llilri Vii ill IiiiiLL 7700 Copies Anx x5 mi vl ARA own HOUSE OF HtTS llllSl WITH THE BEST IN BARBIE THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Continuous Show Sat 230 PM Eve Shows 51 PM THE WEST erro KNEW STRANGER STORY Me Siseon never knew more 0014670 one TIRESAWRIGHT ROBERT MllCHUM 5050 ALSO AR 003 AND NEWS MON TUE WEDMAT WED 230 ilye Shows and PM if From tho luring pen of ten Amos Williamswho also gave you tom tier to Hoavenromes this story of woman whose beauty was as strong as sinand twlro as deadly autumn 115172ch Woman Rnibaud 1th UNITED ARIISIS ADULY ENTIRYAINMINI ilEliiiliEStNiiERS LOUIS HAYWARD ENTERTAINMENT GRAND FEATURES THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Matinee Sat 230 EVE SHOWS 645 and PM with WiLliAM GARGAN LEON ERROL Vivian Austin MiibUrn Stone lan Keith RusseiiHicks qndBOb Alien Plus 2nd Hit NEW WESTERN THRILLS iLAW3OFTlIE LASIl MONDAY TUESDAYrWEDNESDArY 230pm RilBlNSliN 1111 11111111111 Diary Released thru United Artists Eve Shows at 11840 PM LAST COMPLETE SHOWING OF MEN IN HER DIARY AT 840 Men in Her DR TURNBULL TELLS OF HEALTH l1 32111 111 il r11 l1 11 11 11 luI 11 31 11 Iiitu iii At Mount St Louis 15And Fianniga 111 tll 11 111 1I 1lf tit1 XI 14 ns Farm 1t1i1 t1rli til would in ll1iti1 1111x1131 11 11 tli1 iilli iii ii li 11111 11 h111 mi in 1111111 111 iv 111 11lil1 Ivi1111111111t 11 1111 11111110 1to t1111 t11 11111111 11111 1311 11 111l1 11111111111l111 111117 1d t111i111111gt 11111 Itl11 1111111 the 1111111 1111111111 ll ll ll lll tl1111i l1111111 llUllH 1111 lo 21 1i11 111111 hip Cool Autumn Weather chcral Nights Frost itil wtl li1111111i 111l1111111 11liitl i11 1111i iill Tl11gt l111 1111 1111 1111 l1111 111111l 1111t1111111 hum iiltf flit1 1111111l11r timing the 1111M 111111111 1111 S1lto1 unzil close of Hilario KtirtJiitItt Leaders oft hau town 11111tlv1ooi 1111l 1l11111l 3i111 111 llll 1211 I111i to hill be held 111 li1rri1 this your Ihatccr do is l11111111111 11111 111111111111111 l1111111111l11111l i111r hunt supgnnt 11i11111 trom Novimiur it to AL henever it1111x1 d1111n1 tl111 11111 111111i1 11311111 1l1ii14i 1111111 i1 canvassers the town oi Harrie ill be 1klllll igVFilm iiioilgrmw if ll11h l11 ii111111 1111 11 i111i111 host to some ill recreation Jr li ldrc am 151111 33 Hilda11x l1l1 ll VltIELl directors trom all parts ot ffhilmmr tiff if lgfNf 1511111 130 il 37 i111 I11t111l1 5111 11121 ll trio Imi i111Il arraiiuciuents LMI 11 man K9 311111117 ItltIlirI tr1i lirli 1r1 brimv Inuii ln Kenneth Aiqm lt Stilt Jti Tili iltll ii111l1111111 l5 it Nitiiailert Robinson and members oi the il tit dour bun 811111 1211 711 1111 Ward 3111 lion11 1111r11n1m 1111111111 mud OliviaonNadWYAwmdlll Sept 30 iii 1221 it 11111111 01 11 111 Mrs ii Amontr the tniltillllll for For Cw mow my my uystal buil dict 713 20 Knapp l11 l111 l1 iiglfral the entertainment of the is i111i1 SJlltlil Sm EA wwAmw1 11111 MN i11111 3111 tavam itors is municipal dinner Last 1111 1113111 111 till SE tAppoint Grant Awbury till 911s ii ltooiw Monday night the Town oun lIo urnm 1411 1111s 1li lc Ward lias 51111111 hits 11ii voted in favor ui providing ll1111 uncle 1111 11111tl1l1 ullhrtun 115 whiz 313 191 Dr and HR 1i plun Hx lUIlIllIIOIIPIlllIOlllllIllllllllllllllllJIIlllllllIlllllIII Andaman 111 11 111111111 1115 11111 1111 ltvrtplmn mmmt 51 11 1111 111 1111111111 51111111111115 IrIroiItIIIuJM 1yss 1115111 111111I11 111 l11s 1111 11v Grant Awbury has 11111111 ad 1111111 111qu Myr 11 of which l1i lruik riig N11 gt 15 lt ll 71 1111 11 111 vanced from postal clerk II1 Barrie $11111 M131 ANN1 M1111 Vi is chairman lltcvtxilrvlt li iii mm H1 111 111111111 iron 2511 ll i1 lllntlol t1 the 111131Ilt11111 oi iilislmiashr in l11111i1i1111 M11 it