PAGE FLIURTEEN 4aaanlqala1411 CHRYCG POWERIINE BATTERIES lllll MOPAR Oil Filters ARE Must For Ilflllllll until lit 11 iitoiiirnri Dangerfield Mott rs llnrlg lllll lit 11 111111111l111 51 olllri v1 Concrete Blinks also lllllllI lONtltlill lllill Nll7lll LOAN lllllHllll Innisiil Concrete Products Illulll Itt LEGAL BOYS BOYS Barristers Solicitors lublic oncyanrcrs litr It BOYS Irown Successor to CAMERON CAMERON MONEY TO LOAN COWAN COWAN Notaries Public ctr Moucy Vanlctl 3111117 17 Owen Street Home Ross Cowan Rci1ciort Pall11 Attorney FRANK HAMMOND BARRISIER SOLICITOH MONEY lO LOAN BARRISTER DONALD MacLAREN DA BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Money to loan Masonic Temple Building Barrie JOHN REID BARRISIER SOLICITOR 24 Dunlop JOIIN WOODS KC Bank of Toronto Bldg Phone 2661 MEDICAL VI VICTORIAN ORDER OF doctor VETERINARIAN DR FLEMING Toronto ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS Blair Owen St Barrie 19 Melinda St Toronto Herbert Harris CPA Frank Spry 17 Owen Street Barrie Ward Mayor CPA AUDITORS 18 Toronto 81 41 21 King Street 13 Toronto WM WARD MAYOR 85 COMPANY cmuomomomo news or ELMVALE OlIIlllllllllllIlcIllllllllll 11119stron Lot 25 Con 121nnisiil II It llHlllllIl IllONlC thlitl or SlllOll 11151 DENNIS MORAN Phone Barrie 2907 267 Baylieid St wnrrn host snrtyron STATION Notartcs MONEY 111 LOAN Office 13 011111 St Barrie Brunch Oltitr lillltll hlzirio IlItAl GLADSTONE 211111111 BARRISIER SUIJCllllil ETC Owen St litriric lllophone 3175 ierrlsters Solicitors Conveyancern 1o 1111111 BA nrc Masonic lentple Bldgr Barrie DUNCAN Rnrcuaui 81L KC SOLICITOR ETC Money to Loan Ross Block Barrie ETC Barrie Ont BARRISTER AND SOLIClTORI Owen St Money to Loan NURSES Barrie Branch Well Baby Clinic from 230 to 4130 oclock every Wed nesday Application or nurses ser vices may be inade direct or through Telephone 245 INARIAN and SURGEON npiaSt Barrie Phone 454 CartedAccountants Trustees etc Brock Building 200 Bay St ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS ARMSTRONG AND MacLAItEN Fitzmaurice MacLaren CA CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Tormt ttlllllllllllIlliillllilIllllllllllI4144 Electric Rndro llydro and liilflttiLLxY Iklt libit Luvs fill BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIE OESTAFIIC C1i Mimi WYEBRIDGE WWW Wisconsin 1x it Air Cooled Engines Ixttl ii llltltl UllIlllItl 111t1lzlltturrh STEEL FOR SALE 31 By sex nonmsox HiHi Illsilx lJll ltttl ltt told Iollrtl lllvlNIlw II IIIVI II III II rilld all II III IV IIIIII VIII Barrie Engrneermg Co 17 Mulcaster bl Phone 3744 Home I1 11 1111111 lllll iotmld VI lI All Al gt II 11 Prepare for the Cold Weather Ahead Stove Pipes and Elbows Gal or Black Stove Pipe Collars Stove Pipe Enamel 25c and 35C Banner Ash SlllOIS ii ii Weatherstrip For Doors and Windows 1111211 l1 111 111 11111I 1t11l lti 1i il111 ltd 111241111 LII III 1111 of ll rllI IIIl tl Illitl lrs iITIWrrliTtrhil hymn11 ILLI 11 It II ii it 25c per day il l1111l111h 1111 to pla 431 1111 II illillilil lllv Suptr 11111 illililllll 111 t11 1iill 111111111 our 11 illfll 1111111 111hll 11 illitlt IiIiIii llII lIlI AIL Elllltllts 5230 ltl kill it EIIW it fmLll1 dill 