trmm TEE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY oer 31 195i McGIlLEN RAPS CITIZENS FOR DESTRUCTION AMONGST OUR NATURAL RESOURCES There is so much greed selfishness and destruction now going on among our natural resources the game and fish the wildlife and forests of Canada that unless it is stopped very lulllslll LRIJnfl ltital squad innit book about the greatest nation of masters the world has Uti MN MN NM Hub Maw 10 pt lllc best known so declared Pete McGlllen Outdoors Editor of The pair contest Toronto Evening Telegram speaking before the Kiwanis Club gt stalls no lost the gtLltt5 of centre soon some historian 50 years from now is going to write of Barrie Monday at Community House er is om en ti Th inf so for all our games 413d 5h 11 elitoid Murray Costello Il MacDonald 1our local producti and sever he pointed out The attitude among our Citizens who do 11 mm rm W1 0L want norm 1039 Who wam only bread htti place ie with Galt if they lllulllpli tonight but the Flyers cannot af regulations puzzles me There are more tilt and run conserva tionists in Ontario than anywhere know in this world Every person should take pcrsz oiial responsibility to see that your standing speakers of the year an children can go out in our watclS Barrie Kiwanis Club Lake Sinicoc and Georgian Bay for Hummu was l11 come the sznuc Slmtlmk llllVilCRCS an hour after Illgt address on The you haVe now but you wont haveE 10 and 10 no mt Mubkmv them for long unless the laws tilt obeyed and the wildlife have at chance to Me and propagate There is no sense to this slau glitci that keeps going on caniiot understand either why the average magistrate seems to view so very lightly the infractions of the iiin and game icuilations Nature ean not be hurried Restoration and cori scivatloti is long and costly pro cess Weather IETI McGlliLEN The outside he declared was the most fabulous fresh water fish in the world Under normal spawning conditions in the world there was only 2530 hatch however it has been found at the new Muskie Hat chery at Dec Lake that 7580l hatch can be obtained using artif lcial methods This is the only case know where man has improved folti to rem his tcoiitl home lll and third of the season According to reports the team will be at full strength With the OXCtpllOll of Dave Whalen vho Mr McGilltn was one of the outI vacated local stables for Ills home in Port Artluir over the weekend lie is not expected to arrive heie for the engagement and it is likely that and his target Iloii Savage tlllLLlllllti HISUIHCI Mid Utility tillb I0 plytng him with questions for halfi Campbell over nature liedeclarcd Each niuskio is worth at least $500 to the economy of the land through its tourist and sporting value Mr McGillcn gave some very iii tcresting facts about the muskie Only one other fish he knew was so carnivorous the pickerel From gradle to grave it eats other fish ut the speaker ave definite evid and the more one ence that it will Sat other meat and than in good weather sen told instances of muskics eating and kinfisher lothes for bl you The muskie grows very rapidly In five years it is 30 inches which lily cleaning is legal size Here was one reason for regulation The muskie does not DIAL 2471 NuServire Cleaners After wet slush and mud hang clothes carefully in shape away from heat when dry brush gently SPORT ANGLES By GEORGE STOREY AS RESULT of last nights games The Barrie Flyers face must with iuiozito St Mirna1s College The St Catharine Teepees Oshawa 33 lo lllth into zxtn place in the liilttllllgs and if the keep tte last playoff position in their sights they to date as the Ilioigt who have only lost one game in eported to be Listskating hardhitting crew They have Willie Marshall due to overage but they all retained zlob Saiionrin Bill Diriccn goalie Ed Chadwick Mike Rat go lads from Bay Street can move into third wx stationary tuach flap iZninis will be searching for the tiighscozin star from Sarina junior Bees will fill its shoes lhalcii patrolled right wing wtih centre Skip Teal and flcg lllll MEAN our Allandale greyhound who aided the Flyers to the Memorial tup last year was home for few hours yesterday along with Stan Long Buffalo Blsons has an off week in American Hockey League activity and the boys were allowed to remain overnight in Barrie Bill reports having dressed for three games but only saw action in two However he states that llison general manager hapman informed him that the would centre Knobby Warwick and Vern