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McCLEARY BA BD MBE DEDICATION OF MEMORIAL WINDOW AND IIONOUR ROLL 700 PMIIIE MINISTER IIARVESI HOME SERVICE AT HOLLY AT PM IWWMMIW WONWW I1IIE SALVATION 11111111 50 Collier SLL SpeciaIIVisit OfTheII Earlscourt Silver YPBand SEPTEMBER 13 14 Sat pmMusicalProgrdmme Sun 1100 c1mHoliness Meeting 230pmCookStown School Grounds 700 pmEvcmgelistic Meeting 830 pmProgrc1mme Queens Park and Bass Soloists featured at all programmes Eubhqniirm dragged Ioutat such times 64 Organist 111111 Iioir Lender MISS ELSIE CLUUUIILEYI AlIIII SlNlY SIIIVIISMBICIL HI 1917 Sundzij 311111111 111111 11 111 inlnutcsto l1 AM 11 1111 611111111IJIiI1111gt Ai1s11111 111 Christ TIM David Alexander of Toronto will be here Willi his VIOLIN This stringed instrument will touch your heart strings as it vibrates to the 11111111 111 old Gospel hymns also CHOICE CONCRETE GltAVEL SAND FILL AND LOAM Delivered Innisfil Concrete Products Elgin Lee Armstrong Ben Lee Lot 25 Con 12 Innisiil BARRIE PHONE 2369 or STROUD 21151 Vegetable Connyound to relieve suclisymptoms Iisneniedicine Is uery cecsze for this purpose 0n CERTAIN DIAYS of The Month DIo female functional monthly disturbances make you feel iner girls and women have re orted vous dgcty cranky so tired and benet Just see if you too dont report excellent resul Worthf lrymg le am cOMPO Then do try Lydia Pinkliaius JEWELLERSwK TOMETRESTS PROFESSIONAL EYE CARE PRECISION GLASSES 4M6WM0W WPSI Plume 420 Bali1412 1M BROKEN LENESIREPLACED PROMPTLY We clean store fronts and offices All types of Household Cleaning done thoroughly We please with promptncss and courtesy Lees learoom Chicken Dinners Virginia Style Special attention given to Anniversary Birthday and Dinner Parties giriier 0m Lea Beach Imd PHONE 0R0 422 aim to 1m DIAL 4382 THANK YOU Choice Ham oroo4ooocooooocoleoocoooooaor Il 11 1r Illllillllllllllllllllllllllll Now is the time for that Fall Perman ent Wave llilsons Beauty Shop Ill H111l1l1l 5L PHONE 2834 111 1112 11111111 LR 1111111111 11111 llllllllllllllllllllllilllldl Mrs 119013017 193 131i A51 Ionvvnor of n1wl 111l1s1hur1ll social she has lot of telephone calls to make But she never forgets lhnt hers is party line she spores her culls so as to allow the other to 1151 the 1clcphonc 1111111 LlllE counEsv IS GATGHINGL Putting it into practice on every call you make is your best guarantee that others will do the some party for you Keep calls brif Space your calls Give rightofwoy io urgent calls Ridge Road 34 BAYEIELD lHE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY or 11111111 TWO BCI STUDENTS WIN SCHOLARSHIPS arltllltortillclOltltlfooolol IlllillivldIerldtllltlllllllIIIIllIllilllii41lldllll 1115 1847 Kansas nos SchIt the ll111l 10 $1111Ii111r1 1111 151111 1111 UNIV1111 llii 1l1it 11111 l111 1l11 11111111l 41ml l1111 l1nl 111 11i1 1111 llili ll1111l 111 1111111119 11ll l111 1ill1 11111 thiunztll tl111111111l 11ll 11l1111 1111l11 11111 11111111l11I11111I Jlilrivnic 3111i11 11111111 l11i ll 1111 111111 SULI 111 11111 11111 111111I111i 111111in gt1l1l11 lut I11111 till Elb Ask About Our Friendly Credit Plan 71 llNltlL DIAMOND MERCHANTS 111111151111 rosr 11111111 rIlllllllillllltlIlllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllddlll Its 111111111111111 111500 that your childs show are fitted perfectly Assure your child 01 111111d tcct by select 1111 his shoes here 11 experienced Iiilcsnnn 11 iv 1111 youngsters need how to fit them correctly Safeguard Your Youngstors Feet wel oe Store 58 DUNLOP ST DIAL 2397 This specialIfealure is nowit1vailqble torvenetian blinds 11111111 steel or aluminum slots at no extra cost TWO WEEKS DELIVERY ST BARR1E TENT AND AWNING CO BARRIE ONT PHONE 4314 EEVES JEWELLERS