Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Apr 1947, p. 4

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Liters Cl Woman Viewpoint on This and That lrs liivivii Hum Guaranteed to Keep You Elegant Naturally or double your mode back Ill ll ma is that iii lm litlltlilll M5 llll lltii tiiiiiiitiiiv ll Il lth it lulu tiial ihtYilll IIlltllt Milliiii lmvA 257 it lit lil iitii lit it it illitllh tlzlvii it lw it ll li lit in nwi tun Ili lll ll ml tllill llit4l ililvgtl KIWI ll his iirii inr im iui illitllllltili ii lll ulli it WI Il utopia tllll l3 li ltiiiyl MI EWV ilttl lllul All Il lllllvl llllllltl lliit il Ill L11 il lttit Hull iitil ilHl lilxll lll tl lli yll ll lli lttltllill ll ll II Ml irii it ll tl tll2ilt lion Ml 21 ii ll1 lis lei the lid ll lltll is 11le Annillllsllh llll it sl Hit in tln iliniliinlil ltltlll gti lllll ltllgt lNSlIll IlI Wow tlll pin1 in Ix lit iiiil li iii liiiitil WI Vl on wzit llllv toinpviiini ii ltlll re lti iil of The Month lltl1llillltjlllldlillllIlfttlltllltl aim mm trti lllliiltt NJHHN Aim llii ltlll tw ftttniiiii ti lil llwl on titnt Uni of land llstitllmtiiv lil iit will lllil uwitoi ii oiwil 11 oiilitlsit iziiwi tliti ll luirlil ll will mount tllziizggtl mitt illlli ivyiii tgtltltii ltdl tl imh yllltll ll ltll gee ti tli lor tliose ho i1it tilts it REClPE itlil tintop ltiit lrrisi iii nip statitl lliiitttl1t lttil Srilil eLp ii spoons llltllll zimiiil lt llltl nutptaai ii it ol lukewarm ltl in ll litllll to make tl litiir an lll turt Llltl liiitIi li ui ll Add cups lllttl VtlltHlKll ltl ii will lioniii Knch liizliili liml our Hll ill lY arid tree lioni drill lei iie tiiiil llHlllLtl lllll Vlitii lllllll piiiiili iliiiiuli llll iiitl kllltlL into timil portions linll lotiizli iiiili lllit it lltt in ellpituisitl wits til 2tltep llsli tops it uh lllkllLLir liiitterorshorteningsprinklewill Cup granulated sugar leil iiitl core 12 apples cut into iiulitlisz press into iloiiuh sharp UlLcs iluwnwaril close together Mix teaspoons llltldlllttll with cup granulated sugar lirlllllt over ikcx iiter and let NV ii warm place iiiiiil light ihoiit hour llakc in iiioilerate oven at mllblh lm 55 niitiiitcx inti and it ill plate iii grew ll UL titl lllltlt tltt lllllx itlt the tLlCtil l1 lilt trim liii ii limits llltllllxls ill lllt XttllllYt community activitiessuch as WNNImONIIOIIltIIOIvaOINImNNNOlONIIOII IONOOOllIIONOIIOW ONINNNNNO FEATURING SWIFTS QUICK SERVE HAMS whole or halL Ready to Eat lb 63c COMMERCIAL BEEF ROASJTS AND STEAKS ROUND STEAK orrRoast lb 450 BLADE ROAST lb 309 SIRLOIN STEAK 01 Roast lb 49c xPliATE BRISKET ib 18c WING STEAK 0r Roast lb 50c ROLLEDBRISKET lb 24c SFIQRTRIB ROAST ib33c HAMBURG STEAK Meqtsf SHRIMPS SCAITLOPS PEAS CORN STRAWBERRIES CHERRIES PEACHES BLUEBERRIES ALL PHONE ORDERS RECEIVED By 2oclock DELIVERED THE SAME DAY CONVENIENT FREE PARKING FERElJ iiiis WEEK BARRIEERosTunroons 29 COLLIER ST BARRIE 15 EXA SOROPTliHST 4TH BIRTHDAY neonates CELNN LIAKA IT lth tii til Kliltlld th MW MI omtzi li siidi lieid tpii ll ns liti iit llli trill ill liiilielis isiior lull1 lllKlllllilJ tlltlltl ijinzi liililtl lCk Vllf based tlt itlts ii it lllt ltsttgt li llii iieii ii tios lllltV ill Elllllltltlt1 rest it its food Eill ii ill VEGETABLE iitd KN twt lia it it ii idiom li lupin llN6 Antent ilw ttto lake its tail lllltl