Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Sep 1947, p. 9

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THIS WEEKS ISSUEj 7700 Copies LlsIli 5CND tilt NIL LITIAIA It LU THUR ANNE REVERE ALLYH JOSLYtt GENE tOCKHARl Speed Boat Races August MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Maiwed 13110 II TWO HITS COLUMBIA PICTURES presents GLENNII FORD Framed EVE SHOWS Cont Show Sat 230 Eve Shows RM GALA PROGRAM Extra Added First Picturesof the International ADULT ENTERTAINMENT IPLUS 2ND HIT JOAN Davis in She Wrote The Book lit Isl IIJI FRI SAT IIII Into lltvIVIOX lf lI III on ttl lint till tli tat JIII IiuI wuI it Ill ll 42I li Slump III ill It urni fut lliltlilll tll if IIItciuwi itr wtond Ir tillti nun III tiit lil1lillltllt lit Iiltn 1I III IlmI III liI ililzli ll Ill epiI $1 liaim II tltllll Slut lt Will Hive titvii nut charm tall it diu 1v laid Monday unit at it pin llitl was Ilt ttl lil tilil ll lill llIIElil pit lII tll ll zlzway ll lhLee Iltlhtllib Wtlr In mi IaII oil the hihaay and ItI hI diteh laIIIts zilly Titi Iavcloitl Si llIIIIIIitII tvatIeI oi the var and IpassIquel MITIIHIl back lttlitiitil IIIIk tlIIItoII SI liltitllllll lthe diher received head in esti WHS ch to onto ildc St cord Aug II wealhcr has been ideal for vaca Itions and holidays Slight rains aboI Aug 630 PM enumerationI WISH FRI SAT DAYS ONLY MAT SAT 230 PM new uuNnnou MIMI uno lull presents ADULT ENTRTINMENI MONDAY TUESDAYiQ WEDNESDAY MATINEE WED 230 RM ecun men Frau We um um WDUGIIOXSJNG ROXY HOUSE OFIIHITS iiitttl Ulllti sponsored by to His It IIIIIIIIIII holiday HETHERINGTON WINS FIRST PRIZE HOME lMPROVEMENT tans rilitliliglull II it IIIIprI on llist priir $23 III thv liniiit Imprint ltiI rlr lumber oi Hiltllit rm lltlll pitr til iU lJl fit listen unilan It IIIII thzld pitr ms ihaltlttl to hintpp It lIJIlllLIIt thutnn st Hl as at lllh ttllilllllllt Iud Itllr Hut IIH lll 1tltl air in III llislltl in the llllfs Severol Accidents iOn Holiday Weekend iIn Barrie District lIla Jackson Iawtord HI suttorttll Ironi shotlt IIId titcl inhu ies It lleriies nid lt ltInan iII tinted Monday night at tilt put there an accident on lliuhway lltwo Iniles north Illhurchill also lll vestiuated by ltf Metrics and llll Iarles Seullion 20 of It IL llIltI Ave Toronto had his back injured Ave Toronto received hip injuries Albert Fuller Windham St loron sutfercd Robert McIntosh 30 Fisher St Tur Robert Dell lllti lirotli head injuries as did HolidoerieOEher ol IDuring Past Seven Days Tliletemperature has been re ed during the past Week The ust heat wave passed and the nvere recorded on the Labor Day lasted onlyI but these It an hour ACTION Scores of nations invite you to see how they lIve and work and play The worlds finest music advanced techniques of agriculture Education and Science beauty and art and industry are at the CNEI And theres fun sportsh re works and thrills for every one in this worldfamous exhibition ELWOOD AHUGHE$ scvrIIEs Geneml Manager Proxidenl CANADIAN NArIoNAI ExIIIInIrIoN lnll adult 52 BI cnowns TEX Idiotic storefront ti gt 70 gtlt gt 70 Labour Day Sept Attracted IHundreds I5I1i tor Izz tn iv li nd Kids Kama It It libI III Iil IIrwt IllvI lvli ll III tlI Ixr III II II is tIl tltlllltt villiiv Ill ilvtm vi nut I1I II lIt lI iflf ttIlI ii and InaiIal in link LtIpI minim Ianu ext iIto lilietl cowt tl lhi lIVm in llt iun law snag hay durliv tlw 1olin IIHvi lbw IIIIII It anl IIIiI ttlllltllltttl lei llvttl in tiIIlIE tit tinu vi Il llti =IIIIIIl lln ltlililliil viirmwi lI1 Iltlit like IUtItlk tiuth planned to Kit then The tttllltHJIl was Ino the timid It IllliiI woialiisiou toi the siIIIIIIII lill tl llItIIltlltSm No with children lltIlll IIttrtwI in ill ll ll the snow lllli the patents ill he lilo Hauntgated III itiea Lilltltiihl to we the young folk pet Iitl Io lIIttIlIt torin vtIe curled most or ltlttl ti ltll tu HIvIltllt II III lilie tanninfilms Yup plum 4I Till ltlTSllllS III litE Show llest Inn log Mai In Illitltttll All Hwy III III zaitt Iti1lttiit Nancy tanieion llcl1 Snuh itllttl my itax tire