l3 SW ROUNDUP Government unfair inconsistent in treatment of US magazines OTTAWA CP The federal government has been com plciely unfair and consistent in its decision to give different treatment to two USowned niaguzmes lrogressiye Ton servutive MP5 said Wednesday The accusations came as die Commons continued mport stage consideration of con troversial legislation thut would take away tax deductions for advertisers in foreigncontrolled llllllJ Secretary of State llugh Faulkner who said the bill in no way infringes upon freedom ol expressron also run into crit icism iheu Liberal buckben chcr and former Journalist Sznuna llolt ILV ancourer Kingsway accused him of per serially kecpirg her oil 21 Cum mons committee because she opposed the legislation lr Faulkner and iclllll Minister Bud Cullen liax been the prime gorernment pohes men in favor of the hill target of the opposition tuck was an agreement on nuunccd Tuesday between the government and lleulei get which allows material in the 25 edition to be consid cred Canadian ll is edited or cnnlcncd in Carudn lhe ierccmem allows Ihc Ili gts to meet the goxernment re quirement the the Canadian edition be low iitllifltlll different ill than the IS elition tllllilii Mother child die tllLlE Ont WI Otzluillt unnum on he igni oil daughter died when their car as cllilti2ii with the rear of truck loudest Villl hm nthh thcn cuuzln on tire Firefighters had to cut the door llom the car to remove the bodies of Sheila Maria NI man 33 Alix her diuJitcr Ile becca Teachers say yes lDSOR Orr Lli Im so Courty elementary ciool teachers oted 319 to 23 to ac cept an centmonth cantract proxiding for an averege p45 increase of 17 per cent The conlruct is retroucliie to Jun and expires this Suenty per cent of the 47 cir gble teachers and initieipnls oicd Iu The chicatzon uili oc the act Monday Il Paintings stolen lLln ps BltANltOltD IJt Te paintings have been stolen lrom the niet of the Burtch crrrectional centre where they had been Uored provincial Dulltt reurt Police said they were told lues lav that the paintings were tal ued at $1363 lllCllIL one north 51300 The pun 11 are owned by the prnons all loun nation Motorists slow TORONTO tCPt iiiurio iinnorisLs ere lou In Inning li cence plate rentoat hchcrs this you transportation inni ixtrv nilicicl sol Fred Curler brg lire ls pilllici to tlm miiltr it ï¬lls itllilgll Ilcuillinntor 1cb 33 is th prrrent litlltflnmil leb 2U ll any Illlti rnpneizlj In lilo He said or 13 Inr cent 21 million drixers lliiw rc iicxel Ilicir licenct piety lLl compared with it cent the ame time last year rlulqumuLIn llLFUII FAULKNEK into criticism No hazard Iil tfli IIneruv Iimster Alastair Gillespie said the Commons ednesduy he has been assured there Is no itlh inland to contaminated ulcl pouring radium alld arse llt from nuclear dimposal ite mto Lake Ontario llic disposal area is sacral mile v34 ot lozl llcpc tnt where Izockels mi Iorouto tl radiation ltc been lound in rezeilt months ILIIlorudo lllLlI Ltd federal company iim opcr lion in Port Hope Atomic linrrgy Control lI1HII ltptill not July Llitl indium and LllgtUlt trick were livr Llilll Illilil ol uoter lllillll Penetanguishene lltll tl If Marilyn podium if llanoler v1 cinitci to the Mental llcuIii ti tre Lil Pese ttiiiquisheuo il lti 1cri atton nan hz Ullitiltltl in riIiiiil Heath Iii on charge lilitlt pian able by life in nnozl 5h ix charged with the It danih of her CigillllltilllilUIl daughter Mur TILT ltrun llzinorcr is about 130 mile 2111IlLl oi Owen Sound Man dies t1ll ROIJElXISUN In Ili rederl nus lill We litesliar hen the de stroyed part of nursing home in this community about 40 miles northeast of Cornwall Provincial police said the vie tim was John Frank Sallery 33 resident of the Glen Rob ertson Rest Home The fire de stroyed part of wing of the home but police said there were no injuries to the 16 other residents Go ask him OTTAWA ICPl Prime Min iter Trudeau said Wednesday that if opposition MPs want to How how Fidel Castro feels about Cubas Involvement in 2013 they should ask the Cu ban premier himself If they want to know what Mr Castro thinks why dont they go and ask him was his reply to Commons question from Donald Munro PCEs quimaltSaanich former lip lomat to Central America li Munro alluded to what ilr lrudeau called frank and brutal discussion about Angola brztuten Ilr lrIIiwr nl Castro during the lrudcuu isit to Cuba He quit TORONTO Lll Iilil Pyke president of the UlllIio Retail laltolinc Seriice Itl itinn said Ctliu has gucn up his service station lszsincs ILLlllc of unmr coin petition by the oil conuxinics lr Pyke 43 uho operated city station for eight evr shill in un intenij tile he has been niihout lease since Oct 11 and returned the station this is to tho Sun il llc said oil companies are try out titl lt2crs or of business by selling gas to Tonyoperated Itscric us which charge 10 to 13 cents les gallon Final offers KINGSTON Ont Cll liie Frontenac County board of edu eaiion and its 430 hiuh school teachers have agrecl to submit final offers to selector to end