Mother is selï¬sh Nutritional value THE BARBIE EXAMINER1WEDNESDAY JANUARY IMO7 important when combotting high prices in denylng VISlts days of higher and higher and fluorine Dear Ann Landers At the time of my divorce our only child was four years old Now she is eight Her father has moved out of the state and sends the support cheques regu larly But he never bothers to go out of his way to phone or see her Last year he saw the child only once He phoned her twice remarried and now have ing them wing in thi lla girls life She is the flesh of their flesh and hope you will never forget it Dear Ann Landers always suspected it was true but now have evidence produced by research team at the University of California Please print it Ann Maybe just maybe few people will recognize them Dpï¬r No News didnt need to read about the research to learn the facis stated in your letter After writing this column for 20 years have plenty of re search of my own But thank you very much for writing Dear Anun Lenders dont have problem want solved nor do want an opinion of any thing iust want to extend prices knowing the nutritional value of the food we buy is more important than ever if we are to substitute with less ev pensive food having the same nutritive value says the con sumer affairs department In is monthly bulletin Con sumer Contact it says daily intake of proteins is essential The body does not store them and they are needed in the for mation of tissues Nuts peanut butter soy beam peas and Ientils are also important providers of protein but have to be Paten in large amounts to provide nutrition the vonsuyner affairs depart ment says DAYTONA BEACH BUS TOUR Feb 1429 Per Person Sharing Twin other children My problems is selves note of thanks to all the WO Animal proteins found in my exliusbands parents They My theory now Drown dertiil stepfathch out there meat are of high qualin but days of Fun and Sun are still determined to keep in Booze makes most people am writing this letter because eggs cheese fish cereals and at new ocean front SPRING AT THE CLUB 41 close touch with their sons daughter What is your opinion bores it plays hell with their judgment It turns them into re was lucky amt got neat one Its kind of rare to really got soybeans can provide the same protein much more cheaply hotel Sizhtseeing tours to of exqindaws in situation like pelitive nonstop babbermouths page whim om that mm mm Na 32 min this My daughter seems to be and gets them to tell secrets never gets mad at too dram tliizimimgt andI llnn Three eggs Qxtflte Wm lLHmlifids Prs happy with her own We They 1391 19 everything to help mu with any vill replace one certmg ol sim 9TH familyv int ahnlll mldmmegie 01 piohlcm and mom important of meal in mp8 ite folk become clo when an imp like his mm mm or in orma ion aim waxing 2331031331 hgi they drink interrupting nth lvlcaso hiin this lotth as lilihlllaTlililiPZIidrthighlltlglï¬ hoarding pmm grandpaients7A Mess With as dm9 an and llTilllS to all ma rm ion has the name nmnmt of protein LAKIVG AND RHOADES gt I1 vs The Exes ROIP°LL QSmhpgalgElfggialri mm5 mom in tunnmi r1 talizoftggnoi tiretquaiteis 1n EL £64221 llli mine1 rtuni fP m1 1RliltORLD Be MESS Ou cerlamly mow at the UnivWSW Ch diixklt Besides hcing one of the host 8690426 33 53 he Mn anl sources of Protein fish pimidos 0K lnllVSOV TRAVEL These grandparents have ev ciy right to keep in close touch with your child lust hecause in are no ionizer married to their son and have ohm chil dren is no justification for deny Pollys Pointers By POLLY FRAME Dear lolly My pet peeve is nili grocery stores that put coupons with products and then ou have to buy $5 worth of gntllS to tnkc advantage of make moral iudamonthu if pcrson goes to party and someone who might play siz nlflillll role in his futurc siioultl Shou un lav off the sauceNo News To Me DIai ookicz Im not lVlllEI Single Moo to llf voiir lr tor came