Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Dec 1947, p. 6

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PAGE SK THY BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CA ADA 11 sixteenarse ticfitiiwxdxltixiNiiiiM iFAlTH AND PEACE Sc IARE ETERNAL WASSAIL BOWL FOR is gt4 may ccidwwrttKZKEEWRRWV SmimWWw so 31 SEASo t1 Aw unlit 11 tf 1tUltlel It SIMPKIN ccnl 35321 Aw gt In 27 re mateseve lt11 Sat1 AGAIN WE HAVE THE PIITIASUEIIZ OF WISHING YOU Tlilj VERY BEST FOR iliristmas and the New Your Greethransportation Co Ltd 1lt iii GREETINGS main oxr if nix233221J3i3211313 BARBIE Ver Merry iiristirias Teds Radio and Appliance Iii OAKS 11 Ms ill lllthll Itiluu 111 v15 Deniml Izeelin It rnou Hutchinsons Supenm Insulation nor HUTCHINSON yzz Egg Rx ywm xrv 1s t4 gr crescewztcicmmemn 11 IQWEEIEIEEEvi herecanvasseiciczmlactcezetctcmw manageemxxn PE were rig Christmas Carols llv lllltl on human nl joy and good llli to al CALDWELLS 1111111113 urn Drug Store flit lllfll ll ROBERTSON Hit It 1lll1lCR BUB ll lvyll CHRISTMAS May your hearts and homes bc gay with love and laughter and may continue for 1918 HLLHNDHLE HHRDWHRE ALFRED Nil1131 EDWIN NORMAN 505 Sincere good Wishes for CI MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR lo Friends and Customers GO SHOE REPAIR fit AlllilllION HI mu 91 comic WISHING To ALL Merry Christmas And Happy New Year nuns sauna2 sruIoN EARLE MIDHURST 212 31 33EINEIMEHEEEZEIEIEEISQEEESE Sherman May the glowiof your Christmas candles re flect an the joys and fulfilled desires of the pastyear arid may that radiance forecast life coming year as the best and brightest of all MANAGEMENT AND STAFF or THE arrie Creamery $1 Mideast phone4443 Icc If Illllfl ll1llll1l li itnd 11m what has llll 311 lltlll 11111 dii II til ill Ir lllltl II Ili llllllilllil 1zni llIllliillI ui nnvh blood but It ltxl their 111311 11 upon Inc I11 Ir provoked by 1gtII1I int not know trust III II II1ci Eris commands mud Ilrc glad tid lllgt 12111 lo few slicphcrds ilililtll haw IIIspIrcIl cour I1l 11lh iot such as no lx lure proclamation has gtIlIIrII l1Ilt iml it 11 IIIlIi llIl tIIIIII II iu 11 lic II ll Ilicd lbll lI Drum 111111le Ev tlwmr nnrnnnls of IthrnIly Ilill lllll iCondle Light Service First Baptist Church lilt church lln Young ilmolrs lmnn hristmas Sunday v1 lcbrutctl In llrst Baptist tliurci lh tle music by thc null lzr tmas messages by li llumphrcys xi from Cor 915 ookc on The Un spcakablc lit at the morning ser 1csus Christ the gift of God Il Ioi If 1IIld by 11gt Iil in to mankind was one gift hthat could Iii nasmoms 2121omnnmhmeolmomzii ItrenicelcchceIcchcIcw ll 23522232312232a2 Imimanagimmmmmmm Snazmgmammmmammgwsmmewsto 222 515213343 in Van ic Water 2912 warms nor have price Sci 011 it and yet it free to all The choir sang First Christmas Carol by lioiton with the soprano solo be ing taken by Mrs Dayholos Their second number was Arise Shine by Simper At thc evening service which was conducted by candlelight the choir fung The Christmas Legend by WIlson thc baritone solo being sung by II 11 lomlinson Peace on Earth by Snnpcr Paul Irwin singing the tenor solo and Mrs lJaIliolos Night of Nights by llrv Humph rIys pokc Ill The Gift of Death which Jesus tcccptncl on our be half loud IliglIgaiitills attended both scrvrccs Brsbii lhis Correspondent wishes the Examiner Staff and all its readers very Merry Christmas Mir Clrs Stnnc and children Sluyner were rccenI visiiors wirh llrs Suncs parents Mr and Mrs Iim Copclnnd Mr aud lrs Fred Slorcy and tlli Lloyd of Caledonia Called on iiicnds Ind relatives in this corn Iituntty on Monday EM and Mrs Bud Palmer and son Garry of Barrie and Mr and Mrs Viau and sun Douglas of nity Bay Spent Sunday Dec 14 with Carrie Bums Enjoyable School Concert IMrs Gnheen and children put on their annual school Christmas con cert to well filled school house on Dec 19 Norman Coutts made very able chairman The progrrm which was of very high order consisted of songs dialorzues rec Ilaions and rhythm band All the boys and girvls from the biggest to the