Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jul 1947, p. 15

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ALLANDALE jgREv DR GREEN LEAVING ALLANDALE AFTER FIVE YEARS EAirREUi SERVICE ELMVALE INVITES Harrie Public and oniniiinity to come up and watch week111111 llyini activities 1111 Stiiisoii Ilplacc aircraft has 11111111111111111 111111 is now serviceable for use by 11111 members EVERYDAY Flying Day LEARN TO FLY Iiiiiiisll to 31 1713511111 by ppoiniiiiei1t 1iler ti Instructor ll alter leniencc HOME FREEZERS Gainaday Ironch Electric Appliance Repairs 11111 the evening seivicc llll their usual couiteous 1111111111111111 1111 llssa 1111111 lieshyieriaiis wit hr 139 Dunlop St Ilione 2439 It costs only Theres great BIG VALUE in this Little Coat at Zellers low price Youll like the allwool fabric it ismade of youll approve the classic simplicity of styling as shown abovet youll find it grand company with everything from Slacks to BestDressl Colours reen Beige Desert Gold Black Sizes Herquue Seag 12 to 18 ZELLEES LIMITED Fashion Centre GIVEN MANY TOKEN OF APPRhCln 11 37 li1111ll1t1r11 lri11 11 11111Y11 11111 11 1111 111111111111 Vt eitisY l111 1111 11 and His 11 11 111111111 11 111111111 1111111111 11111111 1111 111 VI tltllt 11111 ll ll 1111111 111 1111 5111 NW 11 ti 111 l1 gt 11 ti MFNWTwwm ti 11 111111 11 item1 iYYitl 1111111141 in 11 l1 11 1I All 1111 11111 111 11 11 i11 YYY 111 1Y5 11 111 111 31 111 111 11g11 1Y peariii 1111111111111 11 11 1111 11 1111 1111 111 11 11111611 1111ip 11 111 HI ml WNW 111111 11111 1311 llt 111 51111111 11111111 11111 11111 11vlot1 ix 11Y1gt1111 tii11 11 1111111 31121 11 111 by 111 11111111 luuh YYtl IY1 1111 1113111111 33 11Y1 11111 li MI RI llieii 11 111 111111 1111 11 lllhl 11111 111 1111 1911 1111 1121111111 lltlili 1111 1111111 111Yi 111111iuc1cd in u1 11 1mm 1711111 11111 siie 11111111111 11Y1111Y 1Yl111111111y1111 11111111t111 111 lflv piesciditiei i1 111 5111111111 lstlttt 11111y11t 11111111 111 the invitesY 111111 1IY 1111 51 It 111ti11w5 igliiith tulliests YY 111lgtet 11111011 fev ttltl 111 11 I1 111pm Ytlt lilytgt111l11111ll1 11s1 til1111 33 11111 and 1111111111 points 11 sinccie 1ppeciatioii IlllISlVlll llllSl LY up lrollot 1111 11 11111tg 1111111I 1111 1y los toclnanti 111111 presented in 11111111 lllllt 1111 1gtlltlllllL 511111 111111 the tlwo 11111 durations 1111 111Ytliei with 111 1111 11111111 1111141111 1tliliess ieml Altittertii tend 111 111Y1hsric1 lreiltzcloiivs Nuptials ellow lil1e 11111 llltiib iiiiiiitztl 1111 Hil line 211 11117 11 1111 1511 111Y1 1111111 11 I111 pasior 11131 1111111 highly appreciated drew their service 111111 iiitiiy the menibeis attended at Burton Arc 111111111 llll their 1111111 Dr 11 Sinclair who 11 by tilYllip paiticulaily suitable assisted by Rev Burgess Phone3721 i11 tl piayei itvosistei concluding 1T1 yeais in the ministry was taken by Dr Green only Iauls statement to the elders it at Ephesus And now bretlirenjxl Ika commit you to God and the would 11 of His glace which is able to build you up MINISTERS lIiOBHiEVIS 1111 111111111111 some of llltIlltlliitl 111 the life of iiiinistc which he said is 111somc ways 11 lonely one It sincere he must preach what the people tie111 and not just what they want His remarks were motivated by desire to pie Eivse 11111111111 111 1111111 of 11 Lltdlisllllill livllv 1111111 me of trie flt 111111 1lt 11f itine it 117 read by the first reside at Moflat Ont Iligli School Results 111111 minister we of those who have pupils name must be repeated The final liynin Jesus shall 11111 1Y1I of 111st it1 ls 1111K 11111111111 ll 111iiY 111Y=Y 1e1 111111 KY deaths YYi zes recorded in when leavini his first piobatioiiziry appointment at Phoenix mining town in West Kootonay on the mountain side where they 111111 113 saloons Hm Dr and Mrs Green will ltllLliLiLl thiii home at the loyal Apart which there are 111111 11l long All Wool LITTLE welcomc lheir daughter Miss 111 it 11o tarbara is also 111 Toronto bowing 1111 olden 1111111 113 present 111111 to lttlil 111111 eoiirse in nursing and elinicalvsur mm COATI at the London University School tittrs conducted by Wilbert Gib 01111111 01 Economics INCOMING 111151151in11 vim The incoming minister is Rev Jth HamidSglilxrnEmilia llblllmb JCl HalllyY treat BIG Leonard Kantis various sports 11 An hour of 1w 11 1111111 PLUMBING HEATING Sheet Metal Work etc 541 BAYFIELD ST OppOSIte Collier RHONE 3626 BARBIE To Worklin Pleasant Surroundings A1110 EXPERIENCED ASST COOK BOOKKEEPING and and RecoUNrme EXPERIENCED DISHWASHER SEFXlClm l1 GOOD SALARY TORIGHI PERSONS Rpm businesses Income tax forms completed Weekly or Monthly INQUIRIES INVITED Oaks 189 Bradford St Barrie Bmte Ontario rfT 1111i11 liioseY from distant11 111111111111e11 111111111 weekend 1111 1111111 11 11 loiit 111e 111111111 will 11 11t11 111 11 111i 111e 111wines standards olch blue Saturday lien 111111111 1111 stltYllll 111112111er of 1111s 11 the late Rev Jones vs 1111111311 111 111111iaac to 1111111 11111 lbcdize third son of hit 111111 Llrs lleil Dir1111 of 111111111111 ville 11111he ceremony was per 111111ed by the brides uncle Rev 111 Sinclair Il of Allandzilc Given in marriage by he mother the bride wore white gtilk jerwy Sllllt tllllll streetlength dress with fingertip The subject of his tiniihfolmml11 1111171 lmllllll 111171 it veil and curried11otidllCltllAlllCl 111 11F lt1 fltllitlllllm Ylllll lll icaii Beauty roses and gypsopiiila 1111c1 as chairman Jetore supper Migh Nmu Jones 515mg of the YY11l 1111111111 in circle east of 1110 bride was bridesmaid wearing 11 111111111111 the president pale blue jersey dress with corsacc It ftW Yttltle lltllll lfilCll of pink and blue sweetpeas Robert fl 13171 Dredge brother of the groom war lll Following the weddingr bcakfast the bride donned 11 pale green silil with white 11ccesories for honey 1101111 at Lake of Bays They will The pupils of Elnivale hitch Bl School whose names are listed lie tick111111211 111om low have been granted standing pare the way for the incoming 1111112 there 1e 111 the 21111131 Asubjcct or subjects following ll tnll 1111 Grade Grace Bertramtlni reign wals also his last hymn 11tlYltf is In tlYot 111111 111 this Um Victowone DHme me Dyer Ronald French Everett ltuiu long Ann Harvic Shirley Lyons Hist 11epclii Elmer McFadden Audrey Middleton Dolly Ritchie he also 111m Ym tLatini Jean Tipping Granted littrli of the lamily standing in Algebra Marion 19111 incnts 1165 KinglrSt lorqnto 31710 natives Letters of rcne were Grad 111 Francis Archer Eng where friends will be licarlYilly tIitl 1111 Stittril 11111 111110 111 111 Comp Hist James Archery Batty Ml Mm mm lmmwl leardsall Paul Bertram Sheila Bowman tFrenchi Jack Dyer La1 just finished post graduate IN CHM mlm tin Shirley Handy Physics Luis The Green Front Stores CHINA GIFTS TOYS HARDWARE IA WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS Electric Fans Yes Sir lt1 lliirislllll ltklll $1595 $2500 $3195 tifslilafl tll glittllfi CA 11 ST BRASS WARE llalii 11111 1111 11 11 1111 otcr 1113 11 iiigt1i1111111111111111 1i 1111111111111 1111 youll 111111 Eion1t 111e on the 111111 idu j11 1111 1111tz1 111111 are 11111111 1111 111i 11111111 11 111111 111111111 ENGLISH DINNERWARE 1111 1111 l1tl Jtlllli IEr sl I1 511f $111 gt illl gt310 to 517 751 91111 p1 l11 1111 111 i1 13111t1j 11 11 illt ytf 111111 111ip 5111111111 isoNzY 111 51111111191 Blackberiy l11oi11111 liniiitr Sets1111 pa co llflllu 1in 111111 stlr HARRY anaesthetic 98 104 DUNLOP ST Mm mum 11111 111111111y1 1113111111 121111 111111 l111111111s 1111111 ll 51111111 1cte 1111111111 111111t112i11 1eiiy ttlilLillti 111111 t1m1 1111 tinheinoxi rilitilcy 111111 Faye 1I111111111 litaliicil 1111111111 1111111 111111 l1il11111 1111r 1111 Hunt lono 1litli1 xlichsiil Klitoii It icon Kathleen 11 no stone 1111111111111 Nicholson 11111111111 liiieii iiiie lit11111 Calloll S1111 toril Dennis Sexton 1111113 111 11111111 1511111111 Whitney The Late Alfred irorgc Newman Allied George Newman passed away suddenly