THURSDAY DECEMBER till THE BARRY EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA PAGE SEVEN THoiiiiiori vacuum210 CENTRAL ono We are vzzAfdmt dolly after CI 11 carrier for sexcru days Mrs Strirn IXivllil Aarisur om Ilrnlll III llllS ri1u Examiner LILISslflwls 11112 suits InnmanYMENr INSURANCE COVERAGE EXTENDED 1i uthoritgl rm lulu Im m7 ON AND Alfllillt anuary 1st 11118 every employee in insurable employment paid by the month whose annual rcInuncratiun docs not exceed $312000 Will insurwl under the Unemployment insurance Act AT PRES CNI those paid by the month whose annual remuneration is $210000 or less are insurcd under the Act TIIE CHANGE will not affect the coverage of all hourly daily and piece rated cmployccs and those paid on mileage basis WhoWlll continue to be insured regardlessofearnlugs WEEKLY RATED employees whose earri ings are expected to be $312000 or less per year will continue to be insured under the Act 16 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION BISSON Chief Commissionir 11 thmnan Commisszmmrr TALMIN onmziss ionrr 11 touch Going in Blizzard gt IEI vl tort llillixl 11 ll 1pi liJ Int 11 all cf Ull luxm xvl1xlxltl rapidly v11 twinnrcn II and Lt zit la ranging Juli hit in 1u ks um Ijt1t1oII or hand and 1112111er at ilir pr lo thtclatns tlt lliIlfti ncietl bII tinre III lllllli thr IIIIl ltrllxtl I11 olln 1111 thrntnnts wIiv mitt llltltlts and car linliittl I=I llllill 721 to 5130 quantity ul hum 1I2L ll thorn minim 101 batch ti litthlIIijrti and mid lIIlli I11 lZ llttclllhci and 11 my tmulllin Toronto Vlbll ll Arum IIm Hnmcll Ill KNOCK Ind Nils hfl llavvn olllul ill Vwili viiin zvuh Mr and Mrs liltliilKQIQIv tins Irene cultriaincd num lltl oheir frIInds IIogrcssivt Illitlflas playcd wuh Mrs Park II luv and llcll Shannon lln pitc inrm Ihc prrxxs 1m to John Vil IF ST LOUIS redit lnion Talks grieving turd informalivc ink 0539 advnlngcs of crcdi Emma and union sfigivcn by Mr Dubcau of In lIVahg IIIIZIIC at the school Ii Mtg evxning The occasion zrtnly meeting of Strucor my lttlclzllitn of Agri urct sfilm entitled Soil of Tomorr and fit jgctory of Western farm ers ovt bright and wind lltll 101110 local FCdera lIon fit An animatcd discus Slr Rclrcslnnenls were tttl close of the meeting depicting the struggle 33 YOUR WARS CERTIFIIC can be ca or The payoff Savings Certicates issued in May 1940 are being Government at their full face value On or after December 1511 you can redeem al issued in june 1940 and so on month by mo NOW is the time to look them over sort them each Certicate cheque for the full face valu sent to you in due course From now on monl by Ianth Es on War Savings Certificates hash Right my all War demed byte Canadian Wt Savin3Certicates glib the It few years you are among the thrifty people who ow 97 SavingCrticates Ily montlrnd as they fall due endOrse them and mail to Ottawa as esaibed Ollie back of och Carma willbe But here is another guy you Save yourself the bother of searching on Heres what you do Bring all your War SAFEKEE iSavings Cenicatesvvvhich you have at home or iinyour safe deposit box to yOur nearest Royal Bank BranchWe will qu them in our vaults for safekeeping As the Certicates fall due we Will cash them for you and deposit the full face value which includsrinterest in the savings account of the registered owner automatically If you have no account with us we will open ongfor y6ufor this purpose automan the eost of thig service including safe at no