sm performed in an ex cellent her with much credit to their Mrs Goheen and to them esJIMrs LeslieSmith he audience with two vOczIl solos after which her daugh ter Beverly four years old vcny cleverly recited piece aboutthe coming of Santa Claus Misslrene McMastsijIprovided the piano Sc compuniment for all the songs After the program SantaClaus zip peared much to the joy of all the dhilldren and presented each child with present and bag frcandiy The singing of God Save lieKing brought very pleasant evening to close Merry Christmaswto 11 Ross Bertram spenf Friday in Toronto iMrsClineiI01f Toronto visited her son Brock recently There will be no service in Diall Ston Church Sunday Dec 28 Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Jas Thompson Colpreoll dimmer of Dalston on the arrivalof baby boy Much credit is due the teachers and Mr Dempsey vine musiclteachr enfor the fine Christmas concert evening JII cirlllld 11 all put on rby the pupils Wednesd WKQSKKKKKIKKKWIKKIKRKKKWIWKKKWEIE 71I litl ll11l 11 111 vu 111111 lit lllltlIIrI Silirrllitnlr Iliain lonr It ili 11 lin IIIII11 clmz III fmliI 11 1111 Ii 11 In itlilrll 311 IIi ltei W11 EI iun ol 17 53 lliillllll 1tli1illlll litiw l1IIiI1111Iriilni lIIi lzn itl iIIII 11 gtllll ls iIli II1npnInp Imlrl 311 tluIIIJIIUIAIIIII and 111ul lln lil llllllllll onl 11m Ills 1lllli III li lat E1IIIItiuI itlli lIl Sill li IIIIIIItItl among Ilgjlllltil tlll arm III lini lliilu Jon Hub 1III 1112 Walla Ittliri Mothy lilouu lloli Rummy lint11 lhian Joncs Arthur ililtt llonnlc ruc Ilnlw Miller littlll lllllilitlitl Marian lliysilnlta aII lllllt IIoII ll Ilium lhll lIacc lutatu Iubs liuynnnd Ilolutaillc If Iciiclung icn tln potato club pItht iop honors llll tltiil out of 1000 points 111 also tool illiill iltllltll lll Yh licsl potato cxhilu Ihc potato club lllllztl spe rial award tllllll lll llltil lln llIlllti tool lliv first lllllit lnul liulntailic swond Montcalm 1135 rothcs third lloristc lltltllt$ fourth and Gerard icllltl fifth thcr riuncrs cr labricl Laurui llcrbcrt Marthand labrnli lllarchand lcan llruncllc lionnltl lto IU t1l ln uninhl Itgmil MI ttiuglgvll t1il tit North Simcoe Club Winners IAULD LAVNcsVYNE grtultl will 11 ltll 1Istion seclnanl PM of liir ltl tr 2111un iIul lec llinllIi 111 14 not and le31 two In tl 3lillltt5 IIw cumulmeth lhc IIIIllllillgt llullhl total of buch lual llltlt Immir 111 lllflli st ll llm ztilllel ltllitltlllit 11 III unfn11rllrlv it1 lll Ill Ilil111gtu 111 ltiiul ihtl Ihwl lini llliliu lntIlvtl v11l2ncd the of pit William larn third llll utuud 1ll1 outb ich ll lillii vspvclnvly In lllltill tor In l1cal 1111 ll lull and 3111111 illlllilllllll Illl luo IIl mva 1c the ihc lrspllt plm III llrl Iiow 11 class lIIIIshttl Iln projch nt alternlarrcc liol 1llltl third Lumba ll lll of lhclpston Joins and took Sp rial class Miss illi 311111111 Inlm first in the club special and 11mm loncs took second placIl Ronald French Other llllll worn and lloward lrrcnch l1llGRAllN RECORD lhc lurgcst number of civilianstor mercurmch Canada slncc before the war Dyer Iltlllll Aim Spllht Don llllltl Erin tlltt not till it Ill gt211 boys 1111 Hail of Shun iil 111 Ill 11 ItSllllt lhv tillll niunrllcrs fin William llurnv lUI iII 131 luui 1I1d Iltlllill 1m ooh and ti totll Hill4 win In 15 mIt llnl liailholoIInw and All Mar Jones of Midland tool illillll poor lllltl all your competition was Almost vcry uIn had high scorc and all who had 100 pc ran cru hcd have 1itll 111tlllll51lllltll lIdmund DIOHLlll an11lll film during me Imm Germain Morcau lhc total nnuunt W1 OVWVV 35 mmllced by of prize money awardcd in this club il NW 01 lligsengm iCllll unounlcd to SSJI Lorne IIrdhopc of caplurcd first piac in 1111 rillia of possible scurc of 1000 1rnc Iccumulatcd 860 points Giving him close competition and taking second place was Iom lisrlhclottcI of llillsdalt with 030 points In the special prize for the best cXilllMl Ivan ioodrow took first5 and was followed by Lorne ludI hope who took second Ivan alsoi took third in the gcncial competif tion thcr