Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 27 Jan 1927, p. 1

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7 ■11 !1X7 THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27th, 1927 $2 a year in advance: $2.50 to U.S.A. COLBORNE COUNCIL Several Officers Appointed.--Grant $75.00 to Public Library.--Town •Hall Rents Fixed.--Auditors Report Books of Corporation and School Treasurers in Excellent Shape and Finances Satisfactory. The adjourned meeting of Colborae Council was held Monday evening, Jmuary 24th, 1927. Present:--Sam D. Dudley, Reeve; W. J. Cowie, Ira Edwards, B. E. Mal-' lory and J. M. Snetsinger, Councillors. Communicatflonjs read included: From Ontario Treasury Department, enclosing cheque for $19.04, Colborne's share of Railway Tax, 1926, after deducting $46.20 for maintenance of two patients in Ontario Hospitals. From Hospital for Sick Children, re-qu?sting donation. Tn response to advertisement for applications for several oflfices the following were read: For Assessor--3. D. Scripture, Jno. W. McCarl. For Collector of Taxes--Wm. Usher For Member Board of Health--C. \V. Jrandell, W. R. Scott. For Chief of Police--W. J. Jamieson and J. E. Alyea. By-Laws were passed appointing the following: Treasurer--H. S. Keyes. Assessor--S. D. Scripture. Tax Collector--Wm, Usher. Chief of Police--W. J. Jamieson. Board of Health Reeve--Sam D. Dudley. Medical Officer--Dr. J. A. Brown. Ratepayer--C. W. Crandell. Secretary--H. S. Keyes. As representatives of the Village improvement Society, Mrs. R. Snetsinger and Mrs F. P. Strong asked for a grant towards the Public Lib-r-ary. which the members of the Society are interesting themselves in reorganizing. The library has already been moved to the Council Room, occupying the South end of the room, t-nd it is intended to re-organlze the Library Board as soon as a canvass for members has been finished. Moved by Ira Edwards, seconded l»v W. J. Cowie, That w6 agree to grant Public Library the sum of $75. - Carried. Moved by W. J. Cowie, seconded by E. E. Mallory, That a new contract be drafted and signed by the Chief of Police for next regular meeting of this Council. Committee. The Reeve, Vt. Mallory and the Clerk.--Carried. The Standard Bank of Canada was appointed banker for the Corporation, EASTEHN STAR OFFICERS 1927 At the last regular meeting of Colborne Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, Sister Ruth Clarke as investing Officer, Si3ter Maude Redfearn installing Marshall and Sister Edna Moore Installing Chaplain, the following officers were installed: Brother H. P. Moore, Worthy Patron Sister Mary Snetsinger WorthyMatron. Ruby Fleming .. Ass. Matron " Edna Moore......Secretary Mary A. Padginton. .Treasurer Kathleen Scripture, Conductress Madeline Cowie.. .. Ass. Con, " Jennie Chapin......Chaplain Catherine M. Craig .. Marshall Mamie Mallory.. .. .. Pianist " Mary Coffee.........A.dah " Ruth Clarke........Ruth " Jessie Dudley......Esther " Mina Covert......Martha Florence Cracknell.. .. Electa Helena Seed......Warder Brother A. T. Fleming .. .. Sentinel Brother D. Ives . . . . .. . . Auditor Sister Jessie Dudley ., .. Trustee A pleasing feature was the presentation of an Eastern Star emblem ring to Sister Myrtle Troop, who has been pianist of the Chapter since its organization, and a silver flower basket to Sister Edna Moore, who has acted during the last two years as Secretary, to which office she was re-elected. H EWSON--BLACKLOCK PERSONAL At St. Andrew's Church, Grafton, on j M G R K t a feW davs Tuesday, Jan. 21th, 1926, at 12 o'clo*,|on bugi tri to j^don during a pretty wedding was solemnized,;. when Miss Elsie May Blacklock, „ », „ , „ , „ ,„ at youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Misa^ Vera McCrackenwho is at-C. Blacklock was united in marriage tending O. B. C Belleville. *as to Mr. Morgan Andrew Hewson, only hmne over tne weekend, son of Mr. A. J. Hewson of Cobourg. Mr. Robt. J. Sudell has returned Andrew McLauchlin, B.A., B. D.,.