contract negotiations the flitt tinder in the dispute said Jtdnesduy Prof It Abbot the law faculty at Carleton lnicrit said the otter cho sen by the selector will con tute an agreement betnecu the board and the teachers STARTS TOMORROW the Ia dolce vita for the 19703 Iutfllh am new york muulne warren beatty iulie Christie goldie hawn lmnualumbu Pictures PennyDunn Vista run LastEShoMITEQNToniéhtat iiiiiii one With The Wind TONIGHT 715 AND PAT LAS VEGAS LADY Adult Entertainment STARTS TOMORROW the MYSTEITIOIIS MONSTERS Bigfoot Loch Ness Abominable Snowman 3H1 Inn Lluu htlulu Roll II REARE MoNusTEns Ah Neville No US WARREN IIll would lose Capital leak tl itill ljniujli Liberah are undecided about capital pillllllmfnl to defeat the 4merntiicnly Ilivtfition stnud if rtr Iovtit Hiiiilinu otc Solicitor lencrul Warren lllllrlll iI £lltxl1l all those ulio or still dr hbcrntine litpptn to ote iLIlllTl ll dont lltl ut Mnill uni 3Ii noiix lnlrl porters alter the Issue had been lured In lll tonimoir iorald linhiuiu lIogresmc oneiie Ilousc lenler siiid ll jIIUIHiniH ll Illiil Iri leuldd details of bill to rclsnl ldliltl ltl1llgtlilli to once Llllil for all in an attempt to create trnt on ii party durine itlt ltlllllCOIlTlllg lenkletship comciition It imth nrchpintc lf lfit ltliltlff ll tiil IIjtlilrli to report that golernmcnl lvlll COME ON YOUR WI HERBERT LOM In LLLOHWL lth FOllli All liar mi out it it oun Frankenstein Iv llllrllllilllll llilli it ll Illlllll Within lltlllllltllllll Ir Till lit lillllY tilllllllilN Ilurii Iimce pun aHE COMEDY Riot OF THE YEAR RETER SELLERS CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER CATHERINE sanu Lint IIlllt Tonight Phantom of the Paradier 715 GammariserJenmMILLS THE IIEUMAN EASTER on Hollowlunar IiiiIrIIIII lllNllll Last Time lonigilit AtllIII Entertainment IHE BAR 25year prison term for capital piisliment Burroughs returns STRAIFORD Ont tCl Canadian actress Jackie Bur roughs will return to the Strat ford Festival this year to play Portia in the Merchant of Ve nice Mineing in the Way of the World and Mariana in Measure for Measure the festival an nounced Wednesday Miss Burroughs now is in Vancouver working on Cano diavn film Kate Kaleshnikoff in which she has the title role British actor Jeremy Brett will make his first appearance on Canadian stage playing Mirabell opposite Maggie Smith in the Way of the World lie also has the OberonTheseus role opposite Jessica Tandys litaniu in Midsummer Nights Dream Dime to US tllW Cl Starting lerch uill cost It cents to mull lirstclass letters to the lnited States the post oftiee announced Wednesday it now costs eight cents for surlncc moil and 10 cents tor 1r lllilll to the linitcd SlllLS llIe pot office said in state mt that ll was merging first cross sortace and air mail serv ice IInd rules l0stmuster lcncrul Brch Icl2se id the new single sinedulc of postal rates will wrunnly lvfzzr rates which Illt the some or loner than thrsc itplicuble to air mail gtciite lor rticlcN iiiuhing more ltiur 12 pounds the rates will In outr thr Iitcnent soil The new rules not affect purgll no surlch rules for printed matter No resignations TORONTO ICIT Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd AECL STARTS TOMORROW AND FORGET NTER BLUES Adult Entertainment Ill ll JOE ll7 PilOlJLIIXIIIJlI ill my NLEN United Artists li 1H Adult Entertainment STARTS TOMORROW murcl redwithoutmolive Without mercy would IIWDAII null Bite The Ilullct pm RIF EXAMINER THURSDAY FEBRUARY 19765 Iil nil substitute minimum has received no resignations similar to those given by three United States engineers who said nuclear power plants are unsafe Ray Burge company public relations office said Wednesday Weve never had any such resignations said Mr Burge commenting on the recent ros ignation of three engineers in San Jose Calif who helped de sign and build nuclear power plants for General Electric Cyï¬ CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE Try our hot fast delivery Free on orders over $600 in Barrie Discount on PickUp Orders over $600 Phone 72888 PHONE 7288811 405 BAYFIELD ST 10 BE GEE SUPERTRAMP Chm What Crisis Easy Doe It Soapbox Opera Jmt Novmnl Doy and more ATSAMS ONLY LARLY SIMON potion and more new HD Lelva Jot rim JOHN DENVER follow Me and meta SAMS MOODY BLUES IAII BARRIE CANADAS LARGEST AND BESTKNOWN RECORD STORES SATURDAY Hill 930 am Only Main Course Nights On Broadway Jive Talk in Edge Of The Universe and more OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Best OI Attitude Dancing Secrets Youre So Vain Antici wws lain Ma Howl Country Rom Cuoatest Hits Country Road Soothina Rarity Mountain High 4o brooms Hits Two Record Set IIUQHIOII Tuesday Altarnocn 00000 Above items on sale at advertised prices while supply lasts Fri Sat Mon each per INVEST NOW SAM THE RECORD MAN I0 DUNLOP ST EAST AT THE FIVE POINTS IEVEN THE BUS STOPS AT SAMS DOOR STARTS TOMORROW Its EliSpirited HElflritiï¬l and only you can see him Tnnlnunnlnr Friday tlll Thursday 700 and 905 Ends Tonight 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