EASE EEG liEEEN COMM 00 COMETIN AND 5111361111 SELECTION BROWN 10111 IlollitlllrlllrtalollallIlatail114111111041olt1lnlzp Bulb Fibre Flower Pots jf thonprewar prices 1111011 TIIEs 111111 TIRES At time when vigorous leadership is needed to hold all prices down prices On Goodyear PassenI gerCorcnd Truck Tires and Tubes have beensub stantiolly reduced eltective September 121h 1947 NOTE THIS COMPARISON ONITHE MOST POPULARSIZE THE 60016 4PLY TIRE OLD PRICE $2155 fNEWPRICE $1845 SAVING reduction of more than 14 Most other sizes have been proportionater reduced The saving is Obvious0nd you can now buy our topquality Deluxe AllWeather tire in the popular 60046 size at less +71 11 Rememberthere is no reduction in GOodyeor duality Goodyearitires otter you many extrhs They are cool running40nd tealrunningtires are safer tires They give you the extra blowout protection of Goodyeqrs patented Supertwist cord They last longer give you reoler traction greater safety cost less per mile See yOur Gppdyeur dealer 119111 owqy He has the best tires on the market and at retardbreaking new low piices $310 THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER co OF CANADA LIMITED No11 PEOPLE RlltE MORE T0113 ARE llRllLElt on EMIYEIAR TIRES T11R11 ltll All ltTIIER IIIRD ammouom NEWS OF ELMVALE lt BULBS For Fall Planting Just Arrived DIRECT from HOLLAND TULIPS DAFFODILS Narcissus Hyacinths Crocus Madonna Lilies Etc I111 111w 11 tli1is Hands mat 1111 1211211 ii 7111111 11111 Ill IIIHIIIHIIIII Iiiilril hurl 11 WIS II 11 lull 11 111111 Vortuk 11 lrl IsI 11 II 1I1I 71 311 11 II iisltiw 11 11 111111211111 lllttiilll 111111111 11 in ii ii II III lniteil SS ttttllttl III enunc 11111 111111 II 1191 ss gt II SIIII IIII IIII 111 I111111 11 II I1 L11 ii l1 aln 11 t111t 11 It 111 111111111111 Nitemu 11 ug Reduced to 15 11 11 11 lllI 19 V17 1111 Ir 111111111 111 gulf lIgIv 111 11 111111 3111 liimrfv ll El xldhy 111 llti at hm 11111 121117 3111 111 11111111111 IVY l1 31 11 11 41131 1111i 1n 1111i 111 II l111 11 Mills 19le 11 1111111 11 1111111131 1o 311 IIII 11 11 1l 11111 II 1111 151 II IIIIII 1I11 1i 111i11 II 1I1 I111 IIIMHI Nth 111I11111 11 1111 31111 tl111 11 III II II II 1111 11 11111 lls1111 IIIHI II III III III 1111 1111 1111 II 11 r1 9HV 11111111 llltttllI ItaIiii II 11 11 1111 11 111l IIIIII1IIIII 11 11 11 1111 III II IIIIIIIIII IIII III III III 1==l mm 4111111 111311 1111111111 1II II III III III 111 111111gt11111 111111 1111111111 IIII II 1I 1ri AU 111 11111111 1111 IIl II NH 8111111 1111 11 Minnie I111III3IIII III IIIIIIII I1111111111 tiIl1111 11111i IIIIIII III II III IIIII II SIIIIIII II II II III IIIIII TIMI 1111111 lll l1 inc1111 II IIIIIZIII III IIIII I1I 1I 1IE II1Z dliiillil MI 111 l1111 1111111 11111 1111 111111 4001Ransz 11 111111131 liilli him WWW t1111v11 and Mrs John 1111111111111 OltCNlRlONl In III III III II SIIIIIIIIIIII 111 on 111111 111 511111111eIlouI111y IIII IIIII WWII 0M1 to 1451 111 Inmr 1111111111 where Mr Allison um All on vluh Ium0 11111111 nil11 market 111 1111 I1 III II IIIIIIIIIII III IIII 141111 121 llt1 He has 11111111 ieiiied I1II IIIII IIII IIIIIIIII 111 111 eais 11111111 sevIln lllilil II 151IIIIII IIIIIIII WIIIIII 1111 live 11Pe llltt1 also 111 tramL YOU NEED MORE Trll II I1IIIIII 1111111111 111111 1111111 lillttv who II II 11IIIIIIIIIf 1f11111111 tin 11e1r11111 Wire IIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIII Mr 1111111111 lllli