r11r School Open House ALL PROFITSV FOR 1le EJOCEMI ER 3111 BELLE EWART T2115 liARRlE EXAhil mm ISNT EASY for an ambitious young man to decide tether hes taking the right road to success There arent any hard and fast rules to guide him But thing upon which most successful men ogrec is 111 value of making longterm personal 1111111 01 actionV When you out your personal plan of action you will of course ant to include financial independence That is where ypur North American Life representative can help He gets special kick out of starting young man on 11 small program7111111 watching both the man and theprogram glVow up together or only it few dollars month now you cauwatch your nancial independence begin to grow And youll find 111111 current decisions about jobs and everything are more easily and wisely made when youve got your long 161111 plan started Call your North American Life man in for chat He represents mutual company with 66year record for helping in the making of successful business men GEO BRIGGS DISTRICEVMANAGER 22 Dunlop St BVarrie POHLGYHOLDE RS 75 31 N111111 17 111 1111111F111 pros1111 1zsz111 211111 lirricst 891111111 111111 Public 111111 1111111111111 111 1111311 Concerts 11111 1s1orlt 111111 111 111111 0111s ronlicsrn 11 and 3111s Roy 111rocll Doris 111 111111 1111111 111111 Mr 111111 Mrs 1111111111 11lli1 United WA Meeting The November meeting 1111111 Unitctl Cilurrn VA wits held 111 1110 11111111171171 Mrs Russell Mrs Parsons 131111111 introduced the Speaker 1111s Curler Allundule who 21110 1111 iii11111511111 111111 1111 hlissronzny 11111111 1101 subject was The Church V111 All Nations Next 111011111114 Doc 11 Mrs Bruce 1311111111115 GUTHRIE November 10 weekend in Orillizr Congratulations to Ronald Black stock who wits on tour with the bCl 11111111 last week VV Mr mid 2111s Gordon Clark and family visited Mr and Mrs Bartholomew Minesing 12151 Sun tny Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Howzrrd Cunipbcll on the arrival of 11 baby gnl in Barrie Hospital 1111 Nov Mr and Mrs Gilchrist Bar bzuu 1111 bundle and Mrs Norman Campbcll were 111 Toronto for the weekend Mrs there 111111 week WV United WA and WMS The United WMS 111dWA met at MrsQMel Jamicsons on Nov with an excellent attendance Brief reports were giverrof theSectional meeting 1111A11gus on Oct 30 at which 20 Guthrie women were pres ent 3111s Gray wits appointed Baby Band lenderto replace Mrs IMtison Mrs Pilkey reported that the WMS had exceeded theirarlr locution Mrs Gray led in 1afull and interesting study of the pro gram The Bible for the North American Indians She was assist ed by Mrs StoddzrrtMrs Hastings and Mrs Jack MacArthur in the absence of the two leaders of the worship period Mrs Geouge Besse and Mrs Bertran Mrs Walker ably conducted the devotions on the theme The Bible for my Life and for my Commun ity The WA treasurer reported proceeds of the congregational sup per At the conclusion of the meet mg Mrs Jinnieson served light refreshments Complete sports coverage in the Examiner Cilio 5110111 1111 11111111 1111 111 11 in 11111110 11 1s ll1111 11111511111 is 111A 11111 are 1111 hunting trip up 1Miss Hclcn Caldwell 21110111 lustl Campbell stayed ltttll SWCLD 111111 winnings PAINSWIC November 10 St Pauls WA The monthly 111110111115 of 1111 WA 11 held in 11113 church 1111501110111 with 11 good number in attendance 11 1111131111115 presided Letters of pp1 11111 were rend by Mrs Lowery one from 11 grateful flood victim in 1311141211111 for 11 parcel of food she 111111 received during their trying times Mrs Lowery tend then presided over the election of cred 11 vote of thanks to 1111 those who helped make the afternoon tea success The president wishes to express appreciation to 1111 who 11111111111 with the work of 1110 132123111 which Mrs Green reported 11 splendid success with net proceeds of $12830 motion was curried to aid 11 community family who rc cently lost their home by fire large bale of clothing was packed to be sent to the WA house for dis NewtonSmith tribution Rev ofticgrs with results as follows Pres Browning 1st VicePres Mrs Lowery 211d Vicepres Mrs Hunter RecSecy Mrs Green Asst RecSecy Mrs Rix WA Treas Mrs Hunter Guild Treas 1Mrs Green Dorcas Secy Mrs Wilcox Asst Dor cas Secyn Mrs Darcy Lennox Extracentaday Secy Mrs Reynolds Living Message Secy Mrs Frulick Little Helpers Secy Mrs Lennox Flower Committee VZMrs Cook Mrs Pea cock Mrs Caverley Literature Secy Mrs Neilly CorrespOnd inlg Secy Mrs Parr Lunch Committee lit1s 10311011 Lennox and Mrs Fralick Auditors Mrs Lowery Mrs jMulholland NEGOTIATED TREATY In 1871 Prime Minister SirJohn Macdonald