TWENTY Burton Avenue Unite Has Dedication Service lr TIME TABLE CHANGES rttirttti Sunday Sept 58 till ltlll Information fioin eiils Canadian Pacific lflllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIllotl 14 Illttlllillllllltl Illill Kl Morrison Motor Sales MERCURYand LINCOLN DEALERS SIlliS Nl StiltVlt Phone 3170 Barrie Ontario 0RD andMERCURY Motor Exchange FACTORY REPBUILT MOTORS FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS TO INSTALL THEM BRAKE RELINING MOTOR TUNE UP gt0 ELECTRICAL REPAIRS we have the men and equipment to do thorough job Genuine Ford and Mercury Parts FIRESTONE TIRES and ACCESSORIES No rl toltmwntmlotNolNllrtotorourooltth PHONE 2439 Feature Novelty Styling Black Brown THIS SATCHEL STYLE HANDBAG isone of the newnew styles dashingly smart compactlooking roomy inside with extra zipper pocket and novelty amberPlastic trims at sides Black Brown ZellerThriftPriccd Goods Purchased at Zellers SATISFACTORY or your money refunded ZJEIILERS LIMITED 60 Dunlop Street Barrie Ontario it II It II It it II tiII 11 it It IilI mei ilmtit Iv Iile III Sonnets 11 has done iI lime II1Il Iie Illilitlltl Itiit Ilm iien ll1ll ineinoil Ik up the iIiIi of out little and cults IiiIl ork on the ItIs of tUlllIlLlllllle litinix lili the entitles the liliililioi tllllltll lixsa Road llil lIilIiiait was closed Ii allow he ieeItioIi to attend lhIii initi iti Stittlati ae he benediction message was also 1tttlt Ii ftoiit llev Newton Hinzth of St Georges 1llltlll tlturcii LOUISEIDLLEI GIVES ADDRESS SDDDPTDIISTS Miss Louise Culley MA was the speaker at tlte first meeting of the fall season of the Soroptitnist 1ubl of Harrie held at the Community llouse on September Miss Colley is the recreational the first person to hold suclt po sitiott iirOntario She is graduate of the McGill School of lltysical Education attd has worked with the YWCA in Saint Johit NJ attd lMontreal In 1036 Miss Colle ltended the SCEllldlllilVlftll Summer School in Kent England aitd had spent three years itt post graduate studies in Sociology at the Univer stilltltltll for Suncoe County aitd was Simcoc County two years ago KIWANIS CLUB ANNIVERSARY IIIIIl fia II need lIl trotti full iiIiIlIt r311 ianil IIIt i1 ltl lii Llltfiil 111 litll tl iIi lIl eeiiIfi Iitl Iltll il1 servants lie III Il lrnlia Illll lll 11 tilitt1I lze nIii tilt133 tnI lttlI ltt1IIl tunIV HL II 1l iII 11 peltiit IiIl Illtl lIstiIIll ii iiulI il11IIII11 In lilliani lIvi totiner lttiii Iliiect Shit he l1itlttl nilI ill ll intneiIe lioiu liiitit 1111ltl1Illitlllllltt Mi iaitt noi the li tl lieiI In tlttl sonIII lion in thanks htitiself and Iiiiely innit l11tlll 111 1I to he hack in llairte lti Sununer ti Ilefeinl tin 51illll won here Last ledizesilay night hear of llitllInIi was released from set ottt lle stoppIIl In I7 book The lloiitaiuxi Iif SI ltttitli tl leldlA ml pypt Ili of tin IlIIiIIi 111t111tl ltIt1itIlit shown though he lIltj said sizltl he hoped Vali Iveznot the Iovernor ieinarlied prison lltlit to return to his home lIarrle where he took last for VliIll Ind on flhursday iyease of beer wIs iIpotlIIl stolen from In front of the Brewers Warehouse Harrie illtl lt Mellievitl ntvcs IftIrnIIIIi lIlll Hmth PIN50115 1Il be In line as an liternIioinIl President Valliear Janies Fretin it tiltl lltal intercepted by lt Itt 1illll1llt llt was brouxht back to Barrie and charged tth thelt of the