IlItIlIlll hat It II II It Wayne ttulielt Phyllis MIIIIII IIII no Ippnintml lit succeed amIa IIIIiIIi NIltltiiI 3I W1 iilu Shirley lluiiou ti Lora lIIi1Ill at riIL II prI leziijuialltt lnilvvl snout tIItIy ir Mlll BUILER Stilllll ol4 IItIIII Ytip itlll III ltn WAT 1p Best IN rJenznter lla llaxtitrltl SI Ilhn It Comlnq The Best Year of 0111 lees lkins Gail Shank it llarbara llui oIIIuIl giantmi illilll It IIII undI tllllw Iltl Itantaitv ltltni Inns Stephenson ii oncw Richardson ti Marilyn Ilaslelt lies lIexeed letwl Gordon Decarie It Alan Newson Donald llltitil Delmar Dore llest Feathered let Alan New son Marion Lainson it lxeith Gardner Joe Tnnmms Howard Finlay ti Beverley and Barbara Illelson lies luppyri lilsie Boyd Marilyn Appleton Bobby lol son Arthur lracey Johnny Kelly ti ltnn Tobin IltltYllZ AND OASTIIR WAGON RACES Tricycle boys and under 7171 Kenneth Wright John Martin Garry Dymcnt Larry Carter Ronny Turner Bobby Cheesman Tricycle boys and underl Dotti Iarkerd Dennis Maybcc Ronald Carter Ted Williams Garnet Harrison and underl Coaster Wagon boys and un der1 Bobby Cloughley Ronald Butler Andrew Dyment Frank Madigan Allen Cowan Arnold Ziegler Coaster Wagon boys 12 and un dew1 Buster Walton Kenneth Beaver Gerry Stihbard Rob crt Comer Dennis Madigan James Harris COSTUME PARADE IBest Dccoratedi Trivcyclel Shirley Mallion Goldy Chantler Bobby Skrypny chuk Naomi Soon5 Barbara llad den Gordon McAllister Coaster Wagon4l Shirley Stew lart Mike Robinson Wayne Pct cerson Margaret Jennett Carol Boyd Doll Carriage1 Patsy Wright Marilyn Appleton3 Grace McGrail I4 Jeanie Neil Sandra West Karen Kennedy Original Costume1 Marty John son Elaine Kennedy Ronny land Joan Corkan Marilyn Dy ment John Woods and Bill Mack hit Margaret and Marilyn H351 Shanks lloss lattenden It Gerald blnde or broom deliver can be made by eaily vIn for vides SISJIJIIIII Winks Park Itails the space available near the ofdhc T0vn Ito the company request to Ieplalce lIIu liolidys maid of Wink itl buy wide tIattoI tor sittenath snout plmving This machine vviuxm 300 pounds is 23 hp and pushes It is es peeled er I51yjj ff Ft ttilNt was MICN InIcIcII rnon $4750 sIIIs Is sIoIII sIIxIaI on DUIHLlI InnasIIII tilt in Ald Griffin tlitillliltill Art mud or oik lltKtIllttl on ilttll Has min the bms to Priced lIom stint MINI mogul Hg pvmipmpt Hyhlm The fire tilIlvtllllltjllIlI IttllltIl SE US FDR an VEAR llS tltlitllttnIIIt to the end til All ill llllilihllll Ilmll Ill HiNS BOYS VIJIIH sl Ist 1n the IiIst euzht mouths thv oard oi IIIlis 3t Ippioximately Stittltlll of which was labor The MIT budget pinl toi the Itouitl spent to ol Ald Smith again spoke of roar plaint from resident or Sanford 8L who said no action had been taken in the clogged Iemovini poplar tree of llltl1 had twice sewer pipe It larks Commission root the WIS High LOW Tricycle girls said that the 2y 77 rtIllvelyn Gillltam Barbara lladden had been given authority to deal 25 72 50 Sandra Wcst4 Gladys Cooper with trims AREAS 83 SSJUYCC Twiss N0 118 Tclc Iils ndundrL Cm 150p eatiiilistI Tomlo Mallioh CW Wd shrr II Dunlop st IsI RAMI Mthytt nun 3m 54 Gladys Coop may 5mm 16va MEMBER or nation tiiiliit or CIIKIAIITlltli erection of house on each lot When there was some discussion regarding industrial sites in the Town the Mayor said he Wished members of council would decide whatIshould heIIdonc with Rogers the corner of Granville and lIolI gate streets by tender Terideis are to be in by October II and sales will be made subject to the Charles Alexander appnme ho vttrtiictroaorteIvo14taweo fore couheil th ask what dehision +IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII PoM they wished to make regarding the heating unit for the Town Hall It was decided to obtain further in formation on automatic stokcrs The matter is of concern because the heating unit will be under ground away from the building and large sewer main seriously cur building During the course of the session the councillors discussed the mat ter of the Radio Valve Company andthcir useof the second flooi Hall