Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jan 1976, p. 11

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SKIING ENTHUSIASTS AT HORSESHOE VALLEY Skiing is enjoying one of its most popular seasons yet in Simeoe County with enthusi asts thronging ski recreation hills on weekends There have been as many as 4000 week end visitors at IIcrseshoe Val ly near Coulson Among the standout skiers from this area shown at Horseshoe from loft to right are lilzl liurley Bar rie John Forster Barrie Stevens finds quotas wanted in immigration BRADFORD Staftl An op en door policy on immigration with an annual quota limit is favored by 278 per cent of York Simcoe constituents who res ponded to questionnaire by Sinclair staphens MP Another 273 per cent prefer red quota system based on occupational opportunities There were 163 per cent who asked for closed door policy while 153 per cent asked for quota system based on racial origin Another 131 per cent favored straight opendoor pol icy Alliston backed in opposing belts ALLISTDN 151le Alliston coungil has acknowledged by resolution cttzr from Mrs Diana Caucutt of Kenora stip porting the stand of council in seat belts mandatory by law The resolution moved by Coun cillor Douglas Taylor and sec onded by Deputy Reeve James Dickey authorized the clerk Bri an Gauley to write to Mrs Cau cutt in recognition of her support of the councils objection Mrs Caucutt inforde council by lot ter she had sent copy of her letter to James Snow minister of transportation and communi cations The Alliston council commend ed Mrs Caiiciitt for participate ing in the demOcrati process of government In answer to another question 464 per cent said preference should he give to potentil im migrants whose mother tongue is English Only 86 per cent favored preference for French language immigrants There were 45 per cent who showed no preference to language Other results showed that 840 per cent felt preference should be given to potential immigrants who have relatives who are Can adian citizens over those whose relatives are not Canadian citi zens There were 703 per cent who felt that immigrants should set tle number of years in an area specified by the govern ment rather than be allowed to settc where they want Some 718 cent thought that where there is shortage of qualified personnel in specif ic occupations the government should try to admit only im migrants who possess the need ed skills while 282 per cent said the government should is sue temporary work permits for the time such workers are need ed CBC ISSUE Another questionnaire sponsor ed by Mr Stevens was on the issue of the Canadian Broad casting Corporation Those who answered indicated that per cent were generally satisfied with CBC programs while 43 per cent were not satisfied The bal ance didnt give an opinion one way or the otlir llicre were 33 per cent who answered who saiu they would agree to additional tax funJlng to compensate or loss of rei enue through discontinuing vertising on CBC stations Some 62 per cent were opposed and the balance gave no opinion There were 18 per cent who felt the BC was not bring all ministered efficiently and per cent who agreed it was Another 30 per cent did in give in opin burs of the ion one way or the other Call OMB hearing on Vespra ruling MIDIIURSI Vespra town ship councils refusal to rccom mend draft lIlillI of 55 lot residential ilulitiimi Mincsing will be the subject of an Ontario Municipal 15 nrd hear ing Tucsday ilélltl 10 The hearing is to begin at 11 am in the Simcoe County ad ministration builzling intersec tion of highway 30 and 27 five miles north of Barrie lowndiip clerk IZarl Richard son said council wanted the do velcper Sade Company to pro vide plan for exterior drain age from the subdivision An in tCtior drainage plan has been prepared The ll1ltigtll lls or 201100 squarefoot lots southeast of the village of Minesng Lot anzl Con Taxpayers grants aid first time homebuyers By ARTHUR EVANS MPP Simcoe Centre In his April budget of 1075 Ontario