|ho_me after spending the^Christmr~ Two rinks of Colborne curlers were unsuccessful in games against Belleville rinks in the Ditrict Cup Competition held at Cobourg on Tuesday. Mr. J. W. Bickle of Cobourg was umpire^>f the play. Campbellford won against Belleville in the finals, after defeating Cobourg, who had won from Oshawa. officiated. The church was tastefully decorated in white and green. While the wedding march was being played by Miss Marion Hutcheson, the bride enme to the altar on the arm of ifer father, who gave her away. She i becomingly gowned in brocaded iv crepe-de-chine, and wore a veil with orange blossoms, carrying a bouqu-st of sweetheart roses, freesia and l3fy of the valley. During the signing of the register Miss Hutcheson sang "Oh Perfect Love." After the ceremony a reception was held and a delightful buffet luncheon was served at the home of the bride, after which hearty words of felicitation were expressed to the happy couple by Rev. Mr. McLauchlin, Mr. A. J. Hewson and others. Mr. and Mrs. Hewson took the east bound train at 3 o'clock for Ottawa and Montreal, the bride travelling in a dress of wine colored satin crepe trimmed with gold and hat to match. After a ten day honeymoon they will return to Cobourg where they will take up residi NEi Council of the Village of Colborne for 1926, report that we have examined the books of the Clerk-Treasurer and find them in the best condition we have ever had the pleasure of examining them. We find-Receipts were.. ..31047.83 Expenditures were 31150.53 ving a debit of.. 102.',0 It was decided to pay Corporation aborers at the rate of 30c per hour. Moved by W. J. Cowie, seconded by ' M. Snetsinger. That fee for use >f Fire Hall be $10.00; and when ised by Village Improvement Society ir for charitable purposes to be given Balance in Bank.. 5355.93 Cheques outstand'g 5458.63 Debit balance .. 102.70 We recommend that cheques 14 for lii.00, So! 2'rfoF 192 for $2.50, No. 42 for $2.50, issued in 1925, be cancelled. John T. Gordon, • E. M. Broomfleld, Auditors. The following payn 3 were auth- B Redcliffe. snow shovelling, t0 be charged against prop- j erties............ ..$ 10.65 Hospital for Sick Children .. 5.00 H S. Keyes, registration of -• births, marriages and deaths 1926............ .... 14.00 J T Gordon, auditor...... 20.00 K. M. Broomfield. auditor . . . 20.00 The reports of the auditors, John T (ronton and E. M. Broomfield, were read, and they reported the books of Abstract Statement of Receipts and Expenditures of the Colborne Board of Education for 1926 High School Receipts Balance in Bank Jan. 1, 1926 $5757.49 TRINITY CHURCH, COLBOR The annual meeting of the vestftr of Trinity Church, Colborne, held Monday evening, January 241 1927, in the Parish Hall. The reports of the Warden' srs. C. A. Bryans and A. G. Cract rell. and the several societies of the Church showed satisfactory balancis in all funds, with liabilities of tfo. year all met. Officers for 1927 were appointed and elected as follows: Rector's Warden--John T. Gordoj People's Warden--Dr. Blown. Lay Delegates to Synod--J. C. Cui ming, Major G. E. R. Wilson, and P. Strong. Auditors-- Major G. E. R. Wilsi R. R. Joslin. Rector's Sidesmen--Clarke Crai Harry Bestwick, B. J Walh People's Sidesmen -Roy Matthew*. R. R. Joslin, A. G. Cracknell. .I' The meeting adjourned for o^ month, to consider question of tlljfc Parish being changed to r. i _ The Cities Service Oil Company on Tuesday purchased the building and property just south of Mr. James Thome's residence, Colborne, known as the B. H. Coyle storage. On the east side of the lot the Company will erect tanks for storage of gasoline and kerosene, to be distributed from here to dealers in the district. Rebate c 1925 village .ellent si Exam. Fees . Provincial Grant.. .. County Grant...... Cadet Grant . . . . Village Levy....... E.?nk' Interest....... 50.00 84.00 . 1272.43 . 4689.95 50.00 3675.00 75.57 1 Total............ 15669.44 Expenditures | Teachers' Salaries, $7720.00 ! less $193.06 superannuation $7526.94 Janitor.............. 325.00 | Sec.-Treas............. 85.00 Light . Motorists are warned to purchase their new markers before they drive their car as the time limit has elapsed; otherwise a fine will be imposed. Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, falls this year on March 2nd, Good Friday is on April 15th, and Easter Sunday on April 17th. Special sale men's heavy pants, mackinaw coats and rubbers at Haw- holidays with friends in Hamilton. Our esteemed High School Principal, Geo. E. Kennedy has been off duty for a week, fighting an attack of the influenza. Mr. E. T. Turpin has returned home after several weeks visit with his nephew, Mr. John Nichols and other friends in Hamilton. Mr. R. Snetsinger, ex-Warden, and Mr. L- C. Murphy, ex-member, attended the opening of Counties Council at Cobourg, Tuesday. Mr. W. N. McDougal! has so far recovered from his recent illness as to be able to return yesterday from Cobourg hospital to his home. All are pleased to see Mr. E. W. Snelgrove on the street again after his illness of typhoid fever, from which he is recovering nicely. The Rev. S. C. Moore, B.A., B.D., is away on a visit to friends in Arizona. All hope the change well benefit his health which has not been the best for a few months. Mrs. Joseph Bellamy and Mrs. Alhert Barnes of Salem, and Mrs. John McDonald of East Colborne, visited the former's daughter, Mrs. Albert "•win, Cobourg, recently. Reeve Elliott of Bowmanville wes !ected Warden for the United Coun-es of Northumberland and Durham »r 1927. He received 23 votes to 17 >r Reeve Wood of Millbrook. Dr. J. R. Hancock, J. T. Gordon, II. . Keyes, ,Wm. Kernaghan, C. B. Kirk, Ira Edwards, S. E. Turpin and F. Moore were at Cobourg on Tuesday evening, on a fraternal visit tf Cobourg Chapter. R.A.M. & Old parishioners and other citizens were glad to greet the Rev. Dr. W. A. McKenzie, who was in Colborne on Wednesday for a few hours. Dr. McKenzie is going as supply to a parish north of Brockville for a few weeks. . Reeve Sam D. Dudley of Colborne, Beeve S. A. Clarke and Deputy Reeve W. E. Chesterfield of Cramahe Tp., and Reeve A. R. McKenzie and Deputy Eeeve Ziba Harnden of Haldimand Township, are all attending Counties Council session in Cobourg this week. f Tic wr;: frrandfi oil Mr. Wesley Jennings, of Canton, formerly of Cen-treton, will regret to learn that he has been quite ill for the past week with influenza and heart trouble. Mrs. T. Padginton, Mrs. C. C. Craig, and Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Moore were at Trenton on the evening of January 17th, 1927, for the installation of the officers of Trenton Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. The Officers of Minerva Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, Belleville, were installed and invested on Wednesday evening, January 19th, 1927. Past Grand Matron, Mrs. Ralston of Unity Chapter, Toronto, and patrol conducted the ceremonies in the presence of a large attendance of members and visitors. Mrs. C. E. Redfearn, Past Worthy Matron of Golborne Chapter, assisted as Grand Electa. Mrs. A. T. Fleming and Mrs. H. F. Moore, accompanied Mrs. Riedfearn as visitors. I mrs. wm: samons dies of injuries j received in road accident j The icy condition and ruts of the I highway were responsible for a tressing accident in Colborne, about, noon, Monday, January 24th. 1927, when a cutter being driven by Mr. Wm. Samons, who was accompanied by his wife, was struck by a skidding automobile with such force that it was badly smashed and the o< pants thrown out, and the horse ran away for a considerable distance Mrs. Samons received injuries in til,, back of the skull which rendered her unconscious and from the effects of which she died on Tuesday morning, at the Cobourg General Hospital, where she was taken after having been given first aid by Drs. Brown and McGlennon at Mr. W. H. Peterson's home, near the scene of the accident. Mr. Samonts received injuries to the back of the head as well as a shaking up, but was not seriously injured. The car, a Dodge sedan, was being driven by Mr. Edwin Miller, a florist of Toronto, and although greatly unnerved and affected by the accident he did everything possible in aiding and having the injured locked after. The accident happened near the Baptist Church. Mr. Samons, driving eastward had stopped on the north s'de of the roadway, to let out his niece, M'rs. Nelson, in front of her home. Mr. Miller seeing the rig standing there pulled farther to the right and says he sounded the horn, expecting to pass on that side. But when only a short distance away, Mr. Samons started up and pulled to the right side again. It was then Mr. Miller shut off the gas, applied the brakes, and endeavored to steer the car to the left. But instead of answering the wheel the car skidded sideways for quite a few feet and struck the rig and then went over the ditch and onto the sidewalk in front of the church. Eyewitnesses state the car was going at a moderate speed. An inquest was opened at Cobourg or Tuesday evening. After viewing the body an adjournment of one week was made. 0 Insurance........ 