PAGE El Him we ifmacresaresitiiiiiiie15525 3191 ffffilii39 Owen Sound Exhibition lHeres How to Make III If IHQm Tlln9 EIIIIDIIIiIIIIIIfIlIl IIIIIIIIIIII IIII II Promises to Be the IEReol Good Cup ot Tea AT II Midlond Weddings is Best in Years INK III IOM Chi Dedoes II II Ili ti Lil iiili t0 iiiiil in imt Iii tII liIt ii IlIilt Ii liiililiis UIl llllt iIiii or ii liiililiirIvl iiIiignziI HIV llt iIImul iii liillliiIIIllt tit II III ii ii vt ilwl IN MI ilii Hill lIlllIIil lIlt thiixis that still turitcrml IHI iti iiiii III ii II III III II III IIIII IIIIIIIIIL III kwIII HIM It II II IIIIIrm II III ii imwi lltiii liiiit IZIA and Iiltiil ltilII the ii iiiiii iiil liiilliifu ilIIh iii lHUtlilIlHl lItIliII Illlli Ii ii int ii iii nw iiiii my illuli Hills Iiiiiiiii new rst gt 4i iitt iiil llii iiiiiii iii liiili lslu and IinilliI IiiIii mungi LII III gt It LI vI III III III II WM unxrinfuts iiiisi llll II 1i is Z5 II if EI II IIII II II III KI II urAIusggsD Message to Immigrants Im0 WW in EH Ian ll HI ives ime Vice II It IIIi llii tIiiiitiiiiiitil Ilari ilurx iiii iliiit it iigiiiii II II II II II Ili iIlv It nilum mi tii HlI II it lll II lt II IllJIlu Innlil iilisiiiIiii iiwii Iliazit 1tl it Eli iiilsiiiitlliill iII tldll isn lilliliti litlt Ht H1ui Hi ttii II II I11UlilllllliilitLillilIilvtllnlllat IlilniiilciiIiIsI iiviiii iis II II W1 VilHt Igg Itllttlllvlil it tlti1i iitl ll Unit IIHIIJ MI IIII IIif It IIII iii inllus iiiililili Iiinigi iiiii iii l=lttllt Iii xi affor MI with ltlllll llitiIs tillr tHIHlHtIlil Ann tin ii LI lllv iI Il IQIIIIII llii girdlel Illtillllt I5 II II IIIIIIII IIIlii lhllttlllllll lintin blah is it Ii st iIicii II glulltil Ill IllIr lJIIltl 4il lit iiiliii will rlJII II the iiiim iiliiintayriiiu ll ttll lln not II II Iilll uniiiiiiital Isle ltltllllllli llhll III is III II IIII II skilliil Tillil lII Ull tll Iii ii ii iii CUNIINENIAL IIFE INSURANCE iiiiiPiiii PHONE AFTER at hula gt ii A0 To AIS UV Iii ii In Ijiil Ll Iii lit li= iiiaii ma Iv GRANT KI MAYORI IV Ill 2m itlJlli RE lit win ii 250 titular filmi JJliitI iii tlIIll lIlllII III IIARHICSIII SIIIUVK llI II gigutd Weak viI FleIIIiiciIIVIIIAIaII kit ii III II II II II IIAI II itl l2 UllPlID Slltht Elli IOF llI Il ltil 1n lll lt iiizi liilizliizl Ontario Death Claims it ilI CITIH1IIIITII IcIvnKjK OF ALL SPRING AI31II55IRILS For Insurance II II II IIIIIIIIIIII IIIiIiIIiIi IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIiIIIII $15284 439 in Monthsl 14 iiii iiiiapt Iiitlllvllli iii lli gt gt iii 3K Im il WIN mt 12 Bayheld St arrle iI lil lIiiII lilIIllIiIlH AltYIII4lllIIItlHXIl II II II II III II IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIHIIJI Iv III HII III Imll III IIII II Ii Ii II II IIIJIIII IIIIIIIII mm VIIHIIII II II II Im IIIlitl11l1I Ill ll IIIl III ii 11 will it II II II II III II iI HIM 1IIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIII II tiiI il iIIIl ll Trust Certicates iv Lil only IiiviiI II II iliIiisciiil iiliilll iiigtli itI ll irie aiiadizin piiiiit HI iea IHlliIiiliIlltI nitric II ili iri Ill liri iiiii iiiievii Iqiiiinnit iiid gtll MADE IN CANADA IIII IiI IIII IlIhIIII I4 tl It PT IIlI IIItIliI fur IliIIilIiill iiii rm In Ila WI IIIIII1ItIII Im uniwry It i7 II II III II III III III IIlII IwIIIII ll MIMIIWWMV tl msallfloonincm Prige Ti II IIiIZIrI ii ll 11 iii III lillillil l1l illll IIWI IlllttIl ii il ii liliilI Qiic IIIIJHIIIIlIIIiIlIIlIIRIJIIIIIllhlIttllltllI1IllI HII IIIIIIIII III lI II II IIII IIIIII IIIIIIlII II Iiwiiil for the tlltttlllttllllll