aim mm THE BARRXE Entitisz 131mm ONTARIO umwswW THE BARBIE EXAMINER WV Pulillxlifd ll mi 31 wt I11 in litg ring initial ixxiiisii lilillll HiAINth Iii lttPLs 1V gill 11 tile ts from the In minim usmxn 1111 Hill llii wan 11 illir Ln il qlri Banu Lot 11 Notes Aldcvud UA NH lUSlll Ill ll 11 iukfl tleiae 1ii1tl if the leVilllLIl 211 JALRL 41 Ji 14 I1iliiil by the clot in 11 pi 1iouoiiioiNiiiAliiaisis Vine tier =1 113221 pupil vai tI Ii 111 ll VV IiIbULI ttlllxllltl VV li tti lliili if ltti1 UNI Ilaillimu1iiliiyMutt ultimo IVM 1V hitting Sony11s Ii it tttrpti ll 11 llll 21 7illtl uh OPINIONS or OTHERS 3113b ins Worth th 11v mi 1i iiole the incliii vhf 11 123 llze lot liil 11 1111 11 11m HUtlrtgv nurses 11 Ut hill litt lit tiiliituil 411 tenit iii 11 May lttt ill llltiill 111110 1111 tip untjlg it upmlh HM IV VI mp 1131 liilliz 11411 to til 3x121 El tiII chief reasons tor the Ho th 33 my 1V iii our l1llall initp ii 11V II VV VV HVVHIHHVI ir idi rates in order to 11in VV Minnie tounty IHli EV it Iiii1i I1i iti 11111 llm tlhr AI it 111 lJ IUigt1liil iniieii mote 1115111 WI it 1T 11 Blilii Wiltll re time tililwli wt tie llliliill 111111111 1111 the 11 am my titet1s tm when 1t ll l1 ltrtltllllitf ts Mt ll i11ii1i lll itlllg ll 311 IinIVLIVHV Ifih Iopttidz Nldx lluum ll 1i1t Until ilt llliltti 14111 lilli 11 IM fuming ninth HVXV Vi IH1Vi 11V HVTV lili 11 UI lHHnpv IITHIJH lhi iV 5411 11 tIi in in Iii ll 111 illitii ltlllt 1U tilltldl it if It my lllil schools were eaiiilit in 11 it lowinnw gtitgtll iiitiiti W1 than lall incvein wise Iwi uf wwr sewnvs WIZU 1111 unit31 11 1151 11131 mm Pm mum 11 71 11 lul 11 ll luirittl lint iii 1I Ii1V to tVllltII 1V11tlI Vi Wild hit Llilumlfllvd sung 1th 11 111 ilz1ei 1I iii lit lillllllAIINIHRH cof II ti lxlllll litil It tiitt lIl ililil1l WU llilli 1llllilill tiii ll iiiiiihisi ox iiii Mill 11 311mm iyi mm 31 13 and the hum It then il HIV Nhllml 11 11 BRITISH lNlllSlllllfS UN 51i1y11 titIipl1 Eli VV mm it the High 8111111115 of tin otiiiIV If AHA whipsI 1511 V1V1ylluinltl Illiiiiiiihn Igltt Hill AIltlrih uvnr hm gum MM t1 neto be vritiIl in an Iftoil lllU ltSlllllplltill til Illt ill 11 iltiil IV mppml IVV witH UH ymvnp huh 1V ixi =1 it do 11M iiil lll LUlldl tllill Bil lllillttill iii 4d 11 mi me its t11it 1i1111 Iv 311 md Hwy 11 1111 11 11 21 Ps tin HIV iii it lt very sure that the pet IIl fti 11 1eI tiny Iii 1111301 lillptHlillitt ill lllt 12111 l1 V1 tti intiir trititii ninth 21 KVVV VVVVIVVVV VV IV mJVVVVH VVVIHV VVVVl VVVrll anarmid XV 1i ii tltile liiiti 3000 Uiiitttt leill1Ii1 15 mu himII 111 11t 41tllti lil 111 hes 111 nursing lllll sliei wii iFlllblllUn blMU lll ll1 lullHi VI 3M HHVV lVi ill inind lrllllill ltllllltl of ih 1111 most extended lai llitt tile li IMH iilltl 111111 gt119 hi will hi twhibwwn t1i 15 lili schools and broad ctiriietiltiiii to AI HWI HUN 30110 lllt purpose Show and t1 to ijwl lw VV IVl IV 11 it Mum Mm him your ltilillt1f lii In llitll 1o 1s ed the World over 11 large llttliiiitl 211111 im lltis 111lt1 wt 11111 VV1 V1 Vhi Wt V1 li Is Li it Kingdom made products til 11 etie 1111153 HH Montreal Toronto London He I11 11 111 hi 111 we in gt1 dd mm 111111133f llltclVTllgltliuglltVimV IV iVIV VI VVVVIV IVVVV 1nnll win illubd VV VVVVV NV VVVVVVV HVVVV WV Wm you Hwy wMVVV 12 ii 1V VVVV VVV pm 1119 NW um mm mm WM 11 litlltl 1111211 nnieh 111 1I 1111111 111115 h12 lf 11 1fulllin MW riViVu It FllldV will at Vin lush 5171119141911 dill1 mdndmg leather goods IVV 111553 