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tiJ111imrlLL 13 V55 check the wiring III 1111 IIewAIIomes til Square 19 01 mmc rum V5 31 11911111e111e11t for from 11 Member lulcctiu Seixue l111ut ot 11A11 311V VVV lttd 511 on 111 111151 11114 llcd Seal 1111 on Vd Vh VHVV VVVV werth 51 GROVE ST PHONE 4307 is 0re 111 53 ififffdh than 11111 11th 1111111111 on PHONE 10114 51110111 111111 ngAL VV V65 A1 11 11 11 ViVA recommmh VVV VVVVVV VV VV 50 Slilllild llfili 11igguhfmm of gratication1212131nmz121212121115122111121namnmnmmmnmmn 3111 Mamsemannnaannhaaanmmnn33131111291212151mannaAnnamnannmmnm 11111110111 Red Seal certI Ieate a1c Hum mug 111C 51111011 bax of weatherproof convenience outlet 01 19 121 21 319 iirations garden lights V11 15 also rccorVn Over 35000 such lied Scat ccrtjti mended that lIthtIng outlet 011111 cates have been awarded to homes iIiSidC SWiiCii Night be mA and around the metrOpolitan chided at each Side or rear entrance Webster Electric 132313131313131R31319131919191213131215123391312121319131212137 tecAor Vhomes wtred to the Red Scat SpCtl lutuu tisc 111th ChIIstIns at 31 3191 area of Toronto The plan has to the home UCCH thoroughly 103100 during the In addition to the spccmcatlon UVCIILVfmii VClIS SiiiCC it 85 filSi requircxnlmts and the recommenda put into operation It has also been 111115 for the wiring of each kind of EidUPiCd by the National Adequate room 111 home the Red Seal stand Wiring Bureau of the USA as the Md Spccmes 11 number Vof b11315 0f its Oik genits and size of mam sw1tch or The improvement 9100mm circuit breaker which will provtde comforts and convenience in loron sufcient capumty for adequate EC351EiillKitiiifiKKglgagig BEST WISHES FOR mg 1r 1114 mete1 Christmas AND to homes was so noticeable thatlwirmg These requirements vary local and provincial Hydro officialszmm seventy ampere serylce 10 decided to cooperate with the Elecead1 of 301101111 sman three room V111L SerViCC League in making Red apartment suites to 180 ampere ser Seal available to home owners and Vice and Ad 12 Circuit panel for builders throughout the province houses A1111 nine rooms orVmore ElectricaL contractors and Hydro The capumy 0f the main service for personnel attended Adequate Wir each Size and kind of Red Seal ing Schools this spring and are now home 15 sufficient V10 allow the addIV prepared to assist the builders and on of new pphanccs when they Happy New Year SOUTH WA OOD ELECTRICIAN ELLEN ASl PHONE 3880 921312232121nsmnnszmaa2212231213121219121212121312121212121212121 SEv15t9365l5=liiLEKigiiii AAAAAAAAWABesiWishes PgPagePSWKLgKtiiiiiilltziteieigagigrgtgzgiai5reiteratelatelallilaiztzlm 21131311913123231313a3121E313321213232223212m313132 meeeweeewankezeemmaxim AAA11 Best Wishes for Your Happiness throughout the 32 333 eekaeaamzaxmexaezaeezaeeiaieaeezeiean 31mm aimnaaamp mxazazaaxnamaaa laboursaving devices are now in everyday use as timeAgoes on In fact if it Were not for the It ones would be on the market now unQUlinahly morewill appear to lighten work in the home 1W tacturers have had in Obtaining material many new At ChristmaStime And 1111 The Corning Year AV OI HARRIS IRST RED SEAL HOUSE s7 at ay emon VV Christmas and AA 111 The New Year 12 All 15 11 nds Customers 3587 and all members of 65 TIFFIN STA PHON 39 Ammgmmm AtheE CV AV gA19191212113131annnmnnnmnmannnfaeimsoanzom111212131411219131339 sn AA ALEX KINNON El 777111 be day bu Oil are billing new home or rernodelling an old one Youare iv ELECTRICIAN it looking totheiuture when conditions will be rrItpaVyiio anticipate the electrical requirements of thatnew Ax we StoresAmienexnnnmeenneneneeegLeoniesegmenting homefor thenext ten twentybr more years Si as newtoulpment is Vadded1feWirian expense WluV beY91decd cnoticesImmanzngmgeeemneneammoniamewememwg To make changes or additions after house 15 lete iVs anVuch more costly undertaking 53 Foroll of us electricity has revolutionized Way Of liingduring the past twenty Years Many electrical To Wish You 1011 Red Seoli is Standard recommended by tente 1991 33 an assurance of adequateelectrlcal Wiring 3SEEZEIEMLEBZZZEEEE 11 5i it contractor or from our office THERES Sun ONE PLUG LEFT OVER capacityforfutureas Wellaspresentneeds 7W Electrical contractors in Barrie and the Sui mg cuWitt arefilmmar with the Red Seal smndam Sp $1 Red sealandAbeaSsured ofsuscientrcapacity Wren itfrmjfrfifi AAGNEW Don overload your vVIlVIlng System won you bulld or mod1111 provllo 111111111111 wmuo 255 SAYFIELD ST PHONE 32211 seamene12 nlnmznnmsnnn Iii ELECTRICALCONTRACTORV 111 Snannmmnnmnmnmnnnmnnnmnmmmmnnn