treasurer Darcy Me Keough proposed for the first time in Ontarios history the es tablishmcnt of the first time home buyers grant The aim of this proposal was to stimulate the housing mark et throughout Ontario and has ically to help thousands of peo ple who wanted very much to move out of rental accommoda tion into their own home The first time home buyers grant was designed to encour age homeownership and in small way remove some of the pressures building up in rental property particularly in our growing cities The encouragement of home ownership among as many peo ple as possible was also consts tent with the philosophy of the Progressive Conservative party It helped those people who were closest to becoming home buy ers but needed that extra push to help them achieve their new status The then Official Opposition Liberal party regarded the measures as simply give6 wavy program which was poli tically motivated To them it was cynical move which would was te Ontarios resources By taking this position the then Official Opposition was as well condemning the $600 feder al grant to prospective house purchasers That grant applied to only one section of the hous ing market namely new homes In constnast the Ontario plan applied to singledamily dwell ings condominiums unit of caoperative housing corpora tion mobile homes new houses and old homes There were no pnice qualifications on the value of the house nor an income test to be Providi the house was hab itable by Dec 31 1975 the new owner received $1000 grant and two $250 grants over the next two years providing the porch aser remained in his new home during that time For such terrible program am happy to report that the number of home buyers exceed ed our wildest expectations As of Jan 1976 80565 ap plications were received Some 65272 were approved and 682 were rejected Another 12 CORRECTION On page 16 of our after inventory clearance flyor there is an error The Concord brick at $599 states it comes in cartons of 55 sq it It should read Comes in cartons of sq ft We regret any in convenience this may have caused you our cus tomer Sears Barrie Georgian Mall 509 Hayfield St 611 are in the process of being approved That is not had track record Or else all these people must be regarded as cynics by the Third Party in the Ontario Leg islaiture And that find lieve In our own area of central Ontario there were 17889 units sold averaging $41418 per unit In metropolitan Toronto the lo tal number of units sold was 13931 averaging $49332 per uu it Much criitcism of the Ontario plan focussed on its being open ended Too many people who wore earning say $40000 per year took advantage of the plan Lets examine few facts the price rango of the total numb er of applications approved in the to $210000 bracket was 270 per cent in the $30000 to $40 00 it was 204 iicr coil in lic $40000 to $50000 category it was 234 per cent in the $30000 to 3170000 it was 174 per cent in the $70000 to $100000 it was per cent It st five per cent for houses over $100000 hard to bo potential for development advertis rmciit Scllc Mary Sillc sf il li lltihllit Illll rnfh OUTSTANDING SALES OPPORTUNITY Leading producer in the beverage lltmlltll licld requires sales representative to cover the Muvkoku avca lfoi ii starter person with ouic Indkvroiiiil iu Hills with initiative Illls is an cxccllcul opportunity with great You willl have car expenses broad fringe benefits and congenial and cooperative sales team behind IIiort lctlcr outlining your IlllIl3llllllI llll Iilllitll will grin you an iiilcrvicw lur suits itlilllt knui ol liis REPLY TO BOX NIOO BARRIE EXAMINER Paul Aberncth Orillia Jan ice Abernetliy Orillia and Lorie Burnett trillia IIxtllll incr Photo 1976 road subsidies of $84700 approved for town of Alliston ALLISION Staffi Notice has been received by Alliston council from the Ontario minis try of transportation and com munications advising that 1976 road subsidy alloeationi will in clude $49000 for construction and $35700 for maintenance resolution m0ved by