nlIi YOU Gal ALL These Features lillIlII at in it Millith tubes Illuminated Dial ihisi ll ii wing llllttllll lhi THE ixiiIIv mr l2 mi iiiiiiiir lrIV inst phase of StllltlllLlll liillcr W0 me WW Imp hr iT iIl 3w th ii thiziiiii llkll Automatic voume conlio iIllllll id niiiih lIltillLI liiiidslii is tiil IIHI III II IImMI HtltIIsivill lllltllt in the l1tlIll1lllI Exdm IUhm AP IIIHIIII IIIIIi II III IiIIII IIIIIII IIIIHI my pirt iii lllt piiwince and we hadt Rugged Aw nah CORPORAIIION III IUIIIIIIlIIHlIII 1IIIIIHIlIHIIIIIII IRIII IIIII IIII 1IIIIIIII ml dUWHIS HHIHUIh WI 20C opehuIilgnlIIdu plus llniiilt izii iiiii xi IIIIEI I1 IIQ usyiomu IO sehng Tower Town tllitltilly lttlllllv IIIIIIIII II II II MKHIMIIH HIHSI Im ml Mahogany plastic cabinet at lillil ii III IIiil iciirvs only spurred us on In IsIIghIIY 9h III Ivory 36 Yam 8mm IIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIII ii iI Input tilt hi IgiiIiIiIIIIIIIHIII QUIIIII IIImd puma iiii iiri ii Iliili th Hti yum in unmet MIMI milth 41 2i ttlltlliI we itiliii the throne iiIl Buy NOW land Iiappiii Iiii tian ull III II Ilil ill WI ml ml lI Mil 1mm known in Hui 0M ConnI erin Limiliid Illill an iiliii itiaiiei ll Illt ll imiiii iants should miiiiii liiIti IIilhlliII In qiiiiilziv Izlllll Illllll iiiIiI NinaI to be piiiisered or lHO isii ill II II IIIIIIII IIIIIII WWII lllI IIIH III vided llll coniloitzible homes and SALES AND SERVICE ti iii iII iIII gtI IvII II III IIIII IIIII II III III1 III II II III II IlI It nice Jiibs loi these things till 12 Dunlop St Phone 4041 III II II III Im must work and work hard Canada Iuiit iii iiiiii iiI Ihc tiilliiiisini Illim tNIItigttl lllI II IITI 11 ll LEGAL JIHKOPR CTORb Slmcoe PreSbYterOI ill lltiill lilllllit llll WHY 0Y5 KI BOYS GEO RI ELSIE AI BURNSI Duo Executive Meeting IllitillltlltS arrislors SOIIIHIH NMIHCS Licensed DTIICS Thelapists HHII 115110 IIIIIIIIIRI 135 IlIllllllO mivcyanccrs Etc Electric Radio hydro and In Barrie September ting Iqlnmls mum MONEY TO LOAN MeIehan IIhera 1min ieaiziics of land and wide I0mccz Owe st name Dlmlt St glmne 3194I The members oi the XctllllVL unfriendly seas Brawn 0m mmvzlc Oman Simciie Presbvlciial Inc in 10 Saw mil mm my country gt Ikas 15JKIbiIACRA ORBFJT DC recreation room of ollici St Ullll and my Iltilllt III Chum BIIIIII TuoqduI MI II GLADSTONE CURE ph 3070 26 McDonald tLInOm Sclll llh mOIl Ill NH lace iiii iiiii no hand of ill Successor to one Ban1 II members present The vicepresi this thriinu CAMERON CAMERON BY APPOINTMENT dcnts and the various secretaries IIlNlS the full kiiiiwint lIltiSO BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC icmrtcd on their work Since the mutimr mars bOwen St Birrie Telephone 3175 pi Mn II 77 108 Cild 100 Hill 215 23 iinse ips lltlll an exi es MONEY TOILOAN MUSIC LESSONS There are still some supplies on mun hI and 01 any need Lltb Jllk And Hlllltw lit mes llll OWAV ICOWAN Hissn BRXEON IlMT treasurer reported that the giviuns hIIdlSll tears iiirrlsters bolieitnrs onveyancen FFALIIERIOEPIANO SINGING Notaries Public etc and MUSICAL IHEORYall grades for the first two lt1alters ixctedtil Tim is im fi1tm1 is how Money Waiithilotie to Loan incliidiiigAIChl Modern Methods that 0f litSl iial 10 11110 $600 mum hr those new imlmgmms r7 Owen Street Barrie SmWraMOrd St Mrs Johnson stressed the un IIIIIQI IIIIII III IIIIC III MIC IIIICIIIHV R053 COW portance ol1ookingiaftcr the affil RIImmcl Pllont mmmcyI DOROTHY JOHNSON Assocmle iated societies The corresponding of Toronto Conservatory 01 MuSic