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floral tfl1llllt MRS IA 15 it 0R Lu LANAS BY lln YARD ii The funeral llltll was laritcl ltltltlll oi Allaiiiiali 111c ltltlvi 1111UJiiiVi1dVim ill1 VARIOUS COLORS lhltcnded took place from her lati MI llt11 iiitiger passed 11 UH HMVV Sheet IICIIII Wolk etc icsiileiicc to tVl111t lunch on July 11iiicntl1v Mar Eli lllT til ill liHT Scrtlcts were 1111111121 t1ii Royal Victoria Hospital wiiiiri slic Uime lillliwalhmti Iiiimniil ST Ii ii Aiilii EltliiiiixliT pistilic lliiill xi iiiiiiotti ll Hi ll ll ll 11 11 in WinnHUD Hulk opposue Miner Ztitl 1c c1111 ticc 121 11H 1VV Ihllliimla ill mouia with plcurisy and couipli NV Vicx dun GVVVVVVV Cum aY Ie to Phone Bdrrle inka 11Vllllillw tHliiiViViltVVViIV trivia cations tutor to this sthliad been Tumsz MM 1M IHVVV VVmdl BARRIE trouhliu vilh itltlillllF Ami stilt pupal141 mm 111pr p55 my tcry The pallbcaicrs ticic liilli Iieid Ilrrman leiinctl Ilarry llam tng Albert lillll Jack Sharpe laud John Davis several weeks of illncss was 1111 ablel1i throw off the effects Illllltll Miss Marpaict Aim MacDonald eldest daughter of the late Neil and Margaret hitttl1lllilli MISS BIRD INSHI she was born in iiavcnliursl on Although she had not been 1114 33 mm mm liwd mo um WM LNllh 5mm mm lilltl marriage in ltltll when she and the sudden death on lucsiiay June 1101 Vilulehm mm Anummla JOIMWIWONNINI KING BUG KILLER 241947 of Miss Birdie llusscll at MlVe lm momiior of her lltlllt ltltl Maikliiini $1 lo peer Hamil Iroslivlclltlll Church IDS 300 20 lbs Silo ronto came as 21 great shock to lltl1hllltl member of the Eastern Star 10 lbs Oc 50 lbs $200 mallv Illillg VII1lLlltlllltll and also 1111 ac Miss Russell was born at Miil of 1h HA the l1111stVd111glit1i of the late Mr andmt 511 was of cheerful dis MIIS HUM RHSWH ml liliwl liiisition l1tlltl 111 ltcr husband her public school education there and family and was mg lbs VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 800 10 lbsV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV $145 and later attcntlcti liarilc Teller SHINHm Hf 1hr runnl 5y late Aftci graduating as tcaclici hudmnd rm tumblers Isabell 20 lbs $20 she taught in Ivy and hiltlllllltl MISV iuteiV Ottawa and schools then 14111111 to lmUHlH Ilelcll 1Mrs ltobi Kerri of Hull where she had since 11111111111 11171111 fit ftfgong Douglas 111 Allan luke of Connaught and Givens St dupe 14511 01 hump and Wu schools continuously except for one year when she was in Eng land on an exchange of teachers She was faithful member of Knox Presbyterian Church and 31 most active worker in the iiiissionaryV departments of the church Rev Mr Barr minister of the church held short service Thurs lay evening Jtiiie lti in Toronto wEVVALso SELL Arsenate of Lead Arsenatc of Calcium 1111iG119 Galvanized Watering Cans DDT Fly Spray Aeroxon Fly Coils Fly Swatters Fly Sprayers from 33c up SCYTHE STONES 256 and Rev M13 Lug1V his assistMp CARBORUNDUM N0 57 MOWER FILES 990 Unduaed 5ij the 5mm Funeral Chapel June 27 Inter ELECTRIC FANS $645 up mum was nude in Bunp Unmn Cemetery Miss Russell was predeceased by her parents Mr and Mrs Russell and by three sisters Dr Pearl Russell Florrie and Elsie and by two brothers Arnold and Laddie She is survived by two sisters and two brothers Mrs Smirle