flvlt Barries Big Sisters and Big Brotiiers organizations receive then Int coirmv involving the Barrie Knights of Columbus anl tin Sheba Shrine About $500 raised in KNIGHTS SHRINERS DONATE dinner and dance put on by the two clubs was donated From left John Smith cl=piltrj 11 knight of the Knights of Col umbus Bill Coxworth presid ent of the Sheba Shriners Russ Oadeau deputy of Knights of Columbus district 19 Eileen Carroll representing the Big Sisters Bruce Brock of the Big Brothers Ed Le Clair grand knight of the Knights of Collinlbus rmi Shiner Bill Jones of Photo $2million observatory in Innisfil will be laboratory for company TORONTO An observatory complex worth more than $2 mil lion is being built south of Bar rie in Innisfil township Only the second such obser vatory in Ontario the other be ing the Universttv of Torontos Dunlap observatory in Richmond Hill the Innisfil project is pri vately owned But Heinz Lorenz of Lorenz Scientific Ltd told the Toronto bureau of The Examiner that the public would be allowed free ad mission on certain nights once construction is completed The company makes telescope systems for sale on the inter national market The Innisfil observatory will give it an opportunity to test new equipment as well as aux iliary attachments to the tele scopes In addition it will serve as showroom for iitcrested buyers who want to see how the sys tems perform in practice People who have visltrd Dun lop or other observatores will be greeted by some surprises if they drop in on the Lorenz pro ject There will be two 24inch re flectors ard me lRinch reflec tor much smaller than Dunlops 72inch telescope Mr Lorenz said one of his 24inch mahines could do more work than the 72inch mainly be cause of the modern techniques involved For example the tele scopes are built into computers and the glass the astronomer peers through is actually type of ceramic Innisfil in fact will have the first fully automatic observatory in the world shouldnt be any problem he said third use of the teleSopes and one he said the firm is of fering for free is for research work Outline suggestions of pro jects already delivered to the company could keep it busy five or six years Mr Lorenz said The first job for probably next summer will be instrument pen etration such as photography of relatively dean spice The whole Inniffil scheme came into being alwit year ago received speedy opptovul by Innisfil planning board and To th Ight th 11d Council gives Its approval are g° The Viewing qualilv in Rilh Althmizh lr ITDYW hoprd to two moior PUC protects Barrie council was able to give ï¬nal approval Monday to re quests of last summer for pub lic utilities commission purch ases rThe requests were for 500 KYA substation and distribution transformers on Cundles Road west of Bayfield Street at cost of $403000 The purchase was made in the summer The PUC was also authorized to devele deep arteian well at cos of 372000 on its pro perty on the unopened street al lowance Johnson Streetl be tween Stecl and Grove streets The approvals were delayed pen ding approval of the Ontario Mu nicipal Board and because of the postal strike monri iilll has declined rapidly as Toronto ha expanded throw ing more and more light into the skv The Lorenz telescopes will be 10 miles from Barrie in what Mr Lorenz considers an admir able location that his firm locat ed by accident beautiful site he calls it Most sky vieving is done fac ing south because most stars lie that way so light from Barrie the iirt pI1e would be firth ed by Joember Pin now expects the competion date to be the middle of March After that comes dcbriIZaz the system which should take another cou pie or months The Lorenz company started in 1966 There are only two other companies in the world one American and one German en gaged in similar though not identical pursuits YOUR NEWS OUIZ PART NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PART IV PICTURE QUIZ iseeax itllllk poem POINTS Hes Prime Minister of lsrael Can you name him aBobby Clarke bBobby Orr it cBernie Parent government aDavid Barrett bHugh Faulkner cBill Bennett independence with its correct meaning ls 1terminato 3extrapolatc watch with the clues 1Kamuzu Band 2Mao Tsetung 3lndira Gandhi clnterfcre aleader Peoples Republic of China bSaudl Arabian olI minister Give yourself 10 points for each correct answer of the Philadelphia Flyers was named Canadas Male Athlete of the Year for 1975 IS head of British Columbia gtch Credit The federal government announced it will require auto manufacturers to improve gasoline mileage for new automobiles True or False £4 The American Bicentennial on July 4th 1976 will commemorate the 200th anniversary of the signing of the US CHOOSE ONE Constitution Declaration of The financiallytroubled Denver Spurs hockey team of githe World Hockey Association moved to