THURSDAY Four Senior Sottboll llislititlrii Waller tltntrlitt Worry blten Causes r1Atl11 A11 11411 1111 11115 hurries owr llllttll curl 11111 11211 truth14 nll ttiiro lEutr toll of hours of null ll l1111 1111 111 IllilllVV loss 11 111111111111r fatigue II wit 1tl1r 1111111 11 1111111111 61111111111111 o1 irsliirsnirs IV not 1erY liillnniis Ill11 11111 N1ri1 Iilit ll11t tho pirsl titty Ittli thousand of 111 11 nus i11111 111111111 Milli 1111s Ilr1ltli itinl Nrim Iill ltlltlltlltl ill grin111 111111 11111 1111113 up the system 111111 thus 111111 proninto ItIIASONAIiIJI RATES Wand refills Strongly constructed lvtth heavy leather plunger VINE 11 27 Barrie 1119111 lNVlILS lillrllt lnl1li1 11111 11111111111111111 to 11111111 1111 11111 lltll 11111 11111 thing 11tllli1 intl 101 into tli1 iir EVERYDAY Flying Day LEARN TO FLY 1111 11511111 11 Apptzttitmrtit 111 lIiont 31le Loss Of Sleep 5111 li 1111 1111 111111 1411111111 cause iil 11 11931111 11111y111111111v ltrltll 1n nerv relirrl 111 11 112111 sl11p Ask Viour 111111115114 111r lllillrurna Ileiillh and Nerve Pills identied by In lie11 Il11il111 llro Lox 1Lo $111111 rt Uu Limited Toronto Ont ANNOUNCING The New HOUSEHOLDEIIS POLICY WHtlllltI Against lirt Burglary lllldslolm ltolihcry Explosion Smoke and Luggage away from home 121111 FOR iNrONMVAiiou SARIEANT INSURANCE 49 DUNLOP ST less than others of rquiilly Iilrrli rulings Lttllll the truth of our slogan Sure Surely Compare youll lm convinced Big Savings in CAR TOP CARRIERS Auto lop lilrrlltlb to suit mtrVy need Built right IIIIC and sold direct to you lil prices that me much lower thiiii llilla of equal quality 129 695 895 llNI GREASE GlleComblngd force and suctloii gun rm ttiiiismls 510115 differentials and other nia elilneiy Removes old grease flushes Onehull One llnt Quart Change New to That New and Better Lubricant 100 Dishlled Acldless Curbonless Sold In retInJ ety sealed cans only Gallon 791 VVVVV e111 11 5Gal Drum 375 4w YOUR CAR wmif Churchill Detect Letroy Games Hove Been Rained 64 in Softball Replay Out Two Last Thursday South Simcoe League SA FE Economical Driving Yes tested proven products wlll lnsurctliappy motoring IInyro duality built through and throuzhyet they cost much ARMOR COAT AUTO ENAMEL The wonder Ilnlsh for cars boats lilcyeles etc Wide color range So cutsin appliedNo brush intirlu N0 saggingDries Overnight 165 HORIIS Powerful Tuneful Penetrating Per Pair with Relay 760 RUBBER SPONGES Genuine latex sponges made In Eng land Will outlastseveral other types For car washing and home HYDRAULIC BRAKE PARTS Master Cylinder Kits 9119111 114 MARY ELIZABETH srs Barrie Ont llllllllllllllllllll Another Flyer Wings In lllarris Motormen Lelroys l4 Errors lAssist Stroud Boys 1T0 Victory by 132 if 113 111131 l8 Runs in First Two Innings Give Stroud 77146 Win ll1 Sllwlltl lruiiiz ll1 1111111 1111111 found 1131111 unlit111 11 l1l1 1111 11111 3H 1111 1111 lftopin rt lllt Sliui 11111 111111 1111 l1ul1 11ht liu lllll 1111111 11111 1111 in 1111 lllFl 1111111 11111 1111111111 21111 111 1111 gt11 11111 to 111111 1111111110 llio li11111i1 fiIJIt Joint Iii11311111 illtl Vllll hurled 1111 Sliutul 11111 Eli111 1111 ltopiu truthrs lIr1 21le 11 viiick littiny 1111111111112 i111 7111 11111111111 1111 1111111111 slrtult 11111 11111 Siolul 31111118 11111 11 1111 1111 Hop 1111 511111111 1111 11131 111 hits llirorr nutritiontil greatly to the score 111111111 11211 11 Struuri 1111 ix 221 