mother of the groom Mrs Oivcns home Mrs Blunt Idrcn met at Edenvalc zit 715 am Mrs Scott Entertains at Tea for Daughter Mrs Scott entertained at tea in honor of her daughter Phyllis before her September wedding to James Robinson The bride received with her mother and Mrs Henry Robinson Toronto Tea assistants were Mrs Thelma Hood Mrs Prince Mrs Smith Mrs Hastings Mrs Blum and Miss Delaney Others who entertained for the bride bcfore hcr marriage were Mrs Owens Mrs Prince and Mrs Owens who were host csscs at miscellaneous shower at Toronto entertained with kitch cn shower for the bride and Mrs Robinson mother Of the groom cntertained at an evening party at her home in Toronto About 50 gucsts Were in attendance Cains Wl enioy Trip to Niagara chcral Cains Womens Institutc ranch mcmbcrs and their friends cnjoycd bus trip to Niagara Falls on Friday Sept Thirtythree adults and ten chil and soon were on their way Great interest was taken in the peach orchards especially whcn the bus stopped and the passengers had chance to purchase peaches pears and plums at the orchards As the party approached Well and the swing bridge was up and the ladies saw large coal boat going through the canal and an othcr boat going through the locks Many climbed to the top of Brooks monument and reported fine view of the surrounding coun try Laura Sccords monument was point of interest too After lunch the ladies journeyed on to Niagara observing the whirl pool gOrgc and Rainbow bridge the beautiful gardens and finally Niagara Falls They enjoyed full program at the Falls assem blingat pm to return to Bur lington for dinner They arrived home at Edcnvalc at 930 pm ab COLDWATER Funeral of Ritchie number from Coldwater and district attended the funeral Tucs dny in Orillia for Alexander Rit quality with economy Septemb Sn It er Bride and Groom rPhOIO uy nos Cowper Burrit MR AND MRS JAMES HENRY ROBINSON are seen follow ing their September wedding in Trinity Anglican Church The bride is the former Phyllis Marie Scott daughter of Mr and Mrs James Scott of Barrie and her husband is the son of Mr and Mrs James Robinson of Toronto After wed ding trip to Lake Placid Ml and Mrs Robinson will be making their home in Toronto chic who was the engineer at the Big Chute marine railway on the Trent Valley Canal system Mr Ritchiewas widely known in the EDENVALE SEPT 10Owing to Midlllllsl an district and among the many tour nivcrsary the church service will ists who used the marine railway to convey their motorboats to the upper reaches of thc Severn Riv er He is survived by his widow and one daughter EVERETT SEPT 10 Congratulations to Harry Robbins and Elsie Adair who will be married in the Presby terian Church Alliston on Satur day Sept 29 at two oclock After three montlis vacation to theWest Mr and Mrs James and Son have retmncd Charles Robbins spent couple of days in Toronto last week Mrs Roy Laking Toronto is spending few days at her home here Allen Atkinson Hamilton is spending some holidays with his mother here andMrsLPaLOiDonelll onto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs George Peacock Mr and Mrs Edwin Pearson and daughter Newton Robinson spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Pearson Harold Moon is spending afeyv days in Orgngiville athis pareptalI II home where his father is very sick Mr and Mrs George Dodsworth and Alex andRuth ofLislcuis ited Mr and Mrs Wilkinson on Sunday Everett School Fair On Thursday Sept 13 the schools of Tossorontio Township will gather at Everett to put on one of the best fairs in years In the afternoon one of the big events will be the parade by the children and teachers of each school sec tion special prize and lst 2nd and 3rd awarde for best banners and marchingfwill be given On the grounds large tent will be erected for the exhibits by the children which includes owers vegetables school displays Other features of the fair include duets and singing public speaking live stock Show and pet show Come out and see the work of the chil dren of today Anderson spent the MrTPEBies Kirkland Looms be withdrawn here Sunday morn ing Sunday School will be held at 11 Mr and Mrs Roy Dixon Bond Head and Ray Miles Nipigon spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Miles Miss Helen Ingram Toronto spent the weekend with her sister Mrs Aubrcy Giffcn HOLLY SEPT IOMl and