111 input in mi 1112 BAltRllZ EXAMLER BARRYF ONrARiO LAMIM PAGE TllmTEll vmiLZLlLZT l4 HIV viii LI TWM llm all in xLl Hm cur lxluh llili will Yui HIM Itt RH mantles CASH ILiIIrI Hills is word minimum 351 II IIIII IIi 311 ec wear IF Hunt cult word minimum Stir 2J1 rum for box liliinbrrs ur lepllik lllttlttl to this utilir II Aiiliilitmu ixsllrrliixs SAME iiilizs IIII Ii All Classified Adlcts Must Be In In Not Later Than IjI III III III lllltllx iiili ill oi illLNl You must llltllltli rush Mitlllpf or money order Hlll cup Fl gt II i0 grt low rlltr ii ll Elll gt lllll flll roslllms 111mm l1 Ln ll rl rli 11An Hull 7V II 1111 II II IHItIttIIIII lion 77 IIR1III AN nal il in Ar 11 Trl llluttuw ii IXTTAH All XlV it 7il ll Illlltllllllllllllllllllllllq III ll illilhnlj ll II Itjunnnunxnox vINTlII II 11 VII iilllinl ix 71ml Itiji en tuna1 111 ii1r lln iI Im IIIIIIIIIHIIII IIIIII III III II II III 10112 will lw NIH H014HM WI II II II IIAIIIIH IliEHIh III HITIJI Ilpi li uIitllllllI llv 11III= MI litillillldlllliv IMHII II II mm IIIIHIHI WI 111 WI III 11 imIuunrunnunun 11111 tlllZ li li7 IlIIlIIZ Ifflwl IIIIII iIiiii tI11IiitiltI 11 IIIIIII IIIIII l1 2r II iinlVil v41 in mi tiiiti Q11 Hi II II this it lluil mi 11115 tiltil 1iii IiiI Ijl Ii ill 111 111 tlrl ll 1111II ii HIIIIII It rvll pg IIIvll vll lwx liIilirlo 77 lll lili II II WW II pawl II Hill lrJiLm llmi lhlflliillrilll PUSHSSH 11 Cill llIl ll llltllill llI HM lllllt iililiitiiiiI WWW7 rlt4 ii ll lvlll hli lllqw liZllllfl 71i Vmm lllllllll llll illl IIIIIIII II Iwlw irllll 51 lil ilriil ilr Ill 1I ll iun 111 Iil II II VIII IIIII 11iti1111I l1i llII 1112 lil ll 11 intuit 111 tIlIililll int Im 11 slit 1111 llwlm iIiIIiIiiIlIiI II IlIiquil ll11I l1I11i1IiIlI1I II l5113IiII lit ll hula liIi till IIIIRIII1I III l1 ii 1l Iiiinp 1i rvI 11 tlIN iiiViiizii llll1 MALI Illlli lllilm In Ml il liiili lllllh lll mum lilo l1 Am Aihi ll IIitnllllli liiilll 11 Tinulllu In IgtIAIIIM I1 In lllll iII II IIiIIIII will ill lilit 12111 lino HUI NH IIIIIII II IIIII HUI II IIII IIII IIIIWI IIIgwf lllllli it $115 ll if lldlliii iiiii IIIIlIii will 31VJYII As Iiipmiilcmdihmllli WI Willi ll lultm lltk HZL Mimi wwc 11 lwrl lit li illtl luau in Innil Iil illll mil lHli11yliivl llllltlll lilii INN HMh II Il ll jlfllIl niI 111 IfffI nusaw rumI 4m II h1l HI lII NW lilllllh llllll if lll sllIIl5ll 1II itliIHllC 1111 gtI5II1IIiIII IIIIIII 111 IIIIIIIIIIII IlI lIlWIfljllll lilill 11 itiLNi 11u1ilill ilItwu lllilli lllII iiigI =lrI1n 11 md 11 u1v Ulti IIII In 1111 IIltlliI idolEl WINE illlil illlllll llli lllflll 111 1111i lilliii ml llilm Ni lllll ll itll llv ll 11 will ll1tli ii ll ll ll ln ii lill FINN ll li1111 l1i ll1111c III Iv VIIIIHI IIIIIIIIIIIIII WWII IIII IIIIII MIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII ll II III III IIIIIIII III IIIIII IIIII IIIII III YIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII Im ll Archie llisliulh Hm 1511 Sir 11 Mll 5m ll ilt7v It It ll mi 11 