74133 WU THE 131111111 examines Published Thursday Heroin by ll HAHN IX llNl IL LED ll 31 Ullil Lllt 11 Lr11 llil Yul NU 1ll 511 llilf 11 21 i11 HY ltlltllllSlS 11111111 Ulllllfxi 1111l 112 ll 11111111 iii 11112111 11 111 iaii 11 111 11111 111 The liluira Spiral 1111111 1111 13111 gt 1111111111111 1t711111111 11 11 1111 street or 111111 1111 1111v11 fire 11 111111e 111 111111 1111111 11 11111 =11111111111i111=1e1 111111111i11111l111L 111 11111111 c111 ill1l1v 111 11111 1111 V111I My mum 111 year fia newly origami11111111111111111 11111111 11111111 1113111111 11 at 11111111111 12111 1111111 my fccioir look 11211131111 111121 1211211112 11121 1211111111 1111 1311 ireez tie 11o1 111111 v11 111111111111 111 llomanon 111 111 11 11111111111111111111 11111111 51111111 h1 11111 111 111 111 11 111 111 1111 11111111 1111111 1111111 11 11 cold 11 121 11111 1111 11 11111111l111l1ll111311lll 11 1111 1111111111 511 11 11111111111 2111111 hardly 111 11111111e 11111 1111 11111 1111111111blas 111 11111 1111111 111 111111te1di1te i1111e1ied l11gtr 1111 11 2111 111111 ahead of him 11111 111111 1111 11 1111 11 ie 1111ti alone the nilolc 1111 e1111e11111 1111111 11111111111111111111 11111111111 1111111 1111111 11 11 111111111 l111 gt 11 11 11111111111111 but not 11 ltic tor three 111 the 11111111 litlJlii istill he 1a 1111111 11111 1111 111 regattas when holiday 111112 were 1111 ainilobc11111pliiiiclilcii WMHMI Hm cineen There are 11 artat many laciory 31 11 11 11 um Ullitl and other employees here who can In mums IN HKlaxs 1111 11 11 11111 1111 111 11111 1111 away 1111 W11hiisd1 1111111111111 11 MW mt my hwhmf Wk WV MN Hm lWiu 111 111111111d is steadily 1111 son Was advanced about 311 days ahead or 1111 preVious season the number 111 chicks hatch cd in Ontario duriiry 111111hasireen1111151111 111 i1lurty provincial hatchery iiispccloi sh11wgt 111 his annual report This 1111 liiicas 11i1i the 111111 total 111 21111112851 which 1131 nearly sevcn 11111111111 chicks 1111111111 than to 111111 This in large measure explains the 111 310ktillliltki111111ttll 111111111111si every turn this year It may also indicate 111111 111 raisers oi chickens want to be equal 111 91111 in our opinion statutory 1111111111 111111 1111111111 he more suitable Just the same it was line ieiraiiaflyts keep the aquatic events 111111111 1111 Kerripeir lildt Bay for the 111111111 ol our 111111111 1111114 1111t111n and their 11111111 value 11 t1111r1s1 itllatlloii Mlilll ME AT lllli liillNlAlN It seems as 11 almost everyone in Barrie ha been at or is planning to attend licloii it closes 1111 Septeiiiim 11 the Canadian N111 ioiial Exhibition at Toronto There used to be liiric when one could hear persons say Its just the same 0111 Ex But its not the same old 113x this year first since ltlllL llllflllllfll it had to close for the duration That was the first stoppage since the bigleo started in 1879 111 herwisc Soriiepmple lay great emphasis upon 1h desirability of using 11 very firm handclas Th splay ml ltliil 050m vheuigieeting trieiid or acquaiiitiiiiceliut superb spectacle The task of rcopening 1111111 this may 111511 overow 111 19mm the war years during which the grounds and1 two bmmm Washington 1011113 mm 71l1lmiis We mud military 1Cilml liairds so enthusiastically that one 111 thei 1111111 and training Centre was tremendous hm 1m arm Named T11 President Sythes native of Sirncoc County Manager Elwood Hughes 11 dynamo of energy and their helpers should go hearty congratulatiOiis for turning out such mag1 terinnent iii iiiiiecnt show after lapse of seven years it is truly 1111ational show WTor1inro exhibition It is window through which the 1111111011 he dislikes world may glimpse tht peacetime strength andwealth of Canada in its awe inspiringl variety No greater