Mrs Thomas weekend at their cottage hero visiting with her sister Mrs Wil liam Cullum We arepleascd to hear that Dal ton Slcssor is improving nicely and is expected home fromtl1e hospital soon now Mrs William Newton is spending couple of days with friends at Steelsis9r2915 Cullum has been taken to the Roy al Victoria Hospital Barrie We wish for him speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Dyer and Mr and Mrs Robert Redfern spent the weekend in Toronto While there II they attended the Ex 011 Saturday entered the Western Hospital Tor onto as nurseintraining Miss oan Caldwell in the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie and Miss Marjorie Gough has left to attend Normal School in Toronto Mrs Emms Guthrie visited Mr and Mrs Drury RM 21 day this week Mr and Mrs Gough Marian and Margaret spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Bentley Tor onto cepted position in Toronto Thursday Womens Institute ridges on Sept ETINGS corms jrdbrouihtto you from Friendly Neighbor Louder II through AIMELCQSME MACON Ou Lactation of ThoBirdi of Baby Sixteoutlr Birthdays EngagementAnnOUncomenu Ghana of residence Arvali of Newcomers to IMoNaIIII 2m ll PRniium Civic Soainl warm ring lunch LARGE OWL adian species again brief holiday as guest in Barrles well known institution of medi cine and surgery It makes one appreciatc work Whats that hear RVHwhere else getting us all wrong We didnt mean that we hated the place As matter of fact and contrary to advance rumors we rather en joyed our stay first wliilc mend rivisitsifrom the doetors Stlhrough orry to reporfrttm SEPTflllMiss Georginaitixhas Miss Dorothy Dunsmore has ac Donald McLean and Bud Duns more left on the harvesters excur sion for Wainwright Albertaggst Regular meeting of Womens In stitute was held Mrs Fred Part 11 The motto Speak loving words where loving words arenf heard was presened andlcscussed Roll call aglgjly health habit The health convencr Mrs Harold Switzer was unaVoid ably absent but Mrs Atkin son Mrs Gordon Bunsmor and Mrs Bezzant gave interesting papers Mrs Norman Tuck contri buted two piano solos and played for asingsongMrs James Rix and Mrs Drury were the hostesses who assisted Mrs Partridge in servI Thevhorned owl whichinebrly two feet long is the largest Can SCRIBE RETURNS To JOB HAPPY THOUGHTS OF RVH By RON DAVIES ITS GREAT TO BE BACK at the old grind after 11 What institution Why thc There you go That is after the and WP wcrc on 1hr YOU KNOWwe always wond ered what it would be like in the RVH having never been guest of the holiday resort but always an heard coopcd up in bed If they fech had Youru visitor We rumors interested those you you wont be ablc to out thv stuff When youre sound asleep theyll awaken you to stick thor momctcr in your mouth or wick ed looking needle in your tcrim And the nurseshorrors HOSPITAL LIFE had cer tainly been painted black However we were enrolled so rapidly that we had no choice in the matter Just as well probably We had to take whatever name Now were out and must say our feeling towards the RV has certainly changed For Instancewhere else can person be and have so many boautlful young lad ies running around him all the time other than sultans harem And those same younz ladies the nurses that were supposed to look like some thing seen only on Halloween night We didnt find one like that YES SIRyou got to look for ward to that needle with the wick cd looking point You havent even time to think about it as your thoughts turn clsewhcrc And who minds getting vakcned at fiw am to have his temperature and pulse taken Aside to future holidayers Dont try to hold hands with the lass in blue and white when she takes your pulso Its awkward and it aint heal thy And say they give the most invigorating back rubs Cool refreshing rubbing alcohol and soothing pleasant smelling pow der Three times day too And the serviceservice with smile is their motto TIME PASSES SLOWLY you say Awake athvc in the morn ing and asleep at ten or eleven in the evening Sounds like long day but we never put in shorter one Pulse and tempera ture checks washing and bathing needles backrubs bed iemakes an Unexpected series of happeni ings we wound up with two Hope they both dont send bill visit ors reading and general conVr sation with fellow patients and the nurses those nurses again and checkups Heck