IWlnnipcg bLethbridgc cOttawo PART II WORDS IN THE NEWS Take points for each word that you can match arelease from entanglement 2lntervone bbrlng to an end 4extricatc destimate from known values if 5determine edecide or settle PART III NAME8 IN THE NEWS Take points for names that you can correctly cPresident Malawi Do 71 in and unoKIng to too pom ro scam to 70 point my dPrlme Minister India It to 00 points Indian so or Unison Hmml sumshelk Ahmed 58 IO Zakl Yaman eleader Saudi Arabia What do you hope to accomplish in 1976 Why How might you best go about accomplishing your goals 11246 vac nc Save This Practice Examination wnlkvupm Reference Mueth Exam Answers on Page Snowmobilers Ontario Provincial Police urge snowmobilers to become famil iar with the rules and regula tions covering the operation of their vehicles if they want to en joy tragedyfree season Because of new regulations passed by the Ontario govern ment OPP remind snowmobil ers of the changes and warn that police will concentrate on cat ching offenders committing viol ations of excessive speed care le=s operation or driving while under the influence of alcohol All snowmobiles must be reg istered for 1976 even if they have been previously registered All vehicles must be registered with the nearest licencing office within six days of purchase or sale police warn In addition the driver must have an operators permit for motorized snow vehicle unless he intends to drive it only on his own property No snowmobiles may be driv en on the serviced portion of or public trail CITY NEWS THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JANUARY 14 19763 WEATHER Snowsrguolls drifting cold outlook for today Thursday Wind drifting flurries and snowsquals are all in the cards for the Barrie area overnight and liiurs Ly Ixn lollllill should be near 16 folowci high tomorrow near Synop is Strong north Wt iczly winds will present pivnltm today creaing heavy drifting Winds wll diminish thilt evening llI1 temperatures to around mans 15 mature of ll utli Impera illms 1Mllll lvc to eght deepe brow freezing lncal liury weather will pLVdil over Northern Ontario during the next few days Day time highs will range from mnus minus 10 mix ture of cloud and sun will be the rule with flurries in few local ics Toronto Windy and colder to day with considerable drifting snow lcnipcraturcs falling to this afternoon bow tonight 12 to 15 Sunny with cloudy pe Wm riods Thursday High Windsor London Kitchener Hamilton lcterborough Lake St Clr Lake Erie Southern Lake Iiuron Niagara Lake nv tario Windy and colder today with considerable dllltlllg snow Tcmpcraturcs falling to this afternoon Low tonight 12 to ii Cloudy will sunny periods lhurstlay High to Northern Lake Huron South Windy and em Georgian Bay joltlor today with flurrics and loltl snow quail Tempora turcs falling to this afternoon Low tonight 16 Snowllurries and local squalls Thursday lIlIh vll North Bay Sudbury Northern Georgzan Bay Ilaliburton Variable cloudiness and colder today and Thursday With few periods of ligh snow High to day near Low tonight 20 High lliursday 10 Algoma Southern White River Cloudy with sunny peri ods today and Thursday Two fined for UIC fraud Two men appeared in Barrie Provinctal court Tuesday chang cd with making false statements to the Unemployment Insurance Commission UIC at Barrie Donald Taylor of Alcona Beach was mod total of $100 on two charges of making false stalcmcnts to the UIC Iaylor rcrcivcd an overpayment of $315 from the commission and was OlflllCtl by the court to repay both the overpayment and the fine by May of this year lhon Iackman of Bowman Ave Barrie was charged with three counts of making false statements to the UIC and was fined $75 on each charge for total of $225 llis overpayment from the MC involved $228 which he has already paid back Both men appeared before judge John Anjo Thornhill repays Giffen bantams Giffen Farm Equipment bant ams dropped 21 decision in TIlOlflIllIII Tuesday It was the same club the Barrie team nipv pod 32 over the weekend liarric was without the servic es of kcv players Lone lilfen marker came off the stick of Darryl Raymond EMERGENCY NUMBERS Fire Dept 7283131 City Police 7285588 Ambulance Service 72611103 OPP 1266484 Irv vim0 of new rulings any highway or secondary road except to cross it Anyone driv ing snowmobile along high way must be 16 years of age or older and must possess valid Ontario drivers licence Speed on highway or road where the posted speed is 30 mph in parks and conservation areas must be no faster than 15 mph All collisions on or off highI ways that result in injury or damage exceeding $100 must be reported to police The owner of snowmobile is also liable when someone else using his vehicle gets involved in an accident where damages or penalties result All snowmobile drivers require insurance under