THURSDAY Altll it 144 ONTARIO MOTORISTS AMONG THE Bssr BUT PROVINCIAL PEDESTRIANS ARE AMBULANCE BAIT SAY Us TOURISTS llilldlttl ll lIitl liltll llli ltlziiio zinut lit lic continent linii litli iii tlei iiiiistitiiiiii cl that lllt Queen lil liliui liittiv Ili ltl lzcii tl ttltl that the Lil liizii Street itlciy lit the iioitii lltltl lielptwl ilmix Tliierc were miiie tiiiiiiii than to siitiltcst the Ioiistiiictuiii of Layne coiiiiiiiiiitty parkziii ll ltli the ltll town or shopping iiiducts of the towns and citics little offered in the way of tiiiisiiittiil icriticism illie day His iiiaiiiicr of llllllltll ifttttlltl reflection ill the almost i1ii AltlllllltlllS opiiiioii that vo have some did the continents best drivers It might carry more weight with tho liilario public if the opinion were Iltfltllttl in tho provinces accidciil statistics each month xvm station Association Confod MOORHOUSIC TL DistrictOrganizer 24 Dunlop St Harrie mmilitisllllli StillltllIiL lCWitltlS fm tho fhz 0th ciiiirs ARE TOPS Cl that much of Western Canada lstill is pioneer country although the tecting their stock The money creased following the postwar boom 9w ran lil 111 It ii lliio lll lo iilil ltJl inclinimi 11 i=ili lll llltlllt Il illllltiiil wanting tii llllltlll it Hi minty tltr Taitji iiijuit tiiiiisriil lii=t tIi ttii iriianm tiu iwt Hi tlic fiil ietfi lliii lllli lliit the iiitario iiiotoiist savle REWARDS OF 5100 FOR SKATU VAN rllll MRS Saskatchewan iaiichcrs action iiii arrest and conviction of cattle rust lcrs provides an interesting remind rild wild west is Ltltlt says lhc Edmonton Journal ircsciit day rustlcrs do not face the prospectl of being haiitzed to thc nearest ticc if caught biit posting standing rc wards of 3100 indicates ranchers feel the need for vigilance in pro may bring in information that will assist the police in rounding up the thieves Stockineii admit rustlingr has do in black market beef But they claim enough livestock still is stolen to warrant the payment of rewards for capture of the thieves BRITAIN LEADS PREPARED MUSTARD regain World Shipbuilding pre lemincnce is in heartening contrast with the difficulties and disap ll Barbecued Eightvib chops tublsspoonsllour 2lablsspoon5 Mustard up chopped onion 12 teaspoon cloves teaspoons meat sauce loop juice from canned fruit or sweet pickles lQ mp Libbys Tomato Catchup Salt pepper rk Chops tibbys Preparst Brown chops slowly pour off excess fat Add flour to mustard to make paste Add remaining ingredients blend well and pour over lover and simmer slowly for one and half hours Serves eight FREEu set of stondnrd slls recipe cards featuring 20 delicious wayr In use lihhys Mustard Just send your llhhvs 1116i name address Chulhum Oat AF The success ofBritains bid to pointinents the United Kingdom is encountering in other lines in llie daikiiis knew that if they liivy liilpiul 21w pimpH itHmmh lllltllllthl through tll ot ltlll In swinging cradle ic oi scythe llliiiies attempts were llltltlt Iii iid whiii iiitniitisls sharp and Iliavc Iiieii tlicy were trey fared lo lidizar district rii lowiiship her drive for industrial recovery iBritains output of new ship construction in 1946 more than equalled that of the rest of the lworld combined for the first time since 1930 it is revealed in Lloyds Registerof Shipping the authori tativc source of the worlds ship building figures British output for 1946 was 235 croase of 262 per cent canada incidentally ranked third in figures of tonnage launch ed outside of Britain in 19116 with total tonnage of 71898 nsss irritability or general rimdown condition 000 tons more than in 1945 an int Gus cant win Youll find your our lo speedier when um Gasoline supercharged with IN 224 Trimothylpentune 224 TMP for short New Shell Premium Gasoline is ways better Morevpower you switch to Shell Premi ONTAREH New Mill on Welland Canal Bonk The liltlllll Hi ll ldii