killtill 1121 htitt 11 111iv oi lll A111111i 1ltl1 iiriw l5ll i1iikicis Jail 113IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKlI 132111 IIIIIT EUIII If il Iml ll ll llil lilll li dusvlillAxlllHS ii ill 1Ttlill ll in 1mm lilll 1iiiminn ii EIIIIITIIIllefIIIlIIl ll iiui uriciiizt iiiAiizn iiilIl WIT Ifl mmViudiiii iilil= lI 111 iinmnny Amour ltl IIImp II III IIlIIIi Hump 5p I37 VIIIk 5i II II ll rilll it II III3IIi 51 M01111 Ntlll llllmliwl llllill liliiiifiiiii111i3 hilll mm Wiii1lllt Ml 11111101in 71731 11 liililTlllltlllli mmiwhwih iimwlmhm 3m lI ill itllUilll nlip ltil illll ill ii l1il il ll xliini It Sitinii 11 ill Illllll tn 1ill llltllllv rim7 lI my IsI1Im5lll It gr IIi1lliit ill 11 $1 11 llttl 11 1r III II IIIIWHIIIRII IIINTID IIIII IIIIIIII II Mv IIIIIII IIIIIIlI IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IllIIIiI rolIlIiIlllImnjplulIlmk lzmIlv wllgl IN1 Iiu lillII 11111 il DMD tIriIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII mu 11 min shin 1111165 li lllltllv 1111 iaiizt hip ll ml luhwm lhmvlnil ll lllp llSlllltlit 1111 wmewmwmm lilttilshll or unlnnnliuil 774 gt pin llltl 11111111111111 lltlllllllt III llllll Il Hwy ml tut nil lllll li Nxltl 15111 iii1l$1lttltlll till it 111 lilltS for 11114111 work Apply in lllt NI iI nipwf l7 MAllll llllllNl itl Sillt vll ill IIHIIIIHIII1IIltIIIIIfIIIII IH1mmn LlnlM llllmv llillllllii lillillllru 11 i1 11111 lll ii 111 iliI liil llliln lil Willi Willi 151 LIllltllllllllvt lziciors lit 11 EIIIIIIIIIIH liIl1ltll illli 1111 Vin Moiri2lltil IIIIINII IIIIIISIlI Ills mm unsiIIIII NFL Ii IIxfiIHHII IIlIIIlIifffTf I111 lv thin11111 l1 llii manor Ilglll Hitliii lillltl 11111111r1l llilIllt 1111 Mir IIII ookstmvn llll IIIIIIMI MOI 131 In 5L palm IIIIIIIIIH HIIIIlII IIIIIIIIF IJIPIlIIIII iIIEIiIIOMI11liI IIli II IIIIIIIIIIFi IMIII MI II Ii IIjIII II III 110 It il 1111111111 infillt xiv IiMN II1Illlli in 5qu muII SAPIEIOPLIISIIIX 10 1in QlI1i ll HI Inllqlll $051 for IN DING OUR gm Hml li 15 liotlv to 5112 lle 11 iiillI il1l llLillli lmi umII 0U SA ll IN iiic EXA lNER 51 pp iiriiy lone livi it rimQ IIMIIIII IIIIIIFIII1I NII innitL gmrm 4111 IlI Ml IElllI IlIIlIII thllt Niall llAilllhllllll ltllllll5 liAlllO lauiiuiiiml llllllvl 1111 11 If 12 Uh huh outside work Sinn 11x Vl1lFURNISHED MM lli 5931milllilf iumgllL ML illixllllmw bmli mid Wm mm will mm Elwin WWI WM Hum ImdIIIHIiIm t1l Phone 33171 lfi ltlpj llli iI1I mudI spIIlI rml ll llIlI21ViiiIL1 IIlMtk Int hinIisiiil IpzliIIi Iiiiiz ll iizillis liiiiin 19 irlim IIllsl liI lug Hwy llllll Hilltk littltiil uIitllJl iigt I1 point ttllltllllml Slll lllti Apilv II its 055 llllit lllllSil llllG Sillllll ll llAiih 1112 11 1111ol1111r1l pertiil IIII II Bu lllm Utililunihlttltfll Nllll LARGE Will llllllllttllh VllV 171i llllltill St Thulttlli MNH ANAIHIYS fl Nil llIllllil lllllll illltl Ulli llllltl tllhl lli 1111 li 11 liliil Rain ollier IHBJ central l3 ljllllllnlh SiI midrib llllil LltqllI llllilRlIcrrI llLIW