Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Sep 1947, p. 8

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PAGE HIGH 11111111311 11111111311 BOYS AND GIRLszf ENJOY CAMPS 11 111111 Make your car NEW LONGER auaaenizco PROYECIIVE COATING quiet underbelly squeaks and rattlesslows down wear Its down underneath where rust and corrosion make cars old Indrioisy first Rocks gravel road chemi cnls soon eat through fenders Protect our car now with UNDE SEAL the new tough 111 inch thick rubbery coating that ghts under body destruction quiet noises insulates against fumes drafts dust heat Ask today about this new protection thats guaranteed for the life of your car 11 211 111111 11111 Iliil 1111 FARMERS OPPOSE WWI 30 INCREASE 1113 21111111 11111 111 11f 111111 111 1111111 11 111 11111riialiti 211 11111gt 1111 11111111 111111 by 1111 ll lii liim Ad1 11 11 1111111r111111111 1111 1111111111111 ppm mm which1111111115111 11111111111 1111119 KNEW l1111111gt11lI11 1111 raw Hing11 j1rii1i11i 111111 111 illllillill and tl lllllltldltlllhi 11 1111 illllllllllllli 11111112 11111 5111115 111 11111111 GREER Transnortationcoltil Phone 407 SBarrie BUSINESS 01111111111 you might say that there is no connection be tween having hobby and being successful in your work But all of us need the re laxihg effect of hobby counterbalance the strain hard work Fun is tonic says Dr Stevenson eminent mental hygiene authority It refreshes us when we are tired or bored with our rou tine tasks gives us new strength and enthusiasm for the business of living If you have no particular hobby such as shing gar dening or photography you will bewell advised to choose one Oreifyou indulgeipa hobby only rarely you ought to devote time to it more regularly Asoiresult ybull be http pier and probably healthier And youll surely do better job PS An acquaintance of mine made wooden trays as 11 hobby They were so hand some that many of his friends wanted to buythem and soon he had ourishing fulltime business Such cases are not uncommon 01 Youll enjoy life even more with the of mind that lifeidsurance brt It has provided fer the rare pse entity of million of diamsince 1847 311227 Jamieson Stewart Douglas 111155 311 111 11111 1gtisl 1111 that camp 111111 1111 111111 gt111l1il 1111i1 Willi 11111111111 Ll 1111 11111 111111 1111 1115311111 511115 111111 1111 New 111111111 111111 121111 111 1111115 and 111111111115 111 1111111 t1111111111111 1111111 lLCLthJLI 511111 11 111151111 111 1943 111111 he 11111111 111111 were 171111111 ii bushel 11 Was 111111111 1111111111 11111 that 111 111111 1111 11111y 1111 1111111 1v11 11111111 11111111 1111 sliippini 11111111119115 1111 11111111 1111i GREAT NORTHERN DIRECTORS FIGHT SALE OF GROUNDS 15 f111 iltJi Nurtih 15 1111 11111111121 1111111 Figures 1111 air11 ltii 1111 forti 1111 lit11 111111111i111lt 111 1311 1111 111 1111111101 Lillzl N111 34311 mpmw 151111 111111111 In 111111111111111 111 151111111 1111 111 i1111111 111111 11111111 1911111411111 111 1111 111 111111 11111 lELll rcllullrtm mummy 11111lt1 1111111 11111 111111 15 lllllili11 IS ill111111 11111 in i11 1111111 111111111111211 1111 2121 future would 111 1111111111 1112 1111 111111111 111 Canada 111 supporl 1111111 11101 1i11w 11 is new 111111 price levels are relatively 1111111 111 11115 111110 1111 the whole 11111111 1111111 iliey have llictii at any time since 15120 11111 we must 11111 1115c sigh 111 the fact that 111051 1111 11 reality 111111111111111 limes 111111 1111i 113311i11i 111 3111 1111 grounds 111 lilllllgtlll1il piliili 111111111 111ii their 31111111111i1 llJlJ 11113 111 min111115 that all the directors 111li11 111111 1111 1111111 111 1lillll114 art definitely 1111111 111 111 1111 511111 evident from what historic 11 records 111111 are 111411 the land 1111 1115 Park was donated 111 the cilia115 11f wliinuuuod by 3112 Jiu 15 Manning resident of gt USL 1111 Lx11niintr L111 Recent Graduates Enthuse About Course NURSI cem TllE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA ASSISTANT MINING 1131i11111 11 5118111111111 111lf111l111v 171111 111 111111f111 f1 1111 H1 311Y i1l 1111=11 111 1111111111 1111 111 111 1111111 1111 1111i 11L1 1111 11 1111 111 311 11111 =1gt1 11111111i11i Sum1111 li 1111111 121 111111 l1l1l 111111 111 111 