Ilf iftllazitl liillrtl liv lllt licti iiitiiii ii if tlllillii win tiiivclhh vlio ind totiir up iit Ill ttHHltlill Illlitll ll ll lid lilit iiifinished route or lllltil Nu IN Hit ltHVNSIllI ii dinl It 411 if and fcv Ullllllt Yit ll iiitl win oft it IllI the llltl14f1llitlttlil ttl pii ii Hm put fl Hip pl liii Hurt tr iHi go xl ltlllltlttl iwltlt rout mp it v3 lli my ilu Hit iitl ii lciimi lmni piiliii Jllllt in for lltltlt 31 mpmimt IlHHqh liultlxxnil lljl lii ltll it lilllmllll lititlitill ttl lioyluimlv llltillttlY ll tilt loriiiiti of coonc led II this 1va pump AW mm in ttl tail lil timi department with liiliia Midland Hut Hi tlt mum ow innplpl ititid downtown llaiiilitiiii illtl Nunl Ittim tlpi pm in in all in pt Etwi it it liid teal ari ltalls followiiii closely llltlt mg rump in NM lvitl For if liiiisiuid iiiil tilillll thenEll lill litlltlllllltlll tttl iiiii dv trimt tiis Would lie ltltll lute vlille litil llItl Iv ll ii llti fiixiii lllIV trans llll would liiiti iiiil it ill it ll rlittctu As helpless ltlllll viittud ll flint Hlll lItlltt Hl tiiitittlJllll pain wiltiir tll iitti llrtl llttIlltSt they tried to malt lrttltiltv it liiit lttlltt tllltlttlli cape but all Hi lltl 5IIil llI llit cruel diiver tillttl hi MM lll piimil in iiltit tit lwm but vith filllllillll lash llttllt Il Minot lliitil their liiirlltis lure itpllw iul lisltizilttg liill flllllllfl lllitllitttl llt many rush HIV lll lllt llll ltIIllllfl iiiitlltiii Emil ill lllrl iiiliict lttlttltl llniimih the lltlllll flirt the heavy wink of iluvpliiiiii lop cruelty and toil uiitii ltJlllltl tzioiiiid Ittlll cud iiid llltll at steady pace lti thciii Would conic lllt iiuhly They had both lieiittii and skill enjoyed by tllltl men and Iiiik no second lililt darknch of the tlllllll kemi nor did compete To reach the Northern shore be The early settltis found the dark fore the morning light its hird to beat lii illllt of ill the problems tlicv the risk their lives at slakc had to face For that which llltll hold dcaiui They sum tho Hindu sin ltivcrl by it was for Fiecdoiiis sake the coloured race if old pllllllillllll days and times of jubilee if sorrow sin and death Iif7iitli Of slaves to thrust of them was and hope itlltl mice given grants of land llinaiicipaiioii day thoy had glori At different tinics sonic fifty fiiii nus iinic ilics did arrive liiipossible to tell llit story ill in To keep tlicmselvcs ilivc they rliyiiic surely had to strive Sriineiiiiics the whites and blacks came band They must have suffered from the combined to have Silltt cold of wintertime At other times they qtiurreled Accustoincd as they wore to hcat and had janibtircc of Southern clinic lllorltltk of food to eat and dcccnt At yonder tlllltl stands the church clothes to wear which they llllt1 Increased the many trials which Sn desolate and drear but well they had to bear remembered yct But yet in Spite of all they tricd to In days gone by the coloured folk carry on assembled tlicrc Wake llp Anti Sing Start fhe Bayllight Do you wake up in the morning full of pep and glad to be alive Or are you as tired sswliu you went to bed Those who suffer from jumpy norms restless may need good tonic to help build up the system Mtlburns Health and Nerve Pills liave been regarth as such tonic for more than 50 years They contain the areal of ingredients and are made under the supervision of experienced iemists and pharmacists Youll find Milburus Health and Nerve Pills real help in stimulat ing the nerve cells and improving your general condition Tlievre sold at drugcounters everywhere so look for the trade mark the RedHetirt no Mbum 05 Limited Toronto om 11 Pasterpickaup 33333324 33 gel fallsIleli Premium today You CAN BE SURE or sum lllfz RARE lXAMlKER BARBIE lltt illtl ttil l1lil Sealrite Insulation Co ii sill interested in Insulating your Home ulth Rock lwi for summer ioiiifort and also be prepared for llil