Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1976, p. 12

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Published by 16 hr iiarrir Examiner Canadian Newspaper Company Limited Boyflold Strut Barrio Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus Honshaw Managing Editor MONDAY FEBRUARY 16 1976 PAGE Time for planning for future centre It is ironic that the future hub of Sim coe County is behind in the area of inter municipal landuse planning The Central Simcoe Planning Board serving the Barrie area is notable only for its lack of activity its disgracede shell be joke Look elsewhere in Simcoc County Where progressive politicians and plann ing board members have gazed beyond their backyard fences in the Midland area the Tinyfay Pen insula Planning Board commissyoned study which produced maps showing how the communities of Midland Peinetangui shone Port McNicol and Victoria Har bour should grow More important the study defined en vironmental protection areas where de velopment should be forbidden These protection conridors neatly kept the urban areas separate preserving local identities and preventing urban sprawl Of course it will be up to the muniCipal councils in the Midland area to heed the advice of the area planners or not But at leastsome attempt was made to obtain crosssection of opinion from rural and urban residents about how Mid land pop 11000 will grow The accomplishment was applauded by planning consultants of the Simcoe Geor gian Area Task Force who completed their $250000 study of Simcoc County last July The consultants also took note of the Couchng Area Planning Board around Drillia involving the city and the town ships of Mara Rama Orillia and Match edadh The Couchiohing planning board is in the final stages of completing an offiCial plan for the Orillillia area lessformal planning body was pro posed for the Alliston area last week by the of housing The ministry looked at that South Simcoc town and saw how ludicrous it is for the four sur rouding townships to plan landuse inde pendently and even on onetoone bass with Ailiistzon We do not yet know how the townships of Essa Adjala Tecumsetlh and Tosoron tio will respond to the provinces prod dind But the gesture has been made and we can only hope the politicians will see the logic of cooperation Cooperation The word has foreign ing to it when of what it could FROM PARLIAMENT HltL Argument not on House experience By STEWART MacLEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service With the leadership con vention only days away you would think Conservative Mls would be content to let the cam paign run is course Without in crference and trust the 2600 voting delegates to make the lactic gauging up ltin and the entire backfire the next Dclcgulcs got the idea that some lls arc The petition lhul is bciiiq cir culated for signatures says that lcadcr of the llOLllfl have parliamentary pcriciicu It doesnt mention 11 you think of Barrie and the townships of Iniiiisfil Vespia Oiro and Essa Reporters who cover local politics take for granted the snide remarks made by township council members and the city sliickens about each other And only around winter carnival time do we see them togetherusually for friendly competition Barries attempt to annex land for in dustrial growth around the city has been sorry show When Barrie found that lillnlSlflll council would not accede to all demands com munication was cut off and only now is it returning The city plunged ahead hir ing planner to prepare good case for vainvnexing land from Innisfil Vespra and Oro And lniiisfil the richest of the town ships in Simcoe County hired its own planner for threepronged project pre pare new official plain prepare case against Barrie annexing too much land and prepare case against the Barrie Urbain Study Area extending south into Innisfill on maps of the Slimooe Georgian Area Task Force Please note immediately that there is bound to be some duplication in the work of these planners And because neither of the planners was hired by an area body each study will be onesided protecting the interests of the municipality paying the bills Not the area as whole Eventually the Barrieinniiefil fiasco will be resolved There will be com promise so that property taxpayers do not suffer in either community because of changing boundaries But it will be no credit to council mem bers on both sides of the issue And it will probably have cost lot more money What does it take for Mayor Dorian Parker to have tea some day with innis fil Reeve Bill Gibbins Vespra Reeve Alan Johnston Oro Reeve Wallace Kay and Essa Reeve Eugene Smith The township reeves are much closer to one another having the vehicle of Simcoc County council for monthly meetings Barrie strangely and for far too long is not member of county council We can only hope that the citys alien ation from its neighbors ends soon Years from now we will probably look back and blame the situation on abrasive personal itics predominance of shortsighted minds in the seats of power valid ness in the campaign And Mr lulioncy contributed to some of this with his persistent att acks on Claude fagncr and his 3300000 