Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Sep 1951, p. 11

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PENETANG GENERAL BOARDI TURNS HOSPITAL OWNERSHIPE OVER TO THE GREY SISTERS tMIdlatid FICL Pics llcluld ncw gcncrul hospital for Mid stood to be the belief that new hospital to provtdc modern and Lich land and Pcnctaiiguishcnc located Wale lMIUUCS WOUId C051 31 more somewhere betwccn tltc too townsl money than mlre was any IND 05 and serving Citizens of built 15 notl FalSlnR practical answer to the prcscrtt nccd for cnlurgcd hospital facilities in North Stincoc licscnt pldll to cxtcnd the fai crlitics of the two iioSpitals indil vidtially is believed to be far less costly SOIIIL incditul men and hospitall authoritics have provrously express cd thcmsclvcs as favoring the con struction of new modern hospital to serve both CUIIIanIilIILSvSIIOUId such plan prove possible new hospital were built the present hospitals would be available for trcatmcnt of convalcscing and el rdcrly patients Chairman Felix Turcottc of Pen clung General Hospital Board prior to the meeting had expressed him sclf as favoring tltc placing of management of the proposed new hospital in the hands of the Grey run Penctang lcncral Members of St Andrews Board had expressed no opinion on the desirability of this plan With all possibility on joint hos pital killed at the meeting Penc tang Hospital Board voted to transl for the ownership of Pcnctangui shcnc General to the Grey Sisters Commenting on this move Mr Ttircotte said Those of us who are on tltc board realize how badly we need new hospital We also know how difficult it is to secure sufficient money to build one SOnic time ago the board asde Pcnetang council for $75000 to help build our hospital The matter was taken up with the municipal board who advised that tltc unfavorable financial position of Penctang prc chided them from authorizing per mission to issue debentures to that tltc financial would be too much for the town Wc have had to look clscwhorc for funds said Mr Turcotte have asked the Episcopal Corpora tion of the Archdiocese of Toronto That is thr CUIIClLiaIOIi icaclicd byi jottit meeting of rcprcscntativcs of the boards of icnctanguishcnci Gcncrai Hospital and St Andrews Hospital Midland Reason for the decision is under lf thc THIS WOULDNT HAVE HAPPENED IF YOUD HAD YOUR TIRES CHECKED Sisters who now WELLYOU SEE NOW THAT IT PAYS TO MAKE SURE REGULAR TIRE INSPECTIONS REALLY SAVE YOU INCONVENIENCE AND MONEY IN THE LONG RUN extent burden we Presentation to BrideElect Laist Thursday evening friends srRouo and neighbors gathcred at the home of Mrs George Hubbcrt agd Velmal to cxtcnd bust Wishes to Miss Mun icl Booth and Ray USIItI who arcl to be married on Saturday An enl juyable time was spam Singing playing gamcs and contests led byl Bill Gibbins Russ Hubbert Velmai ilubbert and Hazel Booth The young couple were led to prettin decorated garden scat overhung with cedars and white bell After mock wedding by the children an address was read by George Stunden and beautiful coffee table and table lamp were presented by Joe Pratt and Bob Cowan Both Muriel and Ray thanked their friends for the gifts and the evenng came to close following deli cious lunch 3100000 Bcfurc proceeding with further negotiations the question of owucrship of the hospital had to be settled This is understandable in view of the tremendous responsibility involved in paying back some of this debt It thc Grcy Sisters arc going to make sacrifices to pay the hospital debt then their future security here should definitely not be left to tire varying opinions of succeeding boards This action is not taken to hurtl anyone asserted Mr Turcottc It is because we need new hospital Our hospital will continue to bc general hospital It shall never discriminate against anyonc no matter what his race or creed We feel sure that all people of goodwill will continue to cooperate in catisc that involves the wet fare of their fellow mcti hospital with uptodatc facilities is for you as well as the next fellow Some day it may help to save your life or prolong it Mr lurcottc said that an agrcc mcnt is being drawn up between the hospital board and tltc Grcy Sisters guaranteeing the continued operation of tltc institution as general hospital lt FAMOUS WRITER Sigrid Undsct Norwegian noch ist who won the llgbcl Prize for literature in 1928 began her career for sum of money in CXCCSS of YOUR TIRE REGULAR 55M ANDERSON HARRIS IOI ELIZABETH ST PHONE 2872 SHELL SERVICE STATION as liclcrk ELISAEU IUD DISTRICT MANAGE Cor Duniop and Bayfield Barrio Telephone 4760 illic licsl background man can hair Iilcquiitr Iiiiiiiiiii NORWCH UNION misaliaa iicii FireResistant Mineral Surface NHA DESIGNOFTHEMONTH HORN Furl IOa IIO 00 fl ojil u+ lightm day On Aug 22 the Ross Menmm 1950 Mr and Mrs Murray Taylor and sons Surnia are visiting the lati tcis unclc and aunt Mr and Mrs Ilarry Rinn Mrs Hcrb Sawdon and daughtcr Kaye Woodbridgc were in townl Only 6000 miles Like Thursday last calling on friendsl Miss Lorna Martin Toronto vis iicd friends during the past week cud Rcv New SEPT 3Mr and Kclman and children spcnt Sunday with Mr and Mrs Joseph Boyer Richmond Hill Mr and Mrs Harry Wilson andl are visiting Mr and Mrs Tim Wilson RCAF TICIIIOII at his homcg son Woodstock Jack Dunston spent the holiday here Mr and Mrs Max Chute Owcn Sound visitcd friends during tlic weekend and attended the Miller Waddling wedding John Claridge Sarnia was home over the holiday Bill Emighwho has spent the summer at North Bay has rcturn ed for the starting of school Complete double coveragoi This two storcy house with tlirtc bcdrooms is most suitable for it family requiring maxi mum amount of living space and wcll soparatcd arcas for living and Combining compactncss with pleasing cx Ivrior and simple dcsign comfort is citstircil at inodcrato cost Among Iciiturcs of this plan are gcncroiis wi iidow arcas kitclicn alccping interior dcsirablo the bright stctrsaving lho lar livinglinng vcck aftcr visiting tht lattcrs nio room has fircpacc opcit wall thcr Mrs McKcown furniture Dr arr Mrs ariz Fiasc CNS and Miss Aylcsworth spcnt fcw many living room and for iiitcrcsting space and arrangcmcnt vciiiilation llit kitclicn has two windows Mr and Mrs Iibb Millcr Ioronv ovir thc sink and tlic largo slitIf to Mr and Mrs It Millcr Now and convciticnt cupboard space market Dcrby and Miss Allen TIW Sill Washington DC and Dcnnis Bcggs llffl Upon lanillllk Toronto spcnt thc wcckcnd holiday formcil by tltc stairs down to with Mrs Miller III wllm 93 Mr and Mrs Frcd Fishcr and Itittli of the kitchen The bathroom iS 18in acressh with fricnds in St Thomas llllf from all bedrooms arc thrcc largo cloScLt and lincn in Toronto Genaat Hospital cupboard llm M0 0f the rst 00 IS ITriccvillc spent part of their va 593 SIUimv lfmaimfl the lflfll cation with tltc lattcrs brotlicixi 315W Kcn Crawford and Mrs Crawford direct cnsurt compactncss lhcre tltt is 1184 square fact ioutciits arc 10054 cubic fcct lorking drawings of this plan Rosss Social Group are On August 23 about 15 incmbcrs available from Jcntral Mortgage or Itosss Social Group jotirncycd to 013an COTIIOWUUIWL llll Birchwood Cabins Wasaga Beach tnunt cost known Design 5065 noon lint ITi ref 70 Mrs and Mrs Dtikc and sons Jimmy and Tommy have rc turned home after spending tltc 233 BRADFORD ST past mtinth with Mr Dukes par ents at Port Carling DEAL 4981 and Mrs Olivcr Pcttit visit ed Oiangevillc friends Saturday last Mrs Wilmer Palmcr entertained at ttousscau tea in honor of her daughter Lenofc Thursday after noon and evening She was assist ed by her sister Mrs McMullen pouring tea Miss Laverne Palmer Mrs Jack Palmer and Mrs Clin Mr and Mrs Bill Martin Tor ton Palmer Mush the Alaskan term is contraction of the French march ons meaning toga on COMPANY LTD 69 Collin St iPlnii lumuh Ivorylhinu but the drivu piTETEVXAMINEK r03 PRINTINGPHONE 2414 8enons 404 0409 Besides Roll Roofiu your Barrett Dealer has 57601 plete line of robglt1n and weatherproong materials THE BARRETT COMPANY LIMITED qHallfdit