UI IIA 11111111111111 113111511111115 Coulxon EllisR Ellis Mill lllllltll ll Miller lltllll Richluster Iurnbull STROUD liowuurn 11111111 11 Bowmnu Vllil 3111111111111 Wright lollnto Youiiiz 11111 1111x iVIllll1 Vtunitn Ayns It Wright This Qtbiill 1111 Automatically MADE IN CANADA 30 MINUTES orMu51c wuuour TOUCHING REif The New 1947 5lubes permanent needle plays rtwelve 10or ten 12 records Genuine Wulnut Veneer cabinet Beampower radio performance bass com pensation and excluSive Admi ml AeroscopefVVV See Hedrund CompareAdiiial VPerformonce Allpf these Outstanding features for ONLY 114922 GRIBBLES 111111111 SALES SERVICE rate is three cents as word Phone 4041 ti 111 11 111111111 it 111 111 111 11 11 1111 11 l11 111111l1l 11211111 11 Itl1l iiil 111 l1V i1 11 11 1Ii 111111 111 ll 11 31111111 1111111311 HI 111111 I1L 111 5111111111 111 111 11111 11111 11 ii 111111 11111 112 11111111111 11 1111 91 tl1111 11 11111 13 111121 1111 111 In Senior Softball THE BARR EXAMINER BARREL ONTARIO CANADA lOvertime From Prysoris ll rit 11 11 gt 11 11 Ii 11 11 It 11 11 I1 ll 11 11 l1 11111 11 1111 111 PERRY AND QUINN HUBL CHRISTIE 1I 11 11 11 ttV11 111111 111111 1111 l1 10111 ltV 1l1111Vt 711 1111i 1111111 ill 11 11 t111111 it1lt 11lli1ll 11111 11 111111 111 111 11111l1 I12IIL 11 lot1 lllltl ll ll Ill Ilic 111111 l11i 1111 1Vl 2111111 l1111 111 11113111 Illllll VV ll VV 1111 11111 iron1 11111 llllt 131111115111 if lll 11 111il 1111111 111 ill lil l1 1111 111111111 11111 1111 111111111 111 15 VVV 111 11111011 11111 1111 1111111 11111uti ll 11 llizvr 11111 11 illt llllll 111t lltll 1111111 11l 11111111 111111 1111 VV VV 11 111 1111111x 112111111 111311t111 II hits 1ll 11 11111 11111 11111 In the 1113 11111 11 tin 111l1r 11 lll l1l1ll 111111111111 31111111 1111w litillll 11 VVVl 1111 111111 Smnhrn 111511111 liit Ill Hllldkl V1 inert ll 1111111 11111111i pluti 1111 111111 111 11111 My 1111ils inixtuw 1111 1311 stutc l1 iilu 111 none 1111 111 1111 lust 11111111 111111gt 111 1111 11111111 toputwit 111k l1l 111111 11 1111 1111111 11111 1311 t1111 111211111111lliis in until 1111 gtlxllt lltl 111Eti1lt rlltltllttl 11111 111111 111 1121 111 1111 wrenlhliitl ivrit11 1111 11111rn111 and six iunsl 111115111 tru pliilt Iln 111111151 1rltlctl itllUilltl 111 1111 11111111 11111 11 houli Coputo scored twice in the llllllll liti 11lly itll Slioil litcirit 111111111nn lilllltl Iluhhtj nitl l1V111111lt lltlltttl 11111 two hits with 1111 liio llllltl N11 11111111111 111 llio oputif 111111 111111 11111 to not 1111 hits Snort 11y llllll Christies 120 101 tiltl 1l 14 opttto 1101 till lltl IlltlSIIIIH 11111y ltetth lt 1l1lgt1111 $5 hltlCIlLTlltlll 211 Ihiinip 5111 11 Lowe 11 l1lltlltt tf lrtllent Ullll 11111111 1111111 11VrV 3111 1311X1s Qmmltl1otlli Shin111 1lll 11l111 lo 11111111 NY is Ii 1111 111ls 111 11ll1ii lllALU diooson ll Itisitziii VlVVlVVVVVlVVVVVlVlVVV klVlllll Foster 11 Sititilnu SS Ill 1111111 1111i 1111111i11 11 Struthun rt StuntII 1211 111111 Elli VVlVVVVl VHII 1111111 111 Ilew 11 MUFFLFHH an IlltHthY i111i11111l 111111 111111111111 iEimwf 11111111 111 1111111si Three New Trophies 1111 11H 11 11 1111111 1111 111111 lll 1114I111l1z Offered ThlS Year 1111 11111111 11111 1111 7311 1111 lloVis 111111111 1111I11 I111Vlt 111111 l111 lhtgitirst section V11t the Senior Sottlitill schedule will 1101niinnlt Vbe replayed until the end of 1111 VRADIORHONVOQRAPH with tonights 111111105 and it steiiis that the ruin 