Elim Juvenile itu lili thalll Im llxiz ltldi 11 littl vii1 to 1c111c in has worn liu 2th 11111 to 11otid oii thi 1111 11115ul pioorld llazn tillitl 11111 11111111 Ixlll 1111111 1511 iie et1111111l to the 1111111 11 111 REMEMBER list 1111111 or lei with 111 117 ii iii rbl llauiiibili woud lo moi1 1111gt111wd 11111 School lctt oft and lln 111x1 two lIllilli Itc 51111 11111l safe ofi 11 1111111 The final ltaiiie 11111 was 5114111 iii the llllllll as licii leached tii1 oi 111 Illtlt by Salvisbuii Kerr stole second and scoch is lc117 thur was safe on an error Au unfortunate accident occurred 111 the ltllltllt 111111111 of the game l1ul M12111 ace ttlltllxl 1lll lllII llariie 1131111 fouled pilcli and 1li1 hall sliuck 111111 on the right we lec1 was taken to hc lltirlllli where stitch was lciltlllctl 1o close the trash The eye was 111111111 MVHllitl but it was thouiilit that no serious complications would rel rult ltiiice Kerr sccoiid sackcr for1 the locals made many fine f1eldl Illlf plays 011 the best play of 11111 1111e Kerr made onehanded stab to rob Scliooley of sure hit The Hamilton team presented ood fieldiiii 1iie1itioii and some stioni batters llAMllli Sulvlshurg 2h Sclioolev cf ilartsburg lib Strum ss Nash lb lattoii ri McFailaiie lf Stonehouse cGilil Alllfllirlimltis rf McAitliur Ill Kerr 2b Meiier llaitaii 11b Straeliaii lb SiiiiniOns ll liellii cf llutero 51 llillier llll ll2l 021 ll It lllll ltl lllll 13 Hamilton liiiirie ALLSTAR TEAM PLAY COOKSTOWN BENEFIT GAME The South Simcoe Softball sea son has been completed and Cooks towii has been declared the 11147 league champion team Recently the coaches of the eight tcaiiiseiit0r0d lit the league Cookstownf Chur chill Bond Head Feniiells Brad ford Stroud Lefroy and Mount Pleasant chose an allstar team The following players were plac ed 011 the picked team catcher Jim Johnston Stroud pitcheiuliarry Couse Cookstown firstMac Coiilt stable Churchill secondIloyd Hughes Cookstown lliiiTLRoss Neilly Fennells shortLeighton Giffeii Mount Pleasant left field Johii Bowman Stroud centre field Bill Boychoff Lefroy right field Msnsfield Harrison Churchill Man ager ll Kidd Cookstown lnthe near future an exhibition game will be played between the following chosen team and Cooks town the league champions The proceeds from this game will be turned over to fund for all in jured players during 1947 The game will be played in Cookstowii on Friday tomorrow night The team opposing Cookstowni lulu have the following pl1yersROJCh Cf amberJohnston pitcher Blake Constable Churchill firstConst able secondLennox thirdNeilly shortJoe Megani Bradford left fieldBowman centre fieldLloydl choff right fieldHarrison Man ager Ted Gapp IBradford RARE LUCK TDFIn10ttawa Citizen clinch the case with Look Babe gotanapartment 47 ELIZABETH ST 1iipcl c11 11E ll 1311 second lloul 111lcl 11111 the Its fortunateiwooer who can Miss Conodoi inales Barrio SemiFinals CGE TEAM FlNlSH IN FlRST PLACE llt 111111 shim 1d the litter ltlttllJll thbsll Mlhllltii ius pland oii liiiln 21121 il Queens Jiix E1 11 41 tie ltAIcJ lzrlslus 111ll tfii 34111111 playd up only Illlltult tor laizsties ttlc uiiihtr to lttlti trim 41111111 time and the gaining was llrlilllntll to nl the um p111 Til iii lint plat tor the final standing our point iluad of Lang lltc third place turn is liuesiiig while lit Illblutl lllv fourth and haul plain pot 1111111113110 111 TWO GAMES 1111 l11 to ll1t11 Ho 111 ll lln 11 ll l1 gt1 11 11 l1 111 Ml ltoziiu 131 l1 331ll 11 illlil 11111 1ll 1111c l11 41oul 11111 1111il 111 3111111 111 11111 llLlll 111117 lm 11 and 11 11111 1111iv11 stli ll11111thltlltil 1m 111 11v l111 1114311 211 on 111 illlli 1ol1 cond and 11 11i 11 11111 111 lutl oiiJiut 11111r 2111 11 ll11 11 oil lb l1 1111l111111111l2 Htltltlilillltr llll 1111211ai 1v1 11 lm 11 llu hllilmiiiici 111111l lli lo 11111I but 31h hili iaiovcd 11111i1l tlicip 111 mi V1111 11111 l1c 1o Hunt in tiviiiiz lo calililtbnopi lili 111l111 tii 1111 llic 111111111 oil tlivl1111 Meiiilltii 1111 1111 111 11 ual 1111 1111 ball llltt lill to third and flu 1111 11er mum n1 dimer 11cc coiiid Nash 1l11i i1t1n11 11i1l1d lcliilaiie was hit in pitch 111111 Stoiicliousc 11llll to force 111 r1111 Gibl forced Mo mi 31mm 11ae141 1mm lailalie 11 thiid for 1lie lliird 111111 Hm 1m imp MI loloiiiii11 11l11 1111 iiliiioic 1111l 11 111 111 111111 ltl lllilt lIvoii 11ll111l 11 the cizihih 1illlkl lcd off math math ha Eiaiii siiiackcd but doiblc Lumpy coltd Milxiiiiioii followed with llll 1111lil1liiiis111111ll11t ol by c1tclic1 liappll iiippcdE Mclyiniioii 1111 titttltltlalltl with llli1 l1t empty the Motoiiiicu lltil down 111 iief the iicxt tliicc batters ll111 scoicd fluke run in the eighth With two out lltlltllll Lakiiiti smacked hi third liil of the 11l51l11 h1h llllllllll ball over lllillll base Took ho had just arrivch at the came playinzl lcft ficldl ior lrysoiis 111 ill when he went to field the ball ho Stinned and11Ji1111 ltimidid 11W 11111 bases plate to end the name and Buikc BARBIE LYERs ZJuniorAT Hockey Glu SUBSCRIBERS SEATS for 1947 1948 now on sale at BloomsElectric BARBIE Boxing Bouts Ial Grillia gw lu Au 3364A Jaimavv Kw llllvllll although I1t1l lccliiiicab wroiid 111111111 tl1il 11 lttlt ll12l11 1rlll11l41ll1111tl 11 ill 111 l111111 11115 111li1 l1 41f lln initil altlio11pli mill1 llo11l and c111p11 ot 11111 1tllllt llith ltl itoip li111 lvlillli lllilllil Ulllit l1ll 1l1 inn l111111 111 tied oii lollowcdi Hefili llilb and iltti lho hill tul awry 1511111 ti11111i 111lolt lplvllaiicc the li1111 11111111 illllllilil tlic 1111111 Aililitllit 11H 1111 N1111gt utopgiiwi at thud Murphy llud 11111 111 ciiil llll minim MAllGAltlZl MARSHALL l111 linoJ11 of 11 1111 ltoiiicn nave 111 all1 11l11 low 11711 lilacai 111d lllltilill 111111 111111 3111 1111111111 1111i l111 Iiiuiccd lb 111 lzilil l1 11111ltliaii fiiziiiica lll 11h11i 111 11 I11 ttu 11H liul l1 l111 111111 111 1111111111111111 1liibi1on liixttl hiul l1 l111l 111111 1131 loioiito oi till Iiiuai loilcc littlb ll111li11 ll11 t1iai1ii litiiiiix lll Wulll tin puncii 11111111112 oil hiiiiwlf laud rlidiit 11111111111ahwl ii ltll11l 11111 11111111l Norman taiiadiiiii 1111111 A1 1l 3331 rpiuicd tlic bur 1cll11i Amul 1tw11 11111121 lirltlltt 1li111pioii giavc 1111l iiiolt 1Ilil liown 11l111 of action and scoicd wiili 111111 punches 1111 itll1 11l111111 lakwood Stadium iockfoiil of Toronto and l1ull of aiiip lltlttltll 1cic tlu paiticipiiiils iii the only b11111 illiHIIlll l13 taiiada 11113111111111 xvillii and ibcaiitiful ill Aniviica llltll the llilli lliiltdlll iioiiini EKE OUT 43WlN 1111111 Alina The best liitcriiicdiale baseball 5tlilll