Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jan 1976, p. 13

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the Earth Examiner Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus THURSDAY FEBRUARY 196 PAGE We COunty council has Chance to set economic example down inflation and it should be unneces sary to point out that general cooperation Iv Bristow tonal for Simcoo County council has an opport unity to set an excellent example to oth ers in todays need for restramts by hold ing the line as close to last years levy as practically possible To achieve this goal it will involve some cutbacks in budget requests but in year of restraint this is only to be ex pected if the prime interest of the mem bers is that of ratepayers who have to pay the bills There are some departments where cut backs would not be practical For inst once not too many ratepayers would ap is essential While there will be problems for the county as well as other levels of ment they have to be faced and if dealt with realistically awonthwhile contribu tion could be mode to the cause of con taining inflation in his yearend report former warden Edgar Currie gave sound advice to his county colleagues when he said The time has come when we ing around and talking about restraints Dear Sir Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau recently announced what many of us have suspected for years that he plans to intro duce Canadians to his new so ciety Then he proceeds to take trip to socialist Cuba no doubt to get information from Castro on the details of this ncWway of life Honshaw Managing Editor govern have to stop look meg tax Saivmgs alt the Cost 0f 01 and see if we cant COIllC up with practical malnlmnmg mads bnowplqmng and action to hold the fax linc Hi1 13 gggggggig cxcnual by most 311 Currie said the present economy gflv The coluaty mad buamt requested for showed that wage and price controvs this year totals $2829050 an increase of Should 31V been mod ml 131 11 $113000 overlastyearys budget which ac plied realistically as he thscusscd the ri Kit tually was overspent by some $57000 The financial and administration commit tee headed by Reeve Bill Gibbivns of In nistil has the responsibility reviewing all aspects of this budget along with other budget requests before making recommendations to the county council The latter then has the final decisionmak ing on how much county levies should be held in check it goes without saying that it is going to take great deal more than mere political talk to hold down expenses Other committees also have been re increases and if all were accept ed as submitted it is said there would be an overall increase of about 10 per cent per cent has been discussed as good rule for holding questing general guideline of eight DOWN MEMORY LANE Ministerial Association at dinner 10 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner February Fire marshals department still busy in vestigating night blaze which gutted Eat ons department store in Barrie comp any spokesman stated business will con tinue as temporary mail order office op ened in west end plaza Dick Henderson owner Barrie Bowling Academy said all 12 alleys were destroyed Heavy smoke and water damage incurred by Dixies Smoke Shop and Armstrongs Hardware Ross Stephens elected president Chamber of Commerce succeeding Lloyd Janet DAltroy of Barrie teamed with David Porter of Port Perry won way to novice dance division finals of Canadian Figure Skating Association Civitan Club honored members Barrie 1w more 353131 of carefully sidcration 1966 Bruce Brc ck in promoting Barrie brought THE WORLD TODAY Problems at home and experts abroad By JOHN HARBIION Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service lf present good deal of Ca nadian transportation expertise is at work abroad in socallei developing nations fill especially ml sea transport it who requiring and some do elopmental Paramount among Langmuir transport services abroad team of eight Canadan Na Railways specialists Which has just arrived in Kenya to study and recommend plans the decentralization of the Uh Barrie Examiner 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Dauly Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year ly All other countries $4500 yearly Motor throw off $3600 yearly National Advertising Offices as Queen St West Toronto 864 1710 640 Calhcart St Mont real Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Circulav trons The Canadian Press is exclu sively entitled to the use for re publication of all news dispatch es in this paper credited to It or The Associated Press or Reu ter and also the local news pub hshed therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tising and editorial material cre ated by its employees and repro duced in this newspaper copyright Registration Num ber 206315 register 61 WT Mimi warm1 you Shallmile fiatl system They have been son from an international conzultuvg sub sidiary of the CN and will be looking at that threenation lItI ways operational anl admirin trative problems in Venezuela believe if or not one the itticml