was the LIlkllllmonrlllll 351110 111 1110 111251 game against Borne IlAMIIONSIIII 911 steel Icrkem 111 the minor Brian Cr scored two goals to oetween Oshawa 11nd 11ttinen11 Iridu nith the lilatie1 Barrie Waterloo neewee grand championship in DlKe the Barrie ictory Barrie Sunday alternoon 1141111111 meni Arena Ieterborough 13 Ktehener al Oshawa won by comfortable otitpla ed Peterborough with only iuly won the title on tlltlillu 1n the PCQMQC tiiial Brampttn Orertimel led Burlington 31 at the end 01 Barrie Peterhorougii 72 margin the goaltending of Dean Frmt ment ruling the 111L period on goals by 511 llNOR PEICWHIZ 12 ions and Lyons llrrey 11lt Illi Barrie 11 Bronipion Burlington marksman awlui IIll 31111 do 11111 Quinn trapped the SCOIlli Btllllll0n $YL1tlultl 11 tor Brampton in the tmnl period Belletcdle 11 111171 Olitiu 11 waited 1112131 the SCtollit Ietmborough Waterloo perioi bciore $11111 to worl or CHSOII lwlleiille III the 4111I11I11 ting Brampton I11 111t1m 111 the minor midget diiiion IitIICYlllc ltflllmltiï¬lll 11111111 Hopkins and Mike Kai1 Brampton 11 Barllngton ï¬tlltlk wored 11 lo£l plugs HAMPIONSIIII with Keith IIolton adding the Barrie Strutiord 1111i 05111111 11 zoul in the 341 Hiawa Waterloo Clliilllllll 111l 11 1101 1111111 doth of locker iih 1111 was knot14071 irom dc Bnrric 13111113 11 11mm n1 chantoiniriiiii ttiv IINOR BANTAM 11 1111 c1v I1 11 low Barrie Ieterhorou91 11 gt I11erlio Frila Struttoztl Burlington 13 11 311 In 111 lt11l 11311111 11 lr 1011 unler HI Saturday attcr Waterloo Brampton Old 1117 11 liiil F11 11L1u1tl 11111111 tiatincau 511s In 110 1111111 311111111 consola ONSOIATION 01 l111 1111121111 10111101121 tzom Barrie 11 I11111t11i 11101111 L1 in to Waterloo Ilra1mon Siizdford 11 011 511381 rd 11 thcn slip Burlington 151mpton In Burlmgton Mada 1111111 IIAIPISIIIP 112 Icteriiorouzh 11111111 lMlnu 131111 interloo 11 11td 11 l11 11111 mound to 1111 IIIIlt1tt 111 tW 111 1l IliIo 111 llCtI 11 1111 1r 11117 11111 11 111 lithium 111 11 01 IINOR IIIII 111d ntlanl 211l Barrie 81111111 unit only 1111 11 titlillll 2211 we ILML 11 Ic t11a Watfilvo 11 he 1111d 1131114111411 112 Enldztli Belletillc l31rl11 11 1119 Sid 11 118 wont llt1tl111iS lhttt wt games nhieli Wont 210 inieitirns One of in ill11lllt1ll 111 tLlICtl for the Ultl ll the giime to ruin and lill1 11111t1 Iiompzon Ireroorouzii into 7h i1ii lizoilnl moot UXSOLATION Stratild =111 JJES of the 111111 atom din 111 Illit went 1111111 31 11 licllexillc ore 1110 I111r in ufh O1£11i Irtlr gt r11iir111l in nu 11 111310 am IIANIIIONSIIIP 11 11111 511115 111111 Iuirrie 11 11111 11 1111 11 cal 11 11141 II 1I1 11 1$111 I11I1l11111h1hfl1 TmA PLHHVI 45w MW wmxit chairman liill ll11 9115 11111111 the rul 0° plough 11 111 111 1r lu1i manners 111 grand 11 11 1111 11111111111 11111111111211 Curnixul Miw