112111111111I 1111111 111 11111111 Din11 11 311111 ll1i111111 f11i111111111 11 11111111 l1 Syn111141 1111 1111 i1111111 1111 211111 131111111111V llu 111111 1111121 111111 1h11i 1111121 11 1111111 11 111 111111111 5111111 1111 111111 p1111ii1y11l by Arie1 Exhibits luv1111 11 11 11 111111 1111l Supplied by Simone 11urity IIiiiiiiiis Ilhlilults living1 111111 11 aimslim 11111 1111111111111 illiiiish 1111111115 111 1111 111 Allisclllli 111 1111 11111111114111 National 1131111111 1111111 1111 y1111 ily l1rl 5111111111 1Ill1l 511111111 8111111111 by 511 11111111 l1i111 3111111112 1111 111111 iil llS 1111111311 111111111 11111111111111 111111x 111111 1111 11111111111 111111iil 1111 1111112 111111151111 511111111115 11111111111 1111111 1115 11111 111111 115111 11111 11111 iv ll 111lly 11111 111 fashion Worn by 111ii 111111111 111111 11111111111 111111 is 11511111 and 111115111 111 its iiiiiiiyi COLIYMBIA IllIlllIIJ lt1xl 11111 111 11 1111 1111111111111 111111111 11111 1w11 1111111111111111 1111115 worn byl 3115 111111111 111111111 11f liiiiisfil somel 111 y1ai 111111 haw 111111 lvcl 1111 1111 Mum11111 by Miss Bond 1115 111111111111 1111 511111111 lilitli iiii WWW swung 111111 111111 11111111 11111 11111111 011111 mm 11111 11115 1111 1111111111511111111 111103 ML Hula 11111111 51111 11111111 with ring1 uiid 111111 1111 shoulders Willi aii111di 11111111 liiiii 11f 11111111 1111111111 velvel 111111 11111111 1311111 11111 SllUW 1111 11111111111 111111 skill of 1111 dress iiiiikti 111 llie 1111s 11 is 1111111511111 111 111111 the tapes 111 picture and story 11 would 11111 5111111111 if 111111 11111 Ilidiiigi 11111111 appeared in anything else 111111 1111 111111 cloak Th1 cape float 111 1111 1111 1111171 11f hzimplziin 11r i1sis 1111 attention as 11111 131115 211 111 iiiajeslic figure of 1111 mighty 1p1111 scanning 1111 l11aulif111 wan1s 111 Lake 111111111liing Sir Walter Rah1111 spreads 1115111111 111111 111 1111 71111111111111 Rockies 1111111 the geographical centre 111 11111 wall1 gtSitll of 111111111 111 N1111hl 11111i11 011 11 115 iii1gtlti1 1111111151111 1111 1111111111n111 11111 1111 11ii11e1ci11 pnip11ltlt The fiistl fairs 11111111111 11111111111 18131 11 Dun 111111 SlayuLi 11nd Colliiigwuod each place in 111111 from year 111 year From this humble litginning tiicrc emerged an aiuulg 1nation 111 1111331 1giiculluial lIIILIL and the LEGAL N1111111ltaa and Great NulllILlll Exhibition was organized under BOYS BOYS 111 Revised 81111111135 Of Ontario 111 BKTTiSlelS SOIiPilOlS Notaries 11182 Public Conveyancers Etc MONEY TO LOAN Office 13 Owen SL Barrie Branch Office IIlinvalc Ontario BOYS ICC 01 ROWE GLADSTONE CURRII Successor to CAMERON CAMERON BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Owen $1 Barrie Telephone 3175 MONEY ITO LOAN COWAN COWAN It cannot be consistent 11111 prof itable taking 1111 long View for town 111 sacrifice one 111 the fun est sporting and fair grounds 111 Ontario upon the allui 11f due51101 able and uncertain iiidllslrizil pio moters It has been one 01 the Towns most valuable assets for nearly threequarters of century If the sale is finally made and ilic Exhibition closed then there is nothing forlhe diiectgs to do but 10111 UM 11 would lake 395 10 Barristers Solicitors Conveyancen gain bring the Exhibition to its Notaries Public etc present 5111113 of development on Money WantedMoney 10 L03 new 5119 17 Gwen Street Barrie Surely even in this material GAROSS COW age sentiment and tradition count for something FRANK HAMMOND 811 lhe advertisement is signed bylaARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC the Officials 11 the Fair Board Mas nic Tern 1e Bid Barrie Gordon McArthur president Clare MONEYpTO LOgAN lrott treasurer Ellis sec rotary directors Dique Wi1 DUNCAN McCUAIG BA KC 1111111 Hicks Thom BARRISTRR SOLICITOR ETC DONALD MacLAREN ILA BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Money to loan NILArthur John Smith Currie William Vancisc Andy Keith R1 McQueen Hewson 55 Beanie VanClse lllaronlc Temple Building Barrie omommy COVER BURNS JOHN REID Firstaid treatment of burns con BARRISTElg Summon ETC BOBTGPTOlESgE $1515 in covering the affected area 24 Dunlop Barne on 13 Dunlop St Phone 263 and keeping it covered until com petent medical attention