Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Aug 1947, p. 3

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TIIIFJMXY 11111191111 154 ll 11111rllills Anion iliil luriirezi 111 1111 Heinz vinegar 111 relishes for best lrelktor fniicrrr CELERY 11511511 innii rcl has141111141131112 iiiiiiiw 1111l ll ill 111illrrtrii 111111 1111l11111 1111ll 1151 1211 IHlinlli 1rl 1111 lvnll 111 1111111111 llln lid ll 11 l1li 11111 rrr15 1111 11111 llrdrllui l1ll1 1111111 11H 111 111111 ll in livllllll 1111 er 11 lli 111111 1111111 1111l 11111111 and 1111111 i11111111111 l1ll mrrnw 11111111211 1vllllll for Hillllll lrill lnrllx 111 ml 111111111 111 l1lr l1lll11 llvlirr loin llc 111i 1111111 mltrlrim c1 j1illlt 1l 1111 111 11 1111117 111d 111 plots 1gt winter CAMP I30 DEN WW 4M 1111 1111 11111 11 1111 l1 1111iiil ieliien sane 111 111111 11 Qt ll 11 1111 11111 of ll 11 in itI1i t11111$1111 linvi 111 l111i 1111 1111 11c111 ll 1111111 1111 1121 win 11111 11111 livrri iii 111111111111 Suimrnini course to 111 Held $111111 ilis lli 1111d1 111111c1ri 11111 ll1 11 111111 lll iii 5111711111111 lirl Your 1111 l1 lC 111 11 11 1111 1211 111 111 ll Grocers l1 1111111 rim =il 1111 11111111111111 11 1111 11111 Insane 1112111 111 111 111111311111 11 l1rl 111 ti Nevin111 111111111 11 11111119111111 111111 Viol 311111 ll Harper Mlll Jurs 1ch 11 coliiw 1111 111 1111 111 1li 1111 i1 and Bulk the 13111 iflth iilltl 1111111 11 111 1111111 111 111 1111111 1111111r1 1111111111 and il 411111 1111111w1 llliilli 111111111 1111 Mel incluil 1411111111 ppfe io 1111111111 111 Mi tiuavlale foriracilv 1111 oloircl lcc lllg 11t 11111 111 111111 ili 111r ll11iinciii1i Illillilll 111 the 1111111 Muskoka Lakes $405 Return andTAX Busses Leave Barrie SUNDAYS 720 am DST 650 am DST itcinirs ANT iNiiOiiMivrioN AT BABRLE BUS TERMNAL PHONE 3182 lllttrllrl lollrI401IINIIItIrorttlorltOIIlw rrlorltlcrplo 359 is Extra Money for You WANTE Men Women TeenAge Boys and Girls To Aid in Processing Corn and Tomatoes At CANADIAN CANNERS LIMITED 51111905 ONTARIO 14 During part of AUGUST andthrmontlis of SEPTEMBER and OCTOBER GOOD WAGES to end of season wash basins shower baths continuous hot water etc Our dining hellat the camp is well equipped and excellent are served FFREE BUS SERVICE TO AND FROM CAMP TWO Resciisitions on each shift served at cost prices to our employees Office or fill out blank below andmail at once am interested in working in Canadian Canners tory during the coming Corn and Tomato Season an quest more information 11 TOWN 100 MILE CRUISE Every Sunday and Wednesday INCLUDING BUS 11nd STEAMER Alli1 WEDNESDAYS lililUllN SERVICE DIRECT FROM THE DUCKS Gray COach Lines TRANSPORTATION refunded if applicant is suitable and remains LODGING and MEALS for MEN and BOYS at OUR OWN CAMP which is well supervised and fully equipped with modern toilets Lodging and meals arranged for women and girls in private homes For further information apply at nearest Nationzil Employment HX CANADIAN CANNERS LTD SIMOOE ONTARIO STREET OR RURAL ADDRESS large meals PLANT CAFETERIA with fullcourserineals 111111113111 lunches 112111111 ol ll 111 ll 11 11 am ssxi 1111111 1111111111 wii Voollc1li1 returned11111111 Whilc 111 amp lloidcir Mrs liani licri roots Milrlaryl The not yet been lifciilcd lil1i 111131111 NEWS 111111131111eresslrorll 11111111111111 1111 duties all the 1311111111111 111 11111111 of litillidllill 111 