AGE EIGHT ANGUS lc turn motile how much good memory tttl help tlniusuuud In their jobs 8o ouchl lIList man slianiclt nit admit haw ltiilltlt Althxs lit I11diilti1lssrciii MINNI the IiIIIinsioii that this llltllltlt I1 just an unlucky Llulnlltlt ot bath hr uth is that although sonic thipit iu 111w natur all Ictrutiw minds miww IIII iuiprmc his memory to Itllldllxitlllk IllI111 lo Ill so oi Ulllt takes extra ltlori but tlit rewards are many and important At any time you may be able to supply some import ant person with an exact tact or tigure and by such simple act suddcnh gain new prestige In many other ways good memory equips you for progress and builds self condence Modern psychology has much to teach on methods of IlictlliiryttilIllillg that may help Ivou lint even if you merely HlttIIIIlfl on rc incmbcring youll become more cllicient and valuable worker Here is fact to remember The Life Insurance compan ies in Canada invest over 230 million dollars yearly in de veloping industries and aid ing government projects thus promoting the economic and social welfare of the nation Rexumn BOYS BOYS Barristers Solicitors Public Conveyancers MONEY TO LOAN Ottlce 13 Owen St Barrie Branch Office Eluwule BOYS KC ROWE GLADSTONE CURBII Successor to CAMERON CAMERON BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Etc Owen St Barrie Telephone 3175 MONEY TO LOAN COWAN COWAN Barristers Solicitors Conveyancerr Notaries Public etc Money WantediMoney to Loan 17 Owen Street Barrie Ross Cowan Registered Patent Attorney FRANK HAMMOND 1311 BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC MasonicTemple Bldg Barrie MONEY TO LOAN DUNCAN McCUAIG BA KC ETC Moiieyto Loan Ross Block Barrie BARRISTEB SOLICITOR rDONALD MuLAREN ILA BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Barrie Money to loan Masonic Temple Building JOHN REID BAImISTER SuLIICITort ETC JI7I Notaries Ontario BEAGBAM 111 14 In Ind II 1mm thw In eDa or Week kit II III IIIIIIIII III II III by lll Itcatli ol lr lillc llarth II Ill IIgt MW ltl4l 91m IlIl IIv IIlI1I 11 Iu lii It Ivl 12 uli Im II =4 tll1lltli an liI lufittiWo IIlaI 11 ll told Wt 11 mi an llIai WI 44 III Ifw ltlll 111 llili Ili II liir llt 1liI liaitl II Imiu lontluu Illttl In lltitt Idata 1111 111 la lilll l1 and MI lJ IIQIII tint 111 wt lhointun uid hurl MI INII IIlII IIIIIIIIII III Ilivii 11 Int llllhwml Ila litrltllilII III III III ma III IIIII III leIIIIIII II III Ilill llIillitliti and tlviw tlilltlittl II Eta It imam ch 51 II III II II l11l1l 11ulItlI 111 tll 11d lllllll Ill 11 WI Itimil 1vltlml1 1l Ile li Im 11 11 Ilt ot In lltllllt lattul In 121 111 ll 111 11 ill II II =12 lotiii ltlll tit llIIiiitivl mum Ulml II II Illl l3 11 tr 11lntll imtw and ouI 11211 II III ll on I11 nunIt II lI aliitini 111 II tlltl il1 lit Iitli LXI Hwrth 1111 I11I tzt 1mm tin Irw thankNW1 gyotut ittviitialiu It thv IWIiiziviis Iii III IIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIII III Itiitv tI1ll1 17 hit Vciiioii Mlllwll Chill ll lw llIIa itllvllltl Ii 11 lll IIIIIIII IIII lIIIIIIIIIIII IVIIIIIIII lllll 11 Int at 11lill II II II II II l11111l thcladitstut1111Ivtoihmml Illllll ll Hi In ll 11111 tlu totihl Iwiul Ult Illlt Hill II 111 lin Iona In lct VIII lttittl llrlllll III 11 IlIt 11 lniu Iillf lbw tloxt