beer good leadership in ltlltttllti1 talking about program as it is tllllttl oi roe Count Miss tnlley lllflllllllLtl that community leadership training iols and courses have been held for lll leaders of the different or ganilations alreadyestablished In the County aiid they are taught crafts and games given 1l5 of how to handle groups and intro activities choral singing music appreciation folk dancing and summer fuit given lI Ii cation iit Sini official greetingsfrom Kiwanis ltt scht as ed by George llubbard Past vettantGoernor Those dueed new such sity of Chicago beforecominq to NWT 150 1113711 Ftlt reorge McConkcy Duncan schools Often number of schools will join together for play lays occasions The Community Life Training Institute realized the need for wholesome recreational activities in these Mk tune County TODAYS PRICES HOGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY BACON nous Hot Dressed Weight Today One week ago Two weeks ago Three weeksago SOWS New hotdressed weight No2 hot dressed weight CATTLE Choice babies Choice butCher cattle Good butcher cattle Medium butcher cattle Plain butcher cattle Good cows medium pullets the rural Communities andTMiss in is tiucltt ill addition to games COllCY WdS engaged for Simcoc MEMORIAMi lit hcraddrcss Miss Colley cm phasized the need of recreation program for rural communities Re creation is an important part of liv ing full life and vital human BATTICRSAln loving memory need It is also part of the educative process for in recreational situitl ions better human relationships and personality can be developed Lea dership is needed so that the bst activities for the community will be cltoscn aitd to allow free expres sion in group Courtesy good sportsmanship and concern for one another are all developed through trodueed Albert Bryson Lindsay our dear son lired who die wounds Sept 21 1041 gium His bright blue eyes at face Are sorpleasant to He had lovin And dies belov Ever Dad Si WWI were George Hubbard Albert Bry I1L ord for eaci by all entbercd attd Brothers Mont NIXONwIn loving titeinoiylIifa dear husband and father James passed Nixon who Sept 18 1040 Those whom we love go out of Sight But never otit of tnitid As quoted by First Coouerative Packers of Ontario Ltd Barrie Per Ctvt unsettled unsettled $2285 WEATHERUPoln loving memory of dear son and brother Ptc Kenneth Weatherup Italy Sept 1944 gt Its lonesome here without you Ken And sad the weary way For life is not the same to me Since you were called away Oh what would your hand Yotndear kind face to see Your lIiving smile your welcome voice That meant so muc No oneknoiivs the silent heartache Only those that have lost can tell Oh the grief thatis borne in 511 ence For the one love so well gSadly missed and ever remem Ibered by Mother ther died in Good babies iii51300 we Clasp to me Cutters and canners 56 Bologna bulls 89 EGGS large 43 41 28 Dad and Bro CUNNINGHAMIn loving mem ory of dear wife and mother Rachel Cunningham who passed away Sept 10 1937 Peacefully sleeping resting at last The worlds weary troubles and trials are past In silence she suffered in patience she bore Till God called herhome to suffer no more lnvingl remembered by Iltis rand and Daughters 13 24 151 CH Grade Grade MFA MFB 61bs and over 32 30 lbs to lbs 31 29 lbs to lbs 30 27 Under lbs 24 22 FOWL Grade Over lbs 23 to lbs 22 tinder 1h 10 llli thitlllii