is Obtain ed Burns are sterile when sustain ed but they may become infected by cerebess handling immediately afterwards Do not attempt to alleviate pair by applying an ointment Only ster ilized dressings such as doctor will apply shOuld be used and first elders are urged not torernove clothing or expose the burned sur face meanwhile JOHN WOODS KC BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Bankoi Toronto Bldg Owen St hone 2661 Money to Loan MEDICAL VICTORIAN 0RDE Barrie Branch WE doctor VETERINARIAN Time FLEMING EIERINA 13111111111 St Brock Building 200 Bay 51 rleronto ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS 111 8er Owen St Barrie 19 Melinda St Toronto Frank Spry ARMSTRONGANI MiiLAREN Fitzmaurice MacLaren CA HARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Owen Street Barrie 21 Street Toronto Ward Mayor CPA AUDITORS 18 Toronto St PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 0211 SEAGRAM Moneiito Loan Ross Block Barrie OF NURSES 11 Baby Clinic llrom 230 to 430 oclock every Wed iesdey Application 01 nurses ser rice may be made direct or through Telephone 2451 MAN and SURGEON Barrie Phone 4541 WELCH ANDRRSONACOMIAN Chartered Accountants Trusteesete ==1 ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Herbert Harris CPA WARD MA 03 81 COMPANY Toronto CHIROPRACTORS GEO ELSIE BURNS DIC Licensed Drugless Therapists Electric Radio Hydro and Mechano Therapy 115 Dunlap St Phone 3194 It CORBEXT DC CIIIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST 9hone 3070 26 McDonald St Barrie BY APPOINTMENT MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON RMI TEACHER OF PIANO SINGING and MUSICAL THEORYa11 grades including AICM Modern Methods Studio 27 Bradford SI DOROTHY JOHNSON Associate of Toronto Conservatory of Music and London Eng College of Music Piano and Theory 152 Maple Avenue IRAIG HAMILTON INSTRUCTOR all grades PIANO SINGING MUSICAL THEORY tPipe Organ Lessons Also Available Studio 37 Ross St Phone 3615 Attendance 96 ROBERT SMITH 310 OPTOMETRIST Duniop StPhone 1530 Hours 96 daily NOEL STEPHENSON 30 OPTOMETRIST Dunlop 51 Barrie Phone4201 0TEOPATHY lit EDWIN WILSON BSA bio THE WILSON BUILDING Cor Post Office Sq and Simone St Barrie Consultation by appointment Telephone 2293 1211111111101 11111 FINANCIAL sunny Specialists in Collection of Accounts 51 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 4111 FUNERAL DIRECTORS LLOYD STECKLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE 12 Clapperton St Phone 2103 SMITH CO Rammed ms IUNEBAL DIRECTOII AN EMBALMEIE Motor unbullnce in connection OPEN DAY AND NIB MIRIE ONT Po liltl 11111111119 1111111 fUW line 11 101 111 11111 1111 1111 rain 111 1111 lliiiltl 111 rvlI000viiOllvololrotcrl 11111 1111 lllthII Ilztltlil II oocroas recs 111 113 1111 ll 111ll 111 iii 11 11111111111 15 11il 111111lt1l 111 11111 111 1111 1115 11 1111l1111 mm 1111 111 3151101 1111 1r111Ei1ii 111 iii 111 51111111111 IMATERNIIY uncut $501Uif11111111111111111 11111111 111 iii illISllitl lhis 111111111 iii 11111111 1111 utlirr lllltllli am inirrciml MINl Namms Slrrrin1auwuMHWHN Ci or Tour nw Age 1Oiualiwi MIANYE THROUGH for individuals IllllllllIIIIIIVlilil STEEL ALL SIZES Plates Angles Son 68 111111119111 Si 51111111111 1111 II 111111 111w llllli lixllilillis HAULY ilIlIN Lilix 1111111 1111111111111 1111111111111 4551 for family groups HOSIITAL Mm 11 BLACKSMITH 11111111111 11111 ares Roan llutrhinnn 111 111111211 11 1111151 IlliilM ALEX CLELHND Sealrite insulation CO r1 11111 11111r1w1111 iii llllldllll 11111 11111111 1111 1111111 llli and Flat 4441o4littlclilriapawlraitlorl Barrie Ontario 11134laartIllllzlalirlillllltlallllollitalllldlllllvllll44 11111111111 11 11111 TO HELP YOU PM YOUR DOCTORS and HOSPITAL BILLS for any one sickness or accldeni 11111511111511111111 NURSISiiIis 21151 11111 11 111 fMISCILLANEOUS expanses iii1rlil luiiiiiil 111 lm Slalinn 11 1111 111111111 11 31215111111l1l l1y 111111 llt1 111 91111 111111 l1i 1121 1111 lllnlitf 111 111 81111111 nil111111 11 111111111111y gin1111111 11y1irir Nil HEALTHnANmN ll ASSOCIATION 111 111111iis 111111111 111111111111 11111111 4157 Box 155 Barrie CHEMISTRY ooovooooooatvtcvivvooioooood nwr mmf vy LC wvMaRmWMAWWA

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