liitili Ticli Australian Official Says Education is Driving Peeple Crazy itilil Th at Fumllowou Illlllltll lltl liiiiilv lll litit tini tltltl in winter liIitlltli iiliiilliit twitt tln ii lit tllllll vZ 1i lltllil you niigv itinhl in riidiilr gt tllll ii lzumlul fsisl rrlil lxtr litil gt Rtlli llt lltlLl lvitllitllllt iiivniiisJ tit and so ii ii iiii it is tiles tlti to use tlil lanes no disaprtiuinlt tilltrtlletl laruilel does not disuppoiiit DRCHASES ius than lit li iiiiilini iii lvilll is FepslColals the registered trade mark in Canada of the PepsiCola Company at Canada Limited sure Crown Brand Corn Syrup is good for me Sure the doctor recommends CrownBiand Corn Syrup as part offmy diet PARCEL MAILVTO lCollier Street United UNITED KINGDOM Church WMS and WA SETS NEW RECORD Christmas Meeting ltlHSllllii lINSllilI PepsiColo hits the spot onylime Theres twice as muchin the big lZoubce bottlel BUTwhy tie itdown to me Howabout the way you use Crown Brand for wonderful baking For sweetener And why not mention how delicioust is with pancakes cereals and hot waffles Youtcant kid me morn Crown Brand Corn Syrup is Mood lore of us For years doctors have recommended the use of Crown Brand Zorn Syrup as satisfactory Carbohydrate acting as milk modier for bottlefed infants cnowu BRAND CORN SY Also Manufacturers of Canada Corn Starch THE CANADA STARCH COMPANY LIMITED MONTREALTORONTO iiiliillll is Till piriily lititl illlll the hil iite tllti =52 ill iltt or ii 11 iiiiih lllll BARRIII iu ivmu tiri Christmas Wreath You Can Eat lllllltl the vi its lis Russells VUH thl Raliy oiitvn ts HlllttllltIl ii isu ti each iy tilllliilll ltmii if oilil oiiiiiiit1y llnllsi iil ititlttldlltt ll llitl llltlltt her ttlils ol lls Bliss ious kinds of national blood transfusion service Hospitals liusell finds lit lliiie Recently vthe lied ims cone to her ii sut tiiite With the ltllll that it case of 12 ounce lziitlcs of Liver Oil is lJFllll sliiicii tiotii Toronto Peocetime Activities 0t Ontario Red Cross Aiiiioiinieiiieiit iriis made at headquarters of Ontario Division Red tross today by the oiniiiile provincial quota in the Societys forthcoming three million dollar caiiipaiigii for funds would he forty percent of 31200000 The caiiipaiun is to he held in March litl8 and Will he headed in Ontario by Ian Dowie loronto executive who had been the volun teer director of this projvct for live years llarlr Nell of Toronto wag recently appointed as canipaigii organizer for the Ontario Diviston and Toronto Branch of lied Cross The Canadian Red Cross Society program in 1948 will include thc operation of Outpost Iloine NlltSlllg instructions Nutri tioii and lloniemaker Service First Aid Instruction Medical and Remember the school Christmas Dental Services Civilian Relief Junior Red Cross Swimming and Water Safety Aid to veteransl Overseas Relief and other peace time activities BETHESDA 7t if December Bruce Maycs and Miss Marjorie Eldridge Toronto spent the week end at their respective themes Mr and Mrs Maurice Gallaugher and Lorne Gallaiigher were weekend visitors with their parents Coirgtfatulations to and Mrs Norman Couth co the birth of daughter on Thursday Dec at 1r Alliston Herpital GILFORD December concert Friday evening Paul Russell was caller at vi Ml liiiiy tillsizsiheieiizisi tgtlltlilllll1 leriiiiiah illltl Iltt1tl linkers weio lh Ciiriillv ot sioiier Leslie Stringer that th Toronto tXllllli in It Illt if iiii the Work of ttltl as it public littlitt for 380 years btll troiii the Words of the piopiiets llllll iiid inhabited Illllllill ot lertisaleiii is oi Iii the tttilll tdllih pin lilt iiiinieils loifzi kiulieii tllil the litiynl tiitiio llltltlll tltll ziidiiwiiu iii tllll iCiuie ot toiiiin hut has lo he tttllllllllllttl by training ht 1rd to to iii Al SPECIAL TRAINING FOR SCOITTERS oiirse in first wiltl iiiri irr solely ale