Cornwall Mrs James Handy Sr Dalston Russell Midhurst and Robert Russell Toronto profusion of beautiful flowers bore silent testimony to the love and esteem in which she was held by many friends The pallbearers were Hunter and Lynn Russell James and Lorne Handy Nathaniel Arnold and Don ald Ferguson Dont neglect your printing neest until you are right out Send your orders to The Examiner early Kiwanisltamival RIWANIS IcAItuiviiL Ethpke Hardware AS NEAR T0 YOURIIOME itsYOUR PHONE LIVERPHONE 2556 Ewe DE MASSEYHARRIS RITEWAYMILKER MILKS COWS the Right Way SUCTION AND MASSAGE one operator with the RiteWay Milker Cari milk to 20 COWS per hour saving 65 of the time and laer required to do the job by hand The RiteWay employs the natural action of the sucking calfsuction and massage keeps your cowshealthy and contented 10F YOUR MILKING 1V1M11 AND VpgABQR ruE IIICSIVE More young folks are look ing for that man this week than ever The time is short so be sure to have tickets on you when youapproach him This week end may give you real clue in fact any day now so watch this space every week HINTV N0 Mr Karnival talked with number or people in from of the PostOffice on Monday afternoon He says Let us Show you IhOWVYOU can make more moneY save more money with the VMVasseyVtVEUEMRite Xay Milker VIVAINHVH SINVAAIH zisrsi tom that the ball tgirmis havef at 126 very in eres mg Mr Harnival talks with many each day at his place of business MasseyHarris Dealers 30SOPHIA ST PHONE 3577 VFiom Active Ministry gall Ono It lullotillttlwwlnmmmlnwwi ALEXIS NIH ATTENTION Property Gamers nutter lwi irrlul 111 are EIllirutil 11 war l11itl 111 1111lwire izisili 111r 411 itwjnzt 11 public FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY WINDOW GLASS As distributors for INDUSTRIAL GLASS COMPANY LIMITED anadas only window glass factory we are pleased to announce that we can now supply all sizes of window glass in carloail or loss earload quantities for immediate delivery from our warehouses COPPER NAPHTHENATE PRESERVATWE Paint spray or ini merse your wood lumber and canvas products Theyll slay prererved for liielime 2247 41 Weed Killer 001 Home instltutionol Spray DDTBarn Spray 50 091 Wettable Powder 25 00 Emulsion Concentrate 10 demeaning Powder in Gun Cbpper Naphthenate Preservative co LTD ON l2lltlZl TORONTO VV msuncmg DIVISION 11 il61Ti 111 511111110 111 VARNISH IIIIQINIIOIIIIOIIIlllllIfIlININOINMMWNW Kelloggs iticr iiiiisrirs 25 DominoPlus 5c depositreturnable 25 GINGER ALI 19 Mephisto SARDINES if Sugar Shortening8 Snalt 19 Jolly Good 29 111111111 inns 211 Jordans GRAPE JUICE Graves or Scotian Gold 119111 1111011 Brights Culverhouse roam 111101 McLa rens OLIVES BartonsStandard Quality ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS Ca telli Cooked SPAGVHETTtt In TomatoVEauc QIMIr MEATS 10113339 16 01 Bottle 35f 251 199 19 45 211111 21102 iv This 30 Oz Bottle 20 Oz Tins 31 Oz Ilna In Oil 07 Jar Stuffed Lb Ctllr Pkg Aylmec GRAPE With Pectin VV IM756 warrants iiiiiiyiiiiiiifiuis gt Texas firm red ripe 12 02 Int is 1117 iiiiciiaii CHEESE cello carton VV 911 Ripeswcet Georgiaextralarge Fresh WATEBMELGNS Vila 1111 111111 fa 19c iiiifiiiii sinus 7291 common irons umuso ONINIONW For cool summer drinks murmurs ALL VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY