Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Mar 1947, p. 7

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intent by ttltI ii tlic itil ltiilll til 17 lItl ttirtc yours mint iai tiii Ll ttl ivt do it Will iritl Alllllitli liircii tl itiiil l1 and population Suicctcd oile by in scoitsllii no itl iililc Et ttlilil inil toltn III IIIII III II mm mm hm IrI iiid ililLtl classes lIiill says the harm in trio Illlvtlllt 1115 couldnt IILiIt much time at fwcn bound Arcna tor piacticc nor iambm him tum iniic am My lcxnuic lItil conipctitioii lll BttltIlU he points out ilit iltiillll it was Bradley who set him lIlIltSIl llzliltll Hatml llmItli liququc operating itgitliitl tttl Stiltlltltty titlilitlli iipII Jhin chdup took Robinsons Ollllltl iitIItliIiIiiI IIIII llitl ivcril ilIloilioiiliS with regular iilllUQillllilli and practice unvi llll pass for thi 4l counter and llhI RZHGgUHiIIII VIiIi IIIII hi the next minute Oshawa had 11 mml int in ltl itlllLL MiltNoll 77 wwd m4 rI Imndo it 61 Forty seconds ntteri3 BIIIiIiCIA gIIIIII mm VlllJS Clllmerv Tllmmt Scored Biiwciil 93th Borne lat llIIlln Owes ml light from the lcitalticslciIiiIiIiIitlI IlIIIIIIltIiIllltilIlI AilirlnlaMarw IllI tachIolt iii 2i seconds Towns AthmI ltlllIA NARIVOSAGUIIL Clitllifl lsliziicd up to the bliicline and tired SECOND lEltltll iiitwirl WtslcnlgllIAltlUlCCCliItil llhi shot tooled Kerr to make it Orillia laync itI In 7ng til 1411 Ii BllltliOIlLl lltllliloi 1I1l Ammlu Milbl lII llairic Not only one of thcsc back SIcott Ncsbtt HBEII Nmi Gordon Brandon Whiti Ilmr11ticltl iinitt nown lltitt the pound ciitcd All It luIIIIlARmF COI TqGml Glinrr liuILliIced scoring on lVchitlturs Amti liitllilmr Pme ii bl tlSS II 13c Icnneit Ricliaittson cut 6H IiI 1h BIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII LIIIIIIIII SCIIIIII IIK IdIII II III IIICIIIIIII perm Oshawa IIIIII IRthtIs IIQIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII alternates Bowen Rcid Nestitt=I empen it all their own way and ran iii pommcs AthInI WCIIIMIIIIHI lcrry Palmer Birdl REFEREE Erilat Patterson lo ionto FIRST PERIOD OlllllllAbeboll BilltlLAD Bowen tScott It BariicD Bowen Fall in At 1930 puny doubled For the first Divisions italo VIJJW in man5 Bairich Bowen Scott BarrioA Bowen tNesbitt 110 it BarrieD Bowen Scott Long 1920 II Pen ties Abbott Westenfelt Varty scott seems Payhe The Chief Fog Routine from Lt During Compass ture Lt remark Ive had over me than you SECOND PERIOD arricNeshitt Bowen 1145 arricScott 1840 EcnaltiesScott Weston felt More land lcnnett Richardson 777 Deck hog To conclude the Quarters VI Juveniles 86 Definitions 1930730 oclock omamonomococo lIlIIilI lS lltt MN fiulllllt ill li il the iilnv ii in lll SLltil IIIIIIIIII SIIIIIIIII IIIII tinalIioiiml ltnrii II lllltliI ihc rilllilltIbi plzitc lll tilt Itiiix Iii hm Id up HICICOUIIII Welsh SCOII altcrnatcs IIi lIl tint lil inc otliir liim 1W1 itll ill 13 Jls lllv NW in Will Weddiips hcli Five mini blamifok vQhoOdiIINCI vA Qt amng tni llltllllt lltrl lizid IULlH imlt litiI Julmw white llIitlmIl utcs llllt1 Bralnn scored Ion Bradl denth AWIIII IIIIIIII lIittillll tlii tlllllIl reason in group iiiilics lilt would havc put up Hymns we mm make 24 rm PIVIICI