Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jan 1976, p. 10

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WEATHER FORECAST Clmding over this afternoon Sunny with chance of fluririea Friday Low tonight 14 high EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation moses Classified Advertising mom All other Departments 76537 112th Year No 30 NVCA budget costs members 23 per cent more ANGUS Scaled down by pro vincial grant restrictions the proposed 1976 budget of the Not tawasaga Valley Conservation Authority is still 25 per cent higher than the 1975 budget 92 per cent increase had been proposed last December The proposed budget of $944 36 was appr0ved by the NVCA executive committee and will be presented at meeting of re presentatives from 23 member municipalities on Feb 2t The earlier budget proposal was $1 Bccnusc of prmincinl funding in the amount of 309846 an iii crease the levy against mem ber llllllllCllLlllllJS will rise only 23 per cent instead of the plan ned 38 per cent The Town of Collingwood would be taxed heaviest 59443 in 1976 followed by Vespra township $6073 aeagu Beach $5421 lecumsetli township $4144 Not tuwasaga township $3979 Essa township $3858 Mono town ship $3673 and Alliston $2 763 The City of Barrie would he required to piv $2289 because part of the city in the Not tawasaga River watershed and Innisfil township would pay $1 273 The amount of assessment in the area within the water shed is used in determining the annual levy The largest increase in levy will be against Vespra town ship $1012 The budget cuts will hinder plans for land acquisition and preliminary engineering Only $90000 remains for buying pro perty on the Niagara Escarp ment in 1976 The conservation authority had planned to spend $500000 to buy land on the escarpment in the Minesnig Swamp me Osprey Wetlands and at Litopia conser vation area The preliminary engineering portion of the budget was cut to $50000 from $141243 late cut in tho engineering section of the budget ended the chance of lloodiiie mapping in Adjala township this year But lnnisfil townstitp will benefit from such mapping having ap plied for the ptogccl month before Adjala Diking along the Pretty River in Collingwood remains the major item in the NVCA bud get For that preject the auth ority is expected to spend 3130 000 with the province and Col lingwootl sharing the Cl Taking into consideration po pulation increase NVCA chair man Robert Sturgeon said the new budget represents decr ease in the per cepita levy on member municipalities to cents per capita from 88 CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Response good to plebiscite Response to an advertisement asking for national plebiscite on capital punishment has been favorable says Robert McAffee executive director of the Ontario Pioiiiicial Police Association The association rzin advertise ments in the Globe and MailI the Toronto Star the Ottawa Cit izen and 18 other daily newspap ers in Ontario last week with clipout coupon to be sent to members of parliament The coupon simply says the sen dcr is in favor of national ple bisciie to determine whether or not to abolish capitol punish mcnt We cant say for sure from what weve received said Mr McAffee today since most peo ple are sending the coupons dir ectly to their MP5 However ty letters we have show support for plebiscite lot of people are upset if their Elis are against capital punishment because they may feel differently We think some thing like this should go out side the parliamentary proced ure and into plebiscite Mr Achffee could not giie any idea as to what the chan ces of getting plebiscite are He said there would be good chance if there was an election oon but since it appears there wont be an election he was uncertain Central mortgage president expects stable house prices OTTAWA CPi William lc ron president of Central Mort gage and Housing Corp lCAlilCJ says he expects stable lllLlC prices and little change in mortgage interest rates this year lie told the Housing and Ur ban Development Association of Canada lllUDACl Wednede 1hr will flow from government antiinflation efforts llconomic restraints will make lowand llltNlClitLChi liouiiig more attractive for inu nicipalities and builders he said The ChlllC president for mer Ottawa builder and devel opcr also said he has been iltl to appear before the royal commission on coiporul concentration where he will ilon iitli charge he is using his iioitlon to aid big devel opers lle rejected thoe sugges lions Later he said ilie 0Llllmlll is concerned about growing con centration of land ownership in rome citim and will take to halt this trend steps Whats all this peace lo ve and kindness Margaret keeps singing about Provincial cicnscil in 107 in line llll star only Barrie Ontario Canada Thursday February 1976 Photo by Rolt Kramer WINTER CARNIVAL QUEEN HOPEFULS Biiiir tiiitci iiiiiiiul is thinning iici and tlic limo li tilllelIl lh unl tfni iiiiul Quinn will lH l4iidn pin in the Blue Flame lioom of tlic Consuiiicrs tins Iliiiliiiii lic ol this gun coiitcstaiit ziio inji llill lelt Debbie Brandon Der bai lcy Anderson lonnno Wallace bottom lioiii lcii llliil Ii tins and iiiic laiiti Ilium iiicr llioloi Robberies break and enters