Craighurst Wt installs Officers meeting of Craig was held Craig following were citctrd Shanahan presidrnt vicepresident Mercurytreasurer district director The annual iurst Womens Instituti at thc home of Mrs Thi flicc Irs Mrs Sintun Ellsmcrc Mrs Kirtori Mrs Sinton citizenship and clip convcncr activities Mr Mrs Craig and public relations convcncr Miss Rich economics health coiivciicr Miss Richard historical ltStHlLll container iiighaiii agriculture and Canadi tiidustrics coiivcncr ton and Miss Richardson aud Sutton collection cation community The new childrens librpriiin it atic Society and was associate edi Barrtc Public Library has had tor of thc Actu Victorianti varied caret1 as socicty ctllluii on daily iicwspzipci and war time member of thc wumcns div ision of the Brown startcd justa couple of wccks ago follow ing licr graduation from the Uni vcrsity of Toronto Library Schoo llic ycar bcforc going to librar school she worked in the childicn dcpartrnciit of tlic loionto Iubl Library llltcl graduating in Eng lisli Languagc and litciiturc from Varsity irdson home and So far Molly says shc has foiiiiJ iBarrics young rcadcrs minarkabl scll bcharcd compared to the cow shc cncountcrcd in Toronto at any Ilcr kccn intcrcst 1n dram atics cxtcnds to licr library work is anxious gpuppct shows and plays Iihildrcn in addition to the rcgli and Mrs cur lml S011 Iclll VLCIILS RCAI in at Miss Molly library talc Mrs Sin Mrs sick and and Immdllu itors and Mrs McMurray onnnittcc Thu May rimting was licld at Ellsmcrc The programs for the year wire dccidcd on by tlic iiicinbcrs The June meeting will be held at tho boom of Mrs Craig cvcuing motto Will your comman by Mrs traig Nanic food and thc vit auiiii it contains Program convcncr economics Richardson lrict animal will be givcii csscs arc Mrs Newman and or story hours as way to in tcrcst thciii in iczitling fairy talc luppct sliows provcd wry cllictIVc in Toronto Slic is also very fond of story tolling and will bi is Iltllilr and folk talcs FD QUALITY THROUGHOUT your VA CA TION OBLAW srdnss LOCATED AT rues SUMMER romrs Luke Simcoe District NEWMA Bay at Quinte OELLEVILLE IMolly attended high school in lIc 5h WNW liunie town of Ictcrborongh uulhmm rm Saturday all WHkitlil 01 the Piullxclolli until school closing borouin Examincr in IllII wli was 10mm daliblc with tlic idea of writing chlerciis books on the side slic adds but tliiy arc still in tlic iilczi slago and out down on papcr Bari1c had quiti an advance rep utation for thc now librarian llicaid from all sldcs woiild lochit licrc and tclls us that licr mothcr thought it would bc particularly cxciting to livc in thc lioiuc of thc llarric Flycrs morning Lilli Ilont this p111 lhr walk tlilv ycurs rats with Roll out wwn writing carccr has causcd lici the air forcc in III13 She was wirclcss operator or 13 months it laiidcr Airport and cvcn spcnt Bordcn tlic cud of hcr scrvice carccr was at Bordcii that slic got Iiii llrst taste of library work siucc workiiig in tlic Pctcrboiough lib rary wliilc attcnding Stlltlul Born in London England Molly has lived in Hamilton and Toronto as wcll as lclcrborouglr to univcisity rolling in Victoria Collcgc wlicrc shc was IlIth with thc Vic lIlrani call is BARRIE month anip towards is the home Miss Slic convcncr report of the dis llosts Craig and Mrs that Muskoka Lake Couchiching Gear HUNTSVILLE MIDLAND ORI LIA COLLINGWOOD Lake Erie and Lake St Clair Diurict ST THOMAS WINDSOR and unilcrstand that tlicy did it good job ofcntcrtaiiiitig from the rcniarks of tlicii gucsts In fact lcnctangcts arc lcttcr ofII apprcciatioii to thc Bar ric playcrs for tlicir hospitality sandwicth cokcs scrvcd on tlic lawn and on cookhoiisc llic bccn Ilarric lady goltcrs look likc good bct for tho county cup with 07 points bctwccu tlicin and tlicii Orillia Nobodys ovcr Slic own the war iftcr CHATHAM scnding PETERBOROUGH Border Crossing Point cluscst rivals from outInching lubI coiiiidciit howcvcr