larl lhowii loioiito iridrilf licctl 11111111 stliiii N11 lll1li lost in ililri bout 1111t1ll1l 1l 1i1pos1111 of one ltllltl to 11 iii11111111111 tllil aiidl two iizinulos alter the bell tilt11 appeared to be tilt only l11ci appeared to be the ref venturing tool 1111 feet andl ltllltll leltllllcl upoii iilt lllllI l1Solis scored their final run in The WWi Uni 11111 11lltifltll llll iiliitli 11 laul Metzcr lcd Off with double llioiiipsoii shrubd hiiii iiil but was caught out trying for sec ond lloweii followed with hit as lid llobiiisoii ook walked to loul the bases but Graham struck oilt lll Mcliiiiiion forced lloweii at the name i1culluial when bury when c111 to the 111applcis was smack1 cd 1111in llli couple of elbow siiiashos 11i1liizid his shirt torn off 11111 clod thoroughly enjoyed the for the iziappleis the fans in Iottliiig mood The boutsmllyllmq Bridges ril li1defealed lroiisidcs rillia 121 aiiipcaiL llobic RCll HT lbs Borgcy lltlt defeated Douglas hillia Tomlin iec who 1u11t lc11ucile1diiit llioriij bidiaiis etad over llarrie The local playcrl oiie of ihciibeltcr littllltIi 11 they illbvlh ed the viiiiicis llaivc llf iicslline kept liiiiit fliappcl hitting stai of the ll1iiis Motor iottliall team thci 1l1c pitching star of the baseball Laiiic Chap thlllttl Georg1 Miles had great night at hat The heavy hitting Harris sccoiuLhasemaii slapped out four hits in five trips llarold lilliilllt pained three hits Mcger and Mc Kliiiion 1111 two hits for liysous The Giillers were minus three of their key players Murray Richard son Graham Jenkins and Cee Cook Willi these three in the lineup the score would have been most likely much closer for their fielding and hitting power was iltill missed evening before lbs lltAl defeated four and 11 only one fanned have up seven liii1hi of the llioriiburj runs was carn Witli good support would 1150 lbs defeated loiies rillia 117 lbslolinsbee RCS of defeated Scliinarc lbs llletsoii llCAF defeated leii bertliy RCll 1111 lbs Gray lttll lefca1ed Carrol rillia Urillia 133 lbs Barrie the raney won led for southpaw have RCAF tame lerry leiiilirokc bar the Indians and limited the locals to seven hits llll3Iltllltllll lll 1iid1 walking Barrie scored the first run in the With one out lhonipiioii dropped looper over Walmsley Thompson iiiOverLto third as limp pel smacked scored when Bath dropped an out field fly liihlle Yvallzed toeload LOGcar 14 lbs leters defeated Lepricli three RCASC first inning llerb the iziiric swatsmiths with two llllsi each Cotty lribble lined doublcl while Maclloiihld iiid singles third which iiiuffed Garry Lo and single and then Gear ltlllllti llutehiiison got two hits for lliorii while Chrysler and Laderoute picked up one hit each liiORNBURY Chrysler Pembroke Vbrmes Emmi bml Goldsmith 1h ill his lldlit1llllti Gui grounded out lhornbury evenelt the second Goldsmith and Laderoute lined but les With runners on StClilHllttlltl bore the count in walked 3lllllll1lll light before beiiij landed Bath lfIlso on Friday night Mr Murphy lb Indenite cfv Ilul caught 111 lllpouiidei iiicaruring 35 cliinson rt Darling Zb Lougheed 01 inches at tliesamc place Mr Mur BARRlEmWlaclhnald rf Thomp phy is of the opinion that ccrlain Wampcau Chappelp Gar boat is lucky in this fisliiiiss came iy LeGear ssv Iribble ll George for he says