Coun illou Elmer Hawkins and Reeve Peter Cameron acknowledged the 2584700 subsidy and referr ed tiic letter to the town works committee Another government letter from the ministry of treasury economics and intergovernment al affairs advised of policies on 1076 unconditional grants copy of letter sent by Darcy McKeough provincial treasurer to the chairman of the Ontario Municipal Board with respect to approval of cap ital rejects 2150 was included ed The need for staying within government guidelines to help contain accelerating inflation was stressed Mayor akla Gray presided at the meeting avid other members present were Reeve Peter Cam cron ICltll lleevc limic Diclv cy and Councillors lllmer Hawk ins Doiigris Taylor and Taylor Councillor Aidan Whe Inn was absent Brian Gauley clerk recorded the minutes and Stan Iomporowski town works superintendent also attended DISTRICT NEWS SETIIE BARIHI ILINlilt THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1976 COUNTY GLIMPSES ELMER HAWKINS Appointed delegate Alliston oluntecr firemen we re commended for their effort in fighting two serious fire tn town recently in resolution mJCd by Councillor Taylor and seconded by Deputy Reeve Dickey Mayor Gray gave spec ial praise to the firemen for their services at theJo and other fires Letter of annreciation also are to be sent to Cookstown and Tot tenliam brigades for assistance granted under the mutual aid ar rangement Councils apprecia tion is also extended to each and everyone who helped in any way the resolution concluded Letters from the Bradford council uiippcrrtiiz Alitro in asking for meetings to discuss clacaion cost were read The Simcoe C0unty board of educa tion acknowledged the Alliston resolution and advised the board plans series of information meetings with municipal treas urerz and finance committees In reply to letter trpm the Con umers Gas Company the council authorized the clerk to advise that it had no objection to the relocation of the gas main as proposed subject to approval of the AlliSton public utilities commission and satis factory cost sharing agreement with the municipality on the eLscment under the CPR right of way Midland and Penetunguishene plan busy weekend of events PENEIANGUISHENE Stall queen contct skating ev ents parachuting hockey tour nament parades anc dances will highlight threeday winterama which will be opened here on Friday Feb 13 At neighboring Midland the Kinsmen will sponsor other cv cnts inidcr their lluronia licri tagc Festival program Barbershop singing torchlight parade billiard tournament cur ookstown fair plans CUUKSIUllN ibiulw Alem circulixc oi he Cookstowii flltllililil Society have starch uiHl iini im thn 1970 twoduly lull fair which will lic in iuii The president flurry tom and iilleigucs will condor ltllll1lt ils from illtcrcl all luir cu thuiuls for ll i1it2ll1 oi lilt annual exhibit on which is turn lh uiilcr fairs in the Cdllli Howard lllu 1iiiu mi Ill ixviiiic pun picsiiziiit wiiih Kcitli liiliilll nini IIll irc Itftitlli iii The tiir has ulli fczil ircd fine indoor diuj iit lnikiil swing and llll1 in the domestic rcitiiti ti ml ii liullv uii Ollitl wrl Il play Livcstzisk cuiitvldious liii ic iwl if ridis oilicr llllthlllll AIIHI HHS Allllllll Ii ii Itii ir apple loll will lm lolillll the next lIlCii of ill iitvl Iiil ililivl Ilill stlliill 110 pm in lilis SIIWAIHI SYST II VICTORIA llllijlilll lziils of Si iiiiimii AJ root IllCllI syslcin for Victoria llu hour will tltllvl pulr lic 111TIlllg in lll loud ce liicutary srliool lAnmhl at pm In SNOWHUI Ctllliiil liiiiliiu comcdian Artv lohntun will takc itrt in tii lust airrlmi Sluiwgulf lilllllliltill on Silllll lily II Cnllillcoiil illllill part of tho Coliiiigwoi liulcrfcst At pm lli failixuy Ullim iatc singer hen loliiax will perform IIAILBOUIL CARNIVAL VlClUllH lllillll lliis villages annual lllil cziiiiiia will be hcll i7ilj and Futur day Slirduirti iils imludr bioiimlii and filllllll torchliglit parade $2000 ILHXTIVIC IlllililA Slulti Au ulijoc tivc of $13000 has Icon