wIIIIIII VIII HIIIIhI II iIllltilIIiitlitl showing il tlii scniitiiials litmcvei we wcrc interested 11 first IIdI IIIIIII IIHIIIIIIIIIII BIIIIIIII IlIIIIIIIIIII it iillllllll liiv lit Uillll Slittlis WW 5110 SllllIlllEIlII RUN WILD IN SECOND Aitloitlll MacNuil liii Aliiiiloii 1inicntinJ the poor SiliinllL made by the Own Sound tcanis against was in the Second perm that hiihmhde Bunth Vt1 15 Oshawa scwcd tip the decision lllllICRICFAlat lttcilton lnii smartly Quarterdcck forMorning Divisions period marched ture room for Compass and Helm or How Not To Get Lost In The iclts received lecture on Pusscr Corrigan was EiiiiiigirllrlgliiERIOD ygiIItiigIziciiviiilzC0IISIIeIedIIIC Cd BSII giIliiagths III the IaSI few Simliiinms to the WW WW cl 44 sccon 10 3331351pr 1503 EfgyIpigfdtligniliililihffmime Fltis Ball and McArthui were iiowcver the local lgids gave the PenantesRichardson Bowen 50 in AmeI the pichofthe homesters VlSIlOIS quite baIttlIIcven though menu iv Thirdperiod aIlecture onIthe OSHAWA BEATONSGoa1ClauS unable 10 Score Pheb held 80118 defence Towns OConnor centre to 10 UteODBIlmg period T0 Corrigait turned the Ship5Com partonverI to LtFox for Eyening The Kempenteldt Sea Wolves wonItheir first and lastIgame of the season by defeating IIStroud KillickSleadingI hands OD officer of the watch Eiisser routineLregulatipn JamMAM INFORMATION ENTERTAINMENT INSPIRATION stint picticil up his own rebound will lii iltfLlltLlilI iili lit tho and illl around ilic ltlllil izcz WI iiltiIllitl tiiii llllttl the piicli over Al lllI LiiiltiillI illt tor lll1llillitIn proiiu tiuic ifli ilitlcl il 1EI in tlic Opulllltg ot tlic scini ininlitc niziia III MI lllll iii litllillil 11 lII HM mw ii II Iirciit ittznf doc titlltilitl iic lti on liitl 1Ili niillizi iin lliti Humor linciuli Iiltlii lmxt JI wi iliIililtllttl ii tll lit xtllttl iiii iI um iiitplhzunai my IvIIIIII III th tl ttillti ti il ll lllli lANlIAlti ititiitltiiy iIill incwiit pair tits llllI lIIlIF IIS IIIIIIIIIII III it gtl iillii Int icdiate and litt it iiczitl II II tlIlI IlliI IittItl lItr lsivcrs Gilt nil Iyllil Barrie Lions ran intothcir first ltllllt tool or it IIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIII IIIIII IIIIIII II hm ha mm IN the II Mn hI II it xi ih ihi HI lyho rimkm II sum Hinx vlllA ltttlll What Iticy l0 tion two pcriatinw DI ltl ct ii II IIIII iIIIII II IIIII than iiiittlvviitl locallv In tho 13 to smart Oshawa Bczi singles to Lona iit tin IIIIII IIiIIT iIi IM IIII loiis ltiiiI tcain lltll List Wetlncs laIvno not it ll lctcncc tithurtlsnn ltitlt tic Don lnmtii tints Sin ml will and turned on tlic PI1II Ind II llltll ioitiitl Only in ilw filSl DOY ploy Bill niriItIIIiGiiiIi iiIiImIiIIIIiIInft 93 cam imlIIdid tIiiiIlocnls hold Miami ir tits we in iccit tgtI lt it of Win law tic lrIItlliilZli inc cit1iiitil II II II II II II IIIIII In inn is man hunt or Sound intIIIIIftutti$2311Ii1552252 nwi lIlt Ii iii ltll ii TPIEIIIIKIIIIIhiI liIIIIIIII uIi II and ltiStLl1Clllll Dirty wlicii Barrie Ilt ntigt sliiisoc ittt iiHgt III II II II IIIIIII in mm aw titlc iil last inn 19 lllllhmll Chm rm mm xiinii lltill zii itll ll troin CllllMCAIllllll tEi mviii tliv ml no trillttllimll durum 1h Siilillr 11 Alttl that BCtiiUilS