iIllIltl lIlNl llnirnton Village 11 rltib 2UllNllltll wwin lllltlillit $1 lit till40p 1010 LmVQM glnrlrm II Ws 119 15 25 rs All 513 Ll MN lQliiiiiich 11F iIIiIlIIiIIilIi 131132llUllNlSllljl ROOM for reiitl 521341301111 Wtlllllll inningi iiii MN Vm Ami Bevin HimD LIVESTOCK FOR SALE itliiills Mitchtliiis tilltillfiitie NH 11129 tllr SEDAN good iiivs lflltl DOGS Soililn liilm II QIIII IIIII1III pf lllrillilll Ultlloliill H137 lTiwltlp lliltl St Barrie 7401 SAY you SAW IT in THF EXAMINER ll 41 in ll lb illllll llilll llllll ll llll 5i 3IIIIIIIIIII DIIfIIIIIlIIISII 1899 FIIRLIIIP1833 IIIllL llilltiWllt lllollt 37175 71 Jilllip 11 1111 Watsons lilt hurl IM Ill KHlmI ll 11033 mm JIm 51 pm WiCLll llIIIlNlSllllD double room IlOllxlO lllGGllll lllltlllllllllllli lIIIIIl 11 will EIIIIIIIfI 111 lltlSI lit to 1371 lbs Open or lllfWfI iit iii illll littlitl Llllti llllllll 111 mu 1ll1 ll lIIIIyI It TIOI In um lIvI II Ilt II II II III iI mm l1lCIl llcl ARY llovil Crown cook Rlsnlm 50w 15 Mymmi mum 1M Mum lnwmlii MW 11 md will 13 mi 1037 IOllidtit Sltlill Mild tillnuulmm l1ilq lllONl ROOM ltll rent furnished RASPBERRY LANDS Viklllii 10 II I1 lgtlllcmlcnI llrIIIIIUHII 11710 nursing care lhuiic llrzultoril tllti 1111 rush 111 irmle lelcphmiil 111d tillillOllllL fret in IttllliKi liul Box Jill Barrie Exami plum 1m 01 ML 5mm Illmhesllillilt Lillizodlhilhwill in Tm Mix MUUWW Gum Hl ml ml WP 1937 DOMHU sum WM l1milc l1t iron ll 13401 lli Todrlnpton 51 774411 NINE PICS ii weeks old Wi lmv ill lll MIMIIII1I ii7131 II II FIllllillln mm Lem All nIISUIIRSI 0mm 1mm OmI 39 I1 iNttlltlIli mnditioin Apl hull lml huh BEDROOM I0 mNI Awmml nUFRS MNDRITH 81 VG mp 1721 will PROPLKTY FOR QAIF lllV lll lltlbllllkl MN 1037 hcr Ctllllle II ii g5 DNUNM IMPphonoi dmmlc ICCkN 00d commmn 807 IUIF POTATO BACS 2lt SAY YO SAW ll IN THE EXAMNER billm ML Hum ibnolld all VANTID flam 1illllllllllc 105 SllOUd 7401 YOPKSIIIRI ROAR seivirenble Hill ll HTml 19 PM Semi 36 IgtCC1Canli and uInCd nch Eugeng Smith turbid Plump FUNGH 0w 01 mp Mhmhh 1930 pl uqu er 511quimmcd REDSlTlING ROOM and kitcheni FINDLAY OVAL RANGE good as Lldllml all 101203 5IL90 DlSllFI 31041 94 CIII1IIIIIIII MI iIIIjIIIII isni lONllAC SEDAN for sale ijl LN Phonllilrll 3mb elm rel11 Apply BOX 29 Em new Edgar Leigh Camsmwn ifbopmmc OWNS ROM mudmo cm be SCCn ami 1940 Ford PleUl liXiillllllLlI lr=l01lIRR Phone 28133 7401 CALF FOR VEAIJNG for sale HOUSE FOR SALE 0qu Wth illiii APill ll 13 lOSCll Bill IKMALII LOOK 510 lb 01 mile lt Rolll Cam bcll Churchill Phone field 81 13ml lwo Vhlwl ill101 With 11 lI SMALL QUEBEC HEATER pipes tomcnltnces Apt Ll Dini nan in mod condition llOllL ROOMLD llOUSL for lent tliin QUAnTlTX HARD and cedar 1111s 1Lgfiv 141124 o40p gt wheels 2620 gl 111 Wild L0lldlilOllI ml 50 llldllb ll III 401 1I IIICC IIIIiliilt4lc Minnow Plume im sdlIgI Alex gampbell SlinnItI he do IIckw mumml Clllli SLLYEI L000 tilt Jff 311 er pm l4 Bay lone r0 74 lt zili encine nee transmissmn nix