in St Andrews 11Ypit11 311111111111 on 11 no 111 1111711 tiltlil1 1111 opeiatinn 111 121111 1111111 iii the hospital for 111111111 two weeks 1111211 in the11ynhip 111 t1r1fr111 1111A11Ugtl 11 111711 he received his education in Grand 1111c and spent 11 few yearsl at lootistoek On January l1102 he married Lydia Vansicklc of 191111 vale who died on September 21 1115171 11111 came to live on Con 11 Flos were he speiitll years went to Saskatchewan for year return ed to Minoan where he resided 1111 111 years then spent short time at Lancaster and Hamilton retiirninv to Ilos in 11133 On Dec 26 1931 he married Margaret Gra 1111111 oi IJlmvale and resided on Con ti Flos He farmed all his life member of the Presbyterian church he taught Sunday School class at Mincsinggfor ten years In politics he was Liberal sl licnilv mu Janiicson Audrey Mair Monica RWY OW $0 130111111151 l5 llm 11tlll was Elven tvioliiltlim Md RhythertEnir Lit Hist Donald don England completing post 1111 the 111111511063 mm CL Thompsm Ray Tumm Grammy graduate course in social service ficieni work The election 11 111 stranding in Hisltnwalllliilll Mclt spii 1or1uto resulted as illows Gimp 11 Alelville Bgiiiett weii 1125 111111111 Black Ytlttlililtlil Beucock Marjorie Draper Donna Cathrinc Carder of Hdarst Ont who duck mm HM n3 my liiiiter French Madeline John AUm 1ton Edward Marley Phyllis Marr 1Ces 1111 wingiqu Murray McConnell Frencb Mar ed another pleasant Black lieknimr ene Turner Granted standing in WNWOOOIO Om IWONWMINNNW Experienced Yiwaitresses own 79 Ontario 1JNOOOIINOIJIIIJOIIIIilleNNNNWWmMW HEAD OFFICE 11 12111111211 Youiii 1111 1111111111 Youin 1111 llarrie limax 11ip llativia NY Naomi lielielt 11 mp pungent 111 11111e llist lenilirolte NY lie t1v1 1Y1 1111111111 1115YJ111Y111 were rA three 111111111ers by llls 1111s 1112111111 111111111111111111 tOlivet of 111111 NY Alis lred 1111s Kenneth tllclciit Y1l llatavia Step Wtifl ATTENTIONI EARMERm 1111111 foruel that 1211111111 1115111 you siioil term pilicy to cover 513115 111 ile luicial YtY 112111 111 112111111 11Y loy llev lltl1llllzlitll 11c tititi 11 1111 111Y1 1111 Yf 11111Ys ii111lt11 is p111111n11 1101111111111 1111111 111111111 111 111111 NY 111111 Knox Llztiitgh IIft 111111 t1ryl 1111111 111111INli or 11 llllllISllINtl lnnc INSURANCE AGENCY 41 Dunlop St cm 111 111w 1311111111 113100313 around Your home 111 other Words is yourhomc mortgaged If so could your dependents pay off that mortgagein the event of your death If they could not then you can arrange with Confederation Life Association to have it paidoff by means of special Mortgage Insurance Policy It will be Worth your while to inquire 1111011111113 policy 11111111111111 mortgage wasarranged with an individual company oriinderthc National Housing Act Write now for booklet Your Home It tells you how your wife can have EFOU inluu cashjto pay off the mortgage if any thing happens to you 0nfederdti0n Life 7ASsocidtion MOORHOUSE one District Organizer 24 Dunlop St Barrie $695 81095 81195 L11 1111 11211111 351111 91311 511311 3111171 11 1111 151 111 lll Ntillfill llCA Etilti $173 511151 lt1 8373 5300 53710 51111 111 Y1 11111 1111 ltllxllt 11111 111 3211 3111 1101 We hate mm 111111111s who work bare and still $11111 $11111 111111 111111 111111 11i1ttt1ltlllf3 $1111 11111191 1115111 1111111211 sizrs $l9i t11eroh with pa plate 1111 111111 ti cust PHONE 2801 11112111111 111111111 tiralia 111111111 lilxil 1111li1 1111 friends dliiiillw ltiii 11 11nc1tei 11 1111 2111 lssl1rr 11121 1111 111111111111 Sunk 8111111 liillie lleai two 51115 hat items shouldreach llinlitiliitl 11y luesdav noon liift 11 letl 111 1111111111111111111111 1111 111111 out The risinzucr early Send your your 1111111 lltoduct for 11111 111 1121111111111 llie cost 15 small but the return is 11111 if you lose your seasons crop by Hill ll DELAY lllli IlYIS GOING IN THIS BARN MALCDMSONSMm Dial 37351 MEMBER OF BARRIIC CHAMBER COMMERCE gsucul 431 TORQNIQ

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