motor vehicle liability policy before venturing onto highways or public trails Helmets must be worn by driv ers and all passengers while snowmobile is on serviced road REBROFF TO SING HERE Frequent flurries and local squalls near Lake Superior High both days to 10 Low tonight 15 to 20 Northern White River Ger aldton Cochrane Timagami Moose River Winisk Variable cloudiness and colder today and Thursday wlh few periods of light snow iligh today to 12 Low tonight around 25 High Thursday 13 to 16 Ottawa Montreal foriv flur rio this morninz clearing by afternoon Windy at times Temperatures ii to this morning decreasing to 12 We in the afternoon Low tonight 20 Sunny with cloudy periods Thursday High 15 Ivan Rebrotf worldfamous Russian folk singer with fouroctave range will perform at Georgian College Theatre Barrie on Feb at pm His Simcoe County appearance comes between engagements at Massey Hall Toronto and the National Arts Centre 06 taua Tickets are available at the Georgian Foundation ofé fice 103 Dunlop Sam the Record Man Dunlop St andr Then Muatz Centre Batyfieï¬i Ma Simcoe North PC delegates Delegates from Simcoe North at the Progressive Conservative party leadership convention in Ottawa in February will be Pet cr chden of Barrie Donna of the local association will be David Small and Joanne Walsh YorkSimcoe MP Sinclair Ste vens is considered one of the front runners in the lzcnndidctq race whicn includes Flora Mac Donald of Kingston Claude Wage ner and Brian Mulroney of 110n treal Jack Horner of AlbertaJ and Paul Hellyer of Toronto Year Guaranteed Investment Certificate lflh WV mg Johnston of Minesing Doug Lew day might Tnurs is of Orillia and Fred Hacker Wmme 12 of Midland 23mg Representing the Young Pro LGdonomas Conservatives branch Kitchener 14 Mount Forest 16 Wingham 16 Owen Sound 1l Muskoka 18 Hamilton lt St Grill 12 Toronto 12 Trenton 14 gt6 King=ton 14 Peterbovough 16 Po wawa 20 North Bay 20 10 Sudbury 20 to Earlton 22 13 limmins 25 14 Kapuskasing 10 15 Marie 15 ROSS FLRZECOTI Cliapleau 20 10 White River 10 as 12 Rates Subject To Change Gcraidton 10 14 liloosonee 12 25 16 STERLING WWW member of Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation 7266495 MINISTRY OF HOUSING Rent Review Officers 516500320200 Senior Rent Review Officers strut$22200 Reporting directly to the Director Re gional Operations Branch in smaller offices or to Senior Rent Review Officer in larger offices the Rent Review Officer will be responsible for the analysis of rent review appli cations received from landlords and tenants including the conduct of rent review hearings attended by all par ties to the application reviewing all documentary and verbal evidence accompanying each application and evidence presented at hearings and based on such information decide whether rent increase decrease or other action is justified communi cating these decisions to all parties concerned In smaller offices the Rent Review Officer will also be re sponsible for the direction and super vision of office staff responsible for public information and counselling rent review application processing and control and administrative support services Senior Rent Review Officers in larger offices in addition to personally handling reviews and hearings will be responsible for the effective co ordination and supervision of subor dinate Rent Review Officers and staff responsible for public information and counselling rent review application processing and control and adminis trative support services Locations MetroToronto Windsor London Owen Sound Kitchener Hamilton St Catharines Mississau Richmond Hill Barrie Oshawa eterborough Believille Kingston Cornwall Ottawa Pembroke North Bay Sudbury Timmins Sault Ste Marie Thunder Bay and Kenora Qualifications Rent Review Ofï¬cer Background in financial or general management and at least five years directly related ex perience preferably within property management environment degree in business administration commerce economics or membership in ro fessional accounting body woul be desirable File MH 2011 Senior Rent Review Officer Similar Background to the above With five to ten years directly related experience most recently in manageriallevel position requiring the planning or ganizing implementation and opera tion of new work programs File MH 2012 Applicants for the above positions should understand that in order to provide the requisite level of service to the public rent review hearings may be scheduled in the evenings in which case flexible working hours would be arranged Please submit resumes immediately indicating appropriate file number to Personnel Branch Ministry of Housing 3rd floor 60 Bloor Street West Toronto Ontario For additional information call tollfree 18002617095 In the Toronto area 9232997 These positions are open equally to men and women Ontaric Ontario