trust fund In return Mr Mulroney has been accused of being the hund picked favorite of the dreaded Dalton Camp ILiul llcllver who has pickcd up good deal could nslly Mr Mulroney cxorcise could paily riuht choice Mulroney but he haopcns to he of tho autiCamp support has 5But no pettion now is me my W095 0lind9 said that Mr Mulioncy is at bein circulated among Ml lwtcl lt°C0C Camps knwi iigugzguld not be acceptable that Mummy hm mowd usfinlzlllic climgpizlllnmgl fine time to do italtcr Mr mater help with me which makes you wonder how Mulroney has spent perhaps the caucus will CrpOlKl to any $200000 on his campaign in the iiist day of circulation winner Anyway its questionable the petition was repoitel to There is all sorts of corridor have picked ml Barrie Examiner TOHCV 16 Bayficld Street dy Barrie Ontario pmddmd Telephone 72645537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays time said one 17 signatures all from MP5 who are support ing filler candidates lwo lls who privately support Mr Mul they The polls have obviouly in dicated that its shaft Mulroney If the MPS promoting this la Csl campaign feel so stroneg about the nch for caucus ox gcssip about how soundso would oltc hull dozcn Mls or about how another soanilso would split llic purly down llic middle its all grist for thc dclcqnlc mill and its common Lil any leadership convcnlion All tactics are tried in times of war lut siili qucsion llic widsm of group ol MP5 silli ing document which has the cffcci of damaging one poilieu were not up oi llicm excepted Subscription rates daily by barrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrio $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year 1y All other countries $4500 yearly Motor throw off $3600 yearly National Advertising Offices 66 Queen St West Toronto 864 1710 640 Cathcart St Mont real Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Circula tions The Canadian Press is exclu sively entitled to the use for re publication of all news dispatch es in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reu ter and also the local news pub pciicnce in new leader Why didnt they make their positions clear before the candidates Ic clarcd their intentions If were voting delegate wouldnt be particularly 1m picsscd with llliS lastniinulc statement of principle lul candidate And regardless of the timing am not convinced its valid argument There is no doubt that some parliamentary cx lly DAVE llLAlKllC pclicucc would bc usscl but lflAWA lCl surely it isnt llic overriding lciibukcr wont consideration Robert Stanfield had no pciicncc in federal polilics lCUdCISth when he assumed the lead ership in 1967 and he didnt utive assistant commit any of the political blunders that Loslm PCHI1I1 Keith Martin walked into when he took ovvcr llic Libcrui lcudclship illci Dic publicly John say whom he suppuils for llic nu lioiiul Progressive Conservative But he doesnt mind his cxcc beating drums openly for Paul llcllycr former prime ministers cliicl aide has been singing lic praises of the fished therein many years in the Commons former Liberal cubincl minislcr The Barrie Examiner claims And My Slunfield mm for weeks Copyright in an orlzlnal adVEI lllllll whisker of becoming Aliiiusl daily lic checks into using and editorial material cro prime minister in 1972 the Parliamentary fress Gal ated by its employees and felm This latest ewrcise which lcry with tidbits of positive in duced in this newspaper Copyright might yet be called off before it Registration Num becomes an issue at the con formation from the IIellyer campaign and stories embar ber 203815 register 61 veflton is just another russing to other candidates v73¢5fll dcalon of the ncroasng bier Mr Diefenbakcr 50011151113003 THE WORLD TODAY Hemispheric giants now doing business By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Two hemispheric giants Bra zil and Canada are now doing business in big way some of it being diverted mm the al ready wellestablished llSBl£l zil trade pattern first developed in volume during the Second World Wait The newest iiidiculimi of the trend was the recent opening of the prestige Toronto office of the llaiico do Brasil to monitor and deveIOp Canadian basinc opportunities for Brazil The Banco do Brasil with as sets about $29 billion is world giant the largest not only in very buoyant Brazilian YOUR BUSINESS economy but in Latin America Its larger than nearly all of Canadas big clizirlcrcd banks who cmiipclc with such Ameri inn giants as Charo Manhattan and flank cf America for the five top banking positions in the world lhc giant Brazilian bank adds ils presence to llic historical one Brascuii Limited To ioulwluixcd holding company controlling much of Brazils ur ban utilities as well as being major shareholder in large Biti iiliun private firms iii food processing railway transport cquipmcnt manufucturc petro chemicals and investment bank ms The billion Blurrun holding conipniiy is the former Braill Edbiz revolution reossessment Hy VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Another cherished Cuiiudiu llllhlflll has bccii biokcu fur cducutionul process Hill nearly as superior as we like