llltlrt lttfvs Hill lllllii Bllll ill but for sale lll Work hilly iimrtintccil 4551 Hutchinson and triiold llltlxlj Hill formrrly of tlro Station SUPPLY roun Belting Needs th ltl lta iitd 11 ul me ltd tl titttiii ii ii ltri iiil li lli vLlI tiicv liii til from it spoke it 1i ll Products Company lllllllllltll for ltllt Ilttlt ltlllll ltlll and tilllltt7 MOTORS lllilts tit ll llllis Hilt lulltzlniHHdlt tll and Ant iiiiotiw liam iltiiiiz lliiyile liu mini liilics tittl Iliii dellit 53 John St Barrie nit lihiz litvi Lttul licn thitl illl ilvlllilli Admin liti ii iii on vi trr llll llitIl of ill lllttfl ll till ii your ii lcii lvii1iitl lti Iitltth iiiin iiciiiir 1Iini lit Hui1H liti p1 Phone 2879 icno lilfvEltl liliivxii iiil intuit NW ltlllw lllltl ltlJ titl Whil Iilit12 tiii floor the lllll 31mm iv ill ll iii 1p il tw liiit pip uriu noun ltlf iup tictczitlul it ltllll ivIi liivuiiwiti jltytlltfl f4 will lt iiiiim it yiiiitlti fitl ix lm tlil iH vlltl Llltiltl iliii thruiiizii Wtlltl and lonely RPM and flldll lltt itltt To those tho hits that either titytii Nipre wailini wriid do lilri imi Liliostl shutouts iiiip the tall weeds tlic iieiziois vlltll itl lillitlt lll3tty iiiiiiiailiml lit di or stone fr Virtiishes Paints Enamels sWax Nllltilttl il nitziii iiiizlit Amid roam lilmn YEARS SERVICE 1947 r7 Jrd at cam INSIDE AND OUTSIDE for solo by SARIEANECO LTD 1377 llllltl For Jtltlthfllllst iii llll atone ilii renovate the chiiicli ttitlllltiltt llllw been The oiiiity and the lovsiiuliio ittll has pioiiiiscd and The old historic llltltll viil ltlllt throughcoiiiiiii lil respect llltl must men in de ltlllltt mi lv pioneers Who worshipped hid it ilii tlp If its sarsrr you wantlook at ll swat PLYMOUTH SAFETY featuressundo cixclusivcrssfety feature with cllrflttlltlill can you greater protection in the own of lilnunWiml othersudden tire failures STEEL Homogives extra strciigth longer life llltl LJ ruler PLYMOUTH FQlVllJltliSt It l4 tlopml Fl Ill give PIIYMOITH SUlilY Ht ssfety in case of accident HYDRAULIC BRAKESpioneered Chrysler EngineersLprovide smooth equal liraLiiitt at each wheel Stopping power is incrmiscil micthird with 253070 less pedal pressure Tliesc are only outstanding SAFETY fcatum of few of tbenmn Plymduth All that Chrysler vEngiu automobiles goes into the great new Plymouthis Engineeredtfirougltout Engineered furstalc Eugineered for comfortEngineered for ccortozuy Engineered for performance and Engineered for IIYII can And in addition to being the SaFESTPlnnont li over built by Chrysler the big new Plymouth is prich right down with the lowest Check these liealures Now Safety Hydraulic Brukesolatented FloatingFowor anins to smother vibration lNew Starter with button on dash Squtyle Wheels for blowout protection INew Frontend Sway Eliminator Rmt proofing All stoel Samv Body oNsw body Guard lumparIHotchklu Drive to cushion starting lightwoight Weerveslrtlng Superfinishad Ports ONow Gasoline Filter 55 ELIZABETH sr Dclsd the on Plymouth SulerJIt thplwsca how rmly the tire sfsys on Thanks to its patentsdrataiuing ridges Plymouth stop was straight and75218 Dont berwithout this Iroved protection Eyery new Plymouth has cafety as well as many other safety festui gum war Plymouth suturing Wleslnilir airlots gmbut the patented rftimiii riilgrs hold tllF the straight and eers know about building this Phylumn nu llir rim llinfnrrn at thv Involving rs flit rtint of air prrssiirr in the tliv iJirslnws flown thatire goes down and the danger lessens iii Wheeh Blowout wltb Ordlnurv ltm Wheels the an lets Ito the tiredwists crosswise or jumps theuheel entirely Withordiiiary rim wheels the par swerved jerks ouvtbs steering whorl and has to be fought to stop BE SAFE WITH PLYMOUTH SAFETYR1M WHEELS iiiMiiiH Great in Safety Mounting stopping Pistons Aluminum HAROLD HILL Bannisonr Also Solda GE Bradford cod by rid Servi BAHAMS REGORYS GARA Missourian