Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Oct 1947, p. 2

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magearstudentyiptheirv work It is PAGE TWO 1HE BARBIE EXAMINER M53111 Ut Published rhumiit 11min by Jibf rm 1511111111 1111111511131 infirm 71 N133 psgg $30 in 33 irvz sict r11 24111 the Phi l1 Loan1 111111 EXAMPLE Il llUW lylll ll 39315530 $IVlltl ARMY lllll iN ltllltl VASTF ltMld iil ml 111i1 11 the Shot ni 11111 111 been 111v 11 1w 11 11 accepting 111111111l iazzls ii 31111 11 11 the lilttlitlli lti le use to izreithtzct 111111111 inane cooks 1111 21111 11111111lt111111 1111112 dbl 111 W211 WWII rm 11111111111 11111131 All iiozi 1iipoltitiiii and proper full U1 Zilltl 11 1111 ll11 the 111lZ should 111 be 111111 111 tillllullJllliy i1 prove 1111 lllv have the Lllil and qualities 11l harms exacting 1111111111 111 was picwzii iliti 1111 11 111112111 The 3111 1l11 11111 sortie 111 the 111111 originally cal 17 lllt 511 111 on by the elia lure itevez was center 111ed oi the llllltitlit1 tTlith1iit 1l11v lii ELIJ t1 b1 was piat tr 11 to be i1t 1111111 1113 rated fool the 1111 ti 11 l1llll the 11i1j dress lie lttftlltl stated that 111 boys 1il girl 11 retorniatoiies only wry iii1ll lltl another Salvation tile lltltlti to 1th 1111 l11il1111 11111211 sell 11 ILIlili in the United this was not 11 11 11 1111 officer 111 lltgtitl$t1llilll liinv 1th llie greatestassets in any eoiuiuy he 51111 1211 11l1 11 11 WW 1111 12111lts7 are the boys 111111 tilllSilltl he nixed 1111111 13 131411 lj11131 W111i 1111 lltl To some b1 or tlll 111 clzort iirlp Klltlii 111111 111 1H1 possible effort to nioulti rightly tiie mil1 ill 111 11i 11 illtll voiih l1 any cases this l11111111e ii111l 11 lane 11 11 k1 ieiser out of 1113 1111 restores 11 there Will be no business recession in 11 faith in Inniscl 11111 hs 11111111 Illill 1017 said Dr lilillll of the Raiders Um 11 vi 11 oes save the court and he 1ix111v111s tail Clothiers and 11 urinsheis at New gt 2151113i11 Elli112113 111x ilk in gear rather than the product of overexpand er ed inventory and the cause of collapse as lllmmimmm mv virgin idpiiTmwill in 192021 Business he said during the rest 51 Appeal mllillml AIME mh ID1111 the year will show the following characteiul 1111 1111111111111111 and teltoinetl to the club by If It Nettleton l1 r1 uress es 11 the su ivioit of every 1m 111p Ismsmhh rm Wmm isties phVSical volume of production 111114 13 er than at any time employment to leniani 11 1111111 iii the com lf llllI lb IILL to in least at the presentlevel prices generally Iliiii service clubs have 12 recent j1111 =i 23 lit111 0111111 ll i11 111y Hill 17s1 ll iulnsumnccu Subt Minister of lle1th lttlillttt Ill 11 ween id Ar Kiwanis Meeting 21 11ilttilic had ever attended hunday beliool 111 been affiliated in any way with 1211111l15 HK 111111111 asH 11 1111111 annually Many 11 13 13 11 states Marketing Predicting 11 decline in 111 es1 1sei Ill prices he claimed this will be the result lie isoine iiiblic 1isttition are freed un 111 11 balanced economy 111 high lliltlltlltflyuo iitti 11 lilii ill THE BARBIE EXAXleER BARBIE ONTAAIQ CANADA Prudential Leader IHHV 11111111111 Kl11l 1111lllltl it 1111th ill l1l1 51 111t pies IIlllllll1t ails =n 1ilili it 11 11iiiil11 lliit11i 11111 In the llli six anco 11i1ip111 it to ltllltjltlllll Eli million No polieylu l1l11 111 lost lllil l1r 21 111 1l introduced by 7111 11nll and thanked by I1ll11111l it Iiet lonilinson mml 10 to 15 per cent lower in the second half ofeBmmpton conservator 1947 compared with present levels both in MILLION DOLLARS OI FIRE LOSSES 530m and durable goods WEEKLY IN ltlttl OPINIONS or OTHERS demand todi seems 1ist as 1rent 11s it was SENSE OI HUMOR AT 01111 one year ago and two yeais ago