lloI1 lotiilih 121 11 11gtns11p winnnrs 14111 rr 1111 171 11111 11511 5111 PEILIIBOROLIJII 2011 tcnit lead tnc 1101111 Inlils torirtrul dotkc lo11111111111 111111 thrill HI 313 mudi Wm ll mllpsl v11 gt 1v 11 111t1 11 Dean Plot llllll to 1111111 rm minor atoms 2211 tennis 11112111 ti gonna Two fl 11 1LHL11 1V1Lflm me puck and mm mm mm the pol an me and Lei three my Wm 111 11 11 IIIIIKIV11 th of t11110111 iHum 1111s 1111 11 1111 111IILI ti 5311 pm 15 1111 11 tllkillllllll 11 1119 11111 Wand alum 111 11 gt11111 11 1111111110 1111 1111 or gt 17 1111 1111111I 111 3141 thwarted scorn attempt 51 atom d11on 11 the allntlul 111 illltl 111111111r1 l1tvr Mb 1I llh1m11 HM 17 pm VUEIIMI It ll ll1 1111 ILlli ll Itl1111 Ill illt llt 131 L1LI llht LI ttLlt1 3111 11121511111 1111 1111 31111111lt between Kitchener 111 11 1111 H1111 lxitsluntr winning the 1131 111111 ioiittst 11 Sttlt llll IIIll lIi nedlctil 110Mb l1ters ll3 ll 1W ll 1111 tl IItItt old RH 1113 on mm 11c 51nd I3 1111 IM Ilt 211 111111 111 and are 11n11l 1011111 Iii1s lil lllill itll lli WW 11111ir Iinter 1011AM Minor flirt manage to vLorn luluv amount in 11 How Barrie teams fared 111111 i1f1111 wholl Silikt 501710111 10 hem the VC GUM Iollli Ellis Lo11t1111t11111 llllllu was 11011111 apathy 111 tournammil 110 11 1111 ml Width IJCllPI 0111 111 11101115 opened 15m ilosrrd Lll Zoo and an 1111211111 21 triumpz Brampton While the 1111 110 1111 21111 11 fears and 1Io tr didnt haw todrnament as 1111 11 Barret rauer Brampton 111gtQ mmm 113311 t111$ 1itl1tll pininuwtmw I1111 taker fl OLIl Itl 111 rr Three 01 reoters were concerned $11113 he C0131 vlfitl xi 11111ord 211 1311111 i1111 1111 llil 11 ll lih 1d 21101 on On wm 1l Iiie atom cliih tltol llllCC LIUI 11C nine Barrie gain 1mm 1311mm 1111112 111111111r1 M11111 L1l1111111 meet Immune 0t llillili ll mi away trom rtllbIzr11oppull 31 adding three 13m mmipr 113 1111111 11111111111 ptr111dr 11d 91115 to become to Iill Borne Milton chipping 11 rea Iridug 1111111 acamx lo 11111i1111 111M To 0111 110511110 11 apprent I£11 1C111TI to Win itdntl TIMIHPIUII xoaltcndeis Alan 1k 111 ItlIOl0UIl lonirml 11 1111 11 70 1n ukamum 1111111 lttP11 anip at the mono Barrio Iin tire LeBlant nepoppomg wo Hymnal Why 11 111 llmil oerlr linprexttiil with the 1111 31 11 111 yr tei Ca1niial Mii1o1 Ilolm Ion nix to 11 mole tw 11111l the CHM It 11111 1111 1il 11111 11 111 holllelll MW Ilfldl 1011111 11111111 Mummy limphm 11mm 111111111 xx 111 31v 11111l 1mm ercd ht 1111c 111 lllt 211111111111 Ihe IOLIIIIII biow r1 11 rnnpetltnnr Balm hml LIIICI my MW Mn as il 11111111 11 11 1115 111 211t 11110101110 he 511111 11c 1111111 11111111 11 win nrer leterhorough 111111111 trams win in 1118 running 1111 nonsntp 11me Snitilu oilernoon the cold The Barrio Initcd I191031Wm mm 47 the Barrie ltll£ Boone thn 8ptlw11rker5 11111 