liiitiiziitul tor tiioil 1e iiiiigtl itsit 11 tllzitt were elected lis tlias Mrs itlis ili llllttli il lit ii ill New Lorne lies fittwlies llvil ittwlles Seeslrins lh Iflila as loilotsr loli lgtt iz piitlitl lzrmn lltl tilts twill poutintiiiiit tl iii bl2llillitl irtiitoix vNittit Etlll 31 ii Aineiieiin company lll lltl ltil tll Visitihi Commuter ilis llell Havel tts iiy lieit lia Miss Millir UCl nm lllilililtlll Many specimens of biaidine liavc tx mm Ilt Ill pint iiinlliiiiel ill lltltll found in the tombs of the Ht li ltlll net lietil iliisses lo ls huvptians and mention has been iiitli llll tiitlioi liiileiiititi tltrii linade by lleiodotas and other early Itltlltim lull I11 Steal atiti iltl art is iiiiej tn tele lilli lltt1lltlit lliniiose Home liTcoiieniies stiensliip Mrs Research Vtlltilt lrtsslitblicity Llis Mrs tiit if is llltn ltYtttj iil Hie ordinary Ttll mml ND llzt reception the liiidis motherI Walker llisti lleli lltll Miller The iinmiizhg 31 the lllllli nt Mrs Mrs Social tilir chamber ll of extomtelv 1mgch eionins llltillitl assisted in gown oi is given in Home and Country Misi Vtil aivd Lillieran The annual meeting of the athl trlt Vonieris langui of St Marys leiish iooi the form of an enjoyl able dinner the Community House on lll El The president Mrs FrankUiiiltoyle welcomed ithe members and paid sincere iri llnite to the work done by other presic eiii Mrs ioyli continuing second is lst heariis year icepresident second rm liowgltr llllll witll lllllli accessories Village 0111 Ulll lily lltliulnlm iiii iireiuil lrnii school was in the plaiting schooll Vicep esident and Mrs Seadon as uid View president secretary treasurer Mrs Murphy Two important iVery ltev Dean lair eave an iii struttire address on education The annual report of the secretary showed llltll77llllltsllligwlltllls and 1113 lytiil 31 PWIWSl 1h Vespra Womens Institute was held the stools little tins of charcoal llll Convention in Ottawa at the same 10 time as the Marian Congress lttiie ltlto ifindftlie Toronto Diocesan convention here in November minds National furnishing of St Marys Ward at which will thV llospital care and rehabili tation ol needy persons and many paruchial works The election of officers resulted in Mrs Guil No longer isit necessaryto get leeiis Mrs Dawsmi DiStliCl poirtaiit question in those days was holding the Director Mrs Rodgers Branch umva plan today When prices in Directors Mrs Dobson Mrs tachment is now available to hook WW Mm PEELWPEQEZEW lait was our reat stan We other Committee Conveneis Mrs convenient stl to hold the bottle Newson Social Mrs Rodgers Universal Sick Visiting and Flora Mrs Saracens Head Snowhill Lori bottlcs position Cocmane PICSS Correspondent i1 possime Mrs Smith School Committee the empty Mrs Wallwin pianist Mrs cramp in the arm lbottle while baby drinks ioiito the side of Crib or in any desired position joints iiigilctlie adjustable and for the baby to ibottle away make push ST ANDREWS WMS Andrews Womens Mission The May meeting will be held at to the stairs door Summer even Easter Mrs Hickleysl iiigs the matrons gathered round St lary Society held their thankoffering Wednesday evening April in the lecture room with Ferguson for his inspiring mess wetting their straws between their Mrs lVlcCuaig presiding Follow age The meetingkclosedewith lips The loVeis