increase in the Barrie area Iiiiiic rcpoitcl by the Ontario lolicc LIL Home in titthS released iv the province cxctpt for ii lll ii iron and break and cnlcis Bnlllc Oll intistgutcl lite murders in can of 1074 and l973 and both Afitin soiwrl four of them Homicides increased 10 per cent loi pltnlllt liolt vincinlly linud iiiiiiiicd 1115 per cent but lioiric ll lcculilOtl six per ttlll incrcusc Cpl lcil Booiic says this was Inc to much lctlii public cil ucation program We just iiid priiiiiic to check out ilcnls if they thought suspicious will pl rloonc llniiiiinl ll miniholly comes around pctllliiig something for half what laid iiiczcriiiit may charge you hoiild make sure the flilll is on thi level before accepting llii piotiiirinl iiciuuc of liiciik and éllll was up 18 pci cciil but it jiimpcl ll lltl cent in lllt Burric area Cpl Boone attributed it to the large number of cottages in the area All we can do with mot cot lnJcs is ilic lic owners remove any valuable items and make coiliiii they leave no MAYOR HELPS THE CAUSE Mayor $4 to Muriel beeper for tick cls are on sale again today at the fireliall Tickets are also ed by Doll flt¥llb Islanders Funds raised by the ticket sul It liquor around If thicl breaks into one cottage and finds liquor he may get iiiiil lilii tll age to do on to sonicoiio clscs cottage Auto tlicll lltll 3H per cent in the Bovine arm and pr Boone says most lliclts are im ply joyiiiliiiu or lll hurry to get wincplncc lli if people tiit locking iiisiv curs icgiilaiu ly and make ivc tiicy rciiiriic ill the kiys the rule could drop hi the area cl roblicrio tlic Barrio dctncliiiici llltli til 18 in 1074 clearing 10 and 30 in 1073 but iltii 132 Although the lltlllllLl of iobbciics increas cd policc had increased success soliiin lliciiz think the iiiircasc in rob beries ls duo lighter liiinnciul conditions said Cpl Boone Money lgt lltildtl to come by and more people sccm driven to ltilllltly lo ii to make money We iiic uliii pcliplc cs piciiilly llllill liiiiicgtiiimi to lake lame iliiiouuts of llltlllt to lillllli night mukc use of the night ltptli boxes Mun earned up to $347 ti week while drawing unemployment Alllli fillicxr old ookstonw man was fined $730 and ordered to pay back 5010 ltcr lic plczvlll Illlll to ii iii false slalcincnts to tho lln ciiiploymciit Insurance Commis ioii Vcdnculny Donald Abbott told oioiin cial court here that he claimed unemployment insurance for six consecutive weeks in 1074 while he was employed as tccl orkcr the loriiiilo lii piilt in with12cc Judaic Don on Tower in Inch Mlltl lic Wlllillljf consid cIcil iiiipo lllL jail term but liccntisi ol lllt liiiilliips it would cuiisc the mans family substantial line was called for Abbott Wills earning bewcen Fitz and $2317 week while he was drawing llllllpltllllCIlL in sllILIlltt thi court was toltl 73 CAPSULE NEWS Italian seeialisls give goahead fllll tAll llic Socialil pinly gave the lilllnl today to lromicrlcsignnlc Aldo ll0 to form iiiinorilgv Cliiitiii Dom oziatic cabinet signalling the end of Italys iiionlihold government crisis France sends in more troops DJIBOUTI fAll hiinicc flow 800 troops to iciiiiloicc its can iisoii in Djibouti in iiis niiiil lksas lciiitoiy ltltlflly illoi ii Sltlllil out with Somali troops on the frontier that lull iuiiiibci ol dead and wounded Pulp Paper workers back at work MONIRICAl lCPl About 3000 eiiipoyccs of four Consolid atedBathurst Ltd pulp and paper mills in Quebec returned to work today after accepting New thiccycul contract coiiiipniiiiy sposz mlll said Canada back into softball lead WELLINGION Renter Caiiiada vaulted back into the lead in the I976 world softball series today with 21 win over the mica States Cilllilltllv ll$llilll by Victoria linlcs now has HH wonlost record Their only ilclcint ciiiiic llltStlJl 21 loss to New chlnnil Tweedsmuirs youngest son dies 15c Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly 20 Page SEPARATE scnooi BOARD RESOtUTION Grant struCture changes sought By SHEILA McGOVERN ixamincr Staff Writer The movincial governments method of distributing funds has raised the concem of the Sim coe County Roman Catlholic Sep arate School Board Wednesday night trustees doped four resolutions to be for warded to the Ontario Separate School lriistces Council lwo dealt with money The first asks the provmcc to adjust its weighting factors in the grant formula so that pupils in rural and urban fastgrowing and slowgrowing areas all re ceive equal opportunity The board notes that under this years formula the minis trys reduction in extraordinary expenditures such as transpor tation and debenture costs the Simcoe County boards will suf fer more than the urban boards and be forced to curtail pro grams The resolutions also call for PD committee gets direction In departure from normal procedure trustees of the Sim coc oiinly Roman Catholic Sep arate School Board took time nit lcdnesday right to give direction to newly formed committee The board established its school year tllllnllllCt which will work in cooperation with the Simcoc Uninty Board of Eiducutioii iii cltzng tip school year specifying the number of days to be devoted to leach cr profcwional icivity lays After the coiiimitlcc was es lzllll1ll0l icccliniriiizm