GARAGE WANTED my Ellmbem Mime $10 10 mi C1050 on $175 takes il 368 and Muplc Ave $11330 Filo OiIt rOUrIIt unfiirnislIlICd iotiiIiIlIIS BOYS TIUBIEI SKAbTEs and boots RIRI phone WI 1940 MIIIIIIO mi EIIIIIIIH FliIIII SI phone 2890 134lpI or ren in iottiton ppy size 2150 oys rown overcoat is ir er St EaSlOn Thorntonv Ont 15409 12 years Phone 2366 7401 1cSUIflEill BELGIAN COLT lOim for $8le 310 10 30 DESOTO SEDAN XCCHCHI P110 11 fie lt IIIII II II nu HORISISSIWAINTEID fot mink feed II II breakfast 50L natural with green weanea Apply podlmgmmI MODERN BRICK BUNGALOWI II LIIfIllltilllOIllI ochidIiIixe lifeguards oi T9310 Mldtht Phone 80214 LARGE FRONI BEDROOM TV LAm WINTER C0Ar trim Ph 2349 ft 1111 on RR BillllC Phillie 840143 9bit rooms and bath but Vlter hvitinr dw Slll mom Cllv panned Barrie 318p able for two gentlemen Apply 70140 09110 nva both Pcrsum trnIiIi TIIIIIISdIIIOC 31 $74401 COIIIIII1IICIIIIIII In BUSHIIU Phone 21118 111top Barrie Examiner Office 1540 App Dunop St 74 TEAM CLYDFSDALF III Balm 11ch 1540 lt GOOD IIOME wanted for puppy sale $300 pm Ir TI Wat Elm lecK SALE1938 Ford coach bilge illkc Bird Have Log BEDSITTING ROOMS fumlSh PORTABLE iSAWMHJL complcm ElitiiIrDiniSliegAkPl Vale KR lllOIlC Zll Ellll TWO HOUSES for sile in end new IUbbmi excellent condition Clbmq Churchlll 340 Cd EllczlkriSlAf ggjlfgli 811350 galls 112 msntmnccogglwn $1356 iiigllin sleeves sacrifice bargaiii V310 9401 condition good loelitiOns lllll10l LiUithIISt Al antCr 1331 age roll pp ay lC OIlly Pl 1011c for quick sale 14 Glove St 01 II in possession on both Box 41 St 13401 LOCOMOTIVE electric washing phone 2714I 71p IBULLSI Barrio Eleiiiilier 16401 I8 YMOUTH SFDAN good COW hart Cundlcs Phone 4306 3436621 LARGE FURNISHED liousekeep Whine 901m 1b 85h9 Sim MANS wiNTFR OVERCOAT Iiiaiiiiliiitgziiwiihuriil030 FOR SALE 0K RENT iroomcd till 110 lliCS llealclU be moms Will garage Space Al 800d Cllndluon Phone 4334 740p 38 boys long pants size lpiecc Barrie 9404111 cottage in village of Angus An 59 heme 515 and 03 sm DEAD HORSES AIND CATTL ply Box 33 Barrie Exam 0mm pink size 12 ladys mack ply CI comm AUg 199 Claw lirlaIv18 John St ll4lp wanted torI freIc pickup Phone incrI 1540 CHICKEN PICKER for sale with coat izc 16 in good COIIdmOIII CHOICE REGI Shorthom bullI who StI BIIIIIICIh 1640p Collect Barrie 3b17 Gordon Young 21 hp BIOcycle motor Martin 145 Mary SII 74np wanI 21 yewSI quier Howard 11940 DODGE 41001 sedan racIliO Ld 3714529 ROOM llOSlntnlc beds 01 12 1511103319fN0 11 40p Honsbcrger Staylier Phone 273 $4600iioomed frame inSC healer completely overhauled first rent CCrtllill Men preferrch YOUNG MANS winter top coat ring 41 9401 sale at 73 Cumberland Stmall c1111 155 Cmmmn numerous accessor ICEDAR lIuIUlVIBERIaml luIits waigcd Apply Bayfield St Apt after ililiEIY FURICAT liIrIIEwn and Civiliammd anIcgIcaI um venimccs Immdmo 50 CW ies Apply 11 Frances 51 13401 eIw Iyarcs root Denney oat 1540 lt in per ee con lion Hi antes and SCFVlCQ Lidv Bang Mr Ph 4183 Apt ng BIOCR 7401 Iglisgleaclllesit illillclll iglgitFiiplcsgingmllgg 1931 PONTIAC SEDAN CI ll 34 FURNISHED ROOM to rent break Cm panda tires motor body and palm 00 01 In 95r=lp bate LB Lcsusd 13 lLaLj ROOMED COTIAGL fol sale last optional or kitchen priVliegcs ELECTRICEEAT CONTROL sonI cooksiownI II 940 with 56116 of 18nd new deems 9200 or best offer Norman R00 II TsllBLE PfOTAHdES vlatmegl ngh mum iC arranged Aduns only giiggncoPhillis24igllrogi119dgn78tgtlp VENETIAN BLINDS custom made ated mile from Allandilc on Hl05l00 Phone 113 010 1340 and II pug goo qua 13 meme 60 W11 mm 51 1040D the very best 10 blinds at 24illch AN US BULLS thick low type Camp Borden highway Phone Cumming 31 Campbell Ave Bar III 1931 PONTIAC SEDAN EOOd lUll 4504 3394822 FURNITURE stom sate airs Handrails 111315 aliphatic Erics3131uprisings lb Yam Vim clean storage two warehouses phone 33957401 half pric 28 Peel St 7401 Phone 6913 Elmvalc 94042 6ROOMED BRICK HOUSE hall clutch and brakes lClmed Plal Sales vlerk II QUART BASKETS wanted 26 Cooke Cartage and Storage 43 Essa semenI0me located immm 4230 aftei pm Pelrgtdlig cach Must be clean Cooking ap Road Phone 3359 1514tfb PUREBRED SUFFOLK RAM in 055 51 St 1340 Hi 11 School icaLion D105 Olwsale 250 bqsket phone OQDlVORKlNG TOOLS lathe JOHNOTON OUTBOARD MOTOR Ol 0111015 allable 2518 298 withWfdrill and lStt canoe made 0rhlint1ng yCFllS Old Shorthorn bull 18 Coutts Real Estate 13 Owen desirable pleusa man ayfleld St 40p lJARGE ROIOMSItodlelltOl OHSIemcnI line shaft Ph 3441 740p ConronI mile south of Anahdalc on monthSI Apply Jlm TyndaleI RIRI StI phone 2377I II I1640p 194g IBIOIIIU hAelliMdYIIIlzIRUglfIII I1II0IOi room in urIniISch par BarrieI phoncImgsI 94013 vcitli OI Ii SEED AND FEED furnished Electrictty in house Out lir nghwy 27 mllc we cm 14 100 333 FARM form vith SlltlCS good condition D10 UCH maloon and Innisfil 31d house left Side 4013 iniinouate pos ance STU CO YOU SAW lT THE EXAMINER Side tow 11mm BOX2 BalrUlsmlc all chest of drawers for sale SHROPSHIRE RAMDUICblCdlaF sossron 90 acres tillable llle marl EM Thmmw Phow 1014331 GOOD GES In Good condition Phone sow 740 WINTER cows is mu prichYikSit it it 81 g101ri 340 try now mdn is w1 for winter and save Phone WIDOWER Wllllmployed 50 has EASY WASHING MACHINE used $321855 cginqiivgffe iciiils Bond Head Tclgllihonc Beeton 46 lgsdiiined ErickLiusgalbiiiiin00d 1936 CHEV COACH new 99ml 4396 10401 f1icedflmlliSth iicgimmigaon fiorl only three times also Marlin 32 3piece coat sct blue sizd fur 21 9440pr farms available Coutts Real isIlilsd5h51LA1Icomlyoni II my 91s inc nn151a on in mg ls Wm coup spemal mile 30 Sophia Street trim Apply 160 Bradf01d St 740br ESlalC 15 Gwen St TClLDhOIlC Infant considered 146 Peel Si BFEF CATTLE lake Saturday Phone 17131 Lc LOST AND FOUND 40 740p 00m Wa 2377 16401 13 40b Wmw sin ELECTRIC STOVE McClaryI our 12 years about 15 head 0r Will II CLIMAX CUTTING BOX for sale burners and oven grey