with the noxt two iiiiitchcs licing plziycd lltilll Ironic at Midland and Col Ioityscvcn fcniiiiiiic Bairic aivriv which and NIAGARA FALLS IlllCllltIttl littlc grounds liiitl park visitors said they trcalcd so lingwiiod Isliotiiihkcis wcic on grccus last lliinsday for the scc Ulltl quc match and lticsday aftc1= following golfcts iichr ally away from lionic The Baltic kids did big job gctting rcady for tlicir first vis visit was it way rcpaying invitation two prcvious Norm Johiistonc was in charge of thc big job and the Board gavc pcrniissioii over thc courts from thrcc afternoon evening Ilicrc picking out tlic playersthose who had gonc tip to Pciictiing were on the list and othch who had signed tip an ori ginal list of 20 missed out on the Sunday tourn amcnt roy wcck noon lunclicon about from tho ladics scctioii wcrc otit lor tlic icguliu 1IU day at the ouutry liib Ilic ladicsIaiciit confining tlicir nctivitics cxclusivcly to tht1 sport iiiig lltllITOmOllth evening inr slcuil of their IiisLiIal Junc daiicc thcy iilc holding ciibbagc party it lllf club for llllflllbtlS thc cvcning tlic draw will be made on an oil painting by Thomas Mit clicll ARCA Ihc nucleus of Baiiic tcnnis club was host to lcnctang IttllllS Club on Sunday aftcriioon at the public courts noon this iting club Ilic 0110 by Pcnctiuig for games AND THE WIFE SAID Wellof course we might have changed to Mothcr Parkcrs long ago but Itliought you were satis flcd with the tea Id bccn getting What did you say Welll thought was so tIll we had sonic Mothcr Iurkcrs at Claras last wcck then you turn their night wcckcnds Paiks tzikc in thc llsiltdl Dllln to mac was no partiality tiislcd Barrie Amt IQFIIIIG Oh gosh ycs its quality and flavour are right out of this world no vondcr Ontarios fuslcst soiling lcu MOTHER IARKlIRS llJA COMPANY vW iii Show Yes lliiy Three of the 20 in Qiiccns Park Saturday momfng Barrie players vciit tip and clcancd oft grounds llic new cables nets and new cranks onand re port that it was really pleasure play on them Sunday The games were very close through out tlic afternoon although Penc tang came out slightly ontop Some of the sets were up to 810 and 1012 af ter 610 tic Playing against the eight Pcn ctangers chie Mr and Mrs Ron Armstrong Jones BeaMcQuade Marg Park Carl Greenougli Bob Handy Mari Jack Tyrell Pcarsall Bill Ayerst Norm Har Bert Siiclgrove and Jack Garner wcrc allowed play up to three oclock by the WTTIIISL togivea chanceto the other players around town to use courts and around QULLALILLQ can CERTIFICATES by one set or Steve Hook Clarc Longhurst Eloyd George Ev ans None of these LOBLIIWS SPECIAL AI QUALITY SPECIAL WESTONS BISCUITS unlituELLcitiaiiiiisf swansronguouns IMon TuesmThurs 971 Issued in amounts players from $100 and 111 The Barrie group are very ap III preciaItwe of the Parks Board tic twhnjtiam the sixhour period hoping to visitI Penetang soon3 perhaps next week to enjoy some rmor oftheir good hospitality and good competition Interestpayable 13211 yerarly of the courts And Authorized by law they are glorithe investment of Trust Funds Speaker Describes Tripto Bermuda The regular monthly meetingofr Centre Vespra WI was held on Thursday June 14 at the home Mrs Dobson letter was Enquirej from MESSRS HENRY AND ELRICK Owen St Barrie who will accept applications for these Certific II ates on behalf of the Company or your maywapply through your solicitor or bank manager read 0m the Barrie Town Clerk regarding the Clllb1alklng bylaw IA letter from Guelph explained plans for the IIFecleratedI Institute holiday at tliAgriciiltura College Guelph starting July letter was read from Federa tion of Agriculture regarding their rural picnicin Stayner 7Reportsfromthe district annu ivi 31 wetea givenabyWMiSrPfHook CLOVERVIILLLtLink Cheese SWIPIS SWIITNING mvmm QQIILI not MOTHLBPARKLIIS TBA not UST v1 TORIA arid GREY TR grove and Mrs Wingrove Theprogram was in chrge 01 Mrs Wingrove and Mrs Wingrove