llnirclrci llli1llll1llllll 111111 1111 11111121111 pcudim111111111111lopen 1111 was 111111111 111 HSM 11nd lr liiiwll 11111111 the week Slim lil1illl loollov li ill 11111 lllillllllh iuit 19lr h11 par ii All 11111 All 11111111111l re1non lit lrgt Alzrrpiricl l1111lilil 1115 111111 to her home 111 llanriilorr 11 ll1111111Sl 1113111 and All iliili ill il1 lllS til lcrsorial 1orii1liil1tious are exleruied 11 1W1 111 ll lbw11111111 Tix 1111 the occasion of lll heme Fllltil the 1111111111 Medal for 111111 Service and 1111111 orrdiut il 511 and Mrs 11 lamicsiin are 11ppv lo announce the safe arrival 1f lheir son on Saturday A1111 15 names of the newcomer have lloyiil arrivals to the llracooirs litcent arriidiiirr include Tpr llarold Williams from No irisl Depot and Frank Ainsworllr llflilTlTllil District Depot The latter is veIcorric addition to the 11111111111 team beiniz pitcher of some repute Born To tapt and Mrs ll 111 itiilcns lit the lloyal Victoria llos 1111111 Barrie A1111 iii 191711 1111111111 lioth wcll oruzratulations are extended to the 11111111111111 on the occasion of their recent appointment to Lance 111 1111Auucl lpr Aririslronrz Ipr 11 Morris lpr Martin and Tpr llcR Aycrst Vehicle Mechanics Graduation 11 lliursday Aug 111 the No entry of the Vehicle 117114111311 School graduated Al the gradua lion parade diplomas were pre sented by WCTurnbull DFMVDFC AFC from Command Hcidquarlers Al I7 MacDongall who grad noted with top honors was present ed with pair of Ray Ban sun glasses in leather case After graduation party was held at the home of LAC and Mrs Keri nedy Allistori Present at the party as guests of the graduates were F0 and Mrs Benson FLl and Mrs Likeness of Shanty Bay FSgi and Mrs Wilkins ill orporal rank Tpr Adams pi and Mrs Ellison of Angus 8111 Burtch Cpl Gardner Cpl and Mrs Abbott of Bar rie Sci Hatch Cpl Phillips Cpl St Louis of Camp Borden On behalf of the graduating class LAC MacDougall presented Cpl Abbott their instructor with an engraved Ronson cigarette lighter PHELPSION Wedding bells are still ringing Eugene Mulroy was home 1501 tb iweckeiid if DJJ Kenny is spending few days in Toronto Mr and Mrs MacFarlane and son Gordon visited Mrs Vansickle Miss Ruby CraddOck Waubaii sliene is spending few days at Craddocks Cpngratulations to Mr and Mrs lH Hankin whowere married here Saturday morning Congratulations to Mr and Mrs F1104 re NAME WOOOOONONIINIIIJVWWWM MM MINDlon Craddock 011 the arriVal of son in RV Hospital Barrie Mrs McGinnis John and Main grct Hendricks Toronto spent few days with Mrs ONeill Father McHale Miss McAuliffe and Miss McIIale Durham visited with Mr and Mrs Kenny Dr and Mrs Sehlndiamily Kitchener and Martin Hamil tonvrwcrc weekend visitors with Coughli Miss Judy Martin rc turned to Hamilton Mrs McAlpinc and 5011 Pat of Cobalt Mr and Mrs Oxley and family Toronto Jack MacManamen Toronto Leo Kenny Detroit Peter Smith Toronto and Vincent Kenny Barrie wcrc weekend visitors at and Miss Smith of Hamilton BAXTER SPARKLING ENLARGEMENTS from your SUMMER SNAPSHOTS PATRICIA MOUNT 43 Ce 251 for In 1111111111 11 31 11b 111111111111111r 31111 125 11 111 1111111 he 1C111l1r ll1111l11111t luriot in 11 11 111111 11 11111111 12111111 PEROXIDE PETROLEUM JELLY WHITE li 111111111111111 51102 Medicinal P1111111 011 1611 4001 English Slylc Cooling and Refreshing llb Tin Special 39 GM 511113 Pure Medicinal 5111111 Special on