Ellie limb Examiner Published byCanadian Nawapapara Company Limilacl 16 Bayfiald Strut Barria Ontario Robb PublisherGanaral Manager Walla Editor Emeritus THURSDAY FEBRUARY 13 1976 Hanshaw Managlng Editor PAGE Commission on violence and freedom of the press 1L 3223 all on its at can gm all fl hull White Sheep The Royal Commission on Violence has released an interim report That report has great deal to say about Violence in our society and on tele v15ron and films and in newspapers The report raises as possibility some other sort of Licensing of media broadcasting The report suggests that by licensing newspapers and magazmes there might be some control over Violence in magazin es and newspapers Freedom of the press says the report is claimed license on the part of media industries to be free to decide content without outside interference and to be free from accountability to society That is halfdtruth distortion of right Canadians have fought for bast ardization of the English history that has determined so many of the adrazns have No newspaper and that includes all Canadian newspapers claims license to be free to decide content without out side interference Canadian newspapers have the absolute right to decide content without outside in terference There is no question about this Without this right freedom of the press 15 Joke than Without this right will tell the people what wants the people to know The conmnissioners Judy LalMarsh Scott Young and Lucien Beatulieu have been at great pains to say they dont real ly want to license the press then government government Unfortunately for the commissioners suggesting is ous rights Can it is one of the suggested actions by gov ernments suggested by the commission And there are those in government en cles municipal provincial and federal who would dearly love nothing better than the opportunity to license newspap ers and magazines What the commissioners appear to he censorship by an clitc of what people read The philosophy behind such suggest ions is simple and incredibly danger lhe philosophy Is that wisdom is the vested right of few Because of this sup criority this special few are entitled to rule To do this the special few are cnlill ed to decide what is true and to dcculc what the people are entitled to know To press do this the special few must control the That philosophy may be fine for the commissioners it may be fine for some in the people government but it is not fine or good for DOWN MEMORY LANE excellent performances by Mrs John IO YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner Feb 12 rio Government came to aid of meat plant First Cooperative Pack ers COPACO which had bank credit reduced General Manager James Orlo Simpson said the farmerowned district packing cooperative would be able operations in Barrie at lnnisfil St plant despite financial difficulties He said dir ectors appreciated help by Premier John or Robarts MPP Art Evans and PC party it Littles Hill Players opened stage show of the Family at Collier United Fellowship Hall before small but enthusiastic opening night audience Ex aminer staff writer Gary Seidler wrote of go I966 Onta agc 70 to continue ner Police FROVI PARLIAMENT HILL The horrible press totally responsible By STEWART IacLEOI Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service The vast majority of Caha clans are no doubt solidly IC hind Margaret Trudeau alter she crashed through the bar rlcrs of protocol to make her selfproclaimed free dom flight to No one vLlI begrudge hcr tn is opportunity In do her ow Iung nd the IlllUllltlél llrnufcu she caused on her Lllll Amer can take all will om alumni 1n the meantime it would he nice It all that criticism oi IIP pres oull rulickly dlsvipotc Lutenmg lo ILI SONIC III The comments on openline ra Ito Shows here you quickly cc lllc idea that the horrible prch is totally responsible lor every em faced by Mrs flrudcau And its ow fair criticirn Car My the flame Examiner 16 Bayfield Street or Barrie Ontario is Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 ï¬lmcuc County $341 yearly Single Oples 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year It Iy All other countries $4500 yearly Molar throw off $3600 yearly a3 Queen St National Advertising Offices West Toronto 864 1110 640 Calhcart SL Mont real Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Circula sl trons The Canadian Press is exclu gsuely entitled to the use for re publication 0t all news dlspalch es in this paper credited to iL Or The Associated Press or Reu ter and also the local news pub lished therein The Barrie Examiner claims opyright Ill all original adver tising and editorial material cre aLcd by its employees and repro Copyright bar 203815 register 61 Ma duced UI this newspaper Registration Num recent Latin tour when this started 311s IludcdJ bloke protocol on several occasrona And while mest reporters would probably hold the View that ac tion like this is long overdue there is still clear obligation In write about it Alter all Mrs IrLdcau reprcscnalive of Canada on these trips It ll rul umplclclf 01 urrtmul she sud later ILI an Ilecunw Olm rhm nine to be Emu nu IiIIll