ll111 11111 III IIIj 1111 111 111 11 Val 1I1 13 III II III MI 1111l All and Mrs zl111 11111 Sdene says two In Ix IIIII IIIIIIIIII 111s 111 and Mrs 111gtNl11 aw it 11k 1r York ll 11 Mi till Ml iltiS pm ml yemany yvI Junior Miitlmll 1111111 Lose to 990an IIIIIIIIII McuzirtIcarson editing II III 111 1111c helps digest your IIIIII IIIII IIIIIIII III IIII 11 111 111111 1Illil 1111 11 IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIS III III IIII IIIIIII IIIIIIII III 1111 11 Vytllltt Aortic 11 111 111111 111 11 1111 liill 111 SIlllltV 911111111111wl 11 ltlllllllllldltiilullletltHUSCSIIQIWUSMSS I11 II 1I 11111111141 111 ELM111 unoAm ill 11 llilll 1111c1 tor the veil 111diilcirunl1pitioninil1gcsl1unlossolenugylor IIIIII IIIIIIII vI IIIIIXIIIIV IIIIII 111113 111 Sheila Joyce second daugh ginning heatiliionr up youiliveiandgct needed 81 IIIIIII TVI tIeIr 111 IM lIIdeVlIlS LII5111 IfLJlfllll bilenilhpiownFruitaliuxCamdislaIgesl scllin Banie on I11 him1 Uth mm lnutablrlsiilallelromlruitsandhelhs In III II 112 5111 11 Mr and Mrs Henry HF Florin III IIIIIIIH IIIIII IIIIIIIIII Mark Stewart 1111111111 llcv IIIIIII IIII RIIIIIIIIIIIIIQ 511111hs perfor111el 1111 eeren11111yI mmns lnvcilin of Memorial Stones whim1 WSW llilWl MI III IIIII IIIIIIIIII l1ss Alarvtiirilc and during the 11I1IIIII1 IIII SIIIIIIIII 51211111 oi the register William MIIIIII IIIIII III III IIIIII IIIIII htewart $111111 1111111 A1111111Given i111 111 tltt1lllttl1iln 11111 11111111 mm by llthlila the II IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIII bride looked charmnn 111 1111 1v11ryl II rvIIIIZ In IIIILI Akdmp satin gown made 1111 princess lines II IIIIIII VIII III WIIIIII tier full1111111111 embroidered veil IIII 1IIIIII IIIIIIIIB IIII IIICIIIIIPI vas 1211111111 v1th orange lilosroms IIIII IIII IIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIW III 5111 carried bouquet 111A111crican 111 5311111111 Sept ill at 2111111 NT 1am 11 111111111 111131 111 he MISS Dlmm Pmrwll hm iIIII III IIIII IIIIII II IIIIIIII III III III Sisters 1111111511111111 wearing gown IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ot salmon pink tafleta on princess IIIIIIIII PPIINIII IIIIIIIIIIII lines and shoulder length veil 11111 NI mm III MI IIIIIIII 11111111111131111111 she carried 11 b111 IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII 1III IIIII IIIIIIIIII IIVIIIIII quet 11 1111191111111 roses lsenncth IIIIIIIIII III IIIII IIIIIIII III MIR 1111111111 was groomsinan The 11111111atv 1111 1111I 111lhnrsrl1y Shells WHO Mme POMSM hmth IIIIIIIIIII gum 1H IIIIIIIIII III cr 111 the bride and Stewart Don 1t1r1111 111 pink and 1111 all I1 IFlmy Wayne 11111111111 and Kent Nowell wwmml WM pm at the home HIM III IIII huskIIIs III IIIIIS of the brides parents the br1des tttthS 111111 Mary Tiirrie Beth Graham 11 LiIIIWIIIID SIEITIIIEIIIIIIII fthe grooms mother in blackl friends 111 111111311111111111111 gifts 111111 we gown will DIUCK ucce55951 11111111 1111s Contests were en zmd Nlrsuge 01 lied roses I111IV111 after which refrestnncnts Fm 117ng the bride donned 1111113 served 1115 Sept 13 to tender reception to 11111111 dra lllcitllAi Shlylizflilllilii If lllif Ei1lllil EXAMINER FAREill llfxTAitlU VFW1 BOND HEAD mother receiving 111 frock of grey crepe vtth black acccr 1rics and lean ceisage ol redroses assisted byi 1111 11111111111 assisted Joyce light blue suit with navy acces sories Following