llamas 51 fialilnis JII lieziiiplleze atn ll finally rainw an WMIiiullion pro gram to supply basic 5330 151 ill the HJII Prime MlnlsLCl lrudcau visit there could produce about $130 million in Canadian rail way construction knuwltmv to that country The Mexican State ftailwa very muchra paralch of our own stateowned CN 15 bcnclil hug from very large inputs of new freight and passenger 3211s Hawker Siddeley of Canada on ginecring skills to hpr the Mtf ican staterun wagon factory build better railway car And to Cuba go about 30 brandnew diesels plus 111 1nt crnizcd old ones to give Ih1 countrys staterun railroads up todabe locomotion CANADA IHSOICGANIZHI Against this it home coli fuslon lack of rationalization much verbal waffle from the new lransport Minister to Lang about the future of the Ca nadian National and Ctnullan Pacifics passenger service While we show the developng world how to move more people by rail with our new equipment passenger car facilities Ill Canr ada will not be modernized nor ancient equipment replaced Instead there Will be phasing out of traditional iiusscngcr services on the historic tron continental route and in the hardpressed Maritimcs We are told have been told since by Jack Iickersgill who resigned as transport minister to make himself first chairman of the new Canadian Transport Commission that Canadian no longer want to travel by rail The preferred way he says is by air in the same breath Pickeriggill Lang and the in credibly utefficiem Jean March and as former transport minis ing concern of taxpayers who are worried about trends of recent years and where 11 is goingr to end Discussing the count situation he said he was hopeful that practical and son sible program can be outlined without raising the tax levies The former warden said he realized that some budgets will be higher but pointed out an increase in av sessmont will help offset some of the load He hoped that this would enable IHsI years rate to be maintained There are some who might feel that Mr Currie was an optimist ratepayers are concerned it is lesirablc goal For the county couiiciilors challenge which they should give due con operations of coinoperated laundry Carnival Quccn contest about to open with Chairman Mrs Karl Romhiid brief ing judges Wendy Hicks and Gord Roach Members of Barries Canada Centen nial committee held first lhose plCilllCtI included Kezr Mrs Robert Clifton Mrs llugh Wai lace Charles Wilson Johnny Rodgers and Postmaster Iom Kerr chairman of com duration for all activities during 1967 Examiner selected Maurice McFadan as Personality of Week mainly for effczts Collegiate loronvto Symphony here for concert directed by Seiji Osavva but insofar as addressed Rotary Club on planning session Mrs Thomas minor hockey in Barrie Band ASiOClaLIOIl Orchestra ln SlllillllT lail10l Ottawa flurcnu IImmsun rws Scrvicc lILI 0743 Some serum of ol IIlltlf Iuintci IruIczrs oftmc ur decldcdy unen about the in lo of ill tint min IllltllllcliI1U11 brim gmps ct Jr lrutlcnu rvtiitllltlils on 1110 ucw susicl purl Ii ib fl mini ItlIIilll hm IUO ll he wont upcrfast trails Ill CHIN IWIV slecllin cats In IlltIl mqu hf 0W I1 IHW mom tsut falling apart up didnt take Ion to comm the pulpit mibt pay for 111030 1I pomlin ow 1h II 111 Irurlciiu hurl our 11ch 7u 21 nuns ire mt fine 11 to if rcmute disaster of mm Jim bow II lhw from tho Jug who brought llll and thr run will lrrabel alpf the 3qudbbla In Iiout his fronttarpon cccuv flli U1 1141 IIH IllIltlll until ml viip It in its 0nd lnonto mlpnll ic pa and p14 Trail1 CANADAS use all fubcrul tItIJrIltI mcntbcrs present and pull may we pm 1on Martin oiuiu lim Itrl mornlmnrf IuILcsInppii IliuIC Ifllf dcmuufol thzl Canadas tiiurinc IllIllll be brought in from the cold Finding iIlc OS OI IlllIIlllZ Iv BUB nownAN flu Iong cigarI1upcrf bqu cu Iltlu I105 LC€lI1LfI from about It would be IIl In dill $10 mlIIlOIl ship decade ago one to welcome ilI v1 mike to about MU million at 171tflf but Bishop Laval may have of THE PICKOF PUNCH IMv Airplay Ln L5Ir ruddy medical and II whether thejucps Earthquake helped aw IonM LETTERS TO EDITOR We have our own dictators in Barrie But we have our own dictators luxury that we cannot afford right here in the city of Barrie refer to those members of city council who against the rec ommendation rt financi com mittee and against the restraint program of the Ontario govern ment and without approval ofthe taxpayers voted in favor of put ting us into debt to the tune of well over $1 million for pool FROM PARLIAMENT HILL The Cuba connection grossly exaggerated puma IllillllCl lgtIi Cuba miiic Cuban llUJIJ uc IlgIlllliL in Angola slop uh com Hovcrs over whether Cuban Mwep plums IJCI fueled in Gander lll 11tl can cc fI sorts of litlIlIliC for nitragcous interpretations docnt 1111Il01 that the primc llllIlIgt1 huI talkctf about the Ircc lilulhtI gtjgtltlll lltfl IlIfIWKI Illl Ill IlliIIiCl that his Cuban trip hurl bcm LtllLillJtJ II suinucr Ion belore it in known about nitrite iiitCiiitu in Answin And 11 doesnt matter that that his longIIvctuim QICCllll are 10 1U11ulj In Incl he no IltlClmI