strolled the lanes 28719 Go ye therefore and teach all nations emphasized that this imperative SWIFTS REGULAR SMOKED HAMS whole or half lb53c ling the devotions Rev James Fer hymn and prayer and plaited as they went Each guson using as his text Matthew and command binding for all Christians today as when Christ proclaimed it eer He lleft this world Mis Newton accompanied by ably BeneathThe Cross ofJesusl If Mrs Sriiethurst sang most accept lb 26c After the presentation of the ofl enSon thanked Mr feiing Mrs Stev Meats Ellenion Colicqu Rolls Picnic cooked 5tiioziiii=oiiii DEPARmmj CAULIELOWERu FRENCH FRIED POTATOES QUanrPASTE BRANVFLRARESM LOCKERSERVICE DIAL 3750 RETAIL MEATS ill157 APmductafGnnomFondI ED INESON MANAGER Wm mtohnumoctoavofo on no otcrunmmuuonMowommN BARRTE ONTARIO CANADA Tweedsmuir Cups in Competition for Womens Institutes tllillllllllltlllllll igtlt 1EA Lilling 50 MUN7 it ii PHELPS in lyl in ii ll ill ii Zi3liititi art not Klll Hll llilllthi lfzisi ll lllllt iv V1i Hu llali Htulv lvlll ii1iiii ii lliii fits ii lili llll liiiil ww thy iv llt llll i1 it Finn ililimt lit Ill ii HM llltittl tlauilat ti l1 llliti 1hr lilizttlislltt la All ai siiil ftiiztZliir pi ti iii WY vi MM til the llllil it ll ta inn iiiiriil ll to ziliriaie thtIll ii lll All ti ilxeiiiivtli Stephens ILL WM lliiitlt Kitoii and ilnll aluiomo lltll tlll7 lli imaiul llil lln litn mii In liillt lllt the lit ltv it iit Iinloif tigtlitl llllll llt sovml in lllllltl iitil tlll oi lit luitnsilt llllll llioziiloi itll ll ll Kill VWiVHNWvW ivl tins stiitial olliililli ii iimitzi liislttlt lttl tIii li Museum lliiiiiitii llirlllfllltl with JulioIlls lii in iiihli lir ljiigliiwi liidtigt ll ii Iil lzs llllllllll li mix rl iit li lnwili the with oi lvlil onz tainplull son ill ll Supplied by Simcor ounty Womens Institutes ld tliilt llertr motilityi Iltil the llll Wiiltnii imgi N0 248 Straw Splitter for Straw Plait mniin Ilui tltl tins con sent to the liiwnwl ltoi lii ll lionaiiil lll ilIiintt goitii ttl Lite imt llll lllhtllltlwd straw splitter was used when gtllll blhltllll was aiil important industry and lllltltiS to vinlleiiiitli vii lllt Iiiivle Lilith llt iiiiiigt ll liil lullni llitl iow Ai interestinsi article ill the stint lll lll made li lltl lillilillitl iloliiitl lSlnl illiltl it il thy mankind that of planing straw lor hats etc iil ot how in tiiiiltioise net and iin lIIlilliillltl llittt tantplneil ziiil lilailt noru gold llll iiiil llltl iitli LIV liliillllllg liai li ioiir lIlllittl writers one time England pro ltllllltli ut taiiuilils duced tine straw plaitinig Italy will umwmm WM um lexeelled in the art and other in luwlhm NHL hihl icoiintries held an important place intuit tumii Kenneth Joins il ilFS Sdv GWWmV llllll lllllll illlll lilllltll ltlll tltgtlnd Hn dull and children dig much of the work and performed the plaitinu with great dexterity and very cheaply ltttltl llit giltsis ill Qiiuli til1 Iii gtllttl itttli malthing llzll llti linitagt 21 dark ml ltlSis lli An arresting picture of the craft nary tlvlitu lltl misogu mu tolnnil Womens Institute magazine for rows liiielaiid in the October 1940 issue For traitIlia the lillltlt ttltl rlllL first prize essay This wasl om to tmvatNmNmmvmc litllllltllllill1 Stntlaiid lelitlttiotl where children from the age of Susie llltl il ll oi Qtttn