lioin ll hc lots of slepdads oul love to believe it was nrnttn ioi iciii lms lct tlicm all think so fats vitamins and mincial lllY EXAMINER WANT ADS All Branches or Dcnure Tours Ltd 7053249161 Lindsay Ont T7 lilmk NT lait Ilhrw mm lvi 114 iuiilivllin itiir and Patl1 time another smiii and tall has been 11Wl IHWWW WW nu muimi hP ktlf nth iicm is put on list and planH1 might riho sum tbï¬lnlfs uhito tgtlxiiica minmmp human cape mor this surety make thing naem slyooh llnsotnthohorijx stiles gti41nrl plote tllli Itlli at the 0nd Of the ymr4rldnh and niinress lines with only lllllltal blur ttmnl lllllls and shililv ilatttl slltlll slimns limmuits wonn imilterl ilfvtk Mb pm mu tom too the international fa ion and in anh m1 gn Spying pttire were SllOth in variety and gunmor mm tap pan 0t 7189 5th 591 YCmm that how no 7ipnnr and he or or liiCrtiitIS rziiiioims mini 95 ljkp wrap Vinita another at llliltfl flip JAM lawn in typo oi pnflalDllllttl jr it no mo sciow lfl WW scvoiwl sonnus on the tinnzn um ilinvfll or stairno pants Sumo llï¬d shixizsovlmlrvo3vtiv1ml for inn12m iewiwt im will tif 92hr Iilnltlll tiir tltl2ll had lOll oiliris zipiraiwl in sm strzriio top eon iivtwiiiod in Myriioiis vomit1 illilllt mm lnlirmitli lo Minoann was inch inn 50th and green loliago WWW Mp MA with MM lr or look lioth in pans owl kiit2 airwain in such Ilo Couniv cluh Thl took on ono gull outfit in lPilm tcnnis dross tilit manic HP or 90 new nuh rvr ll sciou ull 7100th lornl iilUl home and yellow élllt lltl do wit hind so nlllv thidgpnt sorml In Llu tempo lni and matching visor is worn at at tho hodirc in cotton knJ Exhibition Mondav in lor Inf ihile model at right ucars ttl Iliotot hp mp and mm 3mm spend so muchMrs Dear lollt lts mood to know how clean htl PM iiv ham0 nttcr nacn use pour all the grease out of the pan and refrigerate it Then fl the on wth hot KEPf and arlrl onetouth cup dicnwaslier dcczzcnt Put the basket into this and it sunk rliic clean TOFUHI =Ili Cdiifl and Jean suits Mn and Milli and mats Tm Siid ll olmr things Ri tha down slimmer Stllinllfil at touches of inrnam frills numhor urrc ii urn2 omiks timc hoh pan and basket are pearerl liiotighozit Me spring rainbowcnlorod embroidery and iiulc licigiu mp unezypd it UN ll Collettinn ot gariiieiiis l0ll toe and pattlimik atCtnts tilisn li llllb lop not in hsivmghm and day the openm lniko Him not that the zoom loom iio hue tnc detergon for v13 OLX TTMS lH LN mm or on in gt uh mw and it nil on one soc could ll 10 pan th Im WNW nci mm WNW WAT has mvi lll haskct In and let it in inailwt is spiin buynig imyfpr6 82 lllti no rctuh it tlcgaiize hml ivnilr lhzlflng Olller how no Nlltt oi llti and iomniv in alterlurk taHT thingsMrs lntluui avioss tho piuxiiice 113 2w 51 an more lian zxnoltsale fmm iii vi ms Milletlion Dcar lollv It on alums tlic sliou It lim instW T0lgt£lllilf rir lill= Mn qvnny th ozi not nits Illlvl riizglc to ruin It at Home fï¬llinfh tiriiii 100 mnmitu lli¢ iv io ti Im in Win and lis donations lllPltfs tiio iiinon illlmllw Ivl mim iy rltvlm lot medications ot tarot and Importers saith hoikiiiI hack to im Flcity ï¬r star on of tho liven daytime SkltlS unio slit llifillilmclt lo tu ting lf rvriiin lift Ir lllm llh has womc tahliif in Irlllflllln min the swoops turncd tip in gilllllllil iiiiiatores ozmalli Al glul ll llltlulls li it MW hJn iisizi riiiiivuiio dttï¬llllltl for more the lTlllthls com ll iii li mmtlilir your thc ch limlovak Fashionable Polyester otton sport shirts at low Woolwomh prices the man on the go Styled till long slcovcs plaquet front wmze FY2753 We square tail chest pocket and handed collar Assort tl checks patterns and colors sunxn ON MENS AND WOMENS SHOES AND WINTER BOOTS urn ioiiti mo 900 inst sniumv mo AM 600 PM UNDERGROUND PARKING ENTER OFF MAPLE AVE THREE LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU ORILLIA IS MISSISSAGA ST ORILLlA SQUARE BARPIE HWY 2627 BAYFIFLD MALL mm