111 PLASTIC 111111 noor coArINti iilhioiJillianLimildiiiliiiim gt in rfiil3 MEDIUM ROOIHOAIIM lllilll lollx iiid no doubt ill II II ilr 11l Til l11llt1i111Sunni llliAVY ROOI COATING litll Ilt Hum huh III IIIIIIII II II IAN III IIIIIIIIK lit tlill M1 Il11i1111ll iinl lit lililt ttI llllltlltrlt 111 12 lil llllll ill1 milkrimliiiluvivilihilmr Iiioolhij it rhnurlulun 11Ai Ith VTIIIlIlIIlll llvid My IVMLUOIIIII lipiixitil Vlifillillil FOUNDRY COOK HrlUVlZS vial 1121llltllllilts 11 lllllt allowed 1111 ml 111nl 1i 9111 QUEBEC IIEAIERS IIH in Ilanquct ill ilill 1111111 lll quantity of lumber ends and trimm I1Iip ings at very low price Iii This wood is first class fact for summcr and fall uscs Immediate Delivery lllt ll ll 11 lc low IN llilillk LOADS and Mrs Inl M1 111111111 twin 11 Ad with illlilllx drill llc 1il ol hc llui1 For Junior ltctl IIiss Ii lllll1 Wtnun lilt public tinail ch 111 of SS Ni ii hcltl 4111 111 hill lllllllx lor CHIROPRACTORS 11171 1111511 BllltNS DIC Licensed Drugless Therapists Mechano Therapy unlop St Phone 3194 It COKBEII DC ClllltOIRAClOlt AND DRUGHCSS THERAPIST Phone 3070 26 McDonald 8t Barrie BY APPOINTMENT l1 MUSIC LESSONS llZHSlIllt BltYSON Rstl llIAlflllIlt Oli llANO SINGING md LlltlSllAl llllIOllY1ll grades unlutlln AllM Mortcln Methods $11111 27 llradlortl St DOROTHY JOHNSON Associate of Toronto Conservatory 0t Music and London lEng College 01 Mosic Piano and Theory 152 Maple Avenue cnnu llAMlllON Insrnucron 111 grades PIANO SlNCING MUSICAL THEORY llipc Organ Lessons Also Availablct Studio 37 lloss 81 Phone 3615 OPTOMETRY ROBT BARRE FFBo OPTOMETRIST St Phone 263 Attendance 96 I3 Dunlo ROBERT II SMIIII OPTOMETRIST OI Dunlop StPhone 2586 Hours 96 daily NOEL STEPHENSON n0 OPTOMETRIST OSTEOPATHY EDWIN WILSON BSA 110 THE WILSON BUILDING Cor Post Office Sq and Simcoe St Barrier Consultation by appointment Telephone 293 COLLECTION AGENCY Specialists in Collection of Accounts 51 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 4111 FUNERAL Dmncrons 5LLOYD2o STECKLEY FUNERALDIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Clapperton St Phone 2703 675 SMITH C0 Established 11m FUNERAL DIRECTOII AND EMBALMEM Milton ambulance In connection OPEN DAY AND In cum ONT P110 uu Crmlzl 1111111 lllill lhclr titsl public Dunlop St Barrie Phone II4201 FINANCIAL SURETY 4c Cllllllil hc Juun lltd klli tic1 l1 Illllv 11 ilt thn piano while listx Mitipl 1111 it ll Giibhon lllll Sox 1ll1cil 111c nid d111 lc cicam and pop llhlllll wull 1tlioinxcd itid rillllIWllll wcrc ltll 111 Llli in Monday tv11=n lhc Soli111 ltlt iIlS iiiid l1rc11111c11li plcz 111 c11cd by thou lll NORTH SUNNIDALE William Conic 115ltlll by his litlililll Richard ilt nolv pulling the tintshinji touches 111 hi4 comfort 1llt llillt on tho lilh Linc Rally l1 wax 11illtll 1111 Sun day 11 Bllllllll Church ch1 Sal 111111 lhlart will ll 11 scrvicc due to 1110 11111ic12111v Zion Presby hrin Sanitidolc Honors onuialulatio11lt and lnwl wile llt cxllIidcd 111 llov Cramp and his britlc lhc torinci Audrey Burton who mac 111111id on Sill urday Death of Lawrence luck Ntwx ot the dcalh by accidcul HS ol lllIlC ltltli ol lunlroon week 1211 ulllt as 1111t11t shock to