the days finish ed before you know it What part of the hospital ii say 0p outside of the nur ses Before the trip to this room of dissection we were toldrthat by meansrof spinal we wouldnt feel thing but could talk and know whats going on That we thought would be worth investigating and ofmcourse beings news hawk started asking questions Finally the time came and we happened to mention the psi that erupted from within He retortcd couldnt have some thing to do with the job youre In could it And those nur ses theyre always cracking jokes Must say they Perkin Iy keep you in stitches HOSPITAL ROUTINE theres something Its thing Though it surface and in detail the bastc routine seems to never change Registered nurses work regular right hour shifts Nursing shift trainccs change at seven in the morning and at night Nurses have morning or an aftcrnoon break Beds are always changed and backrubs given at definite in tcrvals Meals are always on schedule So arc the needles mod icines and drcsslg changes Of course there are rules and regula tions that must not bc broken And rightly so quite THERES ONE that caught us as pcculiar But it really isnt The hospital is mcrcly protecting itself It happened upon dischargi Wc fclt fine little weak and wobbly but otherwise 0K1 WP dicsscd combed our hair and spiuccd tip to rccntcr the outsidc world But instead of walking out lo and bchold The nurse had wheelchair Of course we vcrcnt going to bc seen all dresscd and healthy looking rid ing in wheelchair Not us But when thc nurse said JOh yes you arc nnd added get in cm phatically we got in Its good safeguard against accidents wlicii discharging patients NOW WEVE BEEN to hospital and foot cnlightencd on the whole matter We learned plenty we ncvcr know before and know how to picparc for nnothct occasion which we hope never comes Before closing well pass on an inside tip to you chaps that may be firsttimc gucsts Just remember Go armed with box of chocolates NO not for your sclfyourc sick but for thc nur ses They love cliocolatcsaiid how 50 WYEVALE SEPT 10School icbpcncd last lwcek with Mr Hart in the senior ioom and Mrs Spccrs in charge of lhc junior room Mrs Bukcr is back at No 15 Tiny and Mrs Preston at No 21 Tiny Threshing is going on between showers Very good crops are re lportcd Misses Mildred and Marie Mar gccllus had birthday party at their home in the village All reported very good time SEPT llThc WA and WMS will meet at the home of Mrs Lees Wednesday Sept 19 at pm Roll call missionary hymn Program to be taken from Missionary Mon thly Lunch committee Mrs Partridge and Mrs Strachan Anniversary services will be held in the United Church Sunday Mactaggart Toronto will be the speaker for the morning service and Rev Auld Midland for the evening Bethel Baptist Quartet Orillia will be in attendance Mr and Mrs Applegate Allis ton and Mr and Mrs Duncan Thornhill spent Sunday at John sons ily spent Sunday at Kirkfield incidentally little woozy but still conscious We looked around in the newsprround ings Tis quite place spic and span and all in white And hot Those doctors and nurses must sure sweat during proceedings Why we just lay and sweated Couldnt move an inch IYOU KNOW if anyone looks for precision ther wheretheyll nd it EverythiI goes like and W1 was held at the school clockwork and the jobs done be Sept Exhibits were feWer and fOPe you know 1t We watChed competition not so keen due to wet them work away and it seemed that time was never going to pass asked when thexjob was going to be nished Heck were sewing you All was quiet SO vile up was the reply Were wecsIur prised FEW DAYSALATER nurse camelto us with little jar and in it the bothersome organ now cousin once removed and all pre served in formaldehyde We wer pretty proudfthe souvenir ha Then thedoctor Was in to see it again and were we set on our heels He suggested that our ore cious little souvenir would makls good fish bait0h welIl site is life other patients anacquajntunce Discussing Ioui allments we and HOWEVER THE BEST Ii mark of the whole visitwas remarkmade by one of the we I14FPmmgwm MiSSDSEOTIIiiandWrPat terson spenLSunday at Lees Mr and Mrs Gordon Lauder are visiting in Halifax with their daughter Mrs Johnston Miss Sadie Campbell Mr and Mrs Manning and Warren Ton onto called on friends here on Sunday Mrs Cockburn and Louise returned to