that every time he is in Lchar 3b Ramsay 2b McLeod cl one of Vic tcziltys boats he lands Coulsoii cf Thoriibury Barrie and Walnisley Bath Sing Goldsmith third and none outCli1ppe down to fan The next tWO butters whilethe third batter flied or spirited rally by the loc the fifth made the score 31 With two Chappel smacde single Gar as safe on 1111 error Glizippcl up at cracked Garry scored 1g to third Rain but als in 010 003 004 +100 020 0073 UmpiresEddie Burke plate Bob Chittick bases gt iy lchezn lribble poled double vitl scoring and lichzFr lioldin LcGcar IRYSONS AB 11 10 MeKiiinon 1h Chitlick 31 It McCurdy it At Moucr I2 Thompson cf Bowen if Robinson Cariepy lf Cook l1 Graham 2b I1 35 14 HARRIS AB PO Illnes ll Miles 2b Chappel 10 Laking rf Norris lf Murphy 53 Cause Gilmore 3b George and third single with Tribble movii say walked to load the base Coulson popped out the sixth runs to win the ball game even an error but the out Bath and on the overthrow novcd to third Bath hit safely Dar gheed poked hinson with is tothird Darling throw which was tchliim off the base orded fur cousin IIER TOES Kitchener Record 37 71127 SUMMARYRuns batted iiiLak ing Hines Graham McKinnon Thompson Twobase liits Meger McKinnOn Miles Home runHines Sacrifice Roach StrikeoutsCouse Robinson WalksCouse Rob inson Left on basesHarris 10 Prysons Earned runHarris I3 Prysons 31 UmpiresMiles Hedger BACK IN Thornbury scored three have already been taken care of Bath wassaf next lw Stole second to the base scored asHutchhmop alkcdand Lou ore llutc batters struc ling out hit to so Darling movin scored on intended to ca No further either team led atthe end of darkness Ehappel and ed Electrical Contractor House and Farm WIRING WE CAN COMPLETE YOUR WIRING JOBS Phone 3587 BARRIEI 65 T111311 St 1151 eoiing was rcc and the game was eat of the eighth because eorge LeGear led BRRY bOWLlNG LEAGUE OFFERS WELCOME TO ANY NEW TEAMS it 11 11 11 111 ml 1111111 i= 1211 at in ii til 11 iiiu he t1 tc t1 lt mp twann 11m lr l11 timi 1w lat 31 I111 A1 lutl111 l1 Mil ll HM in tail lot11 1111 BOWLING ON THE GREEN l1ll ll lll lUIlill 1111 11 by 11 311 ll pi 111 111 12111 111 coid it pp 1o 1111 til CH 1111l 111111 111 no1 liltldllld 1111 1111 1111 11 11 ilzw 111111 111111 inll coi111n 111 11 ch limiei 1= lplix 1111 t1111t1 11 llliixilllllil 111111 ll11i 111l1111o1ult1 111111 1111 llllll1l o11c1l1 11111 ilziltl and tllil pad 1211 11111111l1 Yla 11111111ll Tlli 111p 111111 1111c11 lli il1lr 11111 ltl limit llrgwin 1111114111l l11l lllt extre platid Ill 11 linirii 1ll1il111 11111 11i111i1d lti voidici iii 11111111 111 11iclielt and 111ll llllil i11lll 11I11111111i11111ll wicsiiiiic the illaiidalw cliii this evenimt llllllill1 1111111 Lliov111 l1111 Quinn lIW11lo ill Spai 11 Win lcck l11iil11l1ii Nels 1l1ico ll ll 111iElllll lllhompoii il 311111111111 liftoii ll lct11ii ll lit Barrie Man Myers Miislieliinzse are being taken 11 the mouth of the Wye 2111111111 Mon day the Dominion Store Midland had on display 23pouiider which was caught by Frank Murphy of Midland llev1sisle1l iii laiidiiiu doii Myers ol Earrie The fish meas uer feet and it ieiiuiie1la 1ft fish Win 11171111 11 171111 21111 12111111 SEMIF1111 18 ll 11111 lll 11l Hi T111ll1 ook 11 PLAYOFFS BEGTN moles MEET RCAF GE MINESING AT cor 1111 b111 111111 ylI til1ilt liltl to 