keeping until yourgcerticatesx mature islow as diexfollowing table shows mr swam or 1111 siliconSWING ssnvrcs Is AVAILASII town in ANY men or null noun SANuor canon CertiC Havelhc RoyalBaoki qrcamdanuiuhis CHANGES it It ll 115 for saf ping We will for their demption as ogd above icllarge of 595 rticate regardles litheface value Romunit ViBlkRmE BRANCH IM gululiltc tnldvIth and Ivia Hlllli IIllia were lay chmunlit Mr and Mrs consolation the VllS 29 My Uriml IIIIIIIlur Iiift In Ilnv turn of wrap of mutation Ilrxu IIIIIIIIL szii 11 hittiit fluxxvl lll lu Averagi prn tollorxr Eggs according to 5170 and Illitilly lllltll 1lh in liiil Dalry llllll 1b full llrcznl lluns IIrrltcys ll litht lb Spring linkcngt lb llullltll fowl lb Ducks llI Vegetables Frurts Etc llllillh tiut tiil 11 UV arrols basket 1I Polalocs liIl willc 7541 bar $3153 laisnips basket lIlI Apples basket 33 to Mr Apples Spys bus 311 Other kinds bush $130 00 Hubbard squash 25c lcpper squash 3c to Sc Swede turnips each St to 13c Citron 15c to 23c Squash 13c to 20c lurnips to 10c Small cabbage 10c to 15c Beans ll lt till it liii Mr in ltl iiih III It ilit Flowers Bittersweet and other everlasting flowers from BBC bunch to 50c Lavender glas 10c Horseradish 20cto 33c CEDARHGROVE Mr Ind Mrs Knight and family Calcdon spent Sunday with thc formcrs parents Misses Evelyn Arnold and Nollie Scott anticipate attending the OAC short course Dec 29 bdrm Mr and Mrs William Knight on account of illness of Mr Knights mother were rcccnt visitors to T051 ronto Some Copaco Advantages Shown The farmers group gathered at Mr and Mrs Albert Erwins Dec 15 with fine attendance Thisi being the proChristmas meeting the Christmas festival fsoling for rIejoicing prevailed and the busi ness was brief Miss Pearl and Cecil Newton of Egbert attended Cecil explained the advisability of farmers joining the Copaco at Bar rie also how it is possible to ship through the Alliston Coop to BarI rie farmer may join the CoI paco by paying fee of $3 the bal ance to be paid fromthe accumu lation of dividends The importance of inking othcr advantages as offered and outlined by Mr Newton was stressed by 11ch speaker game of 500was enjoyed Mrs Walter Howard and Cecil Newton had the top scores After the lunch Mrs John Ireland of BarI rie in her usual vivacious manner led lively singsong William Knight Cecil Newton and Albert Erwin favored with few selec tions Next metingai the home of Mr and Mrs Howard Black Dec IIIoIII in 1H Home Sim xzrt wn of folli el guilt 11411 13 itllltld rl iiIgnmn SI IM his was Indictan Iitzlcz n1 lullnld with vllFs ch 27 lit 1111 lolcrI1lollnI nluu to 11 iliiiiwl ilm charpcd 1u1I1111I If lIsIopII Ktli Illlllvll has also taken inf it hnhcr court prvlrnnn warm1 was heard 1llc 11f Slrotul II1 with tilt 1H itllf lhlnlltltd Illlllltl to kriilnp lltllt I11 Haninlvrx lti Wu jI1lnn nt lilllll ch 11 1h rum am 07 charges With on or 1123 lllllitlltlttl for sentenci 31 III already itlV 711 lll lll lit III1II barge Il Iiilnmrscn of I1trllt Wm Icoml tune in work mourn lllc Liquor untrol was sentenced to lilltt lll lilll iIc aim was Hill assault of his Ill Int mixold baby boy and was found 1122IIrtcnct of four months ill Ian lJlSltlllth ll lIIS llillc IIIIliil onnly Juli IIIIl IilIIIi Iquilly IIIITSIIRILLII IN SENIOR mi 1N IIIIIIUP lhc 11A groupings llith been arranged for the 194748 season by the cxccutivc conunittcc of the association and released for publi Icatiou and we nd the Barrie Colts and