Kaiser in the weekend game with Syracuse replacing the veteran Ali llcniarco who has been sent Ironic for couple of weeks From the teams hi has seen so far Bill rates 51 Louis Myers and Pittsburgh Hornets as the pick of the crop Asked what the trouble is with the lllsons thc greyhound couldnt put his finger on it Just one of these things he said He did relate however that Sid lllcNabncy lion Aslibec and lord lenncll all former Myers appear to be finding their form again wlth lennell looking very good up front He said that Stan Long Is flndlng no trouble making the AMI gratlt and at the present is the best defenecman Buffalo have They lll sent llugli nrrie who establlshed new scoring mark for defenccmen in the Alll last year and was elman on the allstar team down to Pacic oast League for few weeks BILL STATES the main difference between pio hockey and junioi is the players make their moves taster You dont have much chance to look around when you get the puck he said lle also has not iced that even though you paws puck the defenccmcn still charge you Its not like junior where defenceman stops his check after you pass the puck the peeoy centre ln related Asked how the local products look in llersliey Bill aid they use them for power plays killing penalties plus taking their regular line turns llc said that Ray Gariepy is still heaving the cheeky around and if he hadnt stopped short in one gains would have been crushing Victim of the hard hittint bluelitiei He seems to enjoy bumping leiniell llagun smiled lllorrison looks very good and Leo labine is still the same aggressive rightwinger lle reported that Dave Creighton is ceiitiing Leo and Real Chevrelils lerry loppauini looks good too Quizzed on Gil Mayers goaling with Pittsburgh Bill said the diminutive nctmindei is not midget any more but has added lot of weight 110 still pulls off his uncanny saves Bill and Stan left for Buffalo today for prac use and we know that all of Barrie is wishing them luck in their de but in All ranks GARY LONGSPARKSHJUbllOIf VICTORY OVER ALLISTON awn Bowling Club recently Mrs Pvldnd 35 it Smith under whose leader lioii oope rat ion it Walker vicepresident Mrs Newton Villl tournament convener Mrs telephone converter nines won by Miss Dunbar who is first zlie ladies enjoyed an evening of Mrs Pal Poland Wins President Chair for 1952 meeting of the Barrie Ladies elected president ir the 1952 season sucweding Mrs hip the club enjoyed most suc e55flll l9zil campaign The meeting was held at the of Mrs Watterworth toss Si with an enthusiastic atv endance Mrs Smith addressed Ilt members thauking her execu lt for their strong gttipp0tl and Others elected to office were Mrs Walterworth treasurer Mrs secretary Mrs Amy Armstrong and Mrs Smith aines convencrs Mrs Stewart ltllil converter Mrs ll Walker lhioughout the past season con1 list was held each Tuesday evening nid prize winners were presented lIll their laurels Mrs Amy Vair copped the honors first skip and Mrs Frank Suth rland won the second Nrwtoii and Mrs Smith tied flit llay Point starting at first had Huck has never curled wondered if Curr int lll nt and who will ms Old to beg mm mm pmmud Judging by the entliustasm shown Mrs latterorti and Mrs How vii was held and they donated the and Mrs Poland who aptu red second Following the business meeting metal activities after which re lttSlttlitlllS were served Slroud Bruins Organize for 195152 Season Stroud ilockey Club officials and players are meeting in Stroud raiigc llall Thursday evening Nov to organize Stioud Bruins for the coming season The club had delegates present at the Town and District hockey meeting hi Barrie Monday night The club requests that all inter ested in playing hockey this whi ter be at the meeting for further information as to practices etc The Bruins lost one of its number last week when Belle Ewart prod igy Paul Tiombley died of in juries received in motor accidt out His loss will be felt by the club and his centre ice position has been left vacant Last Friday evening officials land players of the Bruins called Prepping for their crucial play the play Stewart mixed his plays offl series with Orillia Collegiate well rising Joe Walton Howard which opens here Friday Barrie Kauppiiien and Long in strong Collegiate junior gridders staged running offense lasthalf rally Monday to defeat Al Alliston 1mm mg 561100195 in mush no bivcn oppot at the Tiombley home in memory of their centre ice performer Shareholders Plan at the meeting