motor trip 10 normern Ullltll they Vlll reside In Guelph Guests were present gt1ron1 loronto and Lefroy Elmvale Womens Institute The September meeting of Elm1 vale Womens Institute held at Mrs W111 Sturcys on Thursday was at tended by 11 members and three VisitoisA committee was appoint ed to see about play Plans were made for the October meeting when the members will entertain Kclepliun and Slimvcr for Mr and Mrs led tlardacrcs 1117111111111 311 and 411 neighbors and friends 111111 at the home of Mrs 1111111 on Saturday evening Mr 11111 Mrs lcd llardacres 111cc Martini and present them with =1111wcr of gifts Little San Metinight and Kent Newcll carried 111711112 baskets of gifts while MIrsmllovd McKnight and Mhs Annie Middleton assisted in opening and rcadiul the nod wiics Mrs GcraldjStonc balso thellvlhllsgands poem was Tead 115s ted Mr and Mrs Hardacrcs 55 FOSLBY Mrs Black gave most interesting ac count of the 1W1 fiftieth anniversI ary celebration in June This was the Agricultural meeting Mrs Bisoocks the speaker told of the venture of veterans pioneering in the Peace RiveriDistrict1m agri 11 KIRK cultural development north of Ed montIon consisting of largescalcl clearing and Iinechanical titling by Ifirms and private owners One of these firms is made 11 of six vct sheet Metal Work etc erans and their families who took 64 BAYFIELD ST upland under the VLA scheme and Opposite Coltier settled south of Donnelly On the PHONE 3626 very 1111111eg thanked the friends banks of the Little Smoky River The groups idea isitoifarmrcolleet 1ver six half sections of land to talling 1920 acres and to use their beauty equipment in custom clear ing and breaking The Settlement consists offseven homes about school ngucery and hardware store and an Oil agency irom which the neighbors purchase their supplies Onehelv the greatest difficulties is so reity of water due to the fact that there are no natural springs Waterxis derived from large sur face reservoirs dug by machinery and kept filled by melted snow in theISpring and the annual rains During the winter ice is cut and stored from thesezijeservoirs for the summers drinking supply Fuel is plentiful Transp0rtation is diffi cult in Winter and Spring due to heavy snows and lack of road clearing equixpmena Without doubt Alberta will be one Of the richest and best deveIOped prom ces in Canada hearty vote thanks wasgiven Mrs Hiscocks for her very informative talk The prize for the best bouquet 011 Illowers went to Mrs Simpson Refreshments were served after llNIMENT Apply freely and rub Thats all 11 granule 1646 notdrying hu no man odor And it bring uiIc which all went to the barn to see relief to muscle Ind unit the milking machine in operation sereneo Inncu ea 111115 ECONOMICAL 512 651 Baffle Examine Wbscrip E11 m1 tions are payable In advance quality Bristol beard highly culendered and silicated 111MP0RTED ENGLISH Stock Size to Fit AlmostlEVetY Wlnidm WYEBRIDGE COMPLETE 111111 1111131111 111111111111 11111 GYOUR home that luxurious modern touch with these Belvalier Venetian Blinds Lower Pricedthan Roller Shadeig Stats open or closetilt to any desired angle Can be raised or lowered to any desired height SPECIALLY CONSTRUCTED Tubular sluts in popular ivory color are made from heavy III FINE WOVEN TAPES INsMART 11111 RINGBONE WEAVE DO NOT IUDGE BYITS Low PRICE OTIIER GRADES or BOTHWOOD AND FIBRE SLATS RE iIDUCED 25 DUNLOP ST