oac to am purltmlcous So Mexico City she 100k war the microphone and madr an nupromplu least to tho wm ol the Mexican prcsidcnt In uba she attended rally wcarmg Liberal ldly shirt and in Venezuela she were jeans while her host wore long dress And then at Saturday night dinner in CalaCLli she decided to tall with some people in the lobby instead of entering the dining room with her husband She told off Irudoalu aide who came to get her and when the hand struck up Canada she gave mock solute Its easy to sympathize with iTyearold mother of three hemmed in by protocol and frustrated by all the formalities of such tour But surely re porters are not out of lino in noting the fact that these in cidents happened Its not ncc essarily criticism although anyone could legitimately ques tion the wisdom of making any mock gestures during the play ing of your own national an them Reporting events that hap pened on the aircraft represents different problem because there have never been firm guidelian as to what is on the record or off the record In this case it was reported that Mrs Trudeau took couple of swigs from mum bottle and that she also sang her Venezuelan song for the benefit nl tape lccmd CIT When you sing Into six micro During the America all I3 phones its hardly off the record 0N RECORD And Mrs Trudeau was ob yiouzly on the record when she phoned an Ottawa radio station and talked lor half an hour on an openline program This was when 311 she wanted to be mow than rote in her hus bands lapel and am not go Hicks thats our Wendy in person Mil ton and Liz Conway of CKVRTV Jim Brown 21 who his part My in to he locked away again as have been in the past She was equally on the record when she attended an Ottawa tea partv later and ran her song in front of television carn eras She told the 4thcr women lhaI have addicted froc dom Ihe cheers indicated slu hull lot of suppmters But there still appears to be unscnnq tctllllg that lhosn ll b3c reporters caused all wllnlt talc wcn or ulturcs deskending on an In IMCLII IlLllll And mm It rcnllt isnt Ialr IIvcn alter IClllllllng from Latin America many of the rc portcrs were still agonizing mcr how the incidents hould be recorded There were alglr ments among the reporters themselves and between report ers and their editors There is an exceedingly line line b0 twecn public persons privacy and what is generally referred to as the publics right to know And there are bound to be mis Judgments But Mrs Trudeau more or less settled it by callingr the ra dio statximi and telling the whole story herself And now that she has found freedom she will have good many people cheering for her 14 Tapd lfWa oonterue to Ilmlt on strateglc arms they promise to stay out of Lake Erie the Vatican and Disney 15oz World THE WORLD row American presidents once matched limes Hy JOHN HARBRUN Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service There was time when American presidents seemed to times Franklin Delano Roose velt the patrlcian and paralysed president was the master craltsman of needed mnv form of American aylldlhlll The New Deal and mouthing which proceeded from It rc formcd an American ccouomlc massiy collapse Woodrow Wilson with his intense idealism about bclore him of the First World War was the right president for his time even though his principle of selfdctcnnination in Europe after 191s ran into deep trouble Harry lruman the apparently illchOsen Icepresident lo Roosevelt from the Kansas Democrauc polllltfal machine turned out to be the great popu list prcsident To him goes much Ircdu In the Marhall Plan of pllxl European recovery altcr litl6 and the decision to mon in Korea thereby lCIlln the flu sians that the United States could go to war with them to prevcn more Communm glessmn in Asia or QUEENS PARK In that regard tIOIlI lorch Inc Berlin airlift ol 1013 to 1040 loday this lgt not true In word where much of the power balance in the Unitul Nations and elsewhere is shifting to the Played Anglican Ical have been elected to match the In pan and undcr leIc lLl John Cockburn address ed Rotary Club of Barrie on his view that capital punishment be abolished Barrie Mayor Lester Cooke with Chief Edward lschirhart challenged any chief magistrate and con stable in Ontario to logsawing contest at Winter Carnival Ed and are the system clearly on the brink of mm wimp moo in tho strongest and toughest men in the prov ince he asserted We wont have to go in for special training such is Our physlv new world 3pm the 11010le ignatlon ol the pcppcry Daniel cal condition nations of the IImd lmld NEGATIVE VIEW lrcsldcnt mu lcd ul tcmpcstuous part on the world 15 that of much ol Middle mcr icn where he comes lrom plcluu luck 01 ululcrslandmg refusal to pay their an L5 II world mucy this is preamble to llu sudden but not unexpected rcs Moynlhan as Unucd Status am bassudur the allcr short six months stint Shortly before his departure ambassador Moymhuu had told the pres he wa no gcllulg state department llllpull prl alc cvcn though Iouktd as though this was the LlnC pub Il And dulo tor the actions oI Secretary of Statc Ilcnr Kis singer lnllkp llllll ol the ulhsl hflk 101 