Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jan 1976, p. 23

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FOR WEIGHING POT Kathy AIHOld Ltizwor gtIrgrl uiir tin mydrgv in co lllil ceinniuurcations altitlfll tv antv tni qrl taut ll til mow tirf llllC DOCkCllZC vrlii ll lulu rIl tillllll oi tirc yccrl fiClllllhi01 poi Mllttlxl lrrl worm illuh 4i ifalilcrnio llll ntt yininn itlllull the consequence at flit unto liberal new mariiuana law lav New hope seen in diabetes tlilll itl ycvr if my in tor rliolictc trllcir mm it KpcriViicrtl ll nio mi npr Eraaten lllt Ottawa l1i 51 1pm 1i1 girl do ital lln rr mutt rlaxi rtI iirrln liurri trrt of iiiciticm pii rivu rpl itllli MW 31 ll rtV lr lrill lr llraalcn contrarer in in ci cyy ILLtt yy trig lill Vi MM My utiliicyr Qlllt its3 In twi 33 lllll Tilt dict will Hl 1lvl it IIriii llllC yotly tn lllt Ht mm can lullll ll tic in inmucn rtttatcrl 44ml ha millions oi tray in illiil liwr it tilttrtziif lgtC llrcxc ll monitor lll amount it We blood url llltlr rn pririr rllfltllll control hithrwtlrarrrnnn1 in tlglil lClLlh Lt in litI lc liahcrrcc roy 1c or lrcc llr ir ierLl lr lll int rat Icycl rm lipsw in 1w nu lrcrnc azcz corra Vial llrauln ilili rrx rlrtt int JIvll it ll litCll To mi row iapclr in 1961 r1 rr Ltllrl yzg Uirttrldt rill wal nyw rr Illll rrssth rtrcirgcirtn rrrrror iii in l0lll the ill In Jr lclv Ititll Vii Iii tCtiiiid lllllL lWvi ilv our an lrw no irri lh lLilr NH ii lr lrilil cor ivlrrcri orrrc ol Licc liltlllir or it it iin inc ltzlilinlcr rt rrr lrno rpmm rc mltiijrl llilltllflyll wrivntiou rrIi lllllltl it llllllall that cnoirc in ri tr lo rri rtct liI rood mit planted tissue Why you should lat162R lilock worry about your inctnnc taxes At HR Block our price is bascd on the Ct implcxity ol your return The simpler thc rcturir the less we charge itl lllllt lltlltt mi 31 H83 ELO$W THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE OIICN MONDAY 11 rnrrm ii in to it it 32 sAILniiyy flztlll 11 lztitt Ir APPOINIMIJNI ltlli Ilifiii 15 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE SERlES OF SURVEYS SHOWS Most Metro Grade 13 students use alcohol TORONTO tCli Almost 93 pcr cent of Metropolitan lo ronto students in Grade use alcohol More than hall the kids in Grade use it at least once in six months Fourteen per cent of students between these two grades drink about once week and per cent drink almost every day These figures from series of surveys conducted between 1968 and 1974 are among the elements of teenage use of drugsand alcohol ilt regarded as the big Canadian drug prob lemcausing headaches for On tario health and lawcntorcc merit authorities Some teenagch alrcady are being treated for cirrhosis the drinkers disease There has ben definite tilte in the proportion of very young people who come to ult as fullblown alcoholics in thcir early 205 or even late teens says Dr Wolfgang Schmidt as sociate director of research for social studies with the Ontario governments Addiction itc scarch Foundation MUN These kinds of adrnisstons to clinics wcrc practically un hcaid of ten years auo lir Schmidt said in an interview can recall orin two or three ilatli out ol thousands ol ad missions to clinics that were be low 20 Hwy were so rare they were yyriltcn up and presented medical conlcrcnccs But its not uncommon now Dr James Rankin worldrcognizcd authority on alcoholism and now head ol rricdicirrc ol the lil clinical institute and professor of medicine at University of To