Miiiieioiis gm Illlt1ill1 51193015119115 Iml beef mull bpwdl No one can say the Department of National Rev ul 911de wa 01 the wessunl llmunds exiue lacks keen sense of humor Otherwise how There is one Otlltl plan that might well belcould anyone think of imposing luxury ta oni considered as means of meeting the dclillill WkV mand for building space The citizens of Can1 111111 could have many millions of dollars worth rim Brandon Sun 01 buildings simply by stopping illt lCSllthL One of those new immigrants brought from Great ion gauged fires in 011C year During Blllillll gave picture if Cillilldlilllb iii 21 sentence just after he entered this fortunate land We should yahmtlng IJLCS acIOss tlit Lotllltljy IthilOMdpgnise to think about it seriously The arrival in llllllwmlI all the raw 01 0m 111110 lonalSJIthCOd with gusto have had four weeks 111 ttltfll week vllliltltls forbreakfast this morning During the past year the Town of Barrie HNCHI swim 11 has had some files that contribute towards Bmckvmc Recorder and Times the tremendous Domlmon Lot The 10315 13 How so many people can continue to spend lav not only it matter of dollarsand CGIlIS When isllly and often extravagantly Lifter presumably hav home is destroyed the 1053 often includes ing met all the excessive tax demands of the last zfew years is something that the man who has always pllceless famlly phOtngphfl and Weasureqmad his taxes deducted at the source is quite unable gifts Then too there 15 the inconvenience of 10 Normand finding temporary accommodation until 111 permanent dwelling can be located DOWN TO EARTH tLondon Free Prcssi While tremendous efforts have been madc to build houses and offices and factories thci SHARP CONTRAST 11 111 goes to Kainloops DC for the forth coming year is awarded annually for the best allround weekly with circulation of more than 2000 cop ies weekly This high award was wen by the Brampton Conservator iii lfllIJ H315 Cpmmllmty has also Shfued the Ram ltmight not be bad idea if the pie in the sky W531 lnqllsglal losses mm the hangal tldoctrinc were superseded by more oldfashioned the BarrieAirport was not lllSlde the town limits it was none the less loss to the citi 7111s of Barrie iWins Tap Honor in Contest for Weeklies iiilt11irei lfcsults if the aiiad leelzly Nevspnptr Association 11iiripititioiis were 111111111111u at meeting of the ex tlltht held at Empress lltitel l1o11pe1l in field of forty lead ing town wccklies across Canada lEie oiiscivator Brampton gained 013 pointt out 11f 11possiblc 100 to 212111 third place just seven tcnths of point behind 1hrI lending Kain loops Sentinel asCanadas best all 111111111 weekly paper for lthiIi The Vlilll News nosed the Conservator seeoiidplace with 21 score of The Mason Trophy which now ther weeklics with very high standing in the Mason Trophy com petition were lcnticton llclald I019 lillsonlnirg Newsp 828 York ton Enterprise 806 and the Van couver North Shore Press 795 The Anihcrstburg Echo Shield onethe one that if man work not neither shallliimmmc of best from page he 93L The Wm promem 0f 1093 sm Canadian vecklics with circulation button but production We are still short of almost1 mm 2000 returns once more me everything and the remedy is to get to work and Brme ConsmmO with score The Chamber Of commerce is domg fmel make it doing without the supcrfluitics until we If 0m 0f 40 points possible This work to promote Barrie as growing com have enough of the essentials munity But if two industries are started and one is lost by fire it is like the old saw of FARMERS WW ANDJNCOMF 1W Clark in Windsor Star twp $995 fOrwald and on Step baCk Elfry Farmers wives would be interested to know how business man and every ieSident of Barrie can much they figure in official