1115 stoied more wins than any 111 the clubs The 341111109 that have been postponed will not senson and not then nnLess they could have direct results on the standings lresidenl George Dangerfield has announced that three new trophies will he presented this season Trophies will be presem ed to the league lending butter the home run king and the most valuable player Only players 111 the league will be permitted lo vote for the most valuable player and they cannot vote for any mem ber of their own club lezigueVChampion team for the sett son With these font fine trophi zitstulre league competition and interest should reach the maximum point All RCAF hoineigames 7will rbe played in Cfllllp Borden CNR will use SlieurPeiik as then home lot while Harris Motors and Piysons cudQueens Park home The second section of the sched ule June 17Harrls Motors at Pry Isons RCAF at CNR June lQCNR at Hariis Motors Aysons tit ROAR 1111 Harris Motors June ItoACNE at PlySQllS Harris Motors al RCAF July lCNR Val RCAF Prysoii ill Harris Motors July 3Hariis Motors at uCNR RCAF tit Piysons VDolston Win soccer 31From Oakland Hill On Friday night at Oakland Hill Dalston scored 31 win over the homesters in an Oro Soccer League game The winning Dalston team hard full control of the gameand held the Oakland Hillers in their own end of the field for most of the game John Key Allan Brown and Andy potted the Dalston goals while Len Cumming scored for Oakland Hill To get the cash price for Classl fied Adlcts in The Examiner they must be paid for BEFORE NOON on WEDNESDAY After that the 111 WIN OVER COPACO CNI 111 1111 11111 1111 llllll1 11l1 111 1211 1X111111l 111 l11 111111 lliwiipwn 1111 111 11111111 Il 11lliili 111 litll 1111 11111s11111l l1 ll11 otll $1111111 I1nli 1111111111111 =l 511111111 Ili 1ill 111 iutiiiilm l11111 11111 11111111 Hills high jump liiils sollhnll throw 11111 11111 ilw 11111111 lhr 1l1s 11111 grunt June 124Piysons at CNRf RCAF 1111 98 SMOKY SMITH HURLS FINAL BALL GAME liruziir IlIuiJ iiiitii 211 111131in his 14 lull gull llr 111 Itllliuitlrr tipuii uttiitit 11111511111 taunt llirir tiuprs at 1111111115 lll Iiilrttiittulr Uli 111111111111slnp 111111 athlsttl 111 up 1111111111 1111 ru1 111 itiipprrl rIlitnii Ninth llillllti to 111111 to t1111113111111111111111111111Iii111 glut ltlx 11111111 to IAIIH aiid 1114111 11121 soinr lull lldlll ui rllllliltl UllIUll tnu 1hr 12 IJI Ultl wtitliplu tlhltttl ul 11111111111 to 111 UHA IlJlltltiI lll tIt IIIiS 111rt ltiluoiit innit IUI 1111 0111i 511111111 Iunn unit llllllllll lliin i111 11111111 11111 1111 tullwttulut 1141 Ilullit Ilinl unison Iir ltlllll lhii sltltlltlttll lrttrlsnx 111111 111 llllltlltlllll Atrium lhl1liis 111 111 llirir 111111 1111E1t 1111111 lU 111 Ill pours 1111 ti1 Im11 1111s 1111 1111u11 Iiiillt 111 slot 11111111111 Ill Hiilir lo 11111111 1111 lilllllJllllIl HI 11111 111111 11111 Hills the Iiil1li in 11111 111 11111 or Slititor uttiilxk 1ril1l lllllllls ll 1111111 to 111 tllllltll iillttlllslnll 1013111111 its 1513 lilifi tiitli 1111111 511 1111 1ft 11 11 41 1111 1111 11 1m 1111 111111151111 llll Nll 1111 311 1111ll Illi 111111111 t11111i1t i111lllv 11l11h111111 1211111111111 111 11 C11111l111 lltl 1111111111 ll 1tlvll Ilniirps 11 rt Z111rltuV Iltol11 ll llt11l ill 1111151 lit1111 111 toolL Hour111111 lCNll lllll lllill lllll ll 11 111 llllll illlll lil Midhurst Next Saturday lllllltltltlll 111 two 111111111111 1111 Sin111111 