ronto says he has trcatcd l4 ycarnlils lor iilthosi Studcnts hayc Mtioth drink Land claims settlement should aid native people 01AA Cli Sctllcmciit of lin claims rlzould help the rrulivc people OVClLOlllC their diltadyaritagos rn dcyclop alt they have not been able to in thc past says lndd Buchanan Jndiarr attairs minister just settlement can lay the inundation for luturc in which the native people have em nonnc schreliance pride and cllrcrpcc solid ftilkt and their own rolc in tho mcial and cconomic cyoltilion the rc gion in ylltth thcy rcgtidc In said recently litiually llllllolltrlll seldo me should eliminate the na pcoplc longstanding crrt ol rrcyancc against yyhitr socicly El lhcic ita litcn lttllllL that tor for too long the Indian pCOPlt hayc bccn prcoccupicd with past wrongs anal ricy anccs instead of looking to thc lutinc What prccisuly docs tirc lot it cral goycrnmcnt tlrrrrk tlrc to lure will be allcr clllc1rin ol tlillllh Will burning cirl sues such as high inlarir moi talily ralc low crluia imal gttandardlt poor homing rorr ng alcoholism and otlrcr ditch datiorr cctrc to ci AVOID SlllClilCS Mr Buchanan lto ril tliat lri dcrartrrrcnt Inn iuniiicari tcrgt townh these social ills docs not want to MC Hltii tll ri Motor Trends 1976 Car of the Year garric and prch lo ccrrcralirc ll cmrlixn that scttlcrncats will not panacca for all ria lrl prlrlcnr Mir Ili tucxt rpc out oycinight tlrc natiyc itltltll on lll tul lrc cpcrrcnc lt soulurzr arrndii lgtl lll Iltlltltllln liilgt1l rich in rlllilllttllm yylicrc Indiar pctrh tbhws important land holdier our otlrcr sub lnriiinl wclx llat xlrrtcrrrcnl luut that thc 14illllltlll miazlrt not our lh vrphyc rrcoplc total control otct an curb and land thcy arc ltjl l0 ltttl ltll lllltlllltll liltll claims to huge land lrtr clt lll norlhc Quclicc ih ortliacat lcrriolrc the ru ton and lrrlr oluriiliitl With over 90 the load carrying capacity of full size wagon ompact wagon docs heavy duty llll lhc oucprccc It My mouth olarc yacony Idlc tilt Its lug yy Iltilim rtril lrnldcn pic rHi pimp arc yyrdc ilccp irrrtluttcicd ury llllllg lint toinpact llllilt unilly nnuc than 00 cargo capacity ol lull rc yiv1ou mu liarnly tutacc iutrrpartunnh lichind caclr yylrccllnunc itrridud nu lrcrnrui Built for passenger comfort too loni yyidc tliuih lot caxy crtlry trout and run rnd llt or In iwiliilrty lx otthtatttllng through larcc ilccp indvty try lc prixl lllll and clcgtrnt root Pllltl Rcyollitionary ncvr suspension systciri Illtlllcllttllllllltlllllimllhtillllittlglllinitl vtldlrllt lrrrtlll llllylt llilli xv ivtl trout linrlttUI in it ouc thc big car rrdc that ruakcx it an cnlrrcly ucyx Irtrrrd oi yitlllhli ll1 Car lcuturcs compact economy llllU builtin lCdllllcN and luyur optioir tuwt Hllilytl Ill onrpaii liclorc ou can how your My mouth olarc yacon ratpctcd tluouuhout and outlittcd llll Il oyyn llty rally ilticricil ur conditioning xyxlcru lromc lioru 175 Si and llh cu crrrcx both pcctally tltleJllttl lor cyccllcrrt urrlcx pcr gallon ttirllirllly 1970 Car of thc tlll luyxltl goal In rtlucy lug ru ridc ill illlllidil cord lotor lrcrrd liicarrrc in lllllll My mouth trldtc llltr tar ol lllt idi lll itx Mlti yitlir tlllitl llIi ilillllllrl lltktttltti lot can opcninc rt llllltl irropcan ing problems that are not being Before the lowering of the dealt with properly he said at drinking age the study says an inquest into the death of drivers between 16 and 19 were 15yearold Toronto boy who relatively low and stable