quctlonurlcs who llaxc rc slgncd Ilulll the lud adminis lratlon such as Iormcr dclcncc secretary Schlesingcr DLJIIICI Aloymhan is not rightwinger 1101 Ullrclvnlnc politics arc Icmwuru and his inlcliclmal plopcnsllls quick election could help Dr Smith DUN IHLARV Oucrns Inrk llurcau Ilwmsml News Service IOltUNIt New I1bcrd leader Sluzul Smith has one thought lixcd Ins mind He is hoping that there wont be an early election so that he will have time to become known throughout the province and es tablish an image Quite possibly be is on the wrong track in this HAS MOMENTUM One can see where too much of an miage is just what Dr Smith doesnt need Al the moment thanks to his win at dynamic convention the new leader has touch of CANADAS STORY War come close on some occasions By BOB BOWMAN Althouin Canada and the United States have not fought each other since the War of 1812 therehavc been number of occasions when war was threat cued Some of them ridiculous For instance in 1859 the Ameri cans sent troops to San Juan Maud south of Vancouver Island and the British sent naval units because there was dispute about the shooting of pig lltortunalcly IOICI heads DIPVallCtI In 1830 there were sculllcs along the Now Brunswiekflfaiu border that becama known as the war of pork and beans because the men involved were Iumbcrjacks It became so serious that troops were rushed lnom Halifax to defend the her der and the 118 Congress voted 510 million to raise force of 50000 men The cause of the trouble was dispute over the boundary New Brunswick and Maine lum berjacks oltcn lcllcu tree on each others propertyor so was claimed Then there would he fights mostly IIIl Ill ll axehandles On Feb 12 1839 men from New Ilrumuicl ur roimdcd 500 citizens of Mama at the mouth of the Little Mada waska Rucr fhcy untreated three Americans and took them to Fredericton as hostages Then Sir John Harvey Lieut of magn tlIlIllCLlel In In namc Ills Image to the public is mainly that ot man who rose LIlIIl car from an unknown In his party leadership nd who showed along the way signs of being something quite special Uso ho IS now Loading party which has mumcnlum which all is rolling with the jcction of spirit it gave Itsclt at the convention LOSE STEAM It is doubtful if mer coming weeks there Wlll be any gains for either Dr Smith or the party First of all the new leader has to start travelling the prov ince and meeting people New Brunswick issued proc lamation that spcmcd to be declaration of war The US sent General liu field Scott to restore order and truce was arranged mud an agreement could be reached about the border Ihr rcwllel in the Wclstcl Ashburton Ireaty in I343 that gave most of the disputed area to Maine but Canada retained the strate gically important highlands commanding the St Lawrence River valley lhe long tluunb of Maine sticking up into Canada Id been handicap but the Cans dtan Pacific Railnay was able to build railway line through it from Montreal to Saint John iutcrycniion scruccs tluLC inadequate supplied by the state But in the UN he had become the voctlcrour anzry and unre towards certain Alf in mutant cucmy for Third World power blocs up to cm barrass the United State and Israel As lormcr L15 ambazsador to Illdld and throurh hl chosen tlcld of urban udlcs llr loy nlhan knew gold deal about the Third World In fact his appearance Ias fall in lime tor the smooth spe cnal session of the UN on the changing world economic order was positive and suggested he would be tough but iirm But in the debate 0CI the resolution declaring Zionism to be form of raicsm the angry onnihan really broke loose undoubtedly reflecting tuc sim ilar opposition ot Ircnlcnt lord and Mr Kissmucr MAVERICK It would appear that rich ll the US scheme of llung nu abramc ambasrador is lull rnn tor the blood In lr onmhané lac given the IndllICIflltf of many ROWIIJIILLIIH Ibo emerging world his Icpullllo was unfortunate lalking and acting tough Iol principles is something JIII the how ugllmux ol this world llllll Ihcu Icudcrs admire lnI no Inallcl ILM nmrIl charm and llliCIIIflflltt hc rs able to turn on Ilc bound to be bit of disappointcm People will be cxpcctmg po Iltlcul Iuncelot and lhcy Ill be faced with human bcmg Then again the party itscll is bouml to peak all bu Postelection momentum ply cant bc kept up IIIUIII an immediate target to mm at BEST DEAL Undcr these Dr Smith and hI part might be much better all lhcg could get to the country quickly On his convention lccurd and what the public thinks II knows about him he will pick up lot of votes And with qmck election the party should be able to pick up bclorc most of its momentum it slows down to an idle All in all the best deal lnl both the Liberals and their new 19 leader could be vote quickly as possible But whether they will be able to work this is another question BIBLE THOUGHT And certain woman which of blood twclvc suffered many things of many physicians spent all lOUcIch His gar And slraiglltwuy the lountain of her blood was dricd and she felt in her body that had an Issue years she had mcnt that she was healed of plague Mark 52529 She ran out ol and touched Iesus ever lelt Ike you have