sci for day li Ill iv vu IM ilrutlnrs Assoc of trilli and District which is to held on Friday evening licli ti and on Saturday Feb ZION IUIilHZl SIAYMIH Stmli The next regular uicitiiiI of the Zion Ju sell iinl liilec Womens Institute will be hed at the hon of Mrs Wilmot Cliipcliusc lllllfliiti strcct Stav ncr on Thursday afternoon litll 12 Mrs Frank IilllllilaCl is president of UN Institute LLNUIIION llllUOJ Slalli pot luck luiihcui will be hell at the hall hcre fi Simcrie ct Ditricl Womens Institute on Monday Feb 10 starting at ll11p1ii SIUI l3 Vll$liSlllZlC StdliSpot dances will be featured at St Valentines dirtc to he held at St Johns church hall here on Sntiiilay mining Icl 1l star tin at pm 13 IIIIUIITS ll1lillANGlTlSliliAlC Ilcsidcntiil courtritctioli St tiff dill in the past year covered an estimated building value of $1 406800 it was reported by Paul llodgins building inspector There were 43 residential per mils issued PLAY AT KllLliENlfilt DRILLIA iStatl inners over Barrie Iliistiicw and Dixie rinks Paul lliricys irillia Col leginte curlers will be playing at Kitchener on Friday and Satur day in gtlltltl1l itlllll tlllllmllv tion Bob French Ted Harvey anti Dave Gill are curling with Paul 535 000 Hi llllddA iSliifI target of $135000 has been set for an April campaign by the Orillia branch of the Ceiadian Cancer Society Mrs Dianne Lytle is the campaign chairman HARDTWIST PROPYLON BROADLOOM taw 4an WW II Um IllJim wrv MwiniflT an M1 197113 Mm 54va am Au $897 BALES BALES OF YOUR FAVORITE COLORS IN STOCK MARKNAM IDIORIfl ling bonspiel rock concert and film shows are among other features planned here in Pene tanguishene broomball tournament sleigh rides crosscountry ski tour snowmobile outing and skating are included on the Midland pro gram parachute drip into the mid dle of Little Lake Park which is to be the site of various Mid land festivities also is planned liabatts well lmown Blue Balloon is scheduled to make an appearance in the Penetan guishene area Thousands of visitors are ex ported to join leuctringiiiisrc the three days of winter events RAMA COUNCIL LONGFORD tStatfi Rama township counil which is head ed by Reeve Gordon McArthur will hold regular meeting on Friday Feb pm at the municipal office building RIVERSIDE CLUB COLDWATEIK ibtaffi Rii crside Senior Citirens club will meet at the building at Alain and Mill streets on Thursday Feb 12 for regular meeting ORILLIA COUNCIL ORILLIA IStaiii Orillia city council will meet on Monday evening Feb for regular meeting with layor Frank Dol cort presiding Another regular meeting is planned le Monday Feb 21 ACRYLIC $777 MAYOR GRAY Praises Firemen The council authorized pay meiu of meinlicrsiip lccs of Slo to the Association of Municipal Clerk and Ireinurors ol nt ario $14352 to the Association of Aluiiicipalitielt of Ontario and 220 to the Ontario Building 05 licisls °ucittioii Payment of $30 to the Ontario Association of tire jiicl 11s b1lCl Councillor Hawkins chairman of Loan iiiiiv appointed delegate to attend théT Ontario Good Roads convention at the Royal York Hotel loronz to The convention opens on Alon day Feb 23 and CODLIIIU8 to Wednesday Feb 17 Ainley and Associates Ltd 5011 an llli lli0l viis read inviting members to visit them at the Good Reads con vention Payment of the sum of Shin to Jim tmpherson for damage done to his store from during con strudion of Victoria street was authorized by council In anoth er resolution 122 council said it had no objection to entering in to an aerm ltiir scth tOwnship for the provision of 0i age service as 1l8VlUlliy outlined ARTICLES FOR SALE About calls the first night sold all articles lszi Chesterfield black and white houndtooth Herculon with storage section $30 Single oed box spring and mattress new 535 Coffee table octagon teak $25 Tele phone For QUICK ACTION TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD Telephone 7282414 Bed ACT NOW WHILE sroc1lt LASTS Sale Ends Fee 2i 1976 IQu¢Iaol llflihnbufiltb

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