winners of the spccial class Vclc Gordon loodrow Mari tial Belangcr Martin Walsh Iackici King and Thomas Bcrthclollc Competition was very closa in the middle bracket of the prize vin ning list and altogethcr total of $4250 was paid out in Iirize money to the members ol the potato clubi gt Other winnch were Bob Weldolii Bernard Lcahcy and Art Weldon Bcef luh With score of 8153 out of 1000 Donald Home of Orillia captured first place in the Oro Beef ClubI Second place in the regular com petition went to Jack Smith of Iiaivkcstonc and third place wont to Neil McNIVcn If Oro Station The prize for grand champion showman went to Neil McNivcn who tallied 94 out of 100 for show manship Donald Home was close behind with score of 92 to take the rcscrvc grand champion showi man he best baby bccf calf shown by calf club member was ownedl by Alan Brown of Barrie Second place in this special event went to Bill Clark and third to Jim Cald well both of Shanty Bay Other prize winners were Wil liam Home of Orillia Ivan Clark Shanty Bay Lloyd Bartholomew of Guthrie and Bob Gray 01 Guthrie Dairy Calf Club Howard French of ElinvalcsvaS the winner of the North Simcoel Dairy Calf Club projectJor 1947 He was closely followed by Fran ces Jcrmey of Barrie Out of possible 100 points Howard took 897 and Frances took 895 Third place went to Joan Dyer of Elm vale with 888 points Competition for tophonors for Exhibit was close between French and Miss Jermey with Miss Jeri of Shanty Bay Murray Strachan oi Shntl Bay Ivan Woodrow ol genrenocrammedSeescucumecewmigmmxum MERRY CHRISTMAS Andil PROSPEROUS HAPPY NEW YEAR To one and All GRQSEL AUCTIONEER thari31Stlzlgtgtiimxhtfhmiiwmimmmh3t mi rcnch llnI 1miinion to settle in Canada HElP TO KEEP anadiau National Railways Of the hurstmm rctord number of 4000 persons to in October mm 11m WW rm out nearly all vcrc immigrants coming ONTARIO THRlVlNG When ironing prepare clothes in advance then turn on the iron turdllplf us you hear the end and use the stored heat in your iron r11 HYDROEtienne rowan COMMISSION or ONTARIO BARRIE Wmiii IMrSJMaTqIIIS orrHomeEtonomics and delightful Christmas carol 47 opn house custom has lallczr jtllu Sidk Childrens Hospital Mrs lgtI Evil In l1 Iyui 3141541 Anyway 11 thuuzc II tltSill lttufutll Will illllll thlh lII Illo isowl liie mt and Includi spice comic1 unzc ulticd ll hosts uho could Ilmgd tiJ floutwl ll llit tit gtillltllllltS c1llcl Lunas val 11 itzc mun licnixl Iin poorer claws carirui l=ul I11Iui1lcd unit Iroum tin nifitlbr 1101 lt tilzll up of it lu illicit Lucy loo might tnjoy the Wassail he uxoin of making siIoI culls ll an c1s Day was in uung throughout llltll 10011 Nc Ipcrs carrnxl Izlnnmn II at Ironic notices specifyinzc the nours durin which visitors anllll be received succession of open ll uses and punch U1l oznctnncs Iniuimizcl inc courtesy tlttdtittl to liostcsscs rcccplious vcie Ills bibulous slrangcrs publicly announccd the decline and Ncw Years calls now being exchanged only by llllllllilltS the Wasatil bowl rnuud in private goes full abu 31 is SIEROUD WW Dcccmbcr 20 Sorry to report llrs Paris on he sick list thisywcck Best wishes in the lidilor and urie Examiner staff for Happy Christmas and Bright Ncw Year Chas Wiee attended the funeral of Mrs Jas Irving in Midland number from here altcncicd Knock concert Dec 10 See Coming Events for ticulurs cf Ithe New Years dance in id of the hall fund It is hoped there will be good representative attendance at the annual meeting of the Stroud Com munity Hall on Monday nignl Dec 29 as business of importance will be discussed ExcellentSchool Concert par EN zzemztawszmezzIczzzaIztezzzaezaztzteaeemumcmc The store where every employee and th management join in wishing you the mer riest Christmas ever REEVES Jewellers To You and Those Who Are Near and Dear to You El lbcrrv Cthristmas ttllb ill lbappv Illew char BOYD Insurance and Real Estate Broker 322 vErEtIPrkkaEk 3212232 Ki EiECCQEldCCCECdCIQKCCCCEKGCZCCMYCCQBCZEEEZCiiEC Seasons tBreettngS At this holiday time when the routine of business