gave an interesting description or IlelIIIID to Bermuda and the his tory of the island IA contestIpn birds was held the winners being Mrs New4 5011 and MrsCochranIe vver pleasant tea IhOIlI mceting to close Miss Emma Petch Assets exceed $38000000 MONNIIGIIBea IIYLMBB GIIIOIGI IPIIIIGIIIIS HALv NIBLBIS TANGOCORN ltll DEE MAIZ IIINCY CORN BAND BRILLBS Mitt PPSWIIITB CAKE MIX DOG BISCUITS ROSSMILLER MIch MIDGETIS GIBSONOJTISSUES smack 311ch sANDWICH BAGS CHM T0114 TISSUE JHVWGONGBNTRAIEDJIIIIEL GIIIIN PHSII WAX 1L llIll SOAP 9NmPOWPF3 OfficesIalso atif Believille Cannington Lindsay 7PetIerborough brought DOUBLEDUTY DOLLARS VERY dollarwe save today helps to keep prices down The savings that you andl as policyholders now make through Iifeinsurance thereforeaccomplishadoriblepurposet Ior our tomorrows while helping to ght ination toddyk martialLAIJOImssoap cm UNBIIIIUTY soap2 CONCLIINIIIITBD SUPER SUBS VBLMaxttspigups SPORKLBI CLEANER they build 494AIMPERIAELIFE rouuproigw uLAn orricazroiiouro CANADA BARRIE OFFICE Bankcf Toronto Bldg Ipucss rrectiv JUNE 2i aw BIG rt owau souuo KowarthaLokes LINDSAY OWINDSOR CORNWALL COTTAGE SUPPLIIS BUILNS Chuckwagon Dinner BUBNS SPBBI BURNS SPOlIK BUIINS WIBNBBS BUIINS CAMP SAUSAGE BUIINS BOLOGNA CLHIIKS BOILBD DINNER CLIIBKS IBISII STLW CLABKS GIIILI SAUCE HEREFORD CORNIID BEEP SWIPIS PBBM 8211 53 KM BRUNSWICK SHRDINBS SOVEREIGN Sockeye Salmon CALEDONIA PINK SALMON ritch SUNGBISI IIUIIPOIIIIIIID MILK IIIIBIIIINI PBII SOUP Flirt AYLMEBIOMIITO SOUP TREESWBBI Pure Lemon Juice LIBBYS SPAGIIEIII 81 MBIII Forks Beans iuaobttgkngtr CANADAS BEST COFFEE VALUE LOBLAWS FRESHY GROUND PIIIOEIoIIIIllIOlII COFFEE LOBLIIWS TWO COP COFFEE 92c COTTAGE BRANDIWHITENWHOLE WHEAT CR uusucsn 2401 LOAF 13 2401 LOAF on OLD UCT OF THE LOBLAW BAKERY IDEAL FOR snuwamw SMORTCAKE Wed to12rnoon Fri 03030 Sui 830 to amount Plexus GBUNGIIII ISWBIII PIGKLBSIMIXED GBUNCIIIBBNecI Mustard PICKLES 19min Swm unusn 19m mm stems WW caratch ORANGE LmESlsrioSirliivhlliamv Jamaicans Cake Mix cwniigguerrc ES Northern Ontario RKET NORTH BAY SUDBURY SAULT STE MARIE Thousand blend KINGSTON gicn Ba SARNIA pncscnvmcsurmcs cmro cnvsrans cmro mourn nun accomplices panowax munr mas JELLY aims Mason PKGS IFL BIL SfL PKG OF SHIONED TIN 431 Ch 54c 55c 49 59 51c 29c 19c 21c 43c 51c 25c ILB PKGS IMEDIUM ooz DolEN 123 43c 31c 36c 230 27c 40 41c 35 19c 25c izoz LMALLI ooz HOl MEDIUM DOX SMALL 901 103 llOI JARS CANADIAN MIIIIGBNB MABGIIIIINB IIITONI Iasl Budge Mix VELVET FLOUR LIIINGS SAUCE AYLMBB Vegetables MONAIIGII MABGIIIIINB SHLADA TEA BAGS DOWNYILIIKB CAKE MIX LOBLIIWS Peanut Butter Jack Jill INBINZ PORK BEANS LEON PINEAPPLE GIIUNKS CUBAN 01 ILB CARTON izoz SLB BAG dl BTL ZOIL 01 TINS lLB CARTON PKG or uOI MAPLE or LLA ruvoun TOR CAKES PASTRY 01 IOJL OI TIN 1201 CHOIC 1101 MIXED TINS till ORANGE PEKOE 1601 PKG 1601 JAR lSFL Ol TIN 20fL 01 TIN DEVILS FOOD 1601 TINS IlFL TIN lOIL 01 TINI FL TIN 15FL 01 TIN 20FL TIN LB IN TOMATO SAUCE 25c 35 SELECTED QUALITY GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS anrLLouiLs JUMBO 45 SIZE HEAVYMEAT SALMON FLESH AICKED WHEAT SPECIAL ILICID 14c EACH RICEDI 15 29 ATTRACTIVELY POUND CALIFORNIA JUICY HEAPINODUART WisLEOILAWVW SIIE arms sciLciis qcomu inLnrzuowcmsu NOW AT le BESTII ONTARIO SNOW WIIITE CIIOLlll Arirsu DAILY HEADSI INDIVIDUALLY villiICED un OI JAR 16 01 JAR 244 01 JAR 31 OZ JAR awn mm HiCLiiiiH Pittms Irtsg CELLO noLL CARTON BAG 55c ALSO Acacicsssuenowor GRAPE PKG ILB BABY ROLL 1601 PKG ISFL TIN MFL 01 TINS star elfiii 29 33 I360 35 16 436 II 13 ZIiiom iFL oz nu ILB EGULAI CAKES 55c 37c 13 33c MOKEII POIlll DELIGAflEssIINr poops WE IIIIIITLIIESSEIIT Damion T05 CIIILETSIOW curtain ciiiziisrv POTATO Sill =5 ionkIynANoJiiosrro OCEAN PM it monastic lb 35c Llflt iaoz rim was ILB PKG 200SHEET PKGS PKG ll wit59 uOZ 1201 520ng rite FRESH CREAMY All DELiciousi II soncoNoMLCALMEALs IVE Ilsa cm 43er ronk BRAND Rogm tuna lie 69a 19c 11th MVVW TIN lip 2R Liilu It li Illa