statistics showing the assist this community and the Country as national income The statisticians decide that the farmers wife ought to be worth so much per your whole by making afreal effort to maintain to the farmer so they figureout how many farmers 919591 proper 37 Wives there are multiply that by the amount fixed Fire Prevention Week Wlll be observed from and get total which is thrown into the grand total October to 11 By supporting the campaign showing national income Well bet lot of the farmers wives would be and requcmg the ire ha ard bmldmgs content if they saw only little bit of the folding there Will be less property damage and conmoney the statisticians Say they get sequently fewer lives lost RAIN IN THE WRONG PLACE 1Regina LeaderPost POPPY POSTER COMPETITION There is the experience of the five farmers in 30 that the memory of Canadas fallen Burlipgton Iowa These fellows were watching heroes may be forever fresh in the minds ofvpjlbt and hi la ne rep ry 108111 con over the gmng generation the Canadlan Legloi their 1500 acres And the rain came Only catch was BEASLq has annollnced 31 Poppy 1305591 00m that it came down on golfcourse leaving their petition among high school students acres dry and dusty The management of the golf Offering SUbstantialn gash prizes for the course said Thanks What the farmers said is not best entries in each province the Legion reCOrded is hopefulthat the competition will also en FARMER VIEWS vNEW SKIRT STYLES John Atkins in The Scene planned that the winning entries will be ex Apparently the most important issue in North hibited in each province and will also be used America is the change in style fromknee length to byline L999 mthelfpopfly publlclty headlines and the picture pages is being exploited The Poppy1305i Should Interpret theme by volunteer protectors of women whoare too weak sage ofathe poppy in either colour or black to wear what they blease and whiteEntries should not eXceed 12 15 Inches this StyleChange althoughhoselfish motives have been attributed to the destgners of Fall hats that Informatlon abmlt thls competltlon Whmh threaten marital peace throughout Canada and the closes on October 24 can be obtained from United States any LregiOn branch promise between the demands of barecm and 01 ILgne of Saskatchewans four female deputy sheriffs may some day have the unpleasant shins iseven better than half any clamOr for Women event Kingston Jones one of the leading officials Britain Elves 331115 opinion that Britains tion our grandmothers provided so prudently tttonal402000000 tons of coat year heat wave burn up their fine crops They hired halfmast skirts new oppbrtunity to make the Some sinisterlnterests are alleged to be bhirid Halfmasts skirtsseem toqbea reasonable com hideLem cults Few of theknotted muscles of the TOWWmmwummm lt9 ladies are worth viewing anyway Surely the men back from womanless battle areasarc already fed up with the Search among the many legs on display for few that reward good look None of most taSk0f hangingamurdereri says deSpatch FrOm the practical viewpoint of farmer the from ReginaBut there does not appearto be halfrmast skirt has imany advantages in the care Rights in such an anduse of the legs It is long enough to protect the lkneesfrom chopping and short enough to avoid lt9 chafing the ankles It provides some warmth for stockingless legs thatzhave not enough hair to pro teei them agagistisevelre isost AI good homespun or arris Twe irt oul go ong wayl at least Of the National union of Miners In Great lenger way toward affording the kind of protec Oat production could be increased sharply it There isnotliing to the argument that thelonger ansme mnerswouldv pitch into their job as skirt W111 impedeprogress With