i11111l111il Mrs WWW Mle q111l Ll lllll 1111i 1111311 111111 111111 110 xlmlt 3111 108 Ramsay lr lol111 Wood Mrs HIL 1H will but 1111 121111 Mm Office II1 it 1i 111i 111 11 89 11 Ml 131i1llllll 11i1 11 lot 111 1111 ilarris of tin iiiIiiyiSlriiixiiirc lnllCllilllilCillshill ii Sliliiiiunilm LP ts UM lmmm Milli $l33l Sllht hill1 Nil lillltlilll lulu lit 111 1111 111 11 111 Mil Airbus H15 IIIarrICd man ngrd it 111ii1t Sitarlitany hqme res eni ya11th3111laxitymay1L nlnlpnlwn1 mull Hmmlmy Hm mum and Nun of one tiir and is living Iner W1111111151111111111 VIiiyi1i55 Il 1ft 1093 MllJini 11 ilk tMtHi heating system in the lVilllC Barrie at tho1 prcsmitltuno llo mil Casio M15 3M1 Mm lnlSterlal Assn lling izllllliillm WMV slngllll28l ncmny on r11 en 1Nikimgqgglsmgl Tm 1Wl lllllll Mygl I1lhllim MN The IIrst 11111011111 11 the l311I11111111crs nd Iiilinet fti Hm up tt tt n11 l11101l Prior to Iluls illillitlltliltltl lit Mchnuan Mrs lIintoi Mrs 3315th ilfrllilll111ll11fireiiliili ll will UlhEdgn mum mm was ii WP 51 00511 01 RUN illllitl Morrow Mrs iillinlilil joined the local staff 1111 Vandpmpk Mauve 11Lmtlhtcr t11111111y1111 iillgtliLtlllti NEW all Sizes 11 61046 1p H1 1tgt1 11 mil Npllflillzl ll it ilowdcu 111 1111 1l12111 i11 i11 ywklivlfln 5171 33 it 42 1ir t1 Smith of WW Dept Iii111111 Mrs siexrziri Mrs It ifllil it snow on porn magnum 51150 to 311150 lt 1W Mo my 111111 11111111 111111111 11117 11 11 sinsON unis ss10 3101111 others $221 5110 eave sence Wqu Mrs II Buchanan rcxpvs 10 are 11 Iowuiti Due to II Health who 541111 Owens MIs sunsPreside Rm up Grade Grade 13 mm 1c nuts warm Tiahit Mrs 50m mm outs iol Mincsmgz v111111115031116111 MFA MFB 55 Dunlap St name At recent meeting of the Pub Tallulah Mm wMCKl Rev Humphreys Secretary ll 33 lic Utilities Commission George Sum Mls alum Ire111rcr Adiutant Stlach 29 15mm 35 ElmniCd 108W 0f fibSCnCClham Mrs Mlgoc Miss LsEthmmE an Program Cmntnittecirloun lbs 30 37 to the end of the year on accountixmb My Blshsu Mrs btonchzun kw 11 BCWCH 11113135 Under lbs 24 22 of III health He Will have been 11 golfith 11 900k Izuson Country Jim Paisley FOWL Grade on the stafi of the Waterworks Dclt 030 Ml oigt ro too 1k Over lbs 23 VIN ct 11 It 111 of partment as foreman and superin G93 15 llllrllllsmnty Bay 115 tendent for 31 years in November 1001 Arrangements were made for the Under lbs 18 and the members and Staff 0f 10 iannual li1anksuivi111 Service to be Cormmssmn as well as the public Beli Telephone Speaker hcld 11111 11121111 In the rim Baptist Buns LIFE WORK LCnClall hopC that It few months Church Monday October 13 at 11 his estimated that pound of rest will go long way towards restoring his health TUDHOPE CUP PROSPECTS The BCI Tudhope team will pro duce their talent in Midland this year and Mr Nesbitt is confident that Barrie will stand good chance against last years winners Midland Of course the surprise of the meet isthat Doug Kettle is ieligibie for the scniorevents As you know Doug led the Midlanders lie the title with his brilliant per formance last year Since he holds no less than four Tudhope track and field records Doug Is certain ly the man to beat Barrie appears strongrin the intermediate class with this years blackhorsef Bill Hagan leading the pack and Reg IROach will certaimy make con tenders hoof it in the dashes COMING EVENTS yA Monday Oct 47 Good music Admission 350 40p Rummage sale SaturdayNov lst under auspices Salvation Army Please phone 3794 40b Danceto FrankBogart and his Orchestra at Cookstown Dance Pa vilion Friday70ct 10th 4041b Bazaar sale of Braking afternoon tea Ladies Auxiliary to Canadian Legion early in Dec in Legion Hall 40b Rummage Sale Saturday October 25th AMir1 Legion Hall Auspic es Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion 40b of chickens basketsrof fruit and sion 35c auspices Knights of Colum bus On Thursday Oct at 815 pm in the Auditorium of Barrie Col given by Dr Silcox of Toronto His subject will be United Na tions perial Oil nicolor Everybody welcome Examiner suits ti= IIl 111111 CANVASS FOR SA CAMPAIGN CLOSES THIS WEEK iE1 annual 511er 1111 11111111i111 MUNICIPAL DiNNER WILL BE PLANNED FOR CONFERENCE lhe sirond annual tiliitlilltt Dance Gearin Hall Phelpston Hall Thursday Oct at 815 Prizes special games for turkeys Admis 40b legiatc Institute lecture will be 40b Tues Oct 9PM At Edenvale following Plowmens Banquet Im Ltd moving pictures sponsored by McVeighFeatur ing the 1946 Plowing match in Tech 40b Classifieds bring rel At LionsCiubMeeting Barrie Lions Club were treated to lectLiredemonstration given by Mr Blachtord of the Bell lelc phone Company at their weekly meeting last Friday night The theme of Mr Blachiords talk was Partners in Speech III the course Of the address he explained how valuable the telephone actually is to the busy business man 110 hasl given this talk to other Barrie clubs and organizations $50000 FOR COMEDIAN IF HE LOSES HIS LISP New York tBUle Lioyrls of London which will insure pm former against almost anything was lOn Overhead Bridge asked today to write $50000 0110 the speaker with the Rev Jas Fer guson in charge of the Service Collision Wrecks Cars Big Bay Point Road About S230 damage was lone to each of two cars shortly after mid night last Tuesday morning when the vehicles sideswiped each other crossing an overhead bridge 0n the Big Bay Point road One car was drivenbyCarnet Watson of Weston The other was owned by Frank Armstrong RR Bar rie andwas being driven by Elgin Lee Ru Barrie Prov Cons Pinkche against loss of his lisp Thc policy will cost $2500 N0 CHANGE IN WE STILL AT THE SAM 41 Dunlop St 730 to TiaNight year policy to protect comediant PERSONAL PROPERTY FLOATER SELL THE SAME BROAD COVERAGE Personal PrOperty Floater Policy protects you against Loss of or Damage to yourPersonal Possessions from practically ANY cause ANYWHERE at ANY TIME MALCOMsONS for VEvening Vocational Classes Prince of Wales SchOOl an Hutcheon investigated Read Examiner Classifieds RATES ONTOUR LOW RATE Dial 3735 TlON 930 pm Thursday Catholic Womens Annual Meeting Here Oct 61 TODAYS PRICES HOGS aim Theltev it Carder of Burl honey represents the life work of ton Avenue United Church will be about 1000 bees ExhibitiOn Hockey humu UDtT UREAU RCULAYI IMPERIAL 11 THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY HELD OVER Walt Disneys First LiveActionMusicai Drama in Technicolor Song Of the South including animated lilitiS of nitit iiiiii iiiiil ii Hi lt Viil iiil NitlitiNAi 77 iiiS itiiiili ii ii liliN iiiiiiih iiiiiitili 0OOONIIOIONONOmNOllvOOOJ trovaaooJ MONDAY TUESDAY WE DNESDAY Kl2 Olivia 1011 Delizmliand Youll always be with me CATTLE vowoNewoNNWooIooza4oooo1ooo4oo Iwoocov Ill For Good Place to Dine its Also CLUB 79 DINING ROOM OPEN DAILY FROMi gt7 PM to 830 PM Special Sunday EVening Dinners DANCING FRIDAY SATURDAY EVENINGS PRICE $100 PerVPersonV SPECIAL We cater to Special Dance Parties Banquets Wedding Receptions Dinners and Luncheons PHONE BARBIE 42721 TOR RESERVATIONS SALVAGE Collection AREA All area east of and in cluding Mulcastcr St Magazines books papers cloth rags and fats still urgently needed Anyone anywhere having large quantity may phone 2228 for special pick up on Tuesday or Friday ANS jBIARRIE ARENA Monday ct6 830 p111 Vs gt BARRIE FLYERS SEE THE 194748VBARERIE FLYEBS TEAM IN ACTION Reserved Seats General 501 Children 251 Whittys Drug Store TICKET AGENQIES Dixies iacksons Grill Bradleys Lunch wwyw4pl LM 11 1t 134 Log