9 Interest on overdraft . 4 Repairs.......... 0 Stamps.......; 0 Fuel . . . . * .. . . 9 Convention expenses . 5 Examinations . 10.17 159.13 9.50 140.09 975.15 13.10 219.56 i Bank Jan. 1, 1927 6168,25 Board of Health Miscellaneous .. Sidewalks .. . 193.90 . .7738.59 . 2460.00 . 1129.25 . 282.17 . 229.60 .11000.00 Deb. 31150.53 Assets Taxes 1925 ...... 57.80 Taxes 1926 ........■ • 2298.19 Taxes 1926 3% penalty.. .. 70.44 Cramahe Tp., D. C. rent .... 26.66 tountv Share H S. Deb. 1926 1500.00 Cement Bags returned .... 129.00 Town Hall rents........ 20.00 4102.99 Liabilities Total............ 15669.44 Public School Receipts _ lance in Bank Jan. 1, 1926 $2613.89 Legislative Grant........ 1031.25 Provincial Grant........ 32.34 Cramahe Levy.......... 825.00 Village Levy.......... 3000.00 COMING EVENTS The statutory or re-organization meeting of Colborne Board of Education will be held Wednesday evening, Feb. 2nd, 1927, at 8 o'clock. A Progressive Euchre will be held in the Parish Hall, Colborne, to-morrow, Friday evening, • Jan. 28th, 1927, commencing at 8 p.m. Refreshments. Admission 25c. All invited. The W. M. S. will hold an oyster supper in the Church Hall, Salem, on Wednesday, February 2nd, 1927. A good programme is being prepared. Admission 50c and 35c. 4-1 Saturday Afternoon Teas-- The Colborne Village Improvement Society will hold teas every Saturday afternoon and evening until further notice in the Council Room. All are invited. The annual meeting of the subscribers of the Cramahe Municipal Telephone System has been called for Saturday next, at 2 p.m., at Town Hall, Castleton, for the election of Commisisoners, receiving reports, and transaction of ah other busines pertaining to the system. The U. F. O. annual oyster supper will be held in the town hall, Castleton, Friday evening, January 28th, 1927, under the auspices of the Castleton U. F. O. Club. A good program including Mrs. Lapp of Brighton, and local talent. Admission 50c, children 25c. Supper from 5 to 8. Everybody welcome. CHURCH NOTES TRINITY CHURCH Sunday, January 30th, 1926 Rev. T. Mc Kim, M.A., Rector 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Morning Prayer 7.60 p.m.--Evening Prayer. HILTON CIRCUIT Sunday, January 30th, 1926 Rev. W. H. darke, Pastor 11.00 a.m.--Shiloh 2.30 p.m.--Sharon. 7.00 p.m.--Hilton. CARD OF THANKS COLBORNE PUBLIC LIBRARY New Board Elected--New Quarters in Council Room--New Librarian Appointed--Open Tuesdays and Saturdays--New Books to be Ordered. Thanks to the energetic officers and | members of the Colborne Village Improvement Society, the Public Library has been removed to the Council Room, where it wll be convenient for the reading public to drop in during Tuesday and Saturday afternoons and evenings, on which days it will be open until further notice. Miss Helen Snetsinger will be in charge as Librarian. New books will be added from time to time. The Library Board lias been reorganized with the following officers: Chairman--Mrs. R. Snesinger. ' Secretary--Mrs. F. P. Strong. Treasurer--Mrs. S. D. Dudley. Directors--The Reeve, Sam. D. Dudley, Rev. T. McKim, M.A., Rev. R. McCullough, Rev. S. C. Moore, PA., B.D., Rev. L. H. Coles; Principal of II. S., Mr. G- E. Kennedy, Principal of P. S., Mr. A. G. Cracknell, Major G. E. R. Wilson, H. S. Keyes, J. H. Gale, and the Executive of the Village Improvement Society. NITED CHURRCH OF CANADA Rev. S. C. Moore, B.A., B.D., Pastoi Sunday, January 30th, 1926 Colborne-- Rev. H. C. Huston of Alj- j*«iieviiie, win preach at both s 10.30 a.m.--Public Worship p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class, p.m.--Public Worship Salem-- L 30 p.m.--Sunday School >.30 p.m.--Rev. Mr. Huston will All welcome at all services Mrs. James Herley and family wish to express their grateful appreciation to friends and neighbors for their thoughtfulness, sympathy and helpfulness in their recent sad bereave- BIRTHS Friday, and Mrs. m (James Total............ 7502.48 Expenditues Teachers' Salaries $4125.00 less $102.28 Superannuation $4022.72 mitor.............. 250.04 Repairs............ 106.71 Fuel................ 462.02 Insurance............ 229.18 Light................ 19.22 Supplies.............. 105.59 Banance in Bank Jan. 1,1927 2307.00 Total ............' 