theashort workweek and the leisurelypaceof production few city women do now Amen zoxflgwomd mean are in hurry to gedanywherei Earni women will continuevtowear overalls or slacksatoutdoor work trophy was won by the conservator in 1041 1042 and 1945 Close 00m pctitors for highest front page hon ors were the Vernon News with 316 Kamloops Sentinel 338 Fort Erie Times Review 326 and North Vancouver North Shore Press 325 South Simcoe Plowmen Hold Match on Oct The annual plowing match of the South Simcoe Plowmens Associa tion will be held next Wednesday on the farm of Archie McNabb ASOIiill of Stroud on Highway ll prize list offering approximately $500 in cash and goods has been is sued by the executive Special classes for junior plowmen boys and girls have been provided and Tudging by the intest displayed there is likely to be good entry Business firms of Barrie Stroud Thornton Cookstown Lciroy Churchill Gilford and Alliston have very generously donatedto the list and it is now hoped that farmers will show their appreciation by participating in the match Those requiring teams should notify Blythe McConkey Stroud not later The Painswick Womens Institute than Monday Oct will operate booth atdh match while the Strdud Institute will ca ter for the banquet in the evening Special attractions at the match lt1 CON DENSED Greaflo slarlaa meal Iicious in souncand casserole dishes 5117 Jr There is no charge against the court for 1142111 1111 1111111 lliiiisii versin School 111 Business speaking at tl113 WM stl ice hat 11111eiel Iii such convention of the National Association of Re l1 11111 111111 11111111111 11 11111 iovpiiiiinnt foiins hi111211i1 tailzui 111 com 1111 you 1111111111 1111111l yet by illi1111ej 11l1l la1li1 li11i winii Il 113115 p111l1y iii lltllllltb bicycli nop Cause of Fire Losses ll Years Ago from 1311 files of llll llxltltll lltl Iinllir 11111l 1111 Simcoe totinty llriels i=1 11 lo11ti liiusiiiiis 1111 xiiiJ 1111 111ltii ItlIlil 111111 11lfl al11 111 Iliiirll 11li i111 Lillllllyi 11 t111 that lllll 11 111i111111 11111 11111i llt 1E111 111111111 11 lloiii 0111 feature of the 1ih lil11lll 111 iiiisit tia 111111 i11 badly 111111e1l lit in 111111111111 Corelessness 15 Prime 2a llaiiie suffered total property latest fiiun issued by the Domin ion l111 oniiiiissionci 11 tlttai further lncaktimm 11f Iiizuics puts the per llllllll fire loss for Illiti at $220 Total lire loss foii IEHB was 8220129 lliopeity loss for the whole Dominion amounted to nearly $50000000 with ltili men 70 women and ltiI children dead as result of fires in ltlvlti Smokers carelessness accounted for the largest percentage of fires with defective stoves and furnaces electric wiring and appliances and overheated fines and chimneys fol lowini next in line Sparks falling on inflammable roofs caused the loss of lltll1llll 1500 homes approximately three avday Lightning spontaneous ig nition aiid incendiarism increased that total by another I000 Smoking Ill bed fire authorities claim kills nioiepeople and causes more property loss than any other single factor Canadas fire loss for 1046 iel ports the Dominion Fire Connnis sioncr shows an increase of 117 per cent over thoprcvlous yearJ Carclessness is still the prime firel bug in any community and citizens everywhere are asked to make an extra effort this Fall to eliminate fire hazards in the home and help to save their property and the livesi and property of others will be demonstrations of various kinds by machinery companies At the finish of the plowing match show of plow teams will take place Attractive prizes are offered for this feature of the days program Prize lists may be obtained from the executive or Lashlcy Secretary Alliston CrusadersI VCYavalcudc Now Showing in West