Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 14 Apr 1927, p. 8

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Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 14th, 1927 Business Change J. L. HAY & SONS wish to announce that they have purchased the stock and good-will of the business of Gents' Furnishings and Boots and Shoes CARRIED ON BY MR. J. W. HECKBERT Our policy will be: Close Prices, Good Goods, and Fair Treatment to all. NEW GOODS WILL BE ADDED AT ONCE All Goods Now in Stock will be Sold at Greatly Reduced Prices Men's Made-to-Measure Clothing A representative of the Semi-Ready Tailoring Company will be at our store on Tuesday, April 26th, 1927 to take orders for Made-to-Measure Clothing. Call and see full line of Spring Samples! We solicit your patronags. Call and get acquainted! J. L. HAY & SONS Standard Bank Block -- King Street -- Colborne Weekly Specials Congoleum Rugs These new serviceable floor coverings in good design and coloring-- 4J/2x9ft.....$5 .95 9x 9 ft.... $11. 25 6 x9ft.....$7 .25 9xl0i/2ft.... $13 .25 7i/>x9ft.....$9 .25 9xl2i/|ft.... $14 .75 NEW CURTAIN NETS These Curtain Nets are the very latest designs and are splendid values--36 inch "cream and pearl white, very dainty designs, lace edge, per yard....................38 Also 42 inch at the same price. A better quality and different pattern at.....59 36 inch plain white net at.............35 Plain white Spot Curtain Muslin, special, yd. , 19 Plain white and cream Scrims, per yd..... Silk Panels, 42 inches wide, 2*4. yds. long, at 2.75 and . . ......................3 CRASH TOWELINGS 200 yds. 15-16 inch, special, per yd........16 HUCK TOWELINGS Plain white Cotto'n Huck Towels, 14x31 inch, extra good buy, each.............. NEW WALL PAPERS Nice selection to choose from. The price starts at, per single roll.................10 BUY YOUR RUBBERS HERE All sizes in stock, for men, ladies, boys and girls Men's long rubber boots, sizes 6 to 10, per pair 3.75 GROCERIES 10 lb White or Yellow Sugar.......69 3 boxes matches...............25 Cut Macaroni..........31b for .25 1 lb tin Pink Salmon.............18 Sun-Kist Oranges, per doz..........38 G. E. REYNOLDS & CO. Phone 49 King Street Colborne Magazine Subscriptions We are Subscription Agents for all LEADING CANADIAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PERIODICALS Also Foreign ones most likely to be ask., a for GET OUR CLUBBING OFFERS Reduced Rates on Any Combination of Magazines THE EXPRESS Printing Office Windsor Council may place a limit on the cost of the education board, forcing the trustees to take a popular vote for a mandate to exceed a stipu- The Police of St. Thomas, it would appear, do not regard the sounding of horns on motor cars conveying wedding parties as a desiriable substitute for wedding bells. Customs returns for Oshawa for March 1927 were $1,061,677.06; and for fiscal year ending March 31st, 1927, are $8,926,785.84. A record month and a reord year. The Port ot Oshawa has become among the busiest in Canada and ranks among the first There is something about the Clerkship of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham which plaes the office in a class by itself. It has been filled by members of the MacNachtan family for the last sixty-five years. The present Clerk and Treasurer, Col. Neil F. MacNachtan, C.V.O., succeeded his father in 1891, while the father was appointed in A bill to create a divorce court for Ontario, passed the Canadian Senate. Senator Willoughby, who. sponsored the bill and who is chairman of the divorce committee, said that so far this year, there were. 226 applications for divorce and of these it would be impossible to dispose of about 50. Applications for divorce had become so numerous that the Senate was unable to dispose of them and this caused a great deal of hardship among the applicants. In 1910, bill for the creation of a bill for the divorce court was carried in the Senate but rejected in the Commons, but at that time necessity for such court was not so great as now. Every province in Canada had divorce court but Ontario and Quebec. The passed the senate on division. GRANTS ON ATTENDANCE In the opinion of several residents of the county, Premier Ferguson's proposal to amend the basis tor Gov ernment grants to public schools to one of attendance of the pupils, will throw a considerable increase of taxes on the residents of many of the school sections of the county. It Is pointed out