Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jan 1976, p. 12

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No new houses built in city liouzing permits were is sutd by the cit in January as permits for development and tcrations to coziiniercial estab lishments rose Value of permits commercial use was 3578421 This includes new building construction permit for the lieg gcdv nne Dav Lure Centre on Duckworth Street The value is $2tilfl Three permits were iucl for repairs and alterations to exist ing commercial buildings One forth Queens liote in Dunlop Sheet is valued at $12000 vthe work includes moving the mens washroom antl enlarging the bar and dance floor area in the main room permit for 350000 was is sued for 118 Collier St to con vert an existing residential buil ding to commercial use The final commercial permit is for $150000 to adt crvice centre and alter existing retail area at the Balfield Mall for Canadian Tire The city 154t311l eight pgrniits for repairs BILClLLlOllS and ad ditions to residential dwellings valued at 290 No new construction ncrniits were issued for the building of either single faintly or multiple family dwellinfis This is the first time since last February issued for More passengers that no new home permits have been issued In January 107 one new home permit was issued REPAIR PERMITS There were tltt permits is sued this year for repairs and alterations of industrial build ings The total value of the permits is $11950 Also one permit was issued for iiiiscelniieous item or ex ample signs on boatliouses which is valued at $12m Compared to last year Jan uarv 1076 is far lcliind in build inu permits niy ti were is SLUI in 1976 llllllflCtl to 27 in January 1973 The wine thilt ear ilt 8619821 compared to $t5563l last year llut the mcjor value of the per mits last vcar was for nonta able littllfllll$ or example in stitution iiitiiicipi buildings or other governmtlit linillinjzs hose buildings are consider cd nontaxable because the city does not collect property taxes for the structures ltlicr hand and lvuildintxs used for industrial comiitcrcial or res irlcntinl are taxable by the inn nicinalityf lie permits itlt isch lor 34332000 fr itItilil lltlltl lltgr ii 1973 primarily the con tructian ol the net county court house using buses city transit supervisor says Almost 70000 fares were col lected on city buses in January compared to 52000 in January 1975 Itevenec figures from the city trn ionitiiieot la were used by about 63209 peo ple in Joan Total rcwz ince bus routes and schedules were changed this year is $12200 compared to S0 300 in January last year Gord Burke transit supervis or aid this is an increase of about 11 per cent in reienne and number of passengers in December 1977 the lal innnli of the old sciwicc includ illz llc extended Christina iop ping hours 59741 passengers us ed tie buses fTiie new serv ice per cent higher than that Mr Burke sail The ion add Blake street routes are the most improved Cundles increases durin the afternoon and the liastvicwAl andale routelt continue to be coiisistently high The new routes and schedules stérted Dec 29 and included on Cffilllg bues eieiy hallhour rather than hourly MAJOR CHANGE The major change was ozi the leidles route which now crvis the Tall Tree and Itiierwood Farm subdivisions GURU Illjlllil lir iiccnt route im tctidul to tie Duckwordi and llcll ilarin ltead area to elwo small in instrial plazas and Geor giaii College li llurla maid tone the tira oarh Terminal 11 the corner ol Maple and Siiiicoc streets is not creating any problems Passcnacw ulcll to hau to wait at Maple and Dunlop streets lgt scngcts are now allowed to wait til Inc Mr ternnnal Federal government attacked by Ontario labor minister MIDLAND Provincial labor minister Dr Bette Stephen201 at tacked the federal governments autitude to the present anti inflation policy at the annual meeting of Simcoe East Progrey sive Conservative riding associa tiqn here Tuesday evening Dr Stephenson York Mills MPI was introduced by Siliicoe East MPI Gordon Smith who pointed out the speaker is one of the few ministers who had been appointed to the cabinet right after having been elected certainly the first female in such Isituation In hardline speech the labor minister elaborated on the fed eral governments actions con cerning wage and price guide lines lhr Liberal government ilocn nt really believe in what it is saying about restraints elie said She suggested Ottawas expen ditures would increase 13 per ccnl lltl CZI figure over itsiown guidelines while Queens Park would increase expenditur eslto maximum of 10 per cent pr Stephenon dclended Unl ario support of the federal anti inftation program lhis province is the key tone of Canada This province is the province which makes Can ada run The audience was promised that if the joint antiinflation pro gram does not succeed by Jan 1077 Ontario will withdraw lroni It and con=inurgt with its own program of commitment to relraint in gotcrinnent spend ing Dr Stephenson