he Barrie Curling Club and an coming season Will be held Thurs Mrs day night at the lansnians Lodge preside over the nueling is flurry been made to show on the screen the Macdonald sound Curling Annual IlBradford Curlers Final Meeting Open New Season Riverview Bang uef By ROS With the opening of curling less than two months away Bradford Rivervlew lnn which had its furni About 200 ind prospective curlers were pres cut After the dinner and toasts short address was heard Ted Hipwell and other officials made drive for new members Many were signed up and others were given talk on the advisabil ity of being member where arti ficial ice would make good curling always assured The portion of the storage plant that is intended to be used as curling rink is be ing filled with vegetables now but this will be the first portion to be emptied and it is hoped that be fore Christmas the ourling club can have access to the quarters One toopound prospect wonder cd if he could be given lift up to the third floor on the freight cle vutor so that he would not have to climb the stairs ilerb Hughes St of lennells who celebrated his 74th birthday by attending the banquet and who nanny aamsnnono The annual dinner meeting of ma election of Vifficers for the 11 the gathering and membership will grow by leaps and bounds Several from Churchill were no llCLd among the attendants Some from distance were hoping that the club would inaugurate spec ial rate for sheet of ice for thcl lay so that when group decided to make tip rink they could pay fair rink fee and be welcome as members for that lay The annual cost has been set at normal sum this year in order tin ascertain how the Cooperative Storage Co come out on the oper ations Armstrong Arrangements have Brier playoffs in Vancouver Tn 1950 together with Two officials from the Association are ex and address the tario Curling pectctl to attend meeting All curling cluli winners are re quested to attend and arty who an oeipate curling with the club this instill are cordially invited Tickets in available from Del Tole Harry Armstrong Bill Stephenson Jack Lraig or Doug Stephens OlllNllllAN lfASl MASTERS Annual past Mastois Night 15 Thursday this week at Corinthian Lodge Al AM with linpcr at 630 in the Masonic Temple James Popplcton will speak on Masonry Chairs in the lodge will be occu pied by the following Past Masters ll Coutts Lower Dalton Tent at Meaforcl For Weekend 45th AntiTank RCAcampcd In tents last week Regiment White Williams Thompson Ellis George Mealord Rang Abom Caldwell Fred Morren Harry ranks from the four b3 tcries at Barrie Owen Sound Orlllia and Meaford found the stay rather chilly but the pro gram interesting as everyone had chance to fire 17 pounder Whlle the recruits were get ting practice on the range of ficers senior NCOs and exper ienced gunners took part in tac tical exercises MajorGeneral Graham 600 Central Command Oakvllle paid visit to the camp on Sun day and spoke to the recliiient LtCol Kennedy DSO ED of Owen Sound was in command On Saturday the annual regi Morrcn Monkman Felt Robertson William Stewart and Sinclair Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Alex Miller who celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on Oct 25 Friends attended the aunt versary celebration from North Bay Sundridge Midland Mt St Louis Victoria Harbour Upter grove Stroud and Barrie All join ed in wisliinglhe couple many more anniversarys Grenfel Mission Band held their meeting in SS No School on Oct The Barrie District Bond Head Curling Club began the League will hold their final meeting season with banquet at the nengonday night Nov sentatives of teams planning to en ll opening during the weekend iter enthusiastic membersteanis not sending representatives The local squad coached by Dalt Nesbitt have racked tip four straight wins place their undefeated record on the line in homeandhome pointstocount series with Orillia spawn until it is about 27 inches so that the waters will benefit by Plant and Office 14 High St at least one year of spawning thus AGENCIES propagating for the future KNIGHTS DRUG STORE The speaker touched on many phases of fishing and hunting and SANDLERS MENS WEAR he answered quickly all the quest ions which were fired in his direc tion But he was definite in every subject it all led to the need for conservation Mr McGillen was introduced by Ken Walls and thanked by Allan Scott Guests included Bill Garner Ralph Snelgrove Bert Cook and More for Your Money