111l1t 5111111111 ill1w 111Y11 1111tl1 ll2lil1 uwll 1111cit=l 111l111111111111r11111 irllltidl illllli l1111l1 311111 bail lliici lc1111cy miiacollcctid1111i 111v Liv11 plate three lills 11ey but that was the 111111czi1 Archie 1l11sli1l and cliccicv home 11111 111 liappel for NI 11 the both t1l1ctl 11 1o 111i1 lltlx llitidliasrilliitl lifeJCei lll lll HIIII misililished 11 till7 111111d 111 1Illllll11 111 ml for 1iht were iiiost iid iii1hc lii lllitlll Li1l1 1l111111L 11 aiiic which is itlHlt than any 11 111 has 111dc this year lI1111rl1 itllllll ll lat ll11s1iii 111111111 11iii ltlli record tNlt All ll ll lt 11111 11 111pc111 lolilistoii Ioiiiis cf illaishall lb happcl 3b unstable Stiansiiiaii 2h liibnie 35 It CH 13 fillUV AB ll ll Brewer Mcliilosli ll 1111 Mc1Irtiiey if llendrilks aillllillll llariis 2b laiks if l1lule SS 31 oolt b2 Assists Brotherinlaw Lililli lttltl Land Big MUSkelunge scored TKO over Hurley RCILI 34 33 ti 27 111 SiiniiiiaiyRiins batted lvlc zirtiiey Cook loiiihrosky Gori Straiismaii ruiitook Strikeouts Constable lll WalksConstable McCartney Cook Left oiil1ses id rather see it die like that RLAI LNR 10 lLaiiied innsMA Hum IW AI fuck mdlgoduny 11M1111ng but Morritsoni oil mtg Marshall llonie McCartney CNR Winning pitcl Cortney EMALII BUT STRONG iileii rope lltlllltltlllIIlll li1 meter can lift load of three tons Mr and Mrs Glen Blitzera Mid land were also fishng 11 the mouth of the Wye on Sunday and landed isome fine pike Mr Butxer who Ts Vllll the lohiistoiie Sporting Goods Stork naturally included in his story that thetaeklc the fish were The problem today is to get Ger taken with came from this particu maiiy back on her toes Her heels 1111 store Midland Advertiser PepsiColo hits the spot anylime Theres twice as much in the big lZounce boltlel opalColo tho ulsterd trade mark in Canada of the PopstCola Company of Canada Limited 11 11 ll 11 111 11 I1 Ii 11 iii 121 ro 11 111 121 111 1ltii 11 131 11z1 111 112mi 1111I11I IlI11I iom 1c c1lt111 Ulla ll1gtll11 1111 plac1 otb iiniti 111111111 oi 11 Tliiuziue ll 1l11l 1111 third sloil 111 lltl 1111 liiv 17 l1l111il 11i 111111l ll ho 11 Kiri 111i llu 1111ll 111111 of 141111 1111s Will K11 111 111 111j1d or Iiloiria illlll lir Lii11l lt1151 To lliii 1111 ilii x111i 1111111 il iralllc 11 111111 Iaak llli Il liars havo licclilih gt1111 111111 itivill 31 lii has Jill11Eh11 all games 31w called 11 1111 p112 liiliss the limos311111 1v1iir111c1d 11111cl1111licr lllllatl 111111 1111 reigulur season iii 311 11111allj 111possiblc for the nine 1111111115 in lt roiiiplciod HyWay Hint 1111 MORRISON MOTORS 31 Bradford S15 Phone 3178 pertdion for you Then light up Sweet up Hole its freshnessgnilssinoolliness its taste Heres balanced perfection too everytl1ing you look ferino cigarette brought to you by Perfection Clutch the new scientific protess that checks the qualit of emh Sweet up from planlolion to you The purest form in which tobacco can lJeIsmoked swEET PORA ClGARETTES liitl VAEDyment Wins County Championship Over Powell And Em Creed at Midland lWU Hll ill NH 110111 NEW 111115 no1 17 1111211111411 s1 mine riioxiz 211111 Completeqire Service 11am TREAD For cool running and longer life vEu Whenyou lake an autumn stroll Watlflllle leoives stirring softly in the wind green 1011th witli soqut and goldIheresbulunced