Orillia Narvos have been Classi ed as Senior teams but will com pctc in group comprising Midland ollingwood and Ncwmarket Hoff mans all of whom rate as Interme diate entries If we go out on the limb and statc that it looks like Orillia all the way we dont think we will be far wrong Barrie has yet to play an exhibition game and their strength is not known but the Narvos cer tainly carry scoring punch How cver the Intermediate Winner is 511 eligible for the playoffs regard lcss of senior classed club end ing on top so we now pull in our fangs and call Collingwood to take the district honors Surprisingly Gravcnhurst Indians are in very weak group made up ofCollingwood Seconds Pcnetang Goldwater and Sutton The Indi ans have strong club and should walk off with the honors although if Coldwatcr and Stilton live up to history it should be struggle for the Intermediate title Coldwatcrs return to OHA con cludes twelveyear period of idle ness for the village In 1933 Cold water had strong entry and went as far as the semifinals in 1181 spring playdowns Sutton came from the Rural ilcaguc to the OHA last year and are determined to form dangerous reputation in the association just as they had in the rural They are lcoached by Ken Davie formerly of Barrie and one of the best products the iturncd out fcnce for Central Bantams in 1932 Barrie ChurchLeague ever He performed on do From there he went to Young iRangcrs and then before the war We was with the North Bay Trap pets Navy and then played withColling wood Shipbuilders for two years Now he is located in Sutton and is During the war he Was in the NEW YEARS EVE 331 ii0icers Tlgcted for LOL NC 432 it clctlnm il arcl who Spa Im Blair not l1lillI Martini Iatitilw gp011crc1sun115 See the New Year in at uh 79 Reservations Now Taken for Gala New PM DINNER NEW YEARS EVE Dancing SouvennS For Reservations PHONE 4272 BARBIE SEASONS GREETINGS TO ALI Music Floor Show ADMISSION Plus 2590 tax pen on Christmas Day Bowen Boy Spark Oriliio Norvos to 133 Victory Over Newmorkct ii ari IIlId ycari ll llaI 14 Mill 1ntil AitKtvx ll 11 II BIINDOCK lliv nlllljm lltiIl deal lhcrr Alli tl ready lo lllitl The as only one Junior mu II entry Mercurys vIll 11ml cr livis Two teams In all In District Iltllr BLWD BITTERS iiIIIII It iwflllu ilIIlIlllitiIs illtlll lilt anil l=it no li1tlilllwiilltliililll 12H child Ilronxinris 1n suffer from IWLi unto d4 il lflI it lwIIII liltlliii Mir19 In II11I iIIiIIJlllit1 headaches or minor qu Ulllliihc YIiaiIlix ol the iiwr II kidneys it should in the sanm tor you II suic tor Irnrl IIIII Ml tlt lillrilolii ilionvi lilttcrs ls Iininiilc at illlJ courlcrs ricrc IIIII luI ion and llntIaInI Iiw 11 tuition 12n Is 1Ili In 111 II ill iillruu II liIiII11 llrl 1111 Out M5 CHRISTMAS SEALS FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS Contain Calcium Phosphorous Iron Copper Cobalt Manganese Iodine and Salt Dontlet Borderline Deciencies Rob you DUCTION COWS FED MINERALS Castes if MmeSal of MAXIMUM Are more sure breeders Wean upto 10 more calves Wean calves that areup to 10 heavier more Canes Bigger calves With mums THE COST IS SMALLA THE PROFIT IS LARGI1 About1c per daywill mean HEALTH INSURANCE MAXIMUM PRODUCTION For Your Cattle 111111 9031141111 ii II tantrums IIImum Cokef Prewar Price Wartime Taxes SOrders You Pay EJ Askfor IIEITbeT way botJ trademarks mean the same thing Authorized Bottler of CocagCoia under contract with CocoCola Ltd PENETANG Bor TLING comimr Penetang Ontario