called on those present to return to the old plank of joiiscrvntiiii priv ate lllillbilif haul work and personal reapnisiliility Along with tclttttt to on values Dr Stephenson suggests ed the azlopion of bun litr point strategy tile pinpose of which is protection against too much government The points included limiting eoierninont cxpciidittircs public acceptance of wage and price guidelines development of new jobs by the priialc cchr limit in new eournmenl prograiir and finally stressing producliv ity in tin Canadian economy The days ol easy abundance when we could talk of less work tor ltLiIill pay are over she Edict LS Ill dance at the Lions Hall in iniiits is cbcdnlcd Slrliirlil nl 8210 pm sponsorml by Our Lady of Ililt lloiin tumult chillcli liullcl lunch will he provided and tickets each or so for couples are available at the loot Meet and hear Charlie Forquhorson ing Automotive Building Exhibition Place loronto Canada largest nllCanldian Recreational Vehicle Show Weekdays Hovn foil pm Saturday to ill dill to to pm Sunday itll pm to llU pm Add iootb tell tt FOUR MEMBERS of la lac Junior Achievement Company display the product they will be selling door to IOTH and at trade lair lritay and Saturday at the Georgian Mall Their note pad set is one of tour pi ducts to be gtliown lliom left re Doug Greatrix Mancey Cathy McPherson and Brent Morrison Youngsters sell firms wares at Junior Achievement sale here can ld buy hand crafted ciiildrens toy train pen and note pal Ll digital Celsius thermometer wall keychain liolder This Friday mening and all day Saturday illJAJ products will be on sale at the Georgian Mall in Barrie at minitrade fair ali put on by highschool stu dents About til flairze high sinol studmts are involved in four Junior tcliicvtinent Companies companies lllClI give students feel of being in the real business world with the same real prob lems to face such as produc tion tinanzin and sales The students are divided into four groups and each group has decided on ptcduct to manu facture and sell They have also done their own costing they know now many unitlt must be roll to make pofit The or id operatingI capital was ob tained by stllllll shares at St each The compai Zei fiscal year iill end this Avril when all as sets wil be liquidated and the sharciioldcrs wll be ghcn the rtturn on their ll0tllltlil lliiir Barrie companies spoir cor the junior achcvcmonl imv panics Radio Shack DcVilbiss IIlll ltclrigeratioa and General Tire The four new companies are not out to make profit althouzh to keen everything in perspective the borers are pil nominal waee ench month With all companies in full pro duction at this time the trade fail at the ficorgian Mall is just in preparation for major doirtodoor sale campaign As well as actually sellian products tie ll the llltlllillllCS will take order The four junior achicicment gt companies are hathAc UciJac LuniberJac anl laJac llali Ac makes the digital Celltius thermometer The actual digital strip which has numbcn which change according to the tem eraturc is die only compon ent which is bought The wooden body of tne thermometer is all cut from wood strips and sniootiieJ glued and ainished by hand There are lit samenls worltiae iii the company an so far they have made 85 thermometers Scl linr for $430 each the company most sell 238 to make profit flowsever the rtllin pice lll chides tax and 33 cent per unit commission for salesmen llll in cliic ment program about financing BANKING PLAYS le itlllollt role in teachna cuts in tho Jtmior LumberJae stluthfllcd by Gen eral lirc llltllvtx LI tourunit wooden train Jlitlt sells for $393 plus tax the train is safe and durable says the companys atl crtisinq and aimut $4 less than similnr ptothlt ninnulncturcl outside Barrie but sold in area Ilt ltlmlivrlac must sell 80 liray Express trains to bcak lltl kc shaped ieci nu gcr is the proluct 0f DevJae The key hanger is made of wool with bronze hooks and bronze chain for hairline on the all The til gtltlIClll must manufac ture and sell 237 units at 9230 each before the etiiipany starts to make profit llc ljill Smith mid lei ri lcon presidtii and lrear at lttidiAc discirs brines with banker Dave Kennedy JaJac underwent product change halfway tliioueh the year when members derided the de sigi of the pen and note pad set was too cuinbcrs me The new one is much smaller and sini pler but only ll or 15 have been built so far llriwei er production is going on at full pace and the company hopes to make enouzb to sell 100 at SL2 each before jcar end l¥LK em or Since the students must work in the CtenlltZS ltliey use the old Royal Bank building on Dan lop Streetl bank has been set up to give tlieni an idea of deal ing with finances The compan ies taking turns providing staf fer for the bank liidlM ttll ll lt watches from the hilc Doug Cox background Highway closecl by blowing snow Blowing snow that reduced vis ibility to zero at times forced the closing of Highway 26 be tween Midliurst and Stayner Wednesday The 21mile stretch