Key Clubbers Tom Taciuk and Jim riakinggesidentmkmm Emms Wood Hold Scoring Lead for Local Flyers ing race the same number of assists for the Georgian Bax COSA championship The team has lost the swift run ning of Jack Garner who departed for Toronto to play hockey But filling his shoes as leader on the attackis Gary Long who lifted lagging crew to an inspired rally Junior quarter Wayne Stewart an Alliston 50 leadgairied in tii opening half He plunged and ran the ends for gigantic gains to be instrumental in Barrie reaching A1 listons fiveyard line in the third quarter From there quarter Stew art carried over on sneak for the major score =The convert attempt llllllll to pull the game from the usedrlaongvcontimmllymuzhverhmtngggllowingnegtiigqygd Alix re ff fire In the fdthh quarterBarrie 26 with their leader Mrs Clifford pushed their opponents back to the 20yard line where another place ment try failed However an Allis tori offside gave the winners sec lond try and thislime GaryLong hit the mark for the final score of the afternoon Alliston who meet Collingwqod for intermediate district hon ors gave Barrie tremendous lscare hardcharging wingline lopened gaping holes in the Barrie front wall and the lands Were crash Local Golf Cobrse At special shareholders meeting of the Barrie Country Club lastweek held at the club house it was approved that the ninehole golf course would have watered fairways next season George Dangereld club president presided over the special meeting and gave the estimalted cost to instal the Dawsonto Scurt the sidelines for large gains It was Dawson who outfooted the entire Barrie defence to notch Al listons touchdown in the first quar ter Through the opening half Al liston outplayed Barrie tackled strong and penetrated the offensive expected to commence in the Spring of 1952 and should be nished by the middle of the playing season There were over 50 share holders atthe meeflng and number of others who could nt attend voted by proxy opened with the Mission Band hymn followed by the reading of the Mission Band Purpose Fifteen answered the roll call Mrs Harris installed the new officers as follows President Wil fred Degear vicepresident Carl Walton secretary Patsy Spencer treasurer Laurena McGirr gift box seeretary Rae Ford worldfriends secretary Wilfred Degear recrea tion conveneis Yvonne Tillie Bar bara Windatt Carl Walton pnd Ray Their leader gave talk on Love One Another and Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them do Unto You Tell Me the Stories of Jes us was sung by the members The treasurers report showed balance of $2214 up to date Ten minutes of recreation was mental dinner will be held in Harris in charge The ineetiiigwaLBarrle at Roblndale Inn follow ed by dance at the Armoury to which honorary and associate members of the officers mess and their ladies are invited For Mercantile Hockey Mon Hockey All repre are asked to be present Those ill be considered not entering Definitely iii are Barrie Farm Sup ply tlast years Acest Stroud Gen al Electric and the team last year representing Dominion Auto Wreckers Wonder Valley and Mlneslng It appears also thata team from Camp Borden is interested in entering As yet uncertain are Representatives of teams are re quested if at all possible to have their entry Mondays meeting to draw the schedule up at this meeting which will open Monday when attending It is planned fce 0v lZthe schedule that is none GAMBLB wrru WINTER YOUR CAR NEEDS THIS 5WAY WINTERIIIIIG OW This year give your car Com plele Protection Our complete 5Way Winterizing job means protection against trouble freedom from big repair bills easy starting safe driving all winter long MOTORSLIMITED Market Square EARRIE Marshalls EFYuifiTErew tion of Highways 26 9nd Phone 5526 Cities Service qu CLOSE at pm Following two games last week Paul Emms and Chuck Wood share top place in the Barrie Flyers scor Emms collected goal against Oshawa to raise his total to four inseven games coupled with The miracle of Canada is the reward of its thrifty people it 13 Wood notched one goal and one assist to record mark of three and five for eight points goal producers with while teams top four apiece Emms and Doug Mohns are the Dave Whalen who left the team over the week was not good The touchdown gave Barrie 65 lead as Gary Long had garnered single on an unsuccessful placement trv earlier in the half From that point on the winners dominated wall with regularity Verrol Whitmore towering mid Pratt