that many schools have a limited number of students attending, and the grant from the Government in those cases would be very small. It often occurs that the children attending these schools are forced to do so because of the distance to the next school. With attendance adopted as one of the basic means of apportionment of Government grants, the school section would be taxed with the difference between the present grant and decreased grant based on attendance. In schools having a large attendani it is not expected there will any great difference in the size of the grant. Proposals for compulsory licensi of hawkers, peddlers and transient traders in Ontario municipalities were given their third annual year's "hoist" by the municipal law committee of the Legislature on Wednesday. A bill sponsored by F. W. Smye, West Hamilton, contained a new scale of fees. Opponents of the measure stressed principally the hardships said to be involved upon certain interests with large investments. Hon. Dr. Carr, East Hamilton, took the consumer's side, pointing out that they were the people who needed protection, rather than the retail merchant. A feature of the proposed legislation that impressed the committee was that it left the large mail 'order houses untouched. The committee was sufficiently sympathetic, however, to recommend appointment of a select committee of the House to investigate the entii problem which transient traders re SIDEWALKS There is an agitation in various parts of Ontario to make provision for pedestrians on the highways. Sidewalks are proposed or, at least, footpaths. Of course, pedestrians .are few, but in some parts of the Province, we have seen school children trying to make their way along the edges of the highway with the automobiles coming up behind them at an average rate of six or seven per minute. It is a dangerous process. One remembers walking about a mile on Sunday morning and taking the trouble to count the one hundred and twenty-five motor cars that whizzed by during the short period of time involved. It is a nerve racking experience. Pedestrians, though almost an extinct race, are still entitled to protection and to an opportunity to walk they must walk or prefer to walk, en footnaths would be of immense •vice. The Department of Highwavs has the matter under consideration will, no doubt, provide either foot paths or sidewalks. SAYS FINLAYSON "Every municipal officer in the country is under paid," was the dictum of Hon. Mr. Finlayson, when the Municipal Committee of the Legislature considered an amendment to the Municipal Acet by which every qualified person elected to any municipal office must take the oath of offii within 20 days after election and, in default, shall be deemed to have : signed. Hitherto, a defaulter was si ect to a fine. The Act was amended so that county judge now has the right to investigate the affairs of any business conducted by an elected commission or by a commission appointed by municipal. council. Hon. H. C. Nixon said he would next year sponsor an .amendment extending the municipal franchise to farmers' daughters. E. C. Graves (St. Catharines), said he would next session introduce a bill providing that candidates for municipal office must have property qualification. He thought Labor men, now they were owning property of their own, would rather see substantial men elected. Baseball appears to be dead in Port Hope. Only four fans attended a meeting called last Friday night to ascertain whether a Port Hope team would enter the Lake Shore League, to comprise Oshawa Motors, Peterboro Goodyear's and Port Hope. Last season they had a successful team in he D. & O. League and went into the semi-finals to be beaten by the fast Delora team. the hog market. The co Canada and United States hog raising districts, and acerage decreases so do population. This will n creasing demand for Canadian hogs grown on wheat, oats, barley and clover or alfalfa. the hog Hereafter all cheesemakers in On tario will be required to have a certificate of qualification based upon their ability *o make good cheese before they can assume control of factories. Such is one of the stipulations laid down in the new regulations just passed in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. Abe Robinson who was acquitted a few weeks ago on a charge of murdering Constable St. Charles at Eldorado, and who was placed under surveillance as to his sanity,-was adjudged not insane when