iiiiiiiiisiius SIMCOE COUNTY IIllIi liittti ciiIt pii titere It It li It tli ttiltl lJVtti llxtti lv is ILnlikil tile iyl lt iiiie me it 7i5i Ill on wlieie tam piitl iv lite tlt tin Iii tit tiltiei iui tii litVi lliitl li olt lbw itiil Hopi til en ti iii ii ver liandl alum ltgt lt11ll The lever Lo lil iie uwd Lave litiln put itiirm lm imizjld hits to ptcytitl like the illlltllliltl attain Wheat 2llttl lie kitchen lie letu iie Ittll cooletl by one ot the pi nil eut rlttitlid the fwd iiiiltttgtiy loilits and li Etttlll txiit lo tiiiitt satis tiitiii liiii tl pt year wooden lllttll hoe ltltll ltlllttttl by con riele thereby tllttlllt7lll the bar it and midi11 to fire cleanliues of the Illllltlllii llie Itemiii iiue unis next itetl vlI eeijiliiiir is iltl7tl oi their llie toiitt llillt inspected llllllllllill tllillt our tay here lioiiiie ttllJlltlil ua Iiixud ltr raidiin ne luoim plaque in the lobby to the llitllliil of the men in this county who itave their lives III the See illtl Voiltl War liii tieii iril tiililllltilli of the buildiuiz in side and out satisfactory In the iiteiuuoii we motored to llietnn and inspected the County Home In It Iileley and his trite ieeeiyetl us and showed us illiitlllili the biitliliiie Modern steel lire ipe have been installed at each end of the luiildinii replacini the old wooden Other new equipment has been edited such as cold stoiaczc laundry eltiuipmcnt etc lll considerable paiiiliniz has been done Ihere are at present eightyfive iiuuItes llllilnt men and thirty women Ihey appeared to be in reasonably good spirits welt clotti ed and fed lir and Mrs McKclvey seem to be ideal superintendents for an institutionof this kind All of which is respectfully sub inittcd ilt iiritS George ltlctoukey tlioreiuau Grand Jury liSIING Most annoying summer pets are Aids which frequently invade took lin places and pantries feeding on all sorts of foods particularly sweet and fatty substances Public health authorities suggest that ants may be discouraged by keeping shelves tables and floors free of crumbs by storing food in antpioof containers and by plugging holes in floors and walls through which they enter premises Make your car faAoEluAthE IRAND nyasamzeo PROTECIIVECOATINGI enamodstqus mi rattles slows downwear Its down underneath where matand comm make cars old and noisy first Rocks vgravelroad chenii calssoon eat through fenders Protect your car now With UNDERSEAL the new tough inch thick rubbery coating that ghts under body destruction quiet noises insulates against fumes drafts dust heat Ask today about this newh otection thats guaranteed Edithe life of your car GREER Transportationttoltd Phone 4078Barrie IM Irivliiais iii clean liliI Ilililil sifilfJIR IiIIll HITIH CANADA Radio Valve Company One Cgr Wrecked Will Vacate Town Hall TWO Are Damaged Returning to Toronto Sunday Accident USA Artists Feature Grand Stand Sh0w At Owen Sound Fair IAIIJ HISIUPA Hilttk BOYD Real Estate Business Broker I133 Illlt isler St lifiiLinlljtil tonal wla iiai lisl ii II iitii lllttNII Iilhh BANK ltIYIltLi WEI Ilfxti FIRE AND CASUALTY INSURANCE Tomato Juice gentlereu TOMATO PRODUCTS LI3rttcNIEILLa ILIBBY or CANADA Canada Concrete Block TileCo 41 It IIIIHli Itt llll punitiiui Iatiiitiinriran Ifpert Illeiiilinu tunl lime them all in it iipcib ItItlltl that lirt lllti llmoi IitttII Iliithi On Hand for Immediate Delivery GLAZED SEWER TILE Clay Weeping Tile CONCRETE BLOCKS Or Write Box 150 llcrrrie Now At Your Grocers Tomato Juice orden Fresh Yes its Libbys Gentle Ircss Tomato juice fresh lillml ilie iardensparkling with fIaVour loaded with vitamins Your grocer is featuring the NEW PACE now Vlts the juice that captures the inatcliless flavour of perfect redripe tomatoes picked under the Summer sun 1in awless sunripened tomatoes are used in making Libbys Tomato juicepedigreed beauties thinskinned and heavy with juice the result of thirty tivc years of seed selection by Libby experts is Oh the very day thcyreach glowing ripe perfection when theyre bursting with juice and flavour these prize tomatoes are rushed to Libbys kitchens Still gardentrcsh theyre gentle pressed the exclusive Libby way The sweet luscious juice is gently cxtmetcdhceinicctharrrrestnrritavoTrrichcst in vitamins It takes more tomatoes to ll tin the Libby way and you can taste the tteremegt Now that you can get all the Libbys Gentle Press Tomato juice you want order in quantity Serve Libbys at mealtimes Always keep supply in the refrigerator and let the children help themsblves RememberLibbysis Canadas favourite health drink an excellent source vitaminsA and delicious as it is good for you Iltllwl Miller Iltiii try Itlxhtll lione It eoiitiiiii choice tUIItt Phone 3009