is laid asldc we take genuine pleasure in sending to our many friends and patrons the hearticst good wishes for Merry Yuletide REIDS BARBER SHOP 27 ELIZABETH STREET amenasehmm ENQIEIDt 111th audiean attended lthe x19555itElliditiiKKKKEKEKEEWKWWWKKKKKWEKEWIKIEIEEICEEKEKW Slioud Public School Christmas concert on Dec 18 The pupils put on program consisting of cantata Santa Changes his Mind recita tions drills and dialogues Santa arrived just in time to distribule him many gifts from the beautiful Christmas tree The teachers Miss Downey and Mrs Argue and pupils with ers Small as pianist are to be complimented on their suc ccszlllul concert Womens Institute The December meeting of the WI Friday afternoon had good attend ance Roll call Bible verse con taining the wordHome table of very attractive and useful home made Christmas Igifrts not exceed rng $100 in cost were much admir ed Business and reports included plans made for the New Years Eve dance and the annual pot luck sup per and social evening on Wednes day Jan 21 profit from Lions Club dinncr $70 arrangements for the local Christmas remembrance parcel of sewinlg to be done for overseas and donation of $5 Ito Nelson gave assplendid report of the afternoon session of the recent Institute convention The program on Home Emnomics included paper byiMrs Small giving various ways of preparing nippetizime dishes from leftovers 1a titre by and piano instrumental lby Mrs Elmen Gibbons collection was takenv orthe local Santa Claus Iund and the meeting concluded with sumptuous lunch Craigvale Concert VDespilIe the inclement weather the pupils of SS No 11 held their annual Christmas concert Dec 17 lhree were unable to attend but the remaining 35 presented var ied ntntainment with Roy Good amaanmmnzimmnsomersetmammwzmmmhmmrtnmnmmnamt BESTWISHES Planters Nut To the Wholesalers and Retailers of barrio and District CHRISTMAS GREETINGS and for PROSPEROUS PAT WHELAN and Chocolate 00 Limited cannmhmmnneumammemmmuu re 48 it uccucmnmmeIssexunemmasmmsmmmzmuuueemg FRESH CAKSS PASTRY BREAD MANS BAKE ALLANDALE sHoP st Clairts Hobie runs mops p81 40 amyminimizeInNitnwiipnammmaintain tellow as chairman The first item entitled Songs of Christmas con sisted of several carols interspersed with dizilogue readings and tab can scenes afthe Nativity The remainder of the program contain 611 dialogues drills and songs Of course Santa arrived in time to distribute the gifts and candy ilt December 22 Wezwish the Examiner Staff Very Merry Christmas and 1a happy and Prospemus New Year Mrs Lenia OConnor anddauzh ter Frances Toronto are spending the holidays with the farmers brdlllrerA Mrs Gloria Clarke has gone to her hombai Oarlcvtmod our the holi days litre school Christmas concert held in the hall Thursday evening was well attended and the pupils all did ItlheirIpaIrl well Much credit goes to their illeatdher ers Clarke who did the most of thetraining LOL Officers Elected The LOL held their annual meeIt mg in the hall Tuesday evening with good attendance Officers or Illhe year are WM Murphy DM Gouhev Clh Edgar FS Holland Treas Ruddink Rec Secy MurphyM Dem nary Denney and Gauly 00mm EGauley Robson Wight Denney and msnamzwzmwamwemzseesawazaleaszzzzizlemczzzsealzmzmerezem 3332ElSIZESPIBIPIEMEEEIWEMWMNMENNSIEEEEIBMEEIMPIHEISIEIEIEIBI glzxEElEllKiikieiaiiliiiblillillziEl Our Christmas Wish May your Christmas be Joyous and may the peace and good will of this festive season remain and prevail throughout the World during the New Year 1948 Particularly we remember the veterans ofboth wars and the newcomers from the home lands and from other countries on this their first Christmas in Canada TIVE PACKERS ffofoutcrIOTLimited BARBIE ONT THE swEANADA LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 12122329212211201 hzmkwwgmkmmmmxamnmzmamswamps22229222a 2232 33m announces the election of 511 1111 as NiceProisident and Genettil Manager an 15Hrirmc1mr1v as VicePrecident and Director Miskey IA report for the past year was given

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