educational centre forlOppose 19 lw Canadians in all walks Of life may be foundl in such short space of time To see and appreciate the Ex this ycarl will take much more than one day and iiur power Those who der the wi stated that There 111 In fact it is just impossible to get around for the features and events are innumerable and gripping There is great music dont miss the United beautification States Navy Band and some of the good CanlI adian bands to be heard every day There arer interesting exhibits in the buildings produce Orland and sea the mine forest and factory with their postwar developments There are sports for the fancy of alland showappreciation of the valuable contribr exhilarating shows of diving water skiing boat races And there is the Midway Where carnival spirit pervades Not much new there except for some of therides but there are the barkers side shows teeming lanes of people the opinion expressed by one lavyer for tl defence who contended that the charg providing of course that no question of tre excitement noise laughs Birt its newly pass is involved built and refurbished 17 Youliget areal thrill out of the EX The Rev Clements of Minesing lud of the Innisfil Horticultural Society show TRAFFIC SAFETY WARNING Death worked overtime on Labor Day Doucett points out in safety appeal to show regardless oftwho holiday it easy over the coming weekends There were 15 traffic accidentdeaths in and tomake for better horticulturists the Province during theLabor Day weekend finer gardeners through what is learned 1ast year Mr Dottcett states That fact the show With the Fall Fairs coming on alone should be enough to remindalimotf2 exhibitors should keep this inmindn On Hand for Immediate Delivery 01111220 Clay IWeepins CONCRETE uncles Canada concrete Black PM 3009 Write Box 150 Barrio 1l1 Ii 111111 11111111 11 1111111 11 plying the needs 111 American tourists who re strong 1111 chickens whether on 11 111111 1111 Winch Socialist leader in BC speak ing when he hoped to see 11 Socialist Gov eoLtlieOoveriiinent will be treated 11 crirn is linals but Mr Winch objecting to law loccasions when it is absolutely ethical to The annual Flower Show of the Barrie Hor ticultural and Town Improvement Society which is being held this afternoon and evcn ling in the IOOF Hall should be well attended med mums mwugn home 01 the bmldmgh Not only for the enjoyment to be derived from the beautiful array of flowers but also to Two truitgrowerswere charged in court in St Catharines recently with selling fruit and VBSEEQDIES 011 the Queen Elizabeth WJy Wth and Bingo lwo dance spaces out permit These sales were notmade on were the highway rightofway but from adjoin along the waterfront are some of the moshing property Most people will nubagree with seriously interfered with therights of aciti zen and the proprietary rights of an owner last week at Innisfii Park paid deserved Holi tribute to the members who exhibited when day last yearHighways Minister Hon George he said Feeling that they must have was entered they motorists and pedestrians to take brouightthehest they hadv7f1his he pointed Outuwas the best way tOimprovelthe show EXAMINER ELMVALE 11 11 111 11 11 111 11 ll 11 11 11 11 ii 11 ill 11 1111111111 vi 11 11 l1 All 111111111111 i111 1111 1iter lil li 1ll1 lii ll11alltl lirlullli li 111111111 lizririniinan 11 il11lir11loronto111111 1111 111 lr 11 11111111111 HIV 1111011111 1111 ltll ll Lilril Min lmll lllrllip and Min lacn lliedpe 1lllvil opeiiitiou 83115115 11141111 and 1111 ii and 111 DA AA YEARS AGO from the flit0 0f ll HAHN lllli 111l 11 l1111e 1111 11 llllttri oiri lliulx 11 31 11 Hi 11 ll ii 111 11 11 loll 1111ll =1 1111 111111 1111 1ii it ii 111 11 50 111 1131 111 11 111 l1 1111 1111 1111 11111 the Mind 1111 11111 1111ll in 