to think according lo foreign lk poits llic cd bu educator call ll is big business lucl liguics show that 73 per ccui of our gross national product was spent on education in 1074 up sharply from 44 per cent llllifl lliat rapid growth is by il scll substunliuliy lo blumc for the shortcomings of our cducu fiounl systcm according lo the draft rcpoil of llic cxuniiiicis liom France Belgium West lcrmuny Norway and tho United States who sludicd Cunn dian education on behalf of the Parisbased Organization for lICOIlomlC Cooperation and Du vclopmcnl OICCDI They also put pull of the blame on the luck of lill lil lS cnougili willi lhc implicd llllplls sum lllill lic supports Mr llcl lylr picliuc of the fun wulkui on Parliament llll dioxin up lliiusday if campaign material distributed fly the llUlll ganization It was lulicn just after Mr llcllycr cnlciczl llic lctidcrsliip race in curly January The orig inal pliulo Jllch Mr Marlin showed to lc0l3 was auto crnphrd for Mr llcllycr by the former priiiic minister Simma lfoll the unpredic table and outspoken MP for Vancouver Kingsway is gaining friends and losing them with her noisy opposition to the gov liimul policy on education and the inability of educational ad ministrators lo digest even llULllnll of all the material that has poured in on them from the coiiiiiisxloiis llllllll working Lioulh Lllifl foilli lliull lhc mluiluislrulms liuvc llicmsclvcs scl up STANDARDS lllll£l That kind of criticism has scl dom bccii licmd by llic licc ll education csiuli llhlllllCllllfillcclllly lliosc it the top who are far iemovcil lllllll the front lincs In certain provinces the num licr of such udniinislrulois co ordinators rcltcurclicrs couxull nuts and the like has been iii creasing out of proportion to tho growth in the number of lliosc who actually teach Unluiio which uch to set llll pace for other provinces has permitted and oven encouraged kind of pop secondary cdii cation that has diluted lllC proc css of real learning Sliidculs no longer llSlllClCd lo curriculum that provides cimiiclilx coiilrovcisiul Time and llcudurs lliucsl lull licllow Lilicraifi Illl lllllc she rises from her buck llllllll zllnllllh soul ll uguiust the bill llul Coiiscivulch Mls low if and clicci iiui ll ll icw swipe lic Lil li ci purl lUl plcssilil dicaul iilli llic bill luv Simmu licyic lukcii lo culling llll lliis l3llv iTuu Liliciul ihip lrlhlllll fuuy lllff mm In lici desk for illll iurl ou servativo Mls thought hllt was lecturing her for not following the party me There was chorus of boots and cailcalls followed by hard ion Light and Power Co ld the second largest private con ccrn in Brazil and originally founded in 1912 by Canadian cn lieprcncurs in power and utiliiy development in curly lolh ceii lury Brazil Another indication if the growing CanadaBrazil lJllSlllfaS trend is new Brazilian joint CllllllO bclwccii lliziiuii utd udillzic luiiiicw lorp our largesl housing projch icicl oper lt admits to no pllHlOUS iiiLi zilian experience in country of 5C citlcs with populations greater than half million and its own UbSlfllldlll ccpciicnce in inn housing design and do vclopmcnt the basics are ll in choose from menu of subjects ILcl inc sec waiter Ill have the handicrafts course lo start sounds good Give me side or der of music appreciation llold CANADAS STORY london trip brought weddin By BOB BOWMAN By BOB BOWMAN Sir John Macdonald was not only largely responsible for the union of Ontario Quebec New Brunswick and Nova Scotia in 1867 but be negotiated unionof his own earlier in the year Macdonald was in Lendon England with rm other dele gates from Canada and the Maritimes to present the British North America Act to lia ment ile llil hm since the death of his first wife in 1857 339 1112 riven birth to two sons the first of whom died The second Hugh John eventually earned his own dis tinctive place in Canadian polit ical life John was only 42 when his firstL who died nd he lived lonely life until 1867 when he was 52 years old One day during the London conference he was walking along Bond Street when he met Sscar Anna Bernard siitcr his great persmial friend and secretary Colonel Hewitt Ber This meeting led to whirlwind ccu1lliip tlicn mar riage in St Georges Church llmioicr Suilcc on Feb The Bishop of Montreal went lo London to perform the mar QUEENS PARK in offseason By DON ONEARN Queens Pam Bureau Thomson News Service lllliUNll The Kill has been playing xtlillj smart poli tics in the offseason Iaily nicmbcin have been taking full advantage of the 50s sional break by moving around the province and trying to build up strength particularly in areas where the party is weak Leader Stephen Lewis has been trotting hot all over the province One day he has been in Go dcrich the next in the upper Ot tawa Valley And he has been gettinfl lots of local press cov erage by paying attention to lo cal problems In Oshawa he promises to try and settle strike and gets up front treatment in Godoiich he condcmns the proposed closing of the psy chiatric hospital and hilt mes sage is carried tbiough the very considerable circulation area of the London Free Press And many other members are getting in on the act Socalled task forces are going out and getting good re action At least tncy are seeing some important groups notably local councils and are getting that valuable local press and radio coverage Smart politicking riage service It was an occa 51011 of great gaiety and happi ness among the delegates but the honeymoon was brief as the British North America Act was ready for Parliament Susan Bernard became tower of strength for Macdonald and supported him through dif ficult and tragic days ahead They had only one child daughter who was mentally re tarded Sir John tried to get home from the House of Com mons so he could read her bedtime story OTHER FEB 16 EVENTS 1685 LaSalle built fort St Louis in picsuiitday Texas 1838 Constitniou of Lower Canad was suspended 1852 Canada West On tario was damaged by spring floods 1872 First session of biitish Columbia Legislature after join ing Canada 1882 New legislative build in was opened at Fredericton 1934 Special commission took over government of New fouiidland 1935 Special conference on education mencd at Ottawa 197 2arlizimcn ended 496 day session the longest in his loiy Which prompts the saying once again what difference day makes your ago if Lewis or his member wont film tuwu they had hard time finding some one lo talk to lailiy labor or teachers groupl and any prch treatment was buried in the classified Now they are the official on position by virtue of two seats more than the Liberals and suddenly they have become 21 most pets There isnt much substantial difference in the party It still stands for the some things and though added numbers it didnt gain much in quality in the election But now it is wor lliy of ink WINE LAPPERS There was winetesting here while ago sponsored by the line Council of Ontario end the Ontario Grape Growers Mar keting Board Watching lie mob scene from the premier down one was caught with cynical thought Here was crowd that only few years ago was scoffing at our native wines and resisting serving them ever at official functions Now they were lapping them up and praising them Of course they have improved INTERPRETING THE NEWS Charge against Prince Bernhard costs shadow of uncertainty By ROD CURRIIC The Canadian Press The unsubstartiafcd allega tion against Prince Bernhard in llic Luckliccd scandal has cast shadow of uncertainty vei the Dutch llirunc 31illrlbly The rural fllllll his Lllll mall cicd SClll storing of con Apiolcgtsoi of am Ontario 1011 youversv hiring the rcifin of cily commenting iccciilly on the inability of loliiys typi cal hllllSclluul gruduzzfc lu lis tcu rcnd Lind spunk ucccpmbly spccululcd lliul lllllU hid in llllllll cslcd iiilcicsl in semiliteracy We want people who are lit erulc enough lo bc gtcduccl by wide range of commercial and polilicul propaganda ECONOMIC lllllhllllh It doesnt Inkc nu lIlIl ic port mi pm wow iccogiiizc the ox cut of eco nomic illilcincy in Canada The growing public debate about the cuuscs and cflccls of inflation for cxumplc dcmuu lrulcs litllc pcrccpliuii ul vliut crezitcs oYEioi ili more fu llllllil ciiii wliul czciius pay clicqucs pmlils uul prosperity Assistant beating the drums for Paul Hellyer as leader llllfllllllli llllili from Stove lupioski ifl Ildiiioulon 1Ill ll lull llf our huniuu alone John lurncr cplIll his lint five months as in Ml without uttering recorded word in the Comlllulh Aftcr quilluu tlic cabincl in Suplcuibcr lic ciiiiliiiucil lo come lo the Commons occasion ill for 11w lul uucliou pc iiod Mls from pilllllS would drop by his frontbenoh seat to chat privately or share jokes But he never rose once in his seat to speak formally or ask question Queen Juliana 66 but none mmpurcs with the present crisis that has lcll many cili zcns of the Netherlands shocked lllll disillusioned ll political liudcis in the countrys mullipzirly system have stipporlcd llll leClllmflll decision for formal inquiry iiilu llic illllllllllir llllilllflllllg from llnilcd States Senate ciliiumiiiillcc lllillllll lllflt llsiuliiird mccuicl culi bribes plomnlc Help pluic pio rlucud iii the llllllltfl Aircraft opp llv lliillll lilW SO has the prince who also dciiics llic ill There is sinculvlioii that if Ulllllllllill is Iircicd lhc princc would have to go into exile 1f the quecn abdicated and fol lowed him some Dukh observ ers say then the monarchy would be in jcopsrdy Also the queens heir Crown Princess Beatrix 38 does not enjoy the fulsuinc affection ac corded licr mother and in Dutch eves the princcsss Gor man husband is liability OVERWHEIAHNG SUPPORT poll taken before the scan dal broke indicated more than 80 per ccnl ol the Dutch pccple support lllf iiiumiicliy which in st falls somewhere between the ceremonial British system and the bicycleriding informal Scandinavians But although the royal fum flyparticularly queen and ll lUllbOll uc nupulul monarchy nevertheless is pclii=i lfl3 scrutiny lll 1900 Bcnlrivs iiiuiiiagc lo formcr Bonn diplomat lzius yon Amsbcig wartime soldier in llillcrs army culist ang uish as jceringz demonstrators sought to di=rupt the ceremony 101 vx3 fHE PICK OF PUNCH awe L0 Avww wm llie Soiry bomb warning

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