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Delivery RANGE COKE $1400 For Ranges and Quebec llcutcrs ALBERTA COBBLES 1450 For Furnace Range and Heater SMOKELESS EGG COAL $1650 For Furnace Range and Heater SOLVAY STOVE COKE $1725 An Ideal Furnace Fuel BOOKING For Fertilizer and Hybrid Corn Now being taken PLEASE PLACE ORDERS EARLY See us for your feed rc quircmcnts train Chopped Feeds Poultry Mush Phone 2435 or 2436 The Sarieant lo Ltd Headquarters for Fuel Builders and Farmers Supplies Since 1889 BARRIE BARBIE BtOthtlt Co Ltd zgml UNDERWEAR FORMEN AND BOYS Penmans 95 is famousfor healthful warmth and lightness Youll enjoy wearing 95 outdoors andin Its modern styling and expert tailoring assure free dom of action lasting comfort High quality in every garment is maintained by use of the best Merino yarn obtainable ChoosePenmans 595 Underwear 1r131NCLA1R Kc 1111 and Killinervzn 111 1311 pziid to are his llll BARR IE E39133 WYEBRIDGE tite11 l1111l1 lie 111111111111114 11x 11111191141 1ttlll ti 11 1Illltltl1tl 111 11114 bylvriuu 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