The Crusaders Cavalcade travel ling exhibit illustrating the work of the United Church at home and abroad is now at Trail BC hav ing visited majorcntres in British Columbia sinceit began its western itinerary on August 30 During 0c tober it will visit Alberta with Rev Ashford of Calgary as leader of the team and Rev Dr 41 New Kiwanis LieufGov 11 11ic1111111 ill the iiiri1i1viioii 111lllptlitl of the ltllltiNtlll tltlll Ilaiiic tulliinz 11111111 KilltttWh 11111ctine 111 Mini 15 MT lttl Midland North loioiito tiilE 111lwiii Sound lenetang loioiito 1l1gtv1iloi111 and Toronto West Years Ago loss of Sltlll iii ltltti l111lllll 11105 lpaving construction were nearly ISIOIIIIIIII less llltlllOlllllZl paid for ithe same distance in 1919 117 tiii Hlr llll1 t1ii11t1 1111 Jtllitliiltlli ll 0111111 111 Kiwanis IIIUWII 11l1212if111til1l lift 11111111 lill 111 Ltd and has 1l1111t11 of llll 11nnp1nl ii 11 1111111111 iri INT 1111 711y 111111ltill1 ht hat 1111l flitl 111 ilmn Sound 111 the 1111154111 Lune toiincil 1ii ltpl and 33 1111 11111111 tliii 111 ItHs 45 and iii llllilll N11 over which the 11 1111111 tio1rii1gti Will Il111 1111 11 inunteipal lit li Iiowii succeeds liiisoiis if the Maine Kiwanis tliil IxWeavawxmawzaaio from the files of THE BARBIE EXAMINER SEPT 21 19273 Barrie Local Notes Ald Byine created sensation lll Town Council when he launch ed charge reflecting on the i11 tegiity of the engineering firm of James Proctor lledfein alleg ing the firms head was associated made heated rlenial and Mayor Little stated as his opinion that the firm in question was one of the most reliable in Ontario The matter was laid over till next meet ing The Olillia Packet stated that the prices Barrie received for Milton Carr raised some whop peis in Mammoth squash The largest measured feet inches in circumference WA of Royal with its booth at Barrie Faii Simcoe County Briefs The many friends of Rev Mr ioitoNio 111114111111111111 sis Illuill1 PepsiColo hits the spot anylime Theres twice as much in the big I2ounce bottle Colo it the reciiieud Irode rc11 In Canada of the frpiCcla Company of Canada limilad Fcpii with the Warren Bituminous Pav ing 11 Members of the firm Victoria Hospital made over $250 Li GENERAL tend Normal School in North Bay II Reeves of Cadillac Restaur ant Collingwood fined $300 on BOTA charge Bradford plati ning to have musical society of both vocalists and instrumentalists Burglars busy in Orillia In the County Treasurers tax sale over 140 properties were listed Port McNicoll was the municipal ity with by far the largest num ber offered with total of 43 North Simcoes buckwheat crop only fair nipeg in early December Fry glad to see him in Hillsdale again llazel Jackman andi Gladys Doan of Stayncr left to at ELECTRIC lat Calgary on the 17th and continue until the final engagement at Win nipeg on December to 13 Saskat chewan centres will be visited in November and Brandon and Win Orillia Kiwanis Club has voted Hospital Fund Andrew Roddan of Vancouver and Dr Bob McClure on the team DR THOMAS 1111 for AINS SPRMNS 81 $0 MUSCLE of speakers Rev Tucker of Angola Africa will join the group $3000 to the Soldiers Memorial youve scan the graceful fllglil ohlie Canada Ghost ziunulied IIImIIy smoothly through the fresh autumn skies Ilien youiIe seen one of Naturals finest achievementsperfection on the Wing And when you smoke Sweet up youll find perfection loosmoking perfection For Sweet Cups liuve Ismootliness freshness taste everythingyou look for in IQNEHGLIINIIIQIII to you by Check the new scientific process that he Sweel up from plunmiontoyou llre purest form in which tobacco can be smbkelll swan CAPOKRAL CIGARETTES Perfection ks the quality of each

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