1111iiozcl 111111 11 111411111 11111 1111111 1l 11111111111 the hoinw the 111111111 11111 11 1111 irilitlllluil 1111 ARR ln llze 11111 11 1111 111 amount of 11111111 111 111 ll 11311111111 11111 ll1y 11 13117 1111 1111111 done can MT mull Utr 11111 1111 Jim It 1H Hp1 111 11 11 twill11111111111111 1111 Hr 11 111111o1i1111ii lli 111111111 111 11111 11 1111111 lizi 11111111 lllillilnl 111 1111111111111111111ot lhe 1111111111111 1111111 Sunday 111111 hm 111111ir11 11i1111 li1 111111111111 lnuioll and ilwl My 11 1gt1 111111111 1111111 loronio weir1 HIM 111is 11 mm 311 11111 lo rile 111111111 111111 1i111111111111 11 11111 ma VH 11 and li lus liaee lliroi1i 1I11lf 111i 131 1111 1111 iilili 11 and Mrs 71 Li 51 liace 1t rllerr11o1l lieiich 11111113 ll Hui lliid it 11 l11 111111111 other 11111111111 or the corrrrriuirilv 111ed ll 111111111111 111 111111 11 and in en Sound 1111 Sunday to the 111111111 lnothei icirligc 1111 Who ill in the hospital li1nd Mrs iziibult Varreo ll and li 111111 Mrs 11111 loii Credit were the 31 111 li and His 1oii couple of days 511 and Mrs Keri Spring and Mrs John loe and luck Uri1111111 attended the 111 111 the Nil in Toronto day Mrs 11 Albert lleciiey iriec acquaintance indilirivale last Mrs lolrn Krilou were 11111 ir aver lired Skin tests llrcliling Mr Bliss 1111117 1511 Nellie Ftcelel of llcurlrorri Mitlii drier1111 eeli fortynine years 11111 Mrs lleerrev left here 11 Successful Legion Carnival large crowd attended The started off with the park lctwe11rrl1l 111111 lllmvnle softball team r1 inr in win for the foinre to The Old Timers Rob Bell Vasey If Cotton St for the usual round of well patronized age and other assistance much appreciated 16 OS her daughter Mrs ford ge Thornton Inn with their Grahnin nd at all 11877 ideal weatinsr prevailed for the eter11111 Carnival on Aug 211 and fun ball 31111111 at 11 units sult by team was composed oflCl Crawford Rumble Campbell Drum Scarilou Cooper and Campbell Members of the other team were ition the Soc1ety has made to the towns111W MAGmmdv RHRYWy Columbus Edwards Hammond McGirr iris and George Fleming Follow ing the game all returned to Queen 1111198 The patron Vli August 25 MW Duncan 0mm is Siting rie advertised 300 boys swiis 11 to Victor Craw VMrs Cameron Margaret Rose and Marjorie spent few days at Flurrie Catherine and Norman Graham spent the weekend in Lon brother Alex block chooseir siiii111111111li11 111 111 11111111 Victoria Hospital article gurvo lriizlr 1111111 to the den 111 11111111111 111111111111 1121 St Mention was made of 111 llll1l collection of lltltl shrubs ilo liir lish pond with lhi liru trout mort 111 which 11111 111111 stolen recently llctcrence W11 inadc to Dr Addisons 11111211111 1111 lariySourrdundthe1111111111111111111141 111 had there late editor was presented with 11 picture 111 The Adv 1cc 111111 1111 leaving town lo1s 11111 111 The 111135111 Victoria llospilal 1111 High St was turned over 111 the 111111111 11111 Allllfl iii lcir spccial trains with about 1110 lllttllllli in iifr cars mostly laborers for the Westl ern harvest fields passed throuighi Barrie liarige quantities 111 11i etirbles and dairy products report1 ed farmers were rejoicing at the 1111111 prospects for better price1 One faiiricr sbld I500 bushels ol 111w wheat 111 7111 11111 wheat brought ill 11 llll 21nd Simeoe Ouiity Briefs Orotax levies were fixed as fol lows Couuty ill mills township mills public school fund mills Colliiigdtloo1ls 1111 rate was ill mills Seventh 111111 Vespra reported mosquitoes almost 1111 bearable but thirnbleberries Weic abundant Poiiito crop at Utopia below average owing to heavy rains Farmers at Mirrcsirng reported wheat from 40 to Fit bushels en acre Roman Catholic hurch at Small potatoes and few in 11111 ex pected at lcrietane