I1 muslin1 cxporw lti advairc kit IvI lltl vltvf tllll fercd prayer of thanks Feb 1665 sharp quake Iicpccl him to achieve in obctivennd there was no toss of life Bishop Laval was waging campaign to stop people from exchanging liquor Iordurr with the Indians it was lining cause even though he held what was called brandy paiiia ment and threatened to communiate people who dis obeyed him lie also took up the problem with King Louis XIV Some regulations were made but they were never effective Although Laval eventually per suaded Governor dAvaugour to impose the death penalty Then woman was cauuht and Pa ther Lsilemant educated in the governor for clemency The governor took this npporttutitgx to rescind the regulation he had litl wanted to malt in the first plf lln suii Since this is not crime to woman II khrI not he time for any 1110 lhen on the night of Feb 1663 Quebec was shaken by the earthquake Church hclls ran with as people flocked to prayer believing that the world was coming to an end Many of them resolved to give up selling liquor to lndions and E0 straitht They did for while referendum first No way One excuse is that money will be saved if it is built now and in the same building as new school Who are they try ing to kid To not build at all will save almost threequarters of mil lion dollars To raise the money first and then build as others will save over $1 million in in terest payments Penny wise and pound foolish of these alderman and others in the city are so anxious to have this indoor pool let them build it as private free enterprise ven ture at their own expense and if want to use it Ill pay my way Our taxes are already starting are doing for their pet projects to skyrocket because of past Dear 811 feel that Mr Packards let ter of Feb deserves an ans wer and will attempt to pro vide it or at least as much as can The information have now consists of report titled The Action Centre Conference on Dis trict llealth Councils and the verbal statements of Mr Halpin at our last meeting had no prior knowledge of 11 this concept and believe the rest of the board members were in the same situation For this reason it is obvious that the board could not really come to grips with the idea of ditrict health councils and also why decision was tabled until the next meeting As far as am concerned the decision will be tabled again if we do not have sufficient intor mutton at our next meeting The minister of health indicat ed in pccch at the conven tion that he would not force the formation of councils at this point but would allow reasonable time for the variou areas to form them The inference is quite plant that they will in fac become mandatory some fu ture time Mr Halpin thought that Simcoe and Muskoka counties would form council cost estimate 05 to $30000 would be 2n annual cost because of two full time staff Office facilities and travelling expenses of council members plus other related ex pcnses These expenses would be paid by provincial revcnuc TO STOP OVERLAP The ministry assumes that the cost of coupon will be saved by preventing duplication of ser vices in our area and that we will be able to provide better 1le at the same cost Also Dear Si in reference to Don OHearns column Jan 17 Where are you Charles Darrow Where are you Don Ollcain For the record would like to set straight some of your facts gttac some facts of my own and ask you many inc lions My group in the civil scrvice is past its deadline The contract expired at the end of September not the end of October as you would suggest This was two week before fed eral wage and price control guidelines came ino cxitcncc That contract was for 13 per cent over the two previous years with gigantic per ccn cost of living raic during the last can Let us have moment of 211 mg to Canada he would be sim ilarly briefed on how to propose toast to the Queen But its doubtful whether his toast vould lead to JCtUIuIlOXl that he was on the verge of estab Iihin pziiltir1tarv form of government IllIIlC Ministcr Irudwu doesnt Iqulll any defence Iicrc but it does cm he is got tmg bum rap when critics try to pull it common thread through all the events since the anions Itcv sauely state ments of led kmva hc iiizinogcd to gel in enough trouble with his philo sophical nuisuics on the trcc once info ask you what the markct sylcm And by failin fate of inflation was during that to mqu buns cIrur the out same period we are now four WWW bill months without contract but llmlllll 10 IIObahIV would be riliculous to expect illil7ll3i anything different in Hm i5 Ill Our old contract as recall Ilml MINI came in the form of 44week suggest that it was somehaw rewomqhe paycheck Ridcu prelude for vigtf Cuba is to mus3 13m true my the ICU51 rcmlum Md About your comments on the it fishs hi in lt rolled his trip Icmuso of the lg za viIv Andie UIlIi Thin fIIhdrublh 0310 has Uplmons and damn been plunncl for nearly your praised we fséo med In Would the cu of llCflff be W131 VVI£ Ililfld served any boner if the prime panda ampuihn an mi minister decided to rllllb llr Castro because he sent some troops to Angola And