21d 1111116 11 Id llm el 3le WV rnder Iaul Iazk1111 appeared 111 111gt1jiidgo 11 IIitllIllthw 111 11111 shot alun the ire ILtlll lmIllllCl 11 pl 1311 11111I 111 period alter 111 i111111llt 111 1111 1m nitlHPI 11 11 INCn 11111105 can win OIIIC medals 1111r1 111111111v s1111111 in tile tljtnmw 1111mm iii 111111111 1011111 11 thiK seaside tlllllllel he like 1111115 other 11111111111111111 11111Iv 11 11 II iililICS oI nationzl teams is 21111 lltlil1f tor the ISI8I IllllllS Him 111 the 111111101s tha1 11 llo1w lhe long1111120 plan inc 111 iv l111e11l are 1ii11I required to build up the 111 111 of idler1111111111111 0011s imnal team and iOLlilllliIt Illt 111 1111 511111 l111v 1111111 1111c the I111 at 111111 1I€CltIlCllluI Illt1tiIIh to 1111CI11111 11mm 1111 11111111 l1 11 second littlltltl Holt hl111l4111 VI ill din YHVTT twat flums notched Vultilm 2111ll1i 511 hill It Iv Alumnlbn lime 01 WNW VJ lm 111011 In at 11110111 1r laterloo p11th 11I11311d 111 1111 MM1MH 11111011 11 11111111 pcr101 111111 Roi Illelinrd MN 10W 1mm them IVKmnd T11 Mm llhm Ollilltl1 11llllll11l or the 11111011 pulled Home 1111 111 2lg 11111 11111 whom t1 go Lorce the SUIII ritath 11101111110 nkmmuH Cititan hnntnns 111 unable lhn 111111 onto the mien 11 contain Itltllmlltilgll 111 the 11 national team defeated 1131 LIiIlnt lusln 81 11111 111111111 top 11idok11 1110 with Hurlington Satinunf 111110141 1111 t111111ll1111 1121111117 three 10 lead 011 linms goal 111111l11i Melt stIHCtI 111 11111111s1111rl tvilm 11nd 111111da are close 1111IS in the reqond ptllutl to grail 111111 11111 121i11 lilal time 1111111l lCiIlll tor 11 loasi 10313111 lzilker tied the game only to and 11 1trtietiire to dewlop mate Burlington iEimh into the 111111111111 how Iliey E11110 tire lead to stay on third period national team roaches ant soul by Scliiinrr three 1111 the 111111111 team plus ALSO SAVE 10 ON MECHANICAL SERVICES hilly Licensed Mechanics BRAKES ALIGNMENT SHOCKS WHEEL BALANCING TUNEUPS TIRE SERVICES 11 1111 Wheea II mono 111111 11112 3191111141 ort amptitans11111111 very car and every Uniroyulnasatimtohtalmoste gt Charqe 1t pocketbook And you can always say NEW IN TOWN and dont know which way to turn call the lit1W 1111011 no 7264454 4240676 Youd be glad you wd CALWISE STORES LTD DI JKWORTII PLAZA 10 Bradford St OPEN Barrie Monday to Friday am 530 p111 7285965 3Y III Il noon John tilts UlllliLIiItIlllll rmnm 154111 111111111 1111 101 11311 atoms emirgizd with grand 1am and 151113 lrophy ltom 13111l ChamPIOTIShip IJIIB for Barri Bertram 011 had two goals 11 after sweeping through the an nual Barrie Winter Carnival Minor Hockey Tournament on three straight wins Brian mum at the minor atiuni thrz vhampionnhip win over ICt erlwrough Simone Corson sirur ed tire of the nine Barrio goal 111 the tourn nion IJxanfliri ILtoto