I11 ioiv Ilaii Mikx 1l Ill 11 ml Imlm dorm lll Hi ll tits in llillt tlt lililliltl bl visitois hilSS A1 not It at mad Ila IIII on I11 tlloli 1li gunnu 1rd 11 an 1A SIIJHIIIIIIILI III III II II NIH In IIII banmt AlliI l1 and ll l1 on ft tliatiytv oi tll vxiiip to wid lull tor thi ant4 IHII lI5 SilillIIIWU Eil il do I1 thm ttIllIllilHllr it llgt dccititd to mm HIIIIIII IIIIII IIIII Illl MIC lull liilllttliJ IIIIW It It Iholtl Iii llIIllll1 on 31111 11 IIHIII Amunm IIIi II IIIII III IIct and 311 111 an 11117 iIIIlili Ill Will SIN spent Illl 1ti11l ili II IUII IIIIIIII 5111 Ill ll Wiiidstu itlv llll il 11 Ind It hold ma listllnflll of In Hymn III burn Illi IrwIIHi IItllttdl fic catIII lartcigt ItilltlIY X11 and III Ph tht lillttl ll111ll1lxllll ll out 11 III NI IIIIIIIIISIIIIIII IIIIII Ii In It tirpla ot lit in tbliItIltlon one rlte II ulnday Iruotr lltl 1111 Ito lllt public It lens Ito 11gtll 1in Salvation phiu annual Illlt lMars collectors volunteered to Dev ltSIltlllSllt tor the same territory The Iaguiiii this year lynllttl that the tool house at tth ttIuttci had litcu Licensed Drugless Electric Radio Mechauo Therapy 115 Dunlop St CHIROPRACTO DRUGLESS THERAPIST 26 McDonald 8t Phone 3070 Barrie tll1 and inatcrial costing about CHIROPRACTORS GEO to snsn BURNS mo CORBETT DC also decided Ariin with Most of last lltiISllltl It ltgtlllllglvl Therapists ydro and Phone 8194 AND Ilarycst Churchill splendid talk on Annuia litllll it into faintly 4111 llHlltlii 111 very Ippiiilillatl in hllitili ll Iiimcmy hobby Slic had llLtl and paw number of pltttS Ii BY APPOINTMENT TEACI Studio 27 Brad DOROTHY JOHNSO and London Eng MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BIItYSON RMJI irIANO SINGING Mrs lt2 and MUSICAL IIIERYall grades linako including AICM Modern Methods Mm InuxMIL ford St Associate College at Music Piano and Theory 152 Maple Avenue CRAIG IIAMI INSTRUCTOR all gr SINGING Studio 37 Ross St LTON adesI MUSICAL TIIEORY tlipe Organ lessons Also Available Phone 3615 OPTOMETRY 303T BARRE F1280 OPTOMETRISTI ISDunlop PM roux woous KC Attendance 95 SOLICIT ROBERT ii SMITH no Bank of Toronto Bldg Owen St Money to Loan MEDICAL from 230 to 430 oclock every Vices may doctor VETERINARIAIN Dirt=0 ILEMING ARIAN VicroruAN 01mm or mans Barrie Branch Well Baby Clinic Wed nesday Application at nu es ser elude 11163 or hfough Telephone 2451 Cor Borne OPTOMETRIST ll Dunlap StPhone 25 Hours 96 daily NOELI STEPHENSON 30 OPTOMETRIST Dunlap Sh Barrie OSTEOPATHY Phone 4201 EDWIN WILSON near no THE WILSON BUILDING Post thice Sq and Simcoeastt arm and SURGEON Sophia St 19 Battle Phone 4543 C9nsullllgghgifg ggnml gt WELCH ammonocouriim quwm AGENCY CharteredrAecountantsrustees etc Brock Building 200 Bay St Toronto ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS 7823 ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITO Owen St Barrie 19 Melinda StIToronto Herbert Harris CPA Frank Spry Fitzmaurice MacLareri 17 Owen Street Barrie 21 King Street Toronto WIardE Mayor CPA AUDITOR Toronto at MSTRONG AND MacLAREN CA CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS WARD MAYOR COMPANY Tom FINANCIAL Specialists in Collection 51 Dunlop St Barrie SURETY FUNERAL om AI STECKLEY 038 l2 Clappertnn 8t humbled our our DAY AN mm ONT SMITH