7502.48 The books of the Colborne High and Public Schools were audited and John T. Gordon, E. M. Broomfield, Auditors No, old timer, it don't mean that CLOCKS! CLOCKS! THIS IS CLOCK WEEK AT THE JEWELLERY STORE OUR STOCK IS VERY LARGE JUST NOW ALARM CLOCKS HALL CLOCKS MANTLE CLOCKS PRICES FROM $2.00 to $25.00 SEE OUR WINDOW THIS WEEK Munro--At Baltimore, i jday, January 15th, 1927, t : Mrs. William Munro, a so Guillet-- At Toronto, o January 14th, 1927, to Mr, Edwin Clarence Guillet, a £ Edwin). DEATHS Samons--At Cobourg General Hospital, 0n Tuesday, January 25th, 1927, Charlotte Louise Samis, beloved wife of Mr. Wm. Salmons, East Colborne, aged 66 years. Funeral from her late residence, Friday at 2 p.m. Interment at Shiloh Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM Hodges--In loving memory ot our dear Melborne who lost his 1 'e suddenly Jan. 28th, 1924. --Greatly Sissed. Often do our thoughts wander To a grave not far away, Where they laid our dearest Melborne Just three years ago to-day. Mother, Sister and Brothers. Last week at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Hon. Justice Kelly interpreted the will of the late Robert Albert Thompson, of Murray Township, a farmer, who died in 1918. He left a [arm in that township, also a widow and one young daughter, who is now 18 years of age, and the interpretation comes up in regard to an allowance for the girl's education. Hon. Mi. Justice Kelly finds that the widow takes the farm in Murray Township, during her life time of widowhood, and half the balance of testator's personal account after deducting $500 for his brothers and sisters. ' bequest is subject to education of testator's daughter, a girl then the age of ten years, and the setting aside of $100 a year for her until she is 21 years of age. On the death or re-marriage of the widow she loses the farm, but is entitled to share in the residue of the estate. The judge refuses to determine whether on re-marriage the widow is to be allowed maintenance of the child. That is a matter which depends on circumstances at the time of re-mar- successful su rster supper and dance g U. F. O. and U. F. W. i Thursday evening. Jan wsed off successfully H. J. MAYHEW ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH, BURNBRAE, JUST CLOSED SUCCESSFUL YEAR (Campbellford Herald) The annual business meeting of St. ndrew's Presbyterian Church, Burn-rae, was held on Thursday after-oon,'January 13th, with a large at-;ndance. The minister, Rev. D. A. McKenzie, was chairman and Mr. W. A. Milne ■etary. There was a fine spirit of harmony, and optimism. The reports the various organizations were y satisfactory and there was every evidence of enthusiasm and success the work of the church. The congregation after spending $327.00 in repairing the furnace and eting all obligations in connection with stipend, caretaking, etc., has a lus of $639.23 to carry forward into (this year. The Ladies' Aid Society has a bailee in the treasury of $343.96. The Women's Missionary Society ised $108.00. The Mission Band contributed $37.00 for missions. "le Sunday School was well attended and after giving a grant to missions and Sick Children's Hospital in Toronto, has sufficient money purchase a number of library books. The Young People's Society paid for decorating the vestry, purchased imber of hymn books and gave a grant to missions. The total amount contributed for missions was $443.25. The report of the Cemetery committee showed a balance on hand of $51.00. Ten united with the church, mak- g the membership 111. The congregation faces the future , hopefully and they are determined to ' go forward to greater work for Christ and His Church. The officers and members of Col-borne Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, were hostesses of a pleasant evening on Friday Jan. 14th, 1927, when they entertained the friends who assisted them in the play "Bimbo," which was so successfully presented recently. There was a skating party at the rink, followed by a social time in the lodge rooms, where cards and dancing were enjoyed. CIng STREET Heavy mitts and glo COLDEST SPELL OF SEASON Sweeping unannounced out of the North, the coldest temperature of the - season descended on Ontario Wednesday morning. In Northumberland County the mercury ranged from 12 to 18 below zero while farther j north it dropped as low as 25.

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