and white buIy entire stock State weightand BRICK HOUSE rooms furnace YEARLING STEER strayed E1 PLANTS AND FLOWERS ingoodcondillon pipes and all enamel perfect working order 211 price toJohn MuthIRR King and bath large lotuavailable now 1943 DODGE SEDAN mild dllve don Adams Minesmg Temphone complete Apply 52 Sanfor so matchingcoal or wood annex Ont 940b brick house rooms nice location heater and ilIICS 1937 DOGEC 1740p DOUBLE CANTERBURY BELLS 5L 314013 with enclosedwatcrfront 62Hl1h jI available any time furnace bath Sedan mid 1937 Ch COHCll very SlI 7440b PUREBRED YORKSHIRE SOW garage nice lot new brick blinga Clean Cilll 0r Wrms 76133353 gt AVO The worlds largest life and 2201f and fox glove plants for sale 10c1 II OURWINDOWS glass in Itll4 PAIRIWHITE FIGURE SKATES each $1 dozen Sweeney 107F glong by 20 WideI good condition Iorsale dueI Oct 10 first litter low very well built garage and Yorkshire pigs weeks old nice lot with fruit trees available Baldw1ckI Lot 28ICon Vespra now For anything in Real Estate 1939 FORD CAR forsalein AlI condition This car is privately RANGETTE small table model general insurance company has perfected plans for furth C6199 its isosttnegr Capra United Churcll $15 army gm coat remodelled Cp 252 Ellzabelh Hr gm mi 12 DR Phone 801 Bar 1e 9401 contact me befO bu nr we 51 17401 MONEY T0 LOAN hlfwy atllcoilzfafrpryld Cor How 51 Dunibpi 1640p owned and well cared for Can WWW throughout LQSTCombination kcv case and mm sinus BEIGE COAT size 14 blue son 150 Wellington West at REGHEREFOR bull calves 30 bought VW my PM 1033 Smel 740p and 10 short keel steers and heif BRICK HOUSE for sale Elmvale 1314 IVN 13409 HILL lt cceptub applicants Will Ile coma 21ml ngers brood elS l0 Hop ARMY TRUCK 1944 low wallet brown leather containing keys mu man my of money NATIONAL HOUSING LOANSng mamach III PeneIang II Valued as keepsake Retuln in Mac buildersloans plolertles flnanced st 740p JUST OPENED General Store 35 Weaned pigs milk cows Ap selected oaktrim bedrooms large Calvert 3118 Reward 1740 at GillTent rates Morlgages puri Thornton childrens wear shoes ply Spring Wycvale Phone attic insulated bath with separate lillleagef CXCCllClll Condlilonv Will 0011130 illlil giildililtts ivlll be ChaSCd Henry Ehwk OweniSIX HYDRO POLES and quantity mens wear work clothesvsmocks Elmvale 3652 94041p toiletII hard anti soft water System sell or exchange on station wagon offcych rpmmane position TRUCK TARPAULIN believed lost St 34384lpot telephone poles Apply Frank overalls grooeries harness and hot air furnace fullslze basemch or pickup RBezzant RIB 1I Bar will group insurance llOSPil Wood RIR1Barrie near Dals hardware pastries George Mc NUMBER OF registered Oxford garage excellent location on quiet 01 Phone 34141 15 alizntion and retirement benc Gladrey 740p Down ram lambs also 3yearold street extra large lot with small fits 1936 HUDSON DELUXE SEDAN between Barrie and Collin wood PERSONAL tom 73940p bearing names