hii lillilt available to llov Smut Leaders throughout inina liv the Joan Aiiihiitgmm iciaioii and the Tooth ii lieu Cross Society rcspcctivcl KEEPING ll DRY lit sister Whats the idea of KCitllllQ my iiiwrit liiiilo You wouldnt tlttll me lo et your litllt iet would you sister Fnanik Steels on Sunday Mr and Mrs Cliitif Gurham and Sharon openlt the long weekend in Toronto Congratulations with1 rind Mrs Geo Jones on the birth of son in Newmarket hospital Dec The new Canadian National Steaimshiip mince Gemge the tangent vessel built in Canada tor 25 years was launched recently at Esquirnalit BC iiiiicious BLEND oriiiizi riiiiiiirs riiirsi corms Al Ilflt BAiililE tflIAthl CANADA BITTERS MANN lt tttlll ii iiiiix tllt Iiioiiifali lJlilltl 1vi it vim ii it xi ll ll tliiisliliis Ill it Jlillltlllv il bl llliiti illiv Itlldl hii lll lllt llt ii little 51mm iltlkltkl to your iuiilir smith mums iionli who llll iioiiiiii Illlit ioiiits llkllllLl or gtlll1l1 ouf mm ll ii lll llttl ldlllN llttllt ii iii lo tiri llt ll SliEJJ contrlblde to smooth lllllkll lialttli iron up llitt new Ilftl to llutl VICTOFIQH Odel tiiigiiiJl tiiiisli all JiiiiixJmir rm nubAt lltx oivmi iii GUTHRIE Mum till v3 Ii liiliintioii of litlllllllt ii tllltl Supplied by Mamie iiiiiity lulililt liistitiitis li0 it lt lll it =i lloziA ii Ll lllllll tlii best blend of blues known to science xi tim gv Hi lllll combined will liiglirquality soap flakes ilil Wonderful TimeSaver llltlt1 Economicc li lti tt1 lit It tl In Friinic LlltilltlllL tliiit ixirn blunt iriii it ii llll time Just put it in your iiliiiii EWUSl iii to itltli1t tutiil llltil ltll iiiiiiliitic or tub along itli your stup ashes in the mg me til li liriiiicdocs the ltlllltt IIlnHJlmlli new La France iiiziiiiiiii lr km iii itix aiminn Hum 1w wliilt um mh imnitlvtcly wlultlv in package which WW my IM mti ti tS on Jan illkrlltillpttltfSZILlllliiIltils mnmim 12 EIlu iim it ie zi tlll motto clothes blue In lrtiiic llltlllll ltll bluing It lgt llwll Minl viisliibegets iliite clothes sun ll ii Vt ii Hui flakes iml shine rliitc IV blCilLll ii ii rm iiii iiis lliiltl uklwell il HA iiivui itl litl is It riki iiiixiiis my roller Illll on luuwll lione its an ruindeli iiuii lilind ol iolloiw tliiit is llltllilllllltllttl to do xelop all its ruinrich lull lNHl in 41mm ol iii ml lands One Palm NEW nalityRajah an centre FREEjWhenyouliuythiSspeciiildealpack oliogglesbundedto Regular size BOYS AND GIRLS See nose Wonderful Goggles utYourGrocers Made front shatterproof plastic dustproof windproof rainproof Wide visibility The same as these worn overseas by the Army as eyeprotectors Just the thing to protect your eyes while bikcriding IIOIOlyClII Adjustable headband Titsany size Goggles lit flat in pocket when not in use 9e Yourself Pair While They Last Theyreiyours4 at no Lenora COSItlll1 each purchase of the special pad of Regular Size Packages of POSTS Bran Filthes and pair of Goggles If you havent tried POSTS Bran Flakes before youll be amazed tit their delightful avor so maltysweet nuilikediercnt So good for you too bring you added wheat nourishment Youll enjoy POSTS Bran Flakes every morning So take advantage of this extraordinary offer and get pair of these valuable Army Goggles for every member of the family and for iiianyotlier outdoor sports lriiiuse brim isyriK natural bulk food and POSTSBrun Flakes also contain other parts of When to Rememberthis otteris for limited tints onlylAsk your urocer tomorrow for POSTS Bran Flakesi ur FOR SKIERS Irlltf lor the skitrails eliziiiirproof weather pruol Just right for biking hiking ilriil many other blililla FOR FARMERS Excellent protection against sleet wind and snow lerleit eyeproleclinn for cyclists wide llIIlllslUll ed vision mt Ml Mptw autismmm AProduci of General Foods FOR SKATERS Ciiiiiliirltilileeasy on the eyes line for all outdimi sports Bla