cave Hiltluili BARRIE COL Il MII cautious play heat in lcss than minute that his second gum and man Mainicc Wabh loioiilo three goals without any reply CLEANLYPLAYED GAMEI It was cleanlyplayed ganic with penalty to Johnny FeltisI beingthe only sinbin term meted out in the first period andthere wasnt even one penalty in the second stanza Fcltis got his second penalty ear ly in the third period anti at the hitltwziy7n7rrl jLIlte jinail frame Trimm and Biillgot themselves thumbIeIdIofffor five minutes for unnecessary rough play OConnor of Oshawa and Bill all again of the homesters each drew minors before the game end Scott OVERllMl Orillial Gordon lMachilWliitiicyt No penalties the Ships C0m till onto the and into the lec Toronto Bells Beat Barrie Flyers 60 Midget SemiFinal POs and Kill Kelly and Helm lec heard to more water pass have liadrgolin from Bcll at the Arena hcic first game of the OMIlA Midget Bradley wings Biabin Trimm al ranto man in three moreIcountcrs ternates Robinson Weddup Welsh iiithe Second and finished with Siblock HIQWES DVEIOCk two inithe last GeorgeMcBiide BARBIE LIONSGoat Kerr die and INorm Coicoran were fence Emms Ball Centre MCA1 mainspringsIfor Bells BrucSyn thurxvingsrLousheed Amott al npitplfayed well in theBarrio net ternates Feltis Craig Pattetsondespit Irsix miSSCSI StewmtioICOnnoltLong lBillIHagan and Dan MacDonald OFFICIALSTed 4010me 05h were in there with numerous tries 3W3 Murray F1fxIBare for the locals and Bab Peclar play FIRST PERIOD led sturdy game on defence BarrierAmati McArthur 735 TORONTO BELL AdGImIIIISIIIII 2IOshawaWelsh OshawaBrabin Bradley 1315 PenaltyFe1tis SECOND PERIOD OSullivan Weldrake OshawaBrabin xtBradley 500 CettcoizmI Rommel OshawaWeddup evening OXD ILL centre Haddleton wingsCraig LS KNOWLES Andcrson RObmSm 750 defence Pcelar Clouuhlcv centre OSIQWHTrmm Howes 839 Poland wings Hagan MacDonald mhmvaJlowns 853 anemateg phil pot Peaisall Gai 8BrgelL01lgheed 15 35 rett Emms iiiiilcigIthrant Elson IIIICpgmesf TOFFICIALS Harry Morrison THIRDWPERIOD oionto Mutiny Fife Bqtlle BARRIE EXAMTNER BAKER ONTARIO CANADA iiiEN ioniLLiii TAKES SECOND GAME III Barrie Flyers rtiii into lltl01l faster and more experienced team last Thursday night and lost ihc Weddup 8I15inerville defence Windley Rowan Ig In We are now prepared to cut and thread Boniface alteinatesIBcll McBride BARBIE FLYERSGoal Synnott OshiiwaRohIiIInsonSIi 1005hawuBra in oer 11 OshawaBrabin 1430 PenaltiesFetus Trimm ma CRIPPLED jog Ball major and minor CHILIIREN onnor lm25M News items are appreciated chowiiino TRIM ALLISTON 124 IN Barrie Garrison Club Dcfeat Orillio Team EFOUR GOALS AS FROM BARRIE IN OVERTlME RURAL PLAYOFP liet HI LI ili if as ll II onmonomouomozsomC VI II III II II HI II VI lIAIrI II iI IIIII IIT it ir II II Iv III II III lI it II III it it lli it II ii iii II It II in it ll it xi Mir2 til gt II it II II ll II II lt it it ii llt xlt III II in 243 LOCALGUNCLUB it II II II wwarrrwe ARRANGLSLABOH ivi it ll ii= ll II II II II it in IIiI II Iv IDAY DKLET SHOOL ill iii ll It to II lii til llt tltl ili II li nan iw II ii tiitti Milli oiii IiI itii lliiii ilnIuti tlli ii 55 tiiltl It oi KIl xiii 13 It III mm iIIIIuIIWI IIII III ill Iit Ii litt Klil Illl IiiiIlI H1 