Willowdale with them Flower Show Theannual flower Show sponsor ed by the Horticultural Society NOWsAN OPEN SECRET That ciipof tea at MiirlelSjust about saved my lifeI could have er Was so wearyrshop pi Yes Ive got her secret Oh Yes Pekoe ilt was gooiTtooII knoWll Mother Parkers orange Thats coincidence Only yes was praisinr trday Aunt Bella Mother Phrkers Tea Says she just and convenle vMO ily vacation is ovcr and the lady NOlVlgrind has begun againvcarrying albooks dOIIIg homcwwk and that Vmlts 011 llifliinportaut qucstion of whmhcr you do it or noti preparing for trusts and then the final writing of Ilu cxmninations seen at the II lhc majority of tlicm arc gradc Tuners who find it lilIlltl difficult to become acquainth wrtii lllL llil cs habits and traditions Wc wisiii to say wclcomc comers and hope learn to enjoy and apprcciatc our school as much as Wc do throughout the summci is thc pru scncc of an Icctiic clock in cvcij room Could be that wc may bc conic clockwatclicrs year there will bc few ncw oddl cd attractions Thch arc badminton and tumbling along with tho rcgti lar volley ball and basketball the rugby teams are fast approach ing and tend to add color to lllt Fall term ficcs in the different socictics willl soon be hcld Many of thcsc suclii as president of tho students coun cil cditorinchicf of Ovcitoncs and presidents of thc boys and girl athletic societiesldcmand goal cal of time and work but in the 11g run arc usually thllh it Igratulatlons to Doug Stairs who Fleming Scholarship in mathcmnt ics at Queens University by rcvci sion Since this has valiic of $915 he will accept it in lieu of tlic Mow at Scholarship previously won Con gratulations also to Mr Cutler his Math teacher Pearl productive cows on his form 0110 shorthorn has given birth to ve normal calves in 22 months Twins were born in October 1949 sin gle calf in 1950 and now the same cow has just had anothor sot of twins weather Rattle Guthrie were judges The ladies served lunch TRY AN EXAMINER WANT All Copper Mine Says Wonderful for Tiied here for close to 35 years wrltcs of Butte MpntnnndEnicrIald fOlII lip sure wonderful or tire urn 11g cc rSeptl641fr14and713OTDHWSATWmdumw recommend as if they were cutting right into the flesh get 011 and rub well on feet and ankles night and morning for few days have found blessed relief 0n stile whcrcl ever diuzs arc sold Mr and Mrs McLean antam Investhe Quality ride of their TeaEags THEE PARKERS TEA COMPANY BBC EYE By MOIRA GROAT Omoom QUALITY SPORTS EQUIPMENT ll Track Shoes $825 and $1250II Another yrar another season Another reason for attending nonz Hello everyone The longlcisurc Basketball and allpurpose Gym Shoes $495 Rugby Shoes I$995 and $1700 Sweat Shirts wool $225 There are many ncw fatcs to bc collcgiatc this yIaz BICYCLES and BICYCLE PARTS Bicycle Repairs Work Guaranteed to all tlic Iicw lliut tlicy will One of the main fcatuics added We specialize in Club Business Phone or Write for Our Special Club Irlces FARRELLS SPORTING Coons 114 DUNLOP ST PHONE 2653 lL===EPF9E=9g9FI 0=O==oaor===ouo New Athletic Attractions In tho girls athletic field The formation and practiccs of FOr Printing Needs Call The Barrie Examiner BBSWEILS Elections Coming The clcctions for thc various of as awarded tlic Sir Snndford Foods and Restaurant SPECIALIZING IN Hot and Cold luncheons Large assortment of sandwiches and Home Cooked Products PROLIFIC SIIORTIIORN DURHAM Ont CPI 01011 of Glench township has We Carry all Brands of KOSHER MEATS for Sandwiches Weekend Specials Baked Boneless SP Hocks with dressing Half Roast Chicken with dressing Chow GlazedTullzgdwdrginigHarris Pineapple Glazed Tenderlzed Baked Melto Hams Roast Legs of Pork apple glazed Pure Pork Meat Pie with French Pastry Pure Pork Sausagette Rolls VARIETY OF HOME COOKED COLD MEATS SALAD VARIEIIES BY THE POUND II HOME MADE PIES RYE FRENCH AND EGG BREAD Mrs Pearsall and Mrs a0 PHONE 2415 For 35 Years Burning Feet have worked in the copper mines itch and shoes fccli when feet sting bottle of Moones Emerald real discovery fortliousands who Iv chTi est invOstmcnt todgfis CANADATERMANENT DEBENTUBES Isisvddlinnamounts from $100 foripeiiiods Of 2Vto rI yeardebelituresIpay at IdobcntUrcs pay andI4I ye IIIIIIIIIIIdeBImres Pray Nixon internist corms General Agents BRADLEY Monster gt 21122909 EmmiWE METER4 Head Onic320 BaySt Toronto smears