tho pcoplc hcrc Trick was born on tho hrnncslcarl 1111lhclcnlh Linc and attended SS No As young 111111 he 111111 wry 11clilc part in too young proplcs activilic ill Shiloh Church Ncw lllos To his widow 9111 and daughter and his ruled hither lciy rilllllO sympathy is extended Miscarriame and ACCOUNTING SERVICES for retail and wholesale businesses Income tax form completed Weekly or Monthly Audits moomms mvrrnn L011ks 189 Bradford St maybevarningIoikidnqdil darn Dontneglecttheapoiu DonlKldncyPlle the 91th kidneys help to elimi mthowuteuvhiehueoftontho hmdbukwhqrheumopdu nintnorurimryuldblnddareil unto quIKidnoyPilh kelptlukidwptodeuthbody dtmpurltiu mquouM afouldone mumbled IitlhchchogteboDmIKiduy HIMhMMIi Backaelie hlilyWanl Olllidney Disorder 2111 muugummm liic WA incl 111 lltd Scot LIl 11 the itcloiv Next incriina lill 1m 11 lrlt McGills Hurt lo icport but 1111 111 lhc ltttlioii town and District Imagzuc has 111111111 bccn brought to our iillttillon and would tic only too pltilrtd AlltIIGlII HEATERS ELECTRIC HEATERS COAL OIL HEATERS in wc such an orgiariimlltui 11341111 IWIIlImzxrly RIllld Ilimk ix If STOVE llIIiNT lir Till 11 153 15 4m KI lI huvm flim ifmwl 11 1x lll loufliiltl llll btd ll lllt 2112 lb 2501 lb liw l1l lllltl us ot Illl lltlgtll L0 li tllll li Lulu 3lil t1t U1 Iml ilulillllrll and now is thc 11111 111 ll1llll 11 liilm I3 meIdmHICvi gIIIIIIII IIIIIIoI btovc lllllhll 2111 lol rommcucc organsaural 111 ordoi to All lgfiifllf illfIl dullh of his 1111thci llcwilt riot 1111 to an curly Nolcmbcr gtlllll lllnl llcccht 1lt111s Ili lhc Lariins ttll 11 IIAsNIJDALI tl 111l All Hulls 5Wm LEA Mr and lit ll lll Ihc fitltClS of thc Barrio Ladics 111 Mr and Mrs llilsh llaskctball loauc of last Scatlull will no doubt warrant Ils continu aucc this your and 1lns otttcc will be only loo glad to coliptIalc in llllltg lltc league undcr way again Vc have also bccii conlactcd as to inc DOSSllilllU of mens Inlcr modialc team 111 cnlct lhc North Siiiicoclmauuc wrlh lcqllLSl that we consider lhc possibhly of Bar llt Motts Lcuguc comparable 1o lhc Ladies League of last scason lhcic appears no reason why liolh suggoslions could not tic illltd up on providing lhc interestdent poi sotiucl arc ltlllillll and 2111111 In MtlAlliuid ll IliIl ExilIIllIIl Illf Ncwlou and llit it llrs lc Sliiyiici iuusc XX and 311s 1111111111 and Mrs OUR STORE IS ASLSE IO YOIR HOME AS YOUR TELEPHONE W111 Alclatl loroiilo WE DELIVER IIIONI 01 lcriugttiii until Mr and lira ll Edgar Ilt1cl 0ril 111 lllllllt1ll Sunday liunvcrsary services will be hcltl 111 Humor church on Sunday Oct at ll oclock tlr 11111 Air Ildcar Dcnncy llll luowcrnldrcn illlllll on Sunday 1111111 ltincc l5 1ri Island and in lctld illlllilllli their homo how lllltlllS damagc that is so thought ltssly comihillcd on this night Last ycars Itcorrl tlpplllls to mow SOCCER as it has lll so many communities Without it piopcr pitch lllll 111111 this 11111 of ll1c logical zipl avzulablc soccer cnthtlsiltsls Ul proaclics to this 1111111121 cxaliousi Barrio havc ciy liltlc opportunity of tlSllVlllf this last and iiucrcsl i111 sport Al Qtlccns Park this coming Saturday commtnciug al tuftlock lhc IIollyhawks