as for that little controversy con ccrning the possiblin of some troops stopping briefly in ion der well it seems the prime minister knew nothing about it And even if he did why not talk about it Acting prime minister Mit chell Sharp seemed to make sense when he suggested that such state visits air cvcn more necessary when differences ex ist He told the Commons that the prime ministers visit to Cuba gives The leader of the government of Canada an on porfunify to express personally to the prime minister of Cuba Canadas policy which is up posed to foreign intervention by anyone in Angola including that country Anrl Mr Iiudcau while mum3 submitted for Cuban soil 1111fo several refer cation mu be mm com onces to his disagreement with in signed by writer pm Mr Castro on this issue 50 include your we dress in fact while all the attention find phone number although was being focused on Mr not be published Let Illldedus ImlnICc Helm tors which cannot be authenti nf Viva Prime Minister and and by phone cannot be pub Commanderiutiliiei liidcl Cas fished cor the sake of space fro the Canadian prime minls public unwell and good taste tor was at pains to point out the The Examiner reserves the various disagreements that on right to edit condense or reject ist between the two countnos letter Dear Sir would like to take this op portunity to thank you and your staff for printing the story of our bottle drive in your paper Like you hear all the time if pays to advertise Well it must work for our bottle drive was very successful would say you keep up WE WANT $01m debts and monumental govern ment projects But does that stop these people from putting us deeper in debt The public servants have be come the masters Trudeau has taught well Sincerely LOU CAMPAGNOLA PS Enclosed copy of letter to the Ontario Municipal Board asking them to stop the project Health councils may have merit some of the decision making po wer will be decentralized steering committee would be formed to prepare framework for the council and then sub mit names to the ministry for the council gather that the ministry also approves the membership of the steering committee The council would consist of amou mately 17 people NONE ELECTED As far can determine none of the council members would be elected or be respon sible to the electorate in any way unless the ministry was be sieged with protezts about their d3tision Generally speaking the minis try would make decisions about area budgets and the council would have to determine what services would be expanded or cut back thus relieving the min istry of responsibility for unpop utar decisions MY UNDERSTANDING All of the above is based on my understanding of the informa tion available to me and may not be entirely correct share lir Packards reser vations about the whole idea but also feel that we must exam ine the situation very carefully as there may be considerable merit in it One of my main concerns is that if we do decide to form council that some better method be found for determining who sits on the council and would also like to know who decides whether we form council at this time Mr llalpin had to leave before all these areas of concern could be fully discussed Yours truly ROBERT DENNIS 217 Edgehill Dr CSAO column draws reaction Can we not tell you wt dis satisfaction Our last contract of 15 per cent may sound good to some people but tht remember 15 per cent of nothing will al ways equal nothing You talk about and accua the CSAO of being afraid this year because it would be walking into trap Would you walk in to trap Would you sacrifice your job for pile of political baloney Not on your life As an election issue you for see the government bringing in legislation probably taking way the right to strike From whom pray tell It is small mercy that you cannot take away from the CSAO something that it does not posess the right to mike Civil servants have never been popular with the public This quote from your column appears to me to be the over lying tone of your whole column While you say the CSAO keep ing away from being trapped as He scapegoat over winch the government could force an elcc ticn you still tend to ridicule the public service for not being stupid This only helps to lower our popularity What is yovw pur pose What do you really think of the public service Where is the logic in your comments Please tell me Yours truly DAVID COLE Thornton Story about bottle drive worked for AIIondoIe Scouts the good work in the local news On behalf of the 2nd Allan dale Scouts thank you again for your help Yours truly MEEUWSE Burton Ave ll BIBLE THOUGHT And when they could not find by what way they might bring him in because of the multi tude they went upon the house log and let him down through the titling with his couch into the midst before Jesus Anii when he saw their faith he said unto him Man thy Ibis an forgiven thee Luke 51020 There is no experience to cont pare with bringing person to midst Lot nothing deter yeti from this Christian duty and pleasure that month sails to will

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