while the build renovated In reply ing is being PET DOG RACE AND BEST SUMMER TAN Dog Racel John Ellis lett and Joan Smith Pet 22 Margaret Ferguson Spot Best Tan boys and under1 Gordon McAlliIstcr2 Bobby Chees man BillySinclair Bob De rochie Best Tan boys and under1 Walter Kinton Andrew Dyment Donald Fieldhouse Paul Robin son Best Tan beys 12 and underl Ross Pattenden Reggie Flear Jarrot Holtzhauer ArmandlMar ion Bobby Watson ROLLER SKATING RACES Boys and underl Bob Clough ley John Gray Mike Robinson Francis Ellis Boys 12 and under1 John Ellis Jarrot Holtzhauer Wayne Cor bett Kenneth Beaver Girls and under1 Eleanor Corbett Linda Robinson Girls and under1 Gail Shanks Joyce Caldwell Joan McVeigh Nancy Peel June Gable Del ores Cooper Girls 12 and under1 Hilda Zieg ler VMarion Lambert Meme ynnott Anne Harris June Ay hijating spines the council voted that Radio Valve could have per mission either to install heating equipment op the second floor or Mugginst Hilda Ziegler Mick else Iun the Times ontstdthc build ey Buster Walton Tricksyt ingtOEthc Scpnd NONI Lamwm the sesEIFfa proposed agreement lbetween the company and thel Town for rental of the second floor was read and approved This pro vides for the space to be Ientedon monthly basis Ald James presented statement indicating that $30000 had been spent on erst Delores Cooper LONGEST PIGTAILS SLOW BICYCLE RACES SOAP BOX DERBY PigtailsGirls and under4 Verda Jane Weir Karmen Gable Sylvia Synnott and under1 Marilyn Appleton Nancy Ellis Lorraine Coutts June Ayerst 12 and under1 Gwen Scott Betty McLeod Rita Harrison 45th ANTITANK TRAIN TUESDAY It PERIAL lrpq Iain llurl bill IIII 93911steelsuerii eater iifiIiLVfIIII$32 tli1i3 HURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY tLtilz tIIJif bush DWMHMr mm pf Brand New Pictures IIIlIIrstIII rumI Halli glittli II othvi military saslvittts I41 Hound ts tin tlliillii listin LIll lIIsIIIm tittuir tin lligtlInIJ IllitHI IliIllll any Vw01 CROASDALE QLEAVES BARBIE FOR PETERBORO lit iIIIli rllilll twirl Page to it ll Ltill ltIIit Hl or 1hr anIIIIIg jrtiill IIIIl ip Mill lu III sd rlilllL IIIuIIIIl Hed rather those blonde than killer Itttl IIuII II EIII Inters 93Pmuiygrlglyhlu3 uxr 11x lllttttlt llMl WAGON warns WESIIIIIR II II MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY II Il lIII II lIt Friday IIlill the mourners hv an tIIILthtlt Iran ttr TAILOREDTOMEASURE the eastern town banishIE suns ropchTs OVERCOATS leeliar lt tliilt be toilit than In some other putts III no Dunlop 51 Harrie wiLF our the TODD iltIVJIlllIiL the loun liall Hill was continuing ATTENTION FARMERS short term piracy to cover The nth Inectint ot the Illltltil will be next Monday night Don forum that we can Issue you your harm Produce for Fire or Lightning The tll is IQIIOOINIIOIIOOIIIIINIIllll SALVAGE Collection but the return is larger it you lose your seasons crop by Fire llillllllilli11 at lllllliSllth tune DONT DELAY IIIF GRAIN IS GOING IN THIS BARN All area east of and including MIIlcasleIr St IAIER0J Area enclosed by Mulcaster Stu Hayfield and Ross Sis Anyone anywhere having large Iquanlity may phone 98 tor special pickin on Tuesday or Friday flllOllll0050erOMINORICOONlllflwulIN Illtllfllllllo THE l90QIIOIIIIltltlllllvlllftOIlIOIIIIIAIIIPIlltllffllV NEISIIRIIY THERE WILL BE IIIfSIIIIIIIEYMillm Printers and Publishers The Ilolnetr tCIIIfIboEIrd The Beauty Box FOR In EALI AND WINTER MoNIHS KINDLY ITAKEEXIZRA MILK AND CREAM on Ij1$ATURDAY At onnrnuows TEMPLE GOOD PRIZES MillIlrrlro or0tIooltcllt4ontoolrtltrltitliilaIOIIIIJONRJ Beauty Salon La Velma Beauty Salons Edwin Wilson Osteopathic Physician Cook Construction Co Industrial Acceptance Cprporation Ltd Dr Perkins Dentist hparrie Chamber of ICommerce Mitchell Art Studio Glenda Robinson Slow Bicycle Race1 John Ellis Jerry Stubbings Garry Dem berline Anne Morrow Ross Morrow Neil Huitibcxs Soap Box Derby1 Kenneth Beaver Paul Derochie Lee Ilarl BARRIEALLANDALE DAIRY NORRIS DAIRY LTD Barries Leading Business ii LAKEVIEW DAIRY Block

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