official Welcome accorded to them But it is passing phase with secretary was instructed to write II II II II II It RMNK IEIAMMOND BA Kr and meldmllpi Engej Toueg OI letter to all missionaries who IIIEIIRIILIE WIIE IIEIIIIRIIHEFZII BARRISTLR SOLICITOR ETC uSic ano an eory Masonic Temple Bldg Barrie 152 Maple Avenue 1ch voluntceied 10m iniCOi miimiicoiis heart Faf MONEY T0 LOA MIG HAMILTOR IIIICII but Mme worship SW WWW 1d Ill lmd BXEEtEtIpEi Matinee ii ercn Money 10 L03 R055 Block Ban IPipe Organ Lessons Also importance of making use of our comm MacLAREN AVkllabl talentswa OARRISTER SOngleOR ETC Studw 37 Ross StI Phone 3613 Money to 0m MMIIIIIC Temple Building Barr OPTOMETRY Collingwood nest Ma WhlLl was JOHN REID ET BARRF FFS IIIIItLhOxlzlilbcleqcciileeld 8t have four sec JSAIIRISTER SULICITQBIEIQIEQ prfOMETRiSwI lional conferences from Oct 28311 24 DUHIOP St Barre on Dunlap St Phone 2963 to be held in Elmvale Sunnidalc Attendance 96 Corners Angus and Thompsonville JOHN WOODS KL It is expected that two Toronto BARKISTER AND SOLILIIOR Bld Owen St ROBERT SMITH RO branch OfflCEIS IWlll attend these an Ozsgmno MgIe to meI OPTOMETRIST conferences and also returned 1313 on Dugo Sggihqw 25 missionarV It was also decided to r5 al MEDIGAL hulgga Youm Ram Cqukr SL7 NOEL GI STEPHENSON 30 Baum on Monday CVCnxng NoI VICTORIAN moraine bNUgIsss OPTOMETRIST II III Cmbm hBiiIiirilIIZIIlltlalIgIIllgtlIoglgck egrelIy HUDSON CARSALES nesda lieation of nursesser Hudson Motor Cal Company 10 vices rziav g3 made director through OSTEQEATHY ports censolidated net income for Watson iiistatisticians his VETERINARIAN Cor T1311 EgLgge SII Sham Iaitcy alldchgirgesi incIljudtng iv II II DRI CI CI FLEMING IepreCia ion an in ores an pro c3 14 gt phone 2293 period of 1946 the company hail 99 Im NEW FOURPOIN DRIVEBFOMFQRP WELCH ANDEksoN COMPANY II 258 032 IQISO 900 00 The cab that IbreathesI DTIVBISI IICharterdAccountantsTrustees etc it COLLECTION AGENCY ne Opera mg Income II Iggrfggmwiidgdjlegg II jd Ibl gt Brock BudIldIiIIIiIghtIgOO Bay st FINANCIAL SURETY iIineIIIsIfIinI2IiwIXIIIIIsIIIIIeIIII I333 greatest contribution to driver comfort and safety In truck history Specialists lllI Collection of Accounts visibility III FIEXLMOUNIED CAB bb is 51 Dunlop st Barrie one IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIII IgIsIngIIAIIeIIIIEEIgIIIgIII IITIIPRIODIUOEIIOD ItodonS tiledth tIuckIsiIVith the cab tlIaIt brfathesf tIliiIlIt ARMS SPRYI FUNERAL DIRECTORS We eF es res an an ex es use air eeps ass eear on me rom oggmb lONGER WHEELBASES ACCOUIHEVELESSQNBDaIIDITORS INCREASED lOAn SPACE in pickups undI Thls lme of advancedenim trucks With new mcreased load space longerthanever 19 Melinda SII Toronto LLOYD II STECKLEY Wes Herbe Hags WiLclglegggfg VALVElNHEAD iiiuIciif ENOIINIESIwarlds wheebases and host of other improvements is destined to make Chevrolet even more II most economica or mm mm Frank Spry iz Clapperton St Phone 2103 auralq Sold by Leading NIYDIRAUIIIIICI TRUICK BRAKIES iniiiIiI gx highly preferred by truck buyers Freshulr heating and ventilating system optional at extra cost Ic reu er inin IIIIIqIIgggggIImg Jewellers Everywhere cusivIgIIIchISLaIIwa quIkI IIIII gopII cram anRTERED ACCOUNTANTS VngIIITIIIIIf cor mum OF GENERAL moms CHOOSE CHEVROLET TRUCKS FOR TRANSPORTATION UNLIMITED 17 Owen Street Barrie 54 21 King Street Toronto MEAL nmECTo ill mum MAYOR COMPANY mm gmbnfgeullgnsnwoi no mm IS 123 Ward Mayor CPA OPEN DAY AND NIGHT auxin 1His AUDITORS BmI ONT rHONE II ALI 13 Toronto St Toronto