MIIV Vim mm VVVVVN VtVI1lllill ll1 tt illV 11oiii1 with iit invader and ltieililies better phith stationery chitinipulg jtivvuipiyV 511 111 111 ltt 01 illitl Hiixlli1 lltb Willlld llkt illkt 115 priori wxrwwre unqwsqnd Clock WWW Vm lpetts brieizi tor lilIttlll utility of suggesting that when thei llillil itltiivis to tiI 111 r115 hole new hospital plan is con ul 11 Isten nii ll tit i1 and pliOtOglaplllt goods innsital ii smih lVls silolLD 151 RM KNOW VIVVV cam01 mm thought 111 but IVKHVRVIAPVRg lllmeWVml Ztllllllentb lllllsucsi CY3 Slllll HIIILlw WM 141 1Y 111stiiiier Winn litltII Bradford run to the lraiiiini School Ask Vmir VmCVr tiles and furniture The heavy lillilsillt WWII 13 Hllht mlllc $501031 llldtllllllli f0 lilitl to PM new twist attire Willi V1151 1L 111 Mtdi Jimmy To pm zmrcnfni 3111 itls ni 1iem is bent disenssed iiiihe intuit 21p we want tunnnm etil 1111 ursiiiit personne an in VV VV UV hude mele 91 nglmfmh 11 Home 111 Lrinnions last year there was much talk tttt ashgit iIriiie1I $101100 very definitely its lrziiiiinp School Emailre Iyiilcligiliiw K1luvshMtbni 191$ 311d me 1311 blllldmli ml Vnltlw lmtt the arduous duties imposed on our elected or pump iimt lliere 13 no reason why hospital WW lmiVmfVVinV thV 11011 lilittfllthlSrA Will appear ill llllliiillflllltlll itpreseiiiatives at Ottawa Alter lLlllll loose illV gimpmg t1 111 111 15131 to1 48 111 small community should not rmcgun with mp Twelve miles 01 shop windows will eoiiiron lineal oratory lite llltlllhtla Voted llltiiiSLlVCS at 11111 ti it1121 titer NW will 01110 VShi thtttninal $2000 tIll which it should be ltllltllli itigto train as nurses as coni UNAVISVHOIS incl ALVIOAM 0m lLlttI 1s not taxable So today they are paid piete Cltllntllllnl lllCllldllll meng its 13 5O 131g 1t mus be TommmlmV $1000 oi which is subnotsl ot $0000 year only tal hygiene nutrition pttblit the glOtllidSvti tubular bridge very light stiliieet 11 liittiiiie iilx 110111111 and thorough practical 111d flexible whichnevertheless whims the Perhaps that cannot be considered as overly geii experience In these fields as do 11s 11 strength and durability ot solid steel platefVfllj9 IfilflIXFK 33ITERFHCif 3113f1S0031111i331f EistolfNfj is 11 gt L3 The London beam 15 Olgdmad b3 iiicieizil standards it is enough to entitle the tax DUIADV IVS Al Zealand and England Export Promotion Department 01 the Board payers ot the country to demand the utmost ctloil Such training school demands did Litlltiatteiidtiice bV their hips Sll01iSlS and instructors of thel Tgiidgbxxllicniglggniiliigggg BRET lilllLlI doles not selem liihliilYC worked out that VLlI1 STka V1 Rom le highest quality broadest expcr 51 at least in the matter 01 attendance Recently Lxlmlw VIIELVIiiIV15VV MVHh ience and training The Boards of rhe date or the Fan 01mm Mt Im titling oi the Speaker was put to vote in thei mu H51 pmlnmfm Hospitals should be prepared to llilllut for Conerl Electric 10 February has been Changed to May to 911 IIUUFP 111M 115 Upheld 13 41 V019 0f 30 76 llCIIIOV 111 able foreign visitors to take advantage 01 still0 37 01 the G7 PIOslCSbiVC Conservative mem 4125 91 1Ul on LVlslml tllld ts lutuie losw the spran in Britain Hotels have been WW pf Sibilities Declariii tiiit lClCl 1mm 0mm mm JOIN Blianen Leader 01 the ion is i11 iii Ipprrtixiinitelv the decide how best to meet their requirements committee requisitioned and reequipped tor the antic ipated crowds Catering contractors have flown to the