lTFLATIthllR liftidlll thtTAltlt NADA 17001115115 Ill ll IE1 llilili Sl lilll II iI 11I51Iif III Il lnIu tiII titl Iotiliiil IIIl itll IIIzii llll IniIl 1H iIIlit the lIIItI lttli llallle itl EII IlIIl lt 11Iil lii 1111 IIne IIl ziitatl of tgtIiliIi lt quiIilIIiI to tiinl yII limit llIIiiliIrI itl iIIl Ill attire liIllt SIItt telllliIl 1II ill lllllil llxl lltllltllIltltilitlllll1 one of the litspiiattotu lot the ltI llt Illtdlt of lIitiIt IlirlIllIit Iid fornier tllIllttl rcIietary to now teaies in Scotia tf tlllIll lloy lIIttie of Guelph III was yeiy llltllll present for the Ilee tlii IIIverttor said ltoy one of the inspirations in Kiwan tlf the present Lieutenant 11 was big and handsome as llteii Mr Stewart spoke of Ernie Mr Stewart added Of course no club could have the success IIfyour MLpNAI 1119 Royal Victoria club if it hadnt been for the suitI pIIrt of your wives lle brought ternational and the OQM District aitd closed with the advice Always sail Never drift Never lie at att cltor Keep on sailing INTRODUCTIONS Charter members were iittro present were Oliver Cameron llowartl McCuaig Mac MOllilbml Jack Rod gers Charlie Smith Harry Smith George Brown Arthur Smith Charter members still itt town but nable to be present were McLaren Frat Hammond llWisdont aitd zllIY Twiss Cltittct members present but now ing elsewhere were specially in Moore Toronto Kittgsway Past presidents were introduced by Howard Felt Those present son tCliffct Dierv Kitchener McKittnon St Thomas Oliv er Cameron Ernie Ryan Toronto Riverdnle Jack Rodgers Bill Craig Leighton Clarke George Mc GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS ll chili iii tI H341 1m illtl lltI llwIi ViItoiia llllNNllY llo litillll Vltlmlll of sympathy and beautiful floi lllYIAZVIt the lioyal the Royal Victoria Ryan and his energy in Kiwanis otl DOV Iltoy liiithtle who llll impressed lllll with the way he made the pre seiitalion at the Kingsway Iltarteri audit The previous week of his suiti inei cottage neighbor on leorgiatt llly llart Simmons 1111f glad to see these young men coming into the club HAMILTON At IVIllesley llospir Conkey Smith Nick Thom son Arthur Smith Roy McVittic Chittick Charlie Parsons Neil Mac Donald Mrs Craig is the 1947 president VISITING CLUBS Collingwood gt Lindsay Kitchener Waterloo THE ROYALAIRES a1 fine piano solos appreciated Russ Nettleton Jake Jacobi Les Bill Craig added that among the past presidents was Mrs Neil Mac Ty in helm Donald firSt president of the rev are eterismr of those they have behind Ladies Auxtltary formed last year Loving and kind in all his ways Upright and just to the end of his days Sincereand true in heart and mind Beautiful memories he left behind Sadly missed and ever remem bered by his wife and family 1pr Presidentsofitheiother clubs pres ent were Coulson Toronto Kingsway Don McCormack West Toronto Mark Roszell North Tor onto Harry Hunt Toronto Down town Brown Owen Sound Bob McIntosh Orillia Charles Parker Midland Ernie Bedford The followihg visiting Clubs Were represented Guelph St Thomtis London Orillia Owen Sound Mid land Collingwood East York North Toronto TorontoDowntown West Toronto Riverdale Kingsway realmusical treat was provid ed by the Toronto Royalaires male quartet consisting of Gordon Way lst tenor TedIEmeison 2nd tenor John Detwiler baritone Arthur Vandervoort bassThese outstand ing singers are popular