who haw tnjoycd cotisidctablc succcss in the last lhrcc scasons play will bc host to tho East York clcvcn who arc Oiisiticlcd one of lhc stronpcsl teams in die loronto andi District League 11 is hoped lhall in the not loo distant future Billl llt will have satisfactory playing field in OIlll that the men who arc forced to play with the district teams may be ablc to licld loam imdcr 11 Barrio namc ZONE CONFERENCE We had the pleasure of going lol oneday conference at Weston last llllCHWllllO we spoke on Play grounds and larkcltcs As with the other speakers lltc subject was not handledin an authoritative manner but was simply word description of what the needs lctelt lo be in Barrio the approach to remedy ing needs and the steps taken to institutea smallplayground system IThc several subjects covered were of vital interest to the overall pro gram and many interesting factors were brought out Time was also spent in appointing an investigating committeelo commence the founda tion for zone Committee as has already been organizedin the Qt lawalryialley District and EastICen tral Ontario Those Izonc commit tees through meeting at designated periods through the year hope to act as exchange bureaus for all the new ideas and projects that are con tinually being put into effect until also in constitutional manner forwardIrccommendatiOns and sug gestions to lheDepartment of du cation at Queens Park our govern ing body HALLOWEEN The night of the spooks spiritsii and witches is drawing near and plans areunderwayIto again eniv tertain the children and adults of Barrievwith an evenings fun by which large and small may have an matter We are back on Standard Time with its long nights and your home is going to see very much of you Here is an opportunity to brighten up your rooms with LAMPS Prices Reduced 25 This includes cr number of beautiful bronze silver Bridge and TRlLITE LAM PS withIheay base andjlluted all nu lulIllnIInaIIIIuIlalIIllII uIIuI great variety of TABLE LAMPS some with pottery base others in glass and crystal Theseare fitted with beautiful shades ofdifferent tints It You Know Your or Will Start Tomorrow Morning large number of BRIDGE LAMPS with allmetal shaft and base and adjustable swivel socket useful attractive lamp that Will give excellent service You can make sure it will start every morningand operate dependany every dayif you have it serviced regularly by our trained mechanics using factoryengineeredparts Wed Rather Prevent breakdowns than eml simple inexpensive tune up may save plenty of money later on Dont take chances Have necessary work done NOW by our expert mechanics PROMPT andIDEPENDABLE service reasonable prices is put policy Harold Hill UTE CHRYSLER PLYMO FARGO BARBIE CHRISTMAS isnt far away so BUY GIFT LAMPS NOW at this GREAT REDUCTION of excess energy and at the same time eliminate the petty and ma Sealrite Insulation Co Are you interested in Insulating your Heme WithRock Wool for Summer Comfort and also be prepared for the WinterDays rnnn ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN Butts for sale All Work Fully Guaranteed AE Furniture mom hi 5171 Am 111 11mm 4551 133133 00 sari 129 TO 131 DUNLQPST