touch Him hllll tlltlllllrldllULS remedies She was out of dollars and doctors and then she pressed Have you Ill out of remedies to make limit or life Jesus is passing your way now Reach not to reality LETTERS TO EDITO An arts of benei Dear Sir was extremely upset to see backward step in the restoration and preservation of the fire hall Anyone who is member of the POP or involved in any way can visualize another St Lawrence Hall on smaller scale with the downtown Bar rie core coming to life again $2me demolishing the old Bar rie railway station was lesson to us all It is so easy to tear down our ancestry and then imp wible to recapture it There are many groups who are anv iow to have central location and they will have much to of fer the public in entertainment and recreation And wIlnI OI central bot oflicc Both outofIowners and ltnrrlcEIrs would know they can slop into the fireball and gel in formation and tickets to the many activities which are con tinually being promoted and ad voltired So mnnv haw ginn rco Iml nI Iimc and work without centre it to all financial reward to make this charming historical building future attraction for us all Roger Oatley has done splen did job and is to be commend ed for his foresight and tireless struggle We are all sorry lo see him stop dawn as chairman of the FOF When two of the top men in Canada in the field of renova tion and restoration of historical buildings Eric Arthur and Peter Stokes have both decla rcd this building well worth pro scrving and in excellent physic cl shape how can we not rccog nize that we have treasure and potential showpiece in our midst When it Is Iinullv tail ac compli which aim convinc it will hc the doubling LIIUYlllerS will be the Iirt to say was their idea and praise itf lhihk about it we can all benclit lrOm an historic arts con lrc in downtown Barrio Yours Sinceron MRS FRED Illl Shh lay Road The Friends deserve Door 51 few days ago curiosity took mc for the first time inside that old tirchall at Collier and Mul later was curious to find out what had time up the people who have banded together to restore the building to its old glory Ilzaving looked ovcr the building had llL look at ccrvlu112 that confronts the mes imme diately outside and had conversion suddenly saw that mono who has feeling for Barrics corc its old heart must sure Iv hope that the Friends of the Illchall wil not only succeed in making the old Victorian buil din into civic centre for the arts but that they will sucecd WE WANT YOUR OPINION nub con submiltcd for original Letters lication must be ics signed by the writer Plea se include your street address and phone number although they will not be published Let lcrs which cannot be authenti catcd by phone cannot be pub lished For the sake of sprite public interest and good tests The Examiner rcScrvcs the right to edit condense or rcch letter How about th support magnificently for II they do it may well be the bcginuing of something cry important in deed of new lite and of quality the heart ol Barrie need Important as luzsLnCss ilt to the life of every community that has or hopes to have our stan dard of living mil never be llllilOllCli that hv lil is more than mca and the body lhan raimcn Certainly it should not be abmc the capability of city of more than people who for the most part are in the midlie and upocr brackets of affluence to support cix ir centre such as the fireball group envisages With such place in an area that aheady embraces the city hall the public library and which has largo open space one does not have to be wild visionary to see handsome ci vic square developing in keeping with the youth and importance of the city think therefore that the Friends of the Fireball are to be congratulated their is ion and courage and hope the majority of the people of Bar rie will give them all the en couragement and material help they dcscnc YouK IlltlS VIII ollingwood Street next person this idiot tries To scare llcar bu pusc and he Ill Reccndy on Saturday altcr jumped usllc ant wmn noon was Valkln wcs on looked back llucc law No llosc Street lacing IIIC oncom men and call were crin iuz lélIlI nu me Ilom the truck lbcrc is no sllcwalk cst lhi drivcr is maniac ml 01 Pool Street was on the Iniliatc on the road road at Icast tour to five feet from the path of the cars when noticed now openstylc light c0IoI truck approaching thn it neared mc thc driv suddcnly turn1d hs wheels Inward mc to Mnrc me sup was lucky did not gct hit the trucl but wha abut the next person he Ill to scurc ours llu SILLS lchszoncl this Street Bakers feature stories draw praise Dru MI bcllmc one ol the tin3st con llllll ions to olll paper Itrmu Bakers feature torics npjicur in periodic II On Jan 26 Brian took us across SIIHLc ltlml lithi touching on all historical sites tucIII with other fine point ol mtcrcst lhlt ls one of many articles he THE PICK OF PUNCH Manon7s The no it Loss their funds around theyre heading for default rom reader has contributed to your worthy llilllll Slumon Luuily tory and beauty II or this Brian Baker has cw lured in his dcligltlul article lIlm v11 am your Sincerely Stella luu Anton rich in his Mills