he appeared in Police Court at Belleville hist week. If the "bright lights" attract young people to the towns and cities, why not light up the country with Hydro? The 20 per cent, rebate, recently announced, will help a little, but the moon is by far the cheaper so yet. For the year ending Jan. 1st, 1927, Mr. George Goodrich, License Inspect-S*. seized $1,200 worth of liquor, which was sent to dispensaries, and fines in connection with his regime for this same period, amounted to $7,380. At a Leicester inquest on a man aged 72 killed by falling off a cart, it was stated that he started work at seven years of age, had worked 65 years for one firm and had never lost a day's work. Stirling plans to erect a new town hall that will serve the purpose of a community centre. There is also a movement on foot to organize a band. Men's suits and top coats--1000 samples to choose from. Made to measure, at Hawkins'. JUDICIAL DOUBT I met a Scotsman and he filled me up with beer." was the excuse " a man charged with drunkenness Thames Police Court. Mr. Cairns, the magistrate: "I can dieve some things, but I can hardly believe that." New Service Station -at- Victoria Opera House, Colborne will open on Thursday, April 21st, 1927 With full supplies of Gasoline, Oils, Etc. FRE*E OFFER--Every customer purchasing 5 gals of gasoline on opening day will be given One Quart of Oil Free of Charge. Community Dance The same evening a Community Dance will be held under the auspices of the U.F.O. Club. See posters for further particulars. 1 IRA EDWARDS, Proprietor J. M. SNETSINGER, Manager If you have anything to sell, or want to buy anything--try our Condensed Ads. I We Sell for Less We Sell for Less j Allen's Bargain Store COLBORNE The Place for Real Bargains Painting season is on, and We have the goods for you Martin-Senour, the well-known high-grade paint, a large range of colors to choose from, @, per quart $1.45, or per gallon 5.50 Household Paint--This is a paint that we purchased to compete with Eaton's prices, a large range of colors, per qt. 75c, gal. 2.75 Elephant White Lead, per cwt...........16 00 Raw and Boiled Oils, per gal........... 1.35 Complete line of Tinware and Hardware, Milk Pails, Milk Cans, Aluminumware, Graniteware, Paint Brushes, etc. Grocery Specials Corn Flakes..................3 for .25 Macaroni, ready cut..............31b .25 Tobacco....................3 pkgs. . 25 Classic Cleanser..............3 tins .25 Soap Chips, large package..........2 for .25 Laundry Soap ................20 bars 1.00 Large Size Prunes................31b .25 Seedless Raisins..............21b .25 Fancy Blue Rose Rice..............31b .25 Pure Lard................201b pail 3.00 Brooms, each . . .................25 Tomatoes.................. . 2 tins .25 Corn........................2 tins .25 Peas........................2 tins .25 Choice Figs....................21b .25 Jelly Powders................5 for .25 Get Our Prices on Everything -- We Sell for Less OUR TERMS ARE CASH / ^ C. M. Allen & Son Dress Up For Easter, Men! SELECT YOUR REQUIREMENTS FROM OUR STOCK -- IT'S NEW NH\ LATIN IS USED tury, Latin continued to be what may called an international language, was the written language of all _ her education. In the matter of physicians' prescription the use of Latin is a remnant of that international standing of language. It makes prescription good in any civilized REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Mr. D. W. Coyle. Grafton, has sold The Mansion House, his hotel property in that village to Mr. Breckenridge. " Wm. Cashion has sold the north half of lot 5, con. 3, Haldimand Tp., to Floyd S. Harnden. Floyd S. Harnden has also purchased parts of lots 5 and 6, con. 3, Haldimand Tp.. from John McAweeney. Butter Wrappers at Express Office, i Top Coats, Blue Suits, Grey Suits, Stripes, Fine Tweeds Prices from $15.00 to $25.00 Hats, Caps, Gloves, Hose, Underwear, Shirts, Scarfs, Collars, Shoes Spring Display of Fine Shoes Suits and Top Coats tailored to measure. 1000 samples to choose from. Made any style you wish. Guaranteed to fit. Prices $24 to $35. Ever have trouble buying clothes? If so, try us! SPECIAL SALE TIES, SHIRTS and HATS FOR EASJER Headquarters for Working Clothes--.Overalls, Smocks, Gloves and Sox. Work Boots a Specialty Rain Coats, Rubber Boots Club Bags ' Trunks Suit Cases If It's Good We Sell It FRED HAWKINS Phone 47 King Street Colborne

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