MeKeari Coiling flock sire We can also spare orchard Early possession Terms number of ewc lambs and aged IApply Box 27 Barrie Exam Please do not apply unless new rubber clutch motor ovelu wood an Walter Knuff Ravenna Please notify Grenville McKeanI WHY SUFFER the agony of BOYS QVERCOAT blue cheIck POTATO DIGGER With lsize 12 girls brown tweed coat Size power takeoff in good shape only ewes These are all choice type iner 163940p hallled new brakes andhal31 you have clean and success Runs and looks good Price $600 ful recom and believe you 420 Fifth St Collingwood Phone Rheumatic Pain Sciatica Lumbago used two seasons also Coekshutt and excellent quality Bre It ff Gas 01 e5 01 ran have the ability to eventually 563W Reward 1740b when Rumacaps will give you quick 12 Both in good condition Phone welcome relief At your drug37l4 7401 hydraulic lift 3furrow tractor thet Bond Head Phone Beeton IMMEDIATE posseSSion Cooits $500 REWARDI will pay the gist 304mm plow Apply Ronald MacKenzie 464 9404lpb town$5000 cash Broomed 25mm com Minesmg 1340 II FOR SALE Overcoats leather Alliston Ont 7394013 home bus about one hour Toronto ealn $5900 1301 lied 01 mow TWO CALVES for vealing also hotwater heating modern kitchen 1939 PLYMOUTH COACH best in this important Ifleld of so condition Apply 23 Worsley St clal endeavour above reward to the person who III ates an 00 ra lo 3piece bathroom and shower hard 10 PIGS about 100 lbs cow yrs or phone 3135 after pm 13I4Op write to Don ToppinI 1174 can give me information regarding KLEEREXfor 20 years de jackets BOATS FOR SALEIGft inboaIrd certain cheque for $20000 two pendable family remedy for sklnipianoaccordeon violins guitars hundred dollalst which either ailments For Psoriasis Eczema suit case wrist and pocket watches runabout Vbottom very trim due Oct 18 calf week old for Wood floors hydro continuous hot cashed for him or accepted from lepleI ltcliIBoilsI Poison Ivy months guarantee jack knives craft 12ft plywood skiffscom vealing Roy Walton 3ImileS north Watervlarge screened sulllOomIfullI 1930 ERSKINE gd tues spam Bay street tat Bloor T01 him in payment of an account dIiIiIlI Ringworm IImpotigo Hives Burrs lastiliinIitsf poclleroIok novels fic plehe 13h sailing digghy pp of Barrie on Highway 11 9403 Iinze baserIneiIiit anftllmIt IbIlmfds partSI IprICqu SrIeIaIsIogszlIeIae ggrholge onto or telephune Thos TIMII in the first half of August Barbers Itc Twostren tbsme ion an rue ecive magazines out our motor bran new tor cireu ar sawing mac ine in goo ousc ncwy ecora 5111 or seen C0513 Garage Stroud Frank Jones ium strong 50c $100 all drug Comics for the children The Var snaps and details write Alkay Boats Condition Apply CBCil Campbell mercantlle 01 apartmentlocculancl Blake St Erma or satprday ersall Bane 2931 Prop Phonc 12117 17 4043h lusts 3040hG icty Shop Collier St 7w40p Box 898 nlliInnwond 39101 RR Bariin Phone812r32 it 40h Apply Mrs Hoppcr til73941011 Phone 4246 alter pm 1341111 II III