iSulnflohnHilVlontreul Toronto WinnlpoptVanpouvor Iroblms toiyiour rlr ONSALE Ari Oughs Ila 80 Dunlap PII Watsons llclltlwiue STAY NER iilwaie Regd mas Muir gin paqlr uel C0 no 5581 fiioiviiSsmu Eastern Entrance Grandstand Government Tax Extra FIRST RACE STARTS AT 200 pm lublicParking at East End of Grounds Off Queen Street 25 $100 Palmer Wright Col It Marshall SecTrans COOKSTOWN lilt tumi hail Cooktuws to weliread the address SEPT 3wuxiau tamich lul Loltic Mr patm Vattp be our in Poll MCNIW 531W inkill to the Cosiixiiumty mis tluzt to few WWI 13 ll Ectllaixuus shower was gistn for Canadian West dr and Mrs Wain llic chairman jtxi litis Cubitt of Mcufoid is ing ticr sistcivtiilaw Mi Cubtit land 511 Sleight Mr and binT litintci and Mr and Mrs Ii Jcbli spent thc past Wttrk on motor trip north go Brock pcnt ihc holiday xvickcnd gwith thc Ioriiicis parcnts at liluc Zilt Mr and Mrs Coopcr gCUupcr Mrs liffic Glass and Mrs McMastcr attcndcd thc frin oral of their cousin Dr Evans in Toronto on Sunday Aug 26 Mrs Ncllic Batcmaii Toronto spcnt day tccciitly tvith Mrs lttriir Alan lloppcr of Val dfh spciit fcw days Willi his inothcr Ms it Cousu and also attcndcd tlii iItanlll of Mrs lloppcr at lot tcnhain Mr and Mrs Gordon Cousi aiil datightci Mary of Ottawa arc gutsis of Mr and Mrs It Cousc and also of Mrs Il Cousc at Sandy Covc Mrs Ncil and Mr and Mrs Sharpe arid sons of Stayncr vcrt rcccnt guests of Mr and Mrs Curric Jimmic Arnold who for thc plm sivcral months has bccn an apprtn icc in tclcgraphy at thc local Nlt station lcft on Saturday to assumc his dutics at liorncpayiic Mr and Mrs Marks of Iasa dciia California rcturncd this past lays recently in Braccbridgc children spcnt the holiday wcckcnd Mrs IIarford Fisher is paticntj Rcv nnd Mrs Soxncrvillul whcrc thcyv wcrc cntcrtaincd by Mrs Vausc and spent dc communityinnd friends gathered in MERCURY Iton Express Purchased Jan 1951 new Prioqd for quick sale Ts DANGERFIELD onto spent Labor Day with the formers mofher MrsL0rnc Mar TIIE BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY SEPT 1951 II Mrs Apperieys Sane pt csctitation western songs by Allan and Charlie itodgson arc unloved and dancing Btatty tiitlicstra Concluded on making visit liili3t taltrd on Mt Allin to rriioyablc citrung itig far as Espanula and return ling by Manitoulin taking tho boat liklts$0 TObtTIIIUT Mr and Mrs Adair and lustinq relresentl 104 PR arent77 Starch to Bensons Corn Starch Then bcsednnthe merit awarded as follows Rom in new Imiv you em biscuit 9ft fdl Siniply printyour name and address on any plain sheet of paper Mailthis together with label or reasonable focsimilel from package of Bensons Corn Starch or Canada Corn THE BENSONS and CANADA CORN STARCH CONTEST STATION HMONTREAI QUE Tmrlluiihutryounntrrhosrsufficient postages MWALHAMRS This gxciting contest closes October 3l 1951 At this time l04 entries TMiNillbe drawn at random from the mail received Gillie contest address Those l04 people will be notifed by mail and asked to submit givingihreerreasons why they profc after using Canada Corn Starch or 04 prlzeltiwilf be e$25000 ipflhese replies the 3lvmlizgfl 50 piitegsl in ion PRIZESOfIlIIIl etch my ivpiizez5uo2i II nolabol or carton is nnclotsddbs Isl Prim will be$5000 and subu quent prizes $500 The iconic open to all Canadians except om iploypes and their families of The Cunudu Starch Company and it advertisingngency Judges docllion will be final All entriesbacomo tho property of The Canada StarchIComy pony gt Erixe winners will be noiitiotl by mail 90 days otter the close of tho contest complete0st of twin winner will be avqitcblo Upon quart of the dos oI thocontort ITS nit comm toil 1min Ronr Rust ITSIASVI Anti EVERY MEMBER or inrmity ciiiiviiiu ERttR Row Aunt YEST051 LUCKY PEOPLE Witt SHARE THISGIANT JACKPOT or $2000 MAKE SURE YOU GETYOUR gNtRIEs INWQUICKLT SEND ASMANYiAS YOU LIKELETTERS wru BEDRAwN Al RANDOM IHE MORE ENTRIES YOU SUBMIT THE GREATER ARE VvouR CHANCES or WINNINGI Act It mitt

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