pro drank 13 ounces of whisky in 30 portion of the total number of minutes and then injured him drivers involved in alcoholrc sell fatally when he tripped lated accidents about seven over tree stump per cent in 1970 The problem is that drinking By the end of X971nvc is accepted by adults and ado lescents as part of the norm mum um had one my 10 Dr ltavriktn staid lhcy feel its p0 cang Later it I15S pm all right to get little high oc Gem casionally Its an escapade Like other authorities Dr Rankin blames lowering of the legal drinking agowhich wcnt lrom 21 to 18 in Ontario in mid lli71 lhcy say thch is downward rippling effect that takes ill from the point of the legal age and increases accept ability ol drinking down the hut as the age is lowered SIIIIS INCREASE Look at tltowc iradc 75 months alter the age went to in Metropolitan Toronto im Ur paired driving charges in the tStoZtlycai group totalled 48 in 1970 In only the second half of 1971 the figure was up to 257 It went to 457 in 1972 196773 study made in Lon don Ont showed that in the year following the lowering of the drinking age the number of 1840 20yearolds involved in al coholrelated traffic collisions rose by 174 per cent the foun dation says Similar accidents with Iiiand l7yearoll drivers went up 169 pcr cent lll tlic lilllt ol elab acoiritu lrlion Rankin said in an intcayioxy lhr Darrin Planning pm In 1908 only tnl tnl 0f lishin poircy on the corncrsion ot rental thcm llSCd llqltot at lltrl IiItLt to cornlominiuni accotnrnortalian in six months Now you lrayc to ask yourself if wp arc coinI to lind in few ycars timc tirrt by the time they get to lr rlc no per cent will be drinking Students of tccritigc drinking also marshal an cycopcning ol tatitics on drinking arid driving in Ontario Scrcral gtllttll hat llr dicacd that driying yhilc undcr tln lnllucncc ot alcohol and thc ratc ol rlcoholrclatcd motor chiclc accidch incrczmctl corr iocrably among teenagch attcr the legal drinkier Lth ix loucrcd says paper pre prrrcl lor tlrc Addiction itc crrch lyrriindation crilcria include ltl7li at no ll llyruorrth tlllll corncx lllli Plymouth olarc lrcrrrrcr ioupt lly lllIlr llyuronllr oluc lr cuncr hcdan CHRYSLER CANAUA till 445 VA tr llic JlltLlll lcaturcs lrcrriicr Station jgrvn lhc liry slcr 12month nlimitcd Mileage Warranty hour the inomcnr you lip lichind llr yyhcclol your ncu Plymouth Volatc coupe cdan or atauon yagon yourc coycrcd tor full you no matter how marry llllli you driyc foycrcd tor any part that proyc ilctcttryc or cars out including shockx rnutllcrx hrakc lrrnncx the luakc lttlx ly cu thc tircx irrc ioycrcd by the pcoplc ho irrakc tlrcru ll you liayc to do pcrlorrn normal irrarnlcriarnc lilc Lllrlllglll oil trltcrx and yipcr tor tll unl pnlnc turrx ll months or l3llllll llllltN yhrtlrcycr Compare our miles not gallon were competitive in irraking decisions on applications ior corrycrsions of carstrng townhornc and apartmnl rental unitr the proposed in dcyciopmcnl lhc vacancy rate cl rental units within the Lily and the numbci of tenants willing to purchase their units llarinirr Ijoard yill prcvutlrr llll ltgt on this ltttilltl nl llillcrcgtt luhli School on lliursdrry lclrruary lrrtvjtcgtttl pcr rli arc triilcl lo rrttcrrzl lo licar thv pro btltliilltlll and cyprcm thcir icns azrl opirrioro RICHARD BATES Assistant Secretary1rcaurcr Barrie Planning Board lilatlcy Varranty 76 PlymouthValuc makes your choice asy tn

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