GoelphCuplure rm3 Sole Possession Churh HOCkBY of Eggheagop to Stage lt EGBERT die for the winners spearheaded the line play in the final stages and received good support from Bill Empke Hugh Currie Arnold Nor rena Graham Creighton and Ken tied by rambling dogs OCT 30A number of farmers havelost several sheep being wor Sunday visitors were Margaret enjoyed by all and the meeting closed with prayer surrounding community Gloster Beatty is able to be up few minutes each day having suf fered from pneumonia for several weeks His mother Mrs George Beattty is confined to bed also with pneumonia We wish them quick recovery The social evening at woods School will be held Thursday even ing this week Wednesday being Halloween will be the childrens night Mr and Mrs Frank Banting Uni Valerie Mrib George Banting Bar rie Mr aners George McKnight Baxter spent Friday with James Feltis and Mary Carr at Thornbury Mr and MrsClifford Mooney with Mr and Mrs Walter Hurlburt Totten ham Mr and Mrs Harold Wanless with Mrand Mrs KMcLean Mr and MrsJohn King and iam ily with Mr and Mrs Camp sall Mr and Mrs Brolley with Mr and Mrs Leighton Holly Mr and Mrs Erroll Banting and family and Mrs Florence Banting Allandale with Mr and Mrs Haugh Mr and MrsC Bellamy in Toronto Mr and Mrs Harold Wanless and 3F The rst book purporting to Every MONDAY Allrnbh during the Winter Months W3 arenas minson noun Standard of living wrought by end leads asSists mtg s1xA HS hb men and womenwho believe in Paul Emms Spaiked by playmaking of Ken spendingand SVmngselY The Chuck wood Laufman the leagues leading point average Canadian for example Dave Wlialen C9llecl01 GU91 Billmmes last Thu Baritie Church hockey owns his own car and 1115 0WD Don McKenney night rdefeated Kitchener Green League unofficially open their 19517 home He pays his bills when Doug Mohns 51115 04 bleak IStPlace 52 season Saturday With exhibition Tea IWIlh TOIODIO MallbOIOS games in neewee and bantam div due H15 Oi hvmg 15 Ralph Willis Laufman figured iiiiillBlIfrnore isions amgrerfbwg 091151 Fred Pletsch gPals Sclring on himbjeu and 55 The regular Schedule is slated to Whgpuembrecb John Marian 3111 nccriclly lth 9110 and open Saturday Nov 10 following But peeted emergencies do Reg Campbell eacll erbon on mp WI one an executive meeting at Prince of unex Don Cherryg wales public school Tuesday Nov break the pattern Usually the Don Savage It was the fourth straight loss for emergency quires more money Bob White m1 the Greenshirts who opened the th in aaable Thiscan Ken Rbbertson sgasbn With five consecutive wins EXIHBITION SCHEDULE an gt Danloicdnnor Meanwhile StCatharines Tee Bantam haDPen tomyfmer The 513 Ken ConnIS pees defeated Oshawa Generals 53 3330FBQ Stj Andrews at Bu mIISt 0911me adependable Kimmy Mengd 01 in the Garden City to boasta Vic Ave Dutaideservice Sthfmeff three his 51 haulsCorner vsEssa Road gt move 10 50 Possession six 9930St Mair svsSt Geor place in the Big 30 standings gt93o1QVCentra v5 Trinity ge HFCHOUSEHOLDFINNQE Galt Black Hawks walked into manicIce cleaning 3m thrifty Be doubled the Sabre onWaterloo Hur Peewee caus 1ti service is prompt ricanes 84 inGa1t 104011Burt0n Ave Central dl dependablg out of Guelph 14 Neil McDonald with two goals 111120Essa Roadws Marys dian familiesprefer to Malmoms 12 andan assrsl andJim McBurney 11201140Stgt Georges gvs Col on fromobsggm Gotta 8r 11 with one markenand three helpers her IA okeo 11 bookstq Kitchener 10 paced the highscoring triumph for 1141012Trmity vs FBC St An Whenever yo neer emergency tractor tiramvleo NANCEYOUIP st Michaeljso the rejuvenated drewvs lust givius aphono cglIaVell In there lp chicanearest You 51 cgtharines 111qu of Infant WM complete portable and Waterloo ready to repairerunlawfuldralndndxnlllle and admcmm Barrie liquid welshfihslhansa um and do everything VIQ mmoammw cantoggtyourolnlagqin Tlesdays Emits Prices the best at Wateiloo Guelph telienr iahzes inmaking cash loans $50 11 $1000 to these ESTANDNGS st can sole possession of third place and moved within one point of second to years placeToronto Marlboros when they sHorGuus entrees Orangeville Mumps are very vihpenkSaturday visiting in prevalent in the explain dreams was written more 10101040Squirts all boys up than 2000 years ago COMETE TRACTOR eaflei litabh store Slice We COTT McHALE tine thers of extra quell TheLongest wearing by SCOTTMoHALE built withSpecifiedilea SOIes highestgrode ihgthe irrade p5h995thatcost gt1$9i $1250 wide$1950 ybufless oyyecir QWeflfr