tr co WA DIIECTOII AIME LLOYD FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 10 unbalance in connection Nlll HON III of Amounts Phone 4111 Angora itiliu Shh lillltilul the luck veiyTntIicsti111 auto liIIltfi tnil ductod by Mrs very diinty lunch aIHd lijI assistctl by IIr Black Mrs liicthct Mrs Mrs Tail IIIIII the how of Toronto Conservatory ot Music liam Hill better help herself son Bryan Gladys Row Geo Stewart McGee Are you often be the miles try owels drug counter Spec the system The res BBB has broug item akin aections ll l1lo Slnt lino Ina bunch Jit I4 Il it II 1tilnl IIIIIIII and 1111 lltlii Ilitl littliiw SlutI also WMM Ian buutttl humor with lltI and Itl IuaIIIiI nIIath HtlillillwlillllttiI of plucking thc ban and 4111111111 IvaiiL Shc had with hcr 1qu Iavc picsriil ol some yarn to him lIIIan ltil JIIIIIItthill 111ocl11111 hu litIll Ill to IIllwic ICav Simpson Lark ot ify loi iavciidcr bunch Mrs Links Sister IIasscd Away Mrs William Iiink received the PIANOI sad news that her sister Mrs Wil known neighborhood as Mrs John Whih ney passed away May ill 1947 at the home of her daughter Stanley H0llld Winnipcg after an illness of eight years 16 months 11 which she spent in bed unable to She was member of the Anglican Church and was ma laid to rest in Brooksido Cemetery Winnipeg She was the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs William Quail of Oro Township She mov ed to Winnipeg some years ago and married the late William Hill of lEngland ShrLleaves to mourn the loss of kind and loving mother family of six Mrs Hornick Jennie William John and Albert Whitney of the IllSl mairiagcngrs Stanley Hourd AnnicMMrs NclI and Thomas Hill all of Winnipeg and one bro ther John Qtiail Winnipeg one sister Mrs William Link Oio Tp St Thomas Church officiated The pallbearers were six grandsons Victor Whitney Kenneth Whitney Billie Whitney Walter Blain Jimmie Bryan and In Skin Attention Olten cause For llnhappiness ashamed of your appearance became of skin rash boils pimples or other skin attentions Too fewpeople realize that these affections may be easily remedied Impurities in the blood may cause for ugly skin oections get relief mm skin troubles Burdock Blood Bitters kidneys liver and stoI ult may he smoother ht relief to thousands of other Canadian antlerlug It should do the some for you Ask forIitI at 77 Malling Young Travellers Comfortable vwrc lnlitly lililitl than1 ll II didl id 41M on II ukuis and lxathhmri loiwio 11M zis lhvic wm mow Ill1lr lm Vciagjc prices were as followszz IlISIIIIINIlIlIilIIHlIIlIIi1m III Manager WW at IIH IlmUrI SIIIIW 11 IIWI according to size and Mr lllll Mrs illlltl I3 11 1111 iIItSIIIHY IIIIIIIIIAII III11 won an InIll 23c toIltlc Mr and Mrs Arthur lhvamn 11 up tor 1n 1I Iqum III IIh 401 BM VI ptoii 1111 lI and and lmmlb 1tiui tIllilLlll lb Miss Slithi Ilolljctoi 1111 IiIIIILIJ lwtll II 3ch Frotl loliti Imwind wow llhgdv yr III II WW At Iil Ii 01 bll All llli iilildiI II IogjomlilosI FrultsI Etc IditI HI Iln dcath ol his liiotllvgz II II ll HIIIIHI yin honor our er IIIWI III Ihlatuicc who had born lt111l 39 Enough TO 39 EXPenancedSmallfncugh To Be Friendly MIN Ar il5 IHC IIW It IIIIIIIW ilrail HIV or HIlll 331113 and 51 Home IIcononucs lw lit III hunch IIn Iowan 11 IIUiuII