CONSOUATION BASKETEAIL WINNERS AT ANGUS ammolthnw IIth IMIII no ottm loommenu It tillAlb rad tom In mu plum no WI III Inn cullII pI Mull tar III at rurIl clllm Ihe mm the III Ind ll pIrl Lat In Mod recorded 1M mnulh mil Mil ml Donn tnuI Ina VIIInItooI Hook marh Ind II but It WI In we Illan MI Nominate ulm for I915 Gulnm ALthITOK llIllI row llr 0H lied rIlm hm Mon nnmlnml to the MI Quail 0mm Impum Imn mm Ilium II no IIIan mu III alum ol uncul Mvmry mom on mm lure WM Mull Indium Ilrl nod Ind in trom In wild with man wnotmlrruluooorrwrm ondIry oIII III Illd Imor mm to mid ID Im rlidm Brilllh Ind Ian 01 III Iumpun Breedl The rnmullwn Wl MI III ItnIIl Winm Fur It Tor ur 1h elm 1qu Rubin CALL VIC mm It Orlllll lrlr Mrourill km In hn Ida Ambit In Modem or mIInIIIIre Int mum on mmbmlnmdndunlla Modem mom Ewell In mlIrm ulInImlboIro ammo Hon cm mun lie all III mommy or on In our IIII II In all III tIrrrMn III quoted II 50 um Smith reports oour nodLin IN WImun rr lIYIIHIIIMWIM mtarrmuon WI 1qu Elm girl goi Eto 4H unions AMI lINII 3mm at In TWINfl mmmnt mm mm 2mm WIIIIIIIII ll IIrmc mm IIIm Unlumm 4m WI 15 III III An Inan mu aunt ti anIIIImI It iI on farm help AWIMIIJIJBIAIM MI om Im lurmm opium the wt II Iy Iowan mm AM Is lllmlll IIII In Immnl In III all mm to WEI DIIIII lhl put III there Imuva hm ItIr or IImm an the Mn pm IIIIIIII II II II llA II up II rumm un he IIIII II 47 III IE iii E2 The tint lltlll of nequ IIIld In only IIIIuIr1 oi till year no meat think um um wry ot hoopla III cornmunluunn than our ho omn Otto Ind PulNlltr iii If i252g lgi IE El IE it ti It Fi COUNTY GIIMISES room Iorrlui VALE team mom uunrt Itvlllon nl IN emu Pp MM nbll lulu on WWII III VIuv II othede In ll WImIIy tn InoIth IquIrt lune Ilm on Aodnnodl HAND WCIIT GRILLIA Onllh Silver IInd Itll mom we loll moron llll th Voul Inl It the our lieuI on 7nd mm June what pm lP Ill TINT IIENII mlll CmIIIIY low In lu wllIbI of Man for VIs Inwnul to new In in st um Ivor III you or 41 per ram AI TIM COOKMOWIV TM II II lmu III II pllnmnl In MIMI II LII IIIrllnl club on Jim TI mm nmn IKEICHII Irmnvnsr Pthnn wt mum II llrmym Bllm In III III Illanllr II Mme II nva In II II In mum noel undo 9ova IHII HII pool Ind out II III II the tool tIIrIrouodI on Sutur dly IIIM pottome wlnbooruuldnloodl woe mule Ind DlItrlrt Jun Ior CMIII club IIIGI Ltn II rIIIIIIIItJ AM DWI ONLIJA tltllt III olth It Irrwlou Iod Imhu by Toronto IrttIt All II Connolly on dlroloy II III 0r tIhI public lloruy Ind Irlll eon IInIII to In Ihovn lllltl JIIIII Mr mm MM It the Orl IIM Collar at Art III In Ind man VMI pho ln Noah ArnIrIII Europe Ind AIII DELEGATE APPOINle ILMVALE llltll Mn thy Tuck at III II Ivallr In been nIInId Cont Ammo All Irln dunno lo Illuld mI Ann om County mo Woman In IlnuII conmtlon lII IIrrIr In lhl lull In Mr Alln Drmlv lll Elm mm mm Tuck uhll Mr mm In 51mm melInl llhh MIR IIIII mn Ind lll rrmm mm In mm Ill remand mm It IIIII Hll II II mu if 25 222 El isgeii 35 13 if El tom dlttu Ind lo MON Gon ltdntloo III on dl luv And that to Ihtu mm IhI mum at mt utlonl Ind in In CII Idl dole II mm IIIII rum Ilull nILlaul MI III13 rocuty fa gt opened ln Iho port to MIL mll hard olllrr on IIoIoI My You donI hm be pIIIIIIIIl MI In to IpprodItI the truIIIdrnII we amplh NllKlWIt ol Clwtln IIImpI in whch my mounted on wkmmum wolghlnc mlnI nuIItIIu Ind mm lulu nutan Ind =me pol win born In hm thIIM bed pm CIIIIdIIII poem mm Ih be In It you happen to him your blmlu Ilatll be run to uh Inn drum IhI MINI ml Puttwa In Sunny mop mllho IIrkw II cloud lo Milli gigg lulltr human Ind pm um rllll IInmIImI III my de noun III um II Arumm mm warm III III IIII name In CHIRO RACIOR Im It awn 0V NCE 0F ONTARIO MINIST OF NATURAL RESOURCES IlquIJlfIthnttlIr BMW loll llulI unlluttml liy the nllIrinlIIIIIINIIIIthlIIII llIIII luvs Ill LfllLll pit ltllllllltllillILfLIlllluk llvllwIII lltlltl lllllllllllllllllllh tlFlO in lnIhlfll llllll iIIII IIIIIIIIH itilll IlwlvtII lwllll Illt Illl loll IIIHIIIIIIIIII II lnimlrunm