Vincent jogan uggcstcd individual trus tccs iiizikc illtll opinions known to the number of profession nl utiiilv fll required He noted that last year the mm min brought iii 1i ltttllllllltll datum of days and several trustee objected to the high number lhctriclcc tilt pointed out there are many parents concern ed over the number of days chil dren are not in school lie said he believed teachers make good use of the days but would prefer to see the number decreased to about six with the other days being used for in struction making up for the time students lose because of poor weather Frank Macdonald director of education urged the committee to be flexible in setting up the sclitdulc so that it would be possible to make up for lest time He noted this year has been the worst year for lost chOol day since he came to this area in 1037 John Brennan chairman of the Bcziid recommended on profes sional activity days be set up during the winter months lie also noted there are many teacher and parents who feel these days do not accomplish moiPi Friday equality between separate and public school grants The board argues that the min istry of education uses elemen tary expenditure ceilings when assessing Grade and 10 stu dents in separate schools but uses the secondcrv and higher ceilings when assessing the same grades il the public sys tem The third resolution deals with school bus drivers and asks that the Ontario Ministry of Trans portation and Communications adopt regulation that would require certificate of mechan ical fitneSs of school buzcs be authorized by mechanic other than the owner or employee of the owner of the vehicle being tested The resolution notes lliat many school bus operators employ li censed mechanics and do repairs within their own nd it is possible conflict of interest may occur The trustees alrt want the ministry to introduce legislation making the bound ti Ca tholic school board the same as the county or counties concern ed and ensure that all Catholic taxpayers be zicrirtled to pay separate school taxes Under existing arrsnzcmenls separate board centres are lo cated through tli iiillilV and an individual may be prevented from being separate school supporter because he lives out side the centre Cottagers who pay separate school taxes in the city may be required to pay public School taxes on tlicir collages The board argues the county setup would also simplify mu nicipal adminitration and the election of trustees Russia Austria lead Olympic gold parade INNSISIHCK itvl Russia prise by grabbing pair of sil and Austria on the first three VCI meditle gold llltllll of the Winter The diirkhorse Canadian IlAIIllllt liltillts today and the skiers and speed skaters were Aiiiciiciiiis scored mild sur blanked iii the medal chase bib Ontario Liberol leader here for school bearpit session lii Stuart Smith the newly clioscii liiziilci of the Ontario Liluinl laiiy will visit Barrie ltl Mr Smith take part in illl question and Scrsion with students from the three cit tiiuh schools at East icw sccondaiy school liitl pin licll lifl ilrcs llio liariic Kiwanis tluli 11 the llUllflilj liiii it lchttI Also invited to the clubs an ual ivic night meeting are llllllllfll of city council senior officinls of city administration and councils from lnnisfil Ves pra Essa and 0m townships nille Hughes he newly tlLClCtl wanden of Simcoe Coun ty and the county clerk and treasurer have also been invit cd to llic mccting Bruce Owen president of the Simcoc North Liberal Party Association said did place among the llll 10 in two of the events All Austria breathed sigh of relief when idol Franz Klam mcr won the showpiece mens Alpine downhill race flashing down the treacherous Pat sclierkolel slopes in one minute 4573 seconds Defending champion Bern hard ltussi of Switzerland won the silver medal and the bronze went to Herbert Plank of ltaly lhcy clocked times of 14606 and 14659 respectively Ken Read of Calgary 10th in the starting lineup finished in fifth place in 14633 The Canadian mens team came through with their best showing in downhill coin petition placing three skiers in the first 15 Dave Irwin of Thunder Bay was eighth lim llunlcr of Calgary placed 10th and Dave Murray of Abbotsv ford BC was 18th JUNIOR ACHIEVERS AT WORK fit for shareholders when the fiscal year ends in April More photos stories on Page Eh aminer Photo the various stages of produc tion of wall keychain hang or ltour student companies are set up like real cum and MEWmhlllh to produce pro Most students involved in Junior Achievement enjoy their work as is demonstrated by Darla Warner and mm lrav They are working on Dorian Parker pays at to the Wintaiio draw March on sale at Jacksons Grill es will be used for renovation lUNmN All stun Butlrii it Wllllust son of Mom lovoriiiorGcncral of Canada and founder of the lnteriintional Mrs beeper 0f the Friends ai DUUIOD and P0d Crant and restoration oi the lircliciil of the lrirenall was at the old Street Entertainment for the is an arts centre Examiner lllflitute of bildltglt blltllth Illbbl tllttl llltbtld it was announced liichall on Collier Street ch March draw will be proud Photo 041 hesday selling thelicketn llck up

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