Illliilt tiIIl LIAIII bat Hwi th1d IIakct 1131th mill baslict Uw llllllt mint lilllltfll ll IIctiIubiIrs bIsktl ttt III 1ltltzct Izhcikins Tdvdium ighcrkins Itllllllll villtl squash vLIIItllt niarrow IJIIJIHI squash Ill ll Flowers iladioli dozen mic ltlanv varieties of cut flowers from lc 111i xcrlazttinys bunch l4 35c up IIillttl plants 25c up lllc If EHAZZIXI BAREZE iuirr uousry is oIEN On Bloke Street It the Iunction of Highway II tan the Shanty Boy Itoer DINING ROOM MW wwm AND SNACK BAH Iliilllll Illit to IllIII ill Noah lhmur lilo 311111 livcuing llllllltl train ill to ll 11111 IlllllllII liooni lowd trrI Honda For Reservations Dial Barrie 7743 Cabins and ridge Rooms llllIlf Il llllll or Call Today Mzs Iohii Allan dll MI ValveinHead weer nus ALL FOR JUDY Ottawa Citizen Ix linen would ban the lunch lltl Judy show III bad for children In the ground that it glorifics wife Icating iut we wonder Before hc row is ball over doesnt Judy rick up cricket but and beat the Ii lS ilootly bloomiu blazes out of lunch Whats wrong with that is it not warning to little boys they start any rough stuff when they have grown up and married the little girls More power to Judy and bigger stick Wes runny Electrical Contractor House and Form WE CAN COMPLETE YOUR WIRING JOBS Phonel358l BARBIE 65 TiffIQSt Jbolls and his vegetable compoun not on moh It helps to eliminate waemavfrcm clearer akin Burdock Blood Bitters auburn 00 unuud Toronto Ont group of icloriucrs in Middle that theyll get what they asked for WIRING Your new Chevrolet is the lowestpriced car with Vulveinlleud Enginethe type of car engine which holdsull records for efciencytor giving maximum power from every ounce of fuel And your Chev rolet ValveinHeud Engine is the cham plan of champions on all these countszr ValveinHeud performanceui lowest prices 2I billions of miles of Service to owners and number ofowners served In fact this sturdy Chevrolet VulveiIrHead Engine has delivered more miles for more Ma= In addition to giving you the out standing performanceefciency of ValveinHeud ThrillvMoster En gine Chevrolet gives you the BIG CAR styling and luxury of Uni steel Body by Fisherthe pattern of fine coacltcruHand of course WBody by Fisher is exclusive to Chevrolet in its price range owners over at longer period than my other automotive engine built today re PRODUCT or 9rde55 type 5326 or price GENERAL MOTORS You cant match Chevrolet IBIGCAR CO at low gist eitherj for it brings you lilac It higher degree of ridingsmoothness und roadsteudiness impuited bylhe famous KneeAction Gliding Ride iund this too is exclusive to Chevrolet in its price range in IMFORI Ia construction the KneeAction Ride and PosititteAction Hydraulic llrcikeslbats combination of sufetyiactors found only in Chevrolet and higlienpriced curs You and your family wuhtreal motor ing safety and herenguin your choice Is Chevrolet Its soundly lurid Isturdily built with BIGICAR QUALITY lltrouh and through typied by Fisher Unisteel Be Wise Keep your present car inigoiod running condi tion by bringing it to us for skilled service now and at regular intervals until you secure delivery of your new Chevrolet Comeiini today CHEVROLET HARRIS MOTORS LIMITED 8389 Elizabeth Street Barrie 09478 12 Amt car wv 77 77 gt Ah lVY MJ