of road was closed by Ontario Provincial Police in Stayncr for se ven hours from It am to pm police said today Whiteouts set off number of minor accidents and caUsed few motorists to drive off the road police said Highways 24 and 91 were at so closed for 3llJlL periods as line of snowsqualls 10 miles wide swept into the Collingwood area off Georgian Bay and moved south through Orangeville There was also some drifting in the Orillia area and three to four inches of snow during the day but conditions cleared later in the day All highways in the area are open and snowcleared today the ministry of transportations and communications reported today CITY NEWS THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY FEBRUARY 19763 LOCAL AND GENERAL CONSERVATION NIGIII Groves superintendent of the Midhurst reforestation pro ject will be guest speaker at meeting tonight of the Barrie Horticultural Seciety He will speak on forest tree nurseries in Ontario Mr Groves has prac tised forestry in Ontario iiice graduating from the University of Toronto in 1930 He has been at Midhurst since 1961 The meet ing at pm will be in the Blue Flame Room of the Coti sumers Gas Co Ferris Lane GYMNASTICS DISPLAY Students from St Marys school in Barrie are holding gmnastics display tonight at St John Vianncy School on In nisfil Street The display bC gins at pm PAINTINGS ON DISPLAY Paintings by Agnes Bouclicr are on display at the Barrie luo lic Library until Feb 29 DEIIINDO AT The Barrie YMYllCA will be offering Dezcndo CULISJ on Saturdays at 130 to start ing Saturday Feb This selfprotection course will be taught by Bill Underwood who originated Delendo and has taught for over 35 years Call the at 7266123 for more information ANNUAL MINISHOW The lluronia Numismatic As sociation will be holding its Ltl iiual minishow at the Hayfield Mall Saturday Feb Doors will open at to am and the show will close at pm VOLUNTEERS SOLGIIT Sunny laik Nursery for llar litripped Children is in urgent need of volunteers to help at the SCIIUOI Anyone who lows children and can spare at least one morning week would be appreciated For more informa tion please phone Mrs Joyce Dobson at 7264309 FATHERS DAY Sundiine Nursery School in the Alliance Church will hold fathers day for fathers of pupils Saturday from 9210 to 1130 am BAILILIII IRIZIZI Tickets are available now for Christmas 76 satrical review of Barrie to he presented Feb 27 and 28 at Barrie Central Col legiate by the University Wo mens Cfiib of Barrie Tickets for the fourth revue are avail able at Sliornev Opticians in Georgian Mall Tiitcs Bookstore Bayfield Mall Sam the Record Man and Janes Stationery down town and Jack Webbs Clothing Allandale Tickets are also available by telephoning 7368790 or 7266753 LIBRARY VALENTINES lhe Barrie Public Librarys childrens department is holding Valentinemaking party Sat urday from to pm The children are asked to bring pair of scissors if possible The party is at the librarys annex Collier Street MINESING CARNIVAL The fourth annual Minesing Winter Carnival is scheduled Feb lit to 22 The carnirzl events include parade Saturday Feb 21 at piii lo sawing nail driving barrel rolling sled pull ing snowmobile events and other related sports and games For registration forms and in formation contact Winston Maw 7261924 ART RENTAL lhe Barrie Art Clubs Art Ilen tal Service is open Saturday be tween and in the basement of the 2iult section of the Barrie Public Library south of Collier Street on Mulcastcr Street The paintings which iii clude oils pastels and water colors are for sale as well as rest People can rent the art work for two pe cent of paint inzs value for one to three months EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Members of the Simeoe Coun ty Roman Catholic Separate School Board executive council that is senior board administra t0r will receive salary increaS es this year amounting to $2400 in keeping with the AntiInfla tion Board recommendations In making the announcement trus tee ROss Saunders noted that by restricting the officials to this amount certain historical rela tionships would not be maintain ed lie said however the ex ecutive council has expressed willingnc55 to accept the in crease RRSP We donltlchargea sales commission because youre the oneiahol ashouldlbenefitl STERLING THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION ROSS FURZECOTT 35 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE 7266495 member of Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Not some salesman There is no sales commission charged with Sterling Guaranteed Registered Retirement Savings Plan No Management Fee No Redemption Fee at maturity No Filing Fee benefits include High rates of interest All contributions guaranteed by Sterling Trusts Deferred income taxes Deposits accepted any time for any amount Transfers from other RR5Ps pension refunds and other qualified monies accepted range of other investment Options and plans also available

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