participated as one Of the British Commissionersin conference which directly involved iCanadian interests andwhich re sulted in the Treaty ofWashington When VlirerlOut Sick YOU NEED MORE lIVE BI Sience says two pints dolly yet may get only on liver bile helps digest your food and provides your bodys natural laxative Lack of bile use headach constipation indigestion loss of energy For glowing heal 111 one up your liver and got needod bile villi woven FruiHtives Canadas lamll selling liver tablets Made from fruits and hubs PAGE Hm 11101011 crowes VV VV VT VV Attracted Parents 1181le BL LR 10 BRIIAI Sealnte lnsulahon Wednesday Nov WVV LJ tV A11 11111 llzltftsltil 111 Insulating your Home with Rock 1111111 1111 Summer 1111111111 and also be prepared for 1111 11111111111 111 lilll 15 11131 HAUL 11V LN 1th for mile All Work Fully Guaranteed VVV Whit Illtttlllll0n 111111 Arnold VVV 1V Vfl 811111 Allectrons Often V1 13 lrvsrntnion for VIV 111 5111 Hrs hrurgr liirltwli if 12 tidal VV 111 01 11 20113 VVV 1V 111 5143 my to 2111 liiudtl llllty VV citr 11 H111 tone 15 11 111111 1711111112 51011 and 12 VJ pl 1111111 111111113 This mgr111111 1311111111 8618 on 111 1111111 11121 111111111111111111 lt 1111111111112 ate 1115110 fire 111 im VV 11m 1V111 1i1 11 21 1Vv 111511 01 11111111 11111111 111115 1211 1111111414 119111 to 111 115 of Ulixl 11 111115 sutledog 11 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mewl WA 11thle 1111 11105 W11 i=i prices were as follows WWI NOTE ruizsu mucus 11111111111111111 Mm VVVm VV pm mm 1111 on lnitcd hurch WMN 111 11 lll 31 7M 111 111 VVV VVV VVV Bummer 1111114111121 111111111 1VV MR WV B0kschVVVVlVVVmVV3 VvVVVV1VVVVVVV VV VV VVV VVVV V1V11VV1 VVVVVVVV1V111VVVVVV VVOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVHVVVP Vrf 11111110015 11 1210 Muted 11111 11111111 111 41111 111101 WMS 1111x1l1112v on 111 31111 111111 11 11 Hlm 1113 11f DOUIOR IOWLLR ACE 11 1111 111111 1111 11111 111111111 YVVVVV VV IVVVVVV FVC VV EXTRACT 01 WILD 111 11t1111tur1 1111 WWW W1 11 wt word C111111111 1111 rc11111 31 111 10 111111111 111 111111111111 11111111115 sTRAyBEVRRY AL port was very 111111111111111111 111 1111 11 111111 71 11111 11 5011111111 111111 111 SF11 illirrl11t5 11 Tums 2550 lash Hillbilly Md hm the HM N1 mm ll zmllmll ll PM or mm 11111s1111 1111 11111 111111111 111 two H11 1111 it E1 211 1w Balance 1111118 0111 111 11 111 1rs1rilrcl 11111111 19101111 1111111 1116 13 to 9101 thnV tiff 23m 1111101111 115 110131 itm ll 1de blim VV x15 AM leO 11111 1111 121 tromV Milton 11101111111 on wllm rllV DOCEOR llTTLl Sarina added to your regular starch 11nd presto 111 Illdil bl 0111111111 1s11 ConfmlcrirtioVn 111 111111 1111111V 111111 351111 1rc 111111111111111 11110 FOWLERS EXTRACT or Youriron skim along over glossy storthcd suffice 11111135111111 lrv5 lrlmii PM 14 111 11 i=1 11111111111 WILD STRAWBERRY 15 511100111 mde bomoe Whm llil 51 1111 family 111111111111 vi1101v Scorched clothes iron up like new l1s1 longer 10011cmuse 111111 lllllCltll governments 51111 11111110 1111112 bunch 111 11111 1111s1111v on 111111111115 of used fOVVVVeVVVVlVVV VV CCVVVVVVVV 5mm prevents 5mm and 1ng which mum fabricsV 1111111111111 squash VCVrown Attorney 191111111 11111111111111 Detailed instructions on the package 11111111 gt11111ll 111111 S11 1111 was 111111111 crown Pmrlurl cf Ganorol Foods 1112111 511111lt i1111 VtiliotllrVV 11111111 ndViourncd 1111 LSWmlv 1111 1111112 111311 11 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11 111111 from headlith to ADVANCE 101111111 1111 DESIGN Chevrolet truck BRAKES ore exclusivelydesigned forgreoter brokelining contact Theyve famous for poritive action See the CAB lHAl BREATHES Fresh air heated in cold weather is drawn in from outside and used air isforced 01111 Under the streamlined hood is the worlds most eCOnomicol engine for ilx sixe Chevrolets famous VALVEINHEAD mucx moms New stronger FRAMES carry greaterloadxgreater distances for longer timel LONGER WHEELBASES give better loud dislribulionl Youll ride high wide and handsome in this new tab with its 12 inches MORE FOOT ROOM13 inChex MORE SFAHNG SPACE 11 that inholes fresh airond lexholesl used Oir And try counting all the remorkablenew features and innovci than in these newestofall trucks Here they arethe modem trucks lhe first with ADVVANCE DESIGN TVruk users agree theyre miles be yond all others for Outright value Be siire to see the cob thatrothes Frexhuir healing and ventilating imam optional at oxlra cosi icnrvnotn rkucxs FOR TRANSPORTATION UitfliMiTED with the C05 Advance thatBreuthes7 Design CT2475 HARRIS MOTORS LIMITED as so 1111111an sin BARBIE