II I1 iit II huh IIMI ls Alx lv ll it HI III 11 It ll It iii Alliiidi Mitil lit II II tlt II III IIIII tI ill llltl to ltllI it all iii tit lI II II II II 1nyIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III II III IIIIIIIIIII II II II Il Iiii tll IitIiI ti iI ItI vI iioiiiipiomidnighttin run riiuiii ii ll II lIll lil 1i il 1in hliiNitl inl llldllilill II II Ir iw dJ11fl til it til ti ct tn unu in tttllhtl in II Ti lit llI to lIiiit it to ll IL ill iil iii llll liiIlIIlI IIIIIIII IIIiI litiltliI Stunt llIlWl LHS llil illIlIliI lllll 711 gt tilII IrIii it rilwl 113 11 tm 1ti lilil1 tll iltt itttlitl III IIIII III III II It lilo ill iltslv that illll wa llttrltt that ltlilI II ii il MI Ii HIIIII II IIhI III II II litlllll ltiiziwt Ii lxttri 14W Inn liliiiltll llc ltlilltl tin IIIIIIII IIIII III II III IIIIII II II II II iIII VIII I3I y1 tHaaciuz iIin hllhtimtil nt tht gfttlttf lIIII IIIII IIII III c5 liavv IIiwtit mom llltll tillI Scott tint picture inial 11 IIIIIII III II IIIIII III IIIIII IIIII ltiltll Illlilllll ioii St Mili to iivi il ltiil iirczi lhIlhttlmll illilll Iw II ltl ill ltit ion mart il lll Hi igtIv ttltilltll izi no lomiia lm Illilti l1 Illl II IIIIII 1i iiii fiiizc inil llt Vtiii in on Clarke Ogddooaoob 30 Cap So so Oi Goods with PreWar Quality Above All Rogers Majestic ConsoleICombination Radio 10 inch PM Speaker 0000 tube peltormance ULL enjoy sccing this 11111tlttlgt now BEND iinniicli as we enjoy showing it its irnly washday miracle lie our guests Ionic in today if you can See how it washes rinses dampl1icsocn cleans itsciland shuts oli Hll automatically Note that you can do an entire washingind iltftl cicn wez finger it ill aston ish you and youll snrcly want new BlthlllX for yourself So pleasewe urge youcome quickly and make sure it gitLiiig yourBENDlX SOON putin clothes sctIa ilthi lltlll stoop Whatilt BENDIX does liinibIlesctolhIiis ctcaii thoroughly tumble rinses dries clothes ready for the line ior dryer cleans and empties itself and shuts offnllmitomnti7 rally The Bendix takes only square feet ofI floor spacetits prrfertly in kitchen lintlirarirn utility roomInr ltiimilry $2400 JastArrived nimble clothes through suds I60 ItimesI minute yet spIgently that en Fine fabrics launder beautifully gt EXCLUSIVE TUMBlE ACTION gusto000006090000000conic IronerI ever made Automatic Selector any type olIPipe Size 14 to PromptIService EMivis ELECTRIC Electrical Contractors 47 ELIZABETH ST BARBIE Bell AC 6Barrie 05006060059 Automatic Record Changer Six tube live band Radio Chassis Plays 11110 or 11012IRecords Power Transldrrner for maximum Price $32995 Rogers Majestic Mantel Radio white with Tubes $4295 Motorola Portable Radio for battery and electric use Attractive Leatherette Case Eisnubeless batterieshiziet Matorola Car Radio Various types $9995 and up Electric Clocks Kitchen and Mantel $895 and up tax extra Automatic Electric TOasters Sunbeam the new II Sunbeam Shairemaster Faster Closer and Smoother Shaving PriCe I$IZII65l3 sunbeam Ironmaster theI iastest EleCtricHeating Pads3 speeIdaI compleIteW1Iine alwayscarried Motor BrusheIsV Belts andPulleys ttttt bII Hillilld IIIlI GOO $1490 $750 PHONE 4383

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