Rod Sibbald Waverley nearly lost 11 hand 111 planing 111111 it was badly c111 Beetoii lirirwley Devlin liar 12 yrs at $125 per suit Frawley Barrios largest of shoes for ladies men and child ren at prices from 65c to $150 11 pair Excursions on the steamer Islay to Strawberry island and OPENS SEPT 1111ill11ll 11 3111 111111111i 111111 lilfilll 11112111111111111 ln 111i 11 would 11111111111 111111 11111 1111111111 11111111 11111 1111 111112111111111l subject 11 l1 111111111 i111oltl11piii liill 11111111111 121 11121111191115 Colin 71111 11 coupe 111 11131 711111 llctlirl onnucicial purse 1111 one veiii ll1 tourtlandd 1111 in tirade XI 1111 year 11 Victoria Harbor being enlarged Sunday lowdyisin complained of inI shoe store was offering 200 pairs 111111111111 tisrrrrirs ei 111111 11111111 111 iimli 111 11111 111 11111111111 111 11 3111111111 School 11111111 who l111v1 coiirplclcd it lcarl 11111111 Kl oi the 11111111111 111111111 111 11111111111111111 that students colliltl 11l1l1 tirade ill ol Xlll lit11i1gt1 before cub1111 this course It is 111111 and only 111111l1s1udcirti can uccestullv complete ii in one year There 111111 demand for our corrimercial ziaduatcii and it 11 1111111111 student will zeriouslr 11111 11111reacterinttiuthislepaLlrrrerii lherc 111 usually some students of the iteiieral 111111crrric 11111111 who do riot desire 111 continue l1 llll or French For such who villi Will be possible to take commercial iltlljit inpluce 111 1111c language Also those of iliidc ll 11111111111 c1111 111111 do not wish to continue Sierunrrznrlrv Sciences illivsics and Flu11111111311 may he substituted the autumn athletics new 1111 pole is iboiit to he cicctcd 11 the front 111 ilic school and several other irnpunernents have been completed durinr the summer if MIfllAIIL REDMON WINNER The name of 11 contestant in the Barrie 1111111111 Beach 111111111111 on Wednesday Aug 13 was incorrecl 1y given iii The Exairiiner issue of A1111 21 Severiycarold Michael Redmond not Reddinigl won the boys tlil 50yard free style and placed Well in many of the other RUG SHAMPOOING AN EXCLUSIVE SERVICE FOR BARRIE AND DISTRICT Cottys Cleaners Orillia and return for 25c arrd31c respectively Varnishesv Paints inamels Wax in runs OF SERVICE 1947 INSIDE AND OUTSIDE for sale by SARJEANT CO LTD PHONE 2885 oirsiderable wdrli has been done 1111 the track to put it in shape for Tl NIO ilN lIRAlllll lSlS Sure 11111113 111111111 we always keep 1111 1111111 full of lilfilllltli swce Flttlli iiiother we can use that 110011 nour Flill 12 proteins for mum1e phosphorus fur 1111 11111 1111111111111 teeth and bones iron for llu blood ilrapeNuls lilzrlusir111131131 Better other food 1cr1iidi BEAUTYART MUSIC 1111111 Tm 11 11 Ma wants to know can she borrow package of crisp delicious GrapeNuts Flakes until tomorrow Those two ztoldrn 111111115 wheat aridmalicdbarley1111111111 ileverly blended baked and 11111111111 to acliicvc that 1111111111111 111nm and ironeriiolderr llslilicfri 111 Posts Giupriits1111111gtZ Were 51111111 10 111111 inullins 1111 llll losls taszinut Posts Giapciuts 111111111111 111 losts GrapeNuts carbohydrates for enemy Know what Cook 1111 111111111 cooliiex 11111111 it the big economy site its All New MIDWA THRiLLs 91 TM Every step along the boulevards and in the 5biiildings at tlieEx thisyea turns up something new new ideas iujhorriesuand clothing new ideas in mealmakingand in industry new jet aircraft and radar demonstratiOns Yet theresthe OldwllilVOI and Charm and wholesome fun too the fiddlers and the candy apples thelovable pets andtlic lovely owers the alltime high in fireworks every fright Its an educa tion holiday preview of whats Coming next in this fastmoving world See1 at the CNE SCYllllES lrexidcu ELWOOI HUGHES General Manager BANANAN