favorites for banquets and concerts through out Ontario Their pianist was Sime on Joyce LTCMIwho played sever Among the numbers rendered by the Royalaires were Swing On Passing By medley from Show 20 Boat medley from Student Prince 550 and the rollickingYour Land and My Land They made three appear ances and theirsongs were much Jack Rodgers and Russ Nettleton officiatedat the presentation of 65 Comer St Barrie special prizes lady with birthday rw WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS Meccono Builders Sets 3100 5330 7473 sine stifI MEDICINE CABINETS All MAL $123 $135 8130 $195 All salami its iIIu seaward Milli llltliltill $1100 stir DINNERWARE or QUALITY $13 lifIEAlN ill Ifiti lti 111Ili blitttb 15 13 lit IIii OLDtil tittl riltlIeS 111115 ilyll pZIuI 50113 $10511 $1195 3137 1It pure lIIetl iiilt1llll tII Dinner llttgt ll LSI So Ills ltli 1I llIIgt 30 tlt with lac lldlo 31111 llI gt110 fill TilllV WV Sliiiil Llll st II Im piece Luith illlltll Elij Nil inf IIriI Ware 1111 1il III Jell III III It IIIII pr on at $11350 IAllli 1133155 3T5 sciIm mi or IIIIIIn suns $1305 $3130 $300 $303 5135 IIIiuriIte tlLbat iiIils tie and clamps 3131 Ann It 2le IIIE tIIni lllittlllI to the Barrie 1l1112 tiiiu on an the inIx sinrial sttppleittcitt of the 1IuntnIr to tllllllllfllitl I1Itlt AItEtM II 12Afyllill Stillax 131115 131I 112l111 Iviiitplete uttn Tool lI cocoa noon IIAis titlc and31115 IIIII SlltAlNllltS Dotti IsII Hate that IitilHllliI PAINTING llone NOW We have good stock at present HARRY ARMSTR 98 104 DUNLOP ST 15c Ztlig 3bt 15c 33I ltllt 5703 8803 $1030 $111113 BUDS rwvfn BORN CARDS OF THANKS llttlfllfl We vili to ItIiIIl rllli ltlt thanks and tllllllttltllltili for 1InilnIs llltIIllt ot 53111111113 gt ll inn311 Iil llviIl offettiign fiIIin HimW PHI 1m lillflllttsl ffriiinl and neighbors will Iltlilln Iilll leIIltl IIl lltltItt Hli EMA dHlilbV NH lilIHt iItlllIt Slset IIilIl llto iIl liIiItnlIi on Sepl 11 101 to Mr and Rh William James 511mi mm Hm lili1 it lilllllil 111mm lteatlelt thanks and tllllllttltllltlll itlllb for the acts of kindness niIrsapes Ilg llospuzil llariie on Sept 121 1017 IIffIi inns received from otir many to I1r and Mrs Will lhlllltll fiiends and neighbors during till titi lnmsfil St on Ilhiiiald IlHl ltIilllllI1ll In the death or lloupztal lidllli oii Sepl 17 1011 it Sin and 3th 1IIiItt ll clean sloie and courtesy 01411382 VIllthIIII our belovle daughter and sishnqM l1tll the lloyal Victoria Olive ViilotiTTI17Tiii Stoiey iil LI to and lantil It limlllillullil lfilml ilHlI git WllBll Wish to tender ny 111 ii up Illt thanks to thy niany fiiIitilsof IWIUIVI the late Albert Webb also to llllllI Masonit lodve aitd llavtiev ll sittallarrieonSIpl 111011 giltt toUlile and Mrs 1ohii1iao lllitlml Lantein Slat to tilt in ppmIt II II son John llolI y111IIltiesiild sympathy and for the will beautiful floral offeitiiits Mtg IlI bert Webb llttpl Still llospital Barrie on Sept la 1514 to Mr and Mrs 1owling 2E1 lltontpson St son 1N APPRECIATION tal loronto on Sept 12 Willi Mr and Mrs laittcs ll llan ton 12 llavergal lardeiis Ightci illillN Mrs illlllll Thorn Hospital littitlt on lll 13 llln gentleman front Cookstown whol lillwain lhelpstnn daughter IIIcum any wwme 33p Iiiimz 2iiiilslatl linplwixx 151 3IiIm My SUPER HEALTH ALUMINUM ilIi ItI Iisi IN I10 too too Lino 100 We you titttiims liar $1133 sleit $17 ltillH iiiiitzaiiila