11111lil li1iii 11 11111 lirls 11111111 11111111 111Vs 11111 ll1iV1 li11t 11111 11111 Lilll 1llllilll The 11111111111 11111115 511111u1111l Illlt Noilh Stuno1 131111 111111I Junior1 will In l1111l il th1 Ii1lliiiiut Towny 1ip lliill Nttluirlor111111113 lllu 111111111111 111 111111111 111 Field l1 11111111119 1411111 11111111111111 1111111 11111111 ll111 111111111 11111111111 llttiik with llruri 111111111111 illilll 1111111 The 1111111111 1111111 211111 1111liii11111 winners will 11111111111 11 1111 Junior lntnwirs 11111 lani 11 tlr1tht Guelph oll llllltli 1lthll ls Splitlsil 1111 hr the thitziiio lunior 111111111s 1s111i1tion 10000 CHICKS FLY An item 111 lllllltll to 1111 poultry 1iic Huny Holmes C1mllenge EmmiW is HVVV VVVVVVVVVV SIVVVVVVVVVVVV VVV Trophy will be presented it the Mml mm Vhipkx um mHh 1111k 111 to 1211111111111111 in 111113 111111111111 111mm Tinw rhivks 1111111 lilhllllltllll 1111 ituulmtorsi in lliilli11k one morning 11111 1l1lii111ul in IIrlinoiitou in tho nth111111111 ii17311711mirlirinnfllhisiis the first 1111111111111 111 its kind reported 111 tnnmlii s1Vstln Liu VHto1lt 11111 Poultry 11111511111 lloininion llripurt 11111111 ot rVjll1lllllllt Illlll it is 1111it1gt lllttlV 111111 this 11111111111 will 111 used frequently for thn trutrsport1tioii 111 hicks from It to the Prairie Iroi int1s Barrie Examiner $200 year and wortlhiiore COAL Now Next Winter Indications to higher prices and limited supplies by Fall Quality Fuels Prompt Delivery The Sarjeant Child Fuel Builders and Fnriners Supplies Since 1889 PHoNE BARRIE 2461 Mentor Mountle IllltK XVIIISON Scoreless Soccer Tie Played at Oakland Hill Barrie Has No Field 111111 111111 11 HAWES F1100 H055 pint tin 59 TIIEIIII FOR DISHES WOOLENS 11kg 27C 1111111 gt1 11111 mmmAlLANIICAPACIHC11 ANN PAGE MILK BREAD DWVHVITE or BROWN 15 outer sotir 251 TOILET SOAP PALMBLIVE TOILET SOAP PALMQLIVE WHEN AVAILABLE USE Reg Cake Giant Cake 111 million itilELE 3629 sotsir suns Pkg31111111313 Shim Sweetengd 21121 25 KELLOGGS pkgs this 11111151 3311 PEST1138113211 COCOIIHBWY FANCY 1111112 751 costumes 11111111 2591 priie ALL PURPOSE sssrs 7ib Bag BLUE No RiNSiNGNo WIPING Pkg Aylirier Baby ZOOZtlllVEg CANNED 1202 MEAT RAM 35 311111211111 Tllliififsilliifi2631291 952715155HREITE Fritters in HAthis SOAP iridium Cap Super Right 113V Meats romrss BRISKET 11341 VV CtIVQlCEVlVVHOLVE 0R HALF VVV lb BOILING WWI WEINEIIS Durcir Lo 41111 MAPLE LEAFSKINLESS lb AF ea Food Suggestions con FILLEIS 25 uncultuer 141 VFRESH LAKE NIPIGON snout srrri 21 IVE PAGE FIFIEEN FIN PORTRAITS lLCllZlNG IN CHILD PHOTOGRAPHY 111111211111313 it Your Own 1111116 ROOKE BARBIE Phone 3127 41th Oi194517 DDT SPIIAYS for Home Barri th erVVLierstocIt 1131i 11111 12 L1 1111Iil 11111i1111 V1111 11V3i1f 1311 Lil1110 Eur51111111 11 l1lzfllll iii 11 i1111 fill 111 111 1311 lli IICI ItLlllt Illi ll Ill II 1111 NI Mil II lilillild 111111 litlltlltllll CVK 717 V1 CV4 WHEEL 171g CULTIVATORS L1 WHEELBARROWS EMPKE HARDWARE Rs Near Your Home Us Your Telephone 2558 111 11111411211 UBANEES 11173221 91117 45 CALIIUIINIA FRESH 952s for FLORIDA VALENCIA 176s VVTD Doz CANTALDUPES EQlSSSNFCESH 19 CALIlOllNlA BEAUTY RED 113 VTFXAS BULK lbs TLXAS YELLOW BERMUDA lbs RTCJOZIOSSlNGLESS 23 IEXAS SLLECVTED QUALITY lb WASHINGTON LARGE LUSCIOUS BING CHERRIES NEW CALIFORNIA LONG WHITE WASHED POTATOES 1111 BQKIRlttt11139 OCIOCK $111135 11 11111111111113 21291 FRESH GRADE 11 33 MAPLELEAF Ji ii Ib