t1llllll three were taught straw plait The mmimw liltl wishes cliildieii sat around Ollllllle stools MM Ijmm fjjfef lires were not permitted as the lullllu VIubIRA smoke from them might have Suil The annual meetins 01 Centre ed the plait in the winter undei 111 Mrs ThOmPSOllS On April were kept hurtling The children RGPOIIS 0f the VCHVS work arranng their petticoats around were given in the various com the stool so that no smoke could mittees Officers were elected ashurm the plan Thursdays and IOUOWSZ PIGS MlSEZCIllSOlllvlCC Fridays the plait was taken to the Pres Mrs Wallwin 2nd Vicc 10ml Lungs15 and gold for the Presv MMS Hmklmg 590 straw hat trade and the most im held were unket times were hard for had carrier who went to The don most weeks and he was lookl ed llpElO as knowledgeable man Fewaf our girls left home but Newsdn auditorsy MFSHE Rennick those who did always travelledrin and Mm Hook the carriers care After the national anthem Every cottage hadits little mill lunch was served by the hostesses and stiawsplitter mostly fasten the well and talked and plaited toasty akes downright good Posts Bran Flz laxativelliey alao contain other wh parts of wheat to cat nourishment not fotindin every bran cereal Proyme added at 8161 all Be alto msst on 0818 iously light and tender ufns Excellent recipe on both Regular and Giant Economy packages bran TON lEFTOVERS fleANSFORMED yinlnf Ill ii Ult in Ha rl lviill anoint liti is lvtt llll Ill last nights leftover roost makes tonights Magic Meat Rolls tbs will limiti up tliippnl It Him liil lluv llve Matt ll litoii iiitl lltll lxiitmi tins hopped tillttll iiipstloiii lep lagn liJkiiit III t1i mlll llli imimt up milk nt liJll mill llltI tll ttipv Harri loit and fill loi unity tlx Hull union littlltl in lnondunis llnl wan utttl IIiIHltI to make suit llllll on hiiiml lllitl toll iiiili link spitatl llll IllIJt Iilltllr llnllllht Iltl on SW Srin ll llil irtr itiitlil unlitr lain Hilll mu ll ll mi ii NEH loin ll llllli lll iii lli liiltl lilli ms jelly roll II in sluts lizikim sliwt Ill lliil mm or about ll Iillllllll tiuintosztuu in il in llllvltlli It litt gtnn up initially and pmrlirmil iiii ion llli lliistal llllllll Hllltil Ilitlltt iiil li loiiiii llLflil lll lltv lllltl ttI lloiiti Jan li liil Alllint litl loltiigt ltl IloItiii in lltlgtit liztiil ii ilu tiiil CANADA illtutti liilion titHW to table lltltlltl lioiio viiiits diamond llllill tinit will lniontn illllll mm WV 41 Vllltlltlll pliit had iiaaie siiih ir iii ltl pid lllll liii Ilal INS Wily lllillylllVVly dullv Speckled hoitc liivi Strand liiis was My lliit teiiltii tioddart ilVlllli hall titzo Mrs ll ton dei about the ililli gtllt gtlJlllltii Museiitn ll it was tiseil once iipiin time in the Old liiitl and in what village from Stztitidi it one of the trials iils liizttlisttll Single CODHS tit news drillers IINIDIIINOIvIlII3IIIOIINORIIIOIIOIOIIOJIIIIllitIIOIrlll STRAWS and FELTS Rosette SM 28 Elizabeth St MNWWONWMWOINIINIIOI lll MOO PPE Phone 4454 WWNNW Top your gayest family occasions with 7Up the wholesome familv Its the sparkling bubinngontlietonguc drink that matches your inerricst mood fresh up You like itVitllikos you YOULL FINDtlieoecrisp ii eilland ood oo foryou for breakf Bran lakes fast Try lhgl also 11 regularly

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