weeks ONE HONE 2801 CLEANING SERVICE fronts and ottties All types of Household Cleaning done thoroughly We aim please with pltllllpllltllll THANK YOU OJ titswontn AVIIOIDN10 MI11VA1N At the Roy Vltltlllil ton wtsltes to thank the youngi WRITE 0R PHONE to Mr and Mrs Wendell ML found her wallet and would not Hospital Harrie oit Sept 17 1047 to Mr and Mrs Chester hlltk Lean 21 Worsley St daughter Newntarket on Sept 1047 to Clarence restless nights Improper rest night after night is 1947 to LAC and Mrs For disorders such as these Milliurns Health IJanice Elinori II NOBLEMAI York outity ospta Mr and Mrs Clarence Noble Inee Marlon RllllCdthlI it 50 lJim Strained tense nerves are often the cause of pATmQUINAt the Rom Vi quickly followed by loss of appetite irritability and toria Hospital Battle on Scp tired rundown condition EllligililrdirfGDiliiSiiblg daugh and Nerve Pills are highly beneficial and once tried ROBERTSAI 170 Bradford SL their medicinal value soon becomes apparent by the improved general Barrie on Sept 11 1047 to Mr condition of the health and Mrs Jack Roberts daugh ter tNormzi Jean Mrs James Selma me Mlldred Pills are sold at drug counters everywhere McQuayl son John Elwood mmmbmmqmmimqunm on VIIlRELLAt the Royal Victoria gt Hospital Barrie on Sept 13 1947 to Mr and Mrs Worrell tncc Irene Graham son James William today Mrs DiCl of Kitchener lady with 25th birthday Mrs Jack Ough wedding anniversary nearest to day Mrs Nick Thomson Mrs Brown ofOwen Sound and Mrs McIntosh of Orillia nearest 25th wedding anniversary Mrs Leighton Clarke of Barrie PRICE DECREASE operate 0N Reservoir 7i 47 STREAMLINED White Ettaiitel Finish This is big stove cooking surface 45 33 See them now at CoOp Range witIIiIigiI Shelf $13175 Range with Warming Closet $14925 525 525 THRESHEB and HAMMER MILL BELTS 100 $i790 21 Lv 13 THRESHER and HAMMER MILL BELTS 75$4375 550 550 Beltstv Pulleys CrownPulleyS outnplcte stock 475 520 17 SPECIAL 24 Ga heavey alttminum roofing 32 x20 sheets 1J$1300 square 509 This heavy luminum is scarce but we have just 600 600 16 yreceivdia largeshipment and can fill your bid 20 625 ers from stock Same corrugating and coverage 650 16 as steel 19 I25 15 IIVESTOCKI FEEDa 500 go The increases in flour and bread are caused by the removal of subsidy paid to millers on spring wheat flour Therefore bran 475 600 shorts and middlingshave advanced 50c percwt However feeding 20 20 Wheat Barley and Outs are not affected and there is ito increasein 500 650 price of them Balanced Feeds will increase slightly because oftlte 525 700 15 removal of contrOls on oilcakes etc and millfeeds 19 700 20 We expect to supply all normal demands for balanced feeds and grains for this feeding season All and Ply The iron and other ingredients they contain help to improve ttIa blood content stimulate the nerve cells and the appetite itiIl digestion SELMANAl PelClbOIO ClViC HOS thus helping to promote peaceful sleep They have helped thousands piled on AUH 31 1947i 10 M1 and others They should do the same for you Milburns llealtlt and Nerve COOP NEWS Of Special interest toFaImvlloinemakers THE COOP Raster Built to give years of satisfactiOn by reliable Ont maker OVEN Welded in on piece porcelain lined FIRE BOXMaximum Capacity most economth to GRATES Both for wood and coal supplied UTILITY DRAWER Utility Compartment Copper SIMCOE SERVICES DISTRICT DIAL 2429