USA to inspect large CiCtPI ias in Order to gain further information about methods of startling the 15000 extiriV meals expected daily in Birmingham alone catalogue of the Fairytransiatcdnutter nine languages is inpreparation so that foreign VtV OVVSigliiVllCliliCO oilthc situation is the rdllcction it Casts V1 buyers may tam COplQS 019 sat llla 011 the attitude of the absentsz towards their par Ilmie mfl VOVi It theirtllp to England liamentary duties And that applies not only lomUm mm 10 SJLC and when television takes tlieplacei It is evident that those in charge of the EDITQmL NbTES The progressive city of Oshawa has drop heir jobs despite me Um no mmy Wm On Thursday April Bill Bren Dad the plans f0 bulldmg an IIICInerVaLOlzii=c paid as much as $6000 ycar for their work 10 Alftfl to 10813 $35000 and has adopted the SaliltlY Antlthose few who are have to pay income taxon 3mg memiswcmcigldxge OlccV land fill method of garbage disposal Sthll asnhe whole amounti there is no special exemption attended rim conveViuon of 16 has been used in Barrie for some years if lcm Association Bill was honored by mam being elected to the directorate sore pro es lm 731I1SIFARMGRGNIZAIHONSiBE MILE1101 7WhilewinChicagon he attended the One item whichmight explain the Arab afternoon so they can spend the weekend at home Opposition was 0111110 Warpath and did some plain speaking to individual members of his party In some quarter the view is taken that the Op position missed rare opportunity to embarrass thel Government and its supporters in the House be cause it only 11 of the absent PC members had been the vote would have gone against the sruling From politicalLonpartisan aiiglei but in OtIiVjiidginent the present Speakcr that may be important Progressive Conservatives because more than 30 iron Ottawa are tempted to get away on Friday No doubt mostrroimthcirwconstituents would enjoy being able to do likewise but have to stay with The Farmers Advocate idea of Jewish state first tookformf The Ottawa Story tothe effect thatCan ada might make separate peace with Ger many because this country was not given full participation in the Moscow conference was not Government statement says the Letter Review but deliberatebleak from some of the more extremeJLethists in the Department of External Aiiaijrs Countries which go making separate peace sometimes find Vthemselvesymaking separate Vwar Canada is going tobe lot safer in agood States than wandering around insisting on her own importance TheManitoba Governments rural housing has issued series of bulletins in plainlanguage which will out line fanfarmers bestpractice in sound home planning building and renovation Bulletin No is on lightingPlcturesand text illuss irate importance of careful positioning of windows or maximum daylight and if sel gindnilacingntticial lighLiixturcs is service that should be valuable sOutce eiidotis diflictiltics had been ovci for Great strides have beetsrrmade same position as was radio in theI twenties the speaker said trem coine but it would be between three and five years before it would be possible to put it ml the market the average homeowner during the war years but the pres ol our present day radio it will undertaking ale gomg about their workillszulllillsezullmural0m Hme ho necessitate litcllCzil changes 111 Wlmlthe thoroughness for VmCh Bllilshersi It was readily understandable that after sitting b031castln vsfmgm relminlum 2119 HOted in the House for the