Higlrlyikclined 402 Reg 25 190 BY11 Reg 450 33 Special 28 FREE DELIVERY Phone 2650 The Pcrlrtl Gift For Your WeekEnd lloslcn WEEKENDER KIT 010T EU Aunt ll lllwll 11111 llMir 51111 lion Spuial lb 5111 Alzrliiii 111l lllt 31111 AMERICAN DESIGN OF BEAUTY rill vltolLT ll Hill 01111 111 hi Ali ll am BAIMi INS EVAN WILLIAMS 701 cathartic 97a 4417 Ildl wallrmown and lulu Qulnd hair alouring 011110 nvmlnbla In Canada 111 1111 fullnwrngrhodar 0lu1llmwn Bloudo Light Brown Medium liloan Dark Brown hll lulrnllu wlli our Milan 1w 001 TOO TH PASTE girllrrrg m1 Szrllening r0 llvazrwr is 111 11111lall1 Dry Slim eciul HIW YORK TORONTO LONDON Special 19c CHANED pclmnc EXTRACT NO CHANEL who L1111 11 LIPSTICK EXTRACT N0 Thom 500 41 1v01 1000 lox 750 in Season 70 Keep You Cool and Lnlcly EAU DE COLOGNE Chanel No Chanel N0 12 Gardenia 300550 Smartest 5111110 1d 115 Refills 75 Curr dc Rusirc for 7133 wlioe family Star Now Willi Your Daily Supply Vitamim Continue Through the Fall and Win Month Thu TAMBLYN FLOOR NAXI lb 27 Feeling of thIHcing IOHNSON PREPARED WAX lb sec2 lbs 101 CHAN WAX lb 63921115 1101 MYSTIC WAX 111 49 OLD ENGLISH WAX IOR TH MAINTENANCE Of GOOD NIALYN GOLD LABEL KAPSOVITE MULTIPLE VITAMIN CAPSULU Formula pcr capsule Virqmm 90001 Niacin Amide l5 MgrII Vllnmin 100010 R1bnlloml qu lb 59Z lbs 98 Vitamin or 141ng vuamin Mgms 100s 275 OLD ENGLISH NOvRUE pl 59 150 OLD ENGLISH SCRATCH REMOVER COLGATE PONDS DENTAL POWDER KLEEN SPOT 20113 SAFETKLEEN 20113 COLD LEMON 011 POLISH roe2 01351 13111116 VANISHING Whiter MOTHKIL 49 191 DRYSKIN moms zscesmas SalcTllry lilccner gallon 0015 CONTAIN 151 RUUNDABLE SHELL FURNITURE PouSH sac09 JOHNSON FURNlTURE POLISH 402 20n1002 49 FITCHS SHAMPOO Removes FORGENTLE ICorns Cleanses EFFEcrrve ove Niger and RELIEF OF 19 Beaulilies VCONSTIPATION 50 The Hair PALS ET TIL 111111111 Sumr DINYWILV wum lug Iptwduon youtplulo 1pulln mbmh and Hit malnuporhdlmpnulon lemon plainand allow law mlnviailo 01 You all an ublolmlv landed 01 5070 quI vunlllrno mull lllpplng orlooululh DENTYTI rm bnl vorlllnul for Milk Uppl nniLowon huh 251111131951159 ifso 251 35 STORE HOURSMon Tues Thurs Fri from 830 iLisTERiNE Aid for Colm SHAVING CREAM Fora jcrlcci Slravc 1100531111111 830 Wednesday 830 101230 pm Saturday 830 mm to 1000 pm Open every Sunday 12 to pm 710 9pm 1101111 131 114 ow SPECIAL TUNISIAN HENNA lOHNSONGLOCOAT pl 59cqi 101 BUY THE ARGE SIZE DANDRUFF REMOVER 11111119 111 100 meters 10111153111111105 event rzrauiuianmiumzw1001411111119 SARAKA THREE you TOO CAN WALK 9N N3 Iii 111111911 11 KATE AlTKEN BROADCAST L1 CANAUJH EXHIBIT ON Over ClRll Dad1 August 2211 to September 6111 cc llllllllill llilllill H111 Hi cl 11111 111r1rin11 rm 111111 ll 1111 111111 lllll or 11111 1111 on 11111 11 if lorl l1 lit 11111 1111111 l111 111 1111 111111 11 the re 111111111111 liKll heel 11m 1111111 l111111111t 111d lll l11 lilpllllllll llrrlrili1n int tube 111 111 the 11111 ll1e lun lnnrr LENTHERIC 111 qt 981 Fragrance TWEED aBlENTOT 549 00500 51111111511111 0c50c 125 and 175 REMEDIES 1VAP1NE Inuit11117 39c RAZMAH TREATMENT 139 LANTICENE 600 HAYTONE soc100 lUKE FINGARD INHALER 1so ASTHMA 111111111 1500 Refills 275500 CALRNEX 100500 ASTONE Soc100 Joicdinl Save who Youre serene sonurc with lxetlx 11131311311 ils rprrial sallV renter guards you against eiiiliariassing aeridciils iio differ hours Emergenty Phone 3871

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