first four days of the week impelf stie Am menu 19 CV gt iiiciiibeis who live within two or three hundred miles Ion 01 as depicting teleViSion lll actual opn cration Mr McWhirter and his assistant Jack Grant werethank edby Maurice Esten luncheon meeting of the original ol the United Farmers of Canada Saskatchewan Section was reported to have said in Saskatoon that the Canadian Federation of Agriculture has Ifortlie purpose of supporting the Governments policy gates was not piercedby this dart but regret was iexpresSed tliutiictinsideiablp group of Western producers has seen fit to biakrank ideVtiVius divide 1the forceSthat Were smoothworkingVeffective unit until thetime ofgill dvised nondelivery strike called by the FarmersrUViuon of Alberta Generally speaking Canadian armersrhavebeen pretty well satisfied withpricedevls and the Fed eratioil has quite properly been given predit Vfor tight amancveithr Britain and txhe United effectivenessV in its consultations and negotiations some branches of thctdairy industry have been dis Vsatisfiedubut even they have not suggested militancy determined at Ottawa The Federations declared policy is one otconsultati0n and negotiation and up to this time they have uSedV this technique with fair measure of success and disaster Shouting armwaving and justing with windmills like Don Quixote may be spectacular but the results never add up to much More than that sane sober minded people dont associate them selves with organizations that are noisy or with movements that are radically led gt gt Wreovw farnrorganizzitionionthchrairiesrhas fOI maximUM93nfrt and eye health Thlsi been of substantial character now symbolized by huge cooperative enterprises owned and operated of information to the farm folk of that pro by producers themselvS The whole trend across Vince By studying its contents they will be able to get ideas that will help them to sea omics equity Canada has been in the direction of stable buSiness like organization with policies based on sound econ iid fair dealjor producer and con sumer talike alloweditselt to become group existing largely The armour oi the directors and convention 1010 or strike actionjnsolar as the price structure is Eastern Canada has had militant farm organiza tions in the past and all of them ended in futility monmsat Touonro Ford Hotels are reproofand centrally located most of the 50 rooms in eachhotel have private bath and radio Forroservations write or wire the Manager well in ad vanco of anticipated arriilal HO HIGHER WhaiDVoes Bank Mean To You to buy lot of different things in the same place Objection JewiSh immigration Claims is The Canadian Federation of riculturc has been Rotary Club NULJ WhICh was that since 1940tlie Jewish population Ofstilijccted to criticism in Westeriii Canada because founded by Paul Harris recently patesnnehasincreased from 163000 to 6301 1111 the critics 2Isselt 11 is not sufficiently 111111111111 deceased Bill was thanked mibe do the 53m bank In nanle matters You can cash 000 It was 960 56 000 in 1919 when thelEven while the animal convention was in session half 0f the ClUb by BlukC Ulldel iht Winnipeg George Bickerton Publicity Director hill in eque pay open current account deposit your savings or get personal or commercial loan You can obtain bank money orders traveHcrs cheques foreign exchange and VothVer bankservmcs The Canadian Bank Of Commerce oeris you courteous ffriendly Service VV in allot more than 500 branches