Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Mar 1947, p. 4

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11 II WWW 1111 lanitltl JL Shit Ilixltlttt mtAnmI CMAUA gtHlt W744 ea ure pring as Ions ii jig 11 ID 13 oroptimists ty Show Red Cross 11 61 131 11111 1ml1 ill II ii AWomamVlawpolntmThhmdm little 11 III IIIII 13Copoco Gives Emergency I1 11 vn11 11 IgHelp to NonMembers 1111111 11 II II iDuring Heavy Snowstorm III El ri 11 gt El II 11 PLUMBING Ll II 1I 11 12 11 111191 II II II 111 Wlt Sliml Mtlztl Kirk ctr II II It 11 lis ll 111 11111111 1112 $111 COlglon 0y MEAN5 0R 64 131511 FIELD ST Apple Trees Wmtcrcd 11 WitI 11115 HM 1111 elwnmd 111i1 gv ttlpptmtc tollter II II II II We SGYS AI Gold in II III llIoIn 11 IIIII 1I 11 t1111u1x11uv1s WIN1 UHF lII line 11 111 1111 1151 llrlllllltl ul oinnuite 31 1I II VIII1 II II IIII IIII IIIII II 1i 11 11 1w 11 11 11 11 imr 11 Z1 Ill II II II Il II 11 111 121111 1I I1 11 1111 III II IImIrgIIIgemg II1 l1 ll 11111111 ilIIIi11I11 my 111 1e1 11 live1 ECONOMY SINK 11 11311111 11I It II II motor Porcelain Lined immediate Delivery 11 11 12111 111111 111 11 1150 We 35 VJ 1oIiII IIIoIIt cunning II1IIIII 11 11 1111 11115111 11 musov 1111 III IoIIxr Iuuos ll 11711 wt 11 lullIll 11111111111111 111 911111131 11 ll1l llllull lilii Hill ll lli the n1uu 111IdIII1 lull lI II iI Hlil W11 l1111 II 1Iltl 31 lluultil MI HIM Ii 1111 11v 1111 111 11I va r11 111111 Iitn IIIs lxllt ms 111th 11 151 1II II Im1 11 11111 11 11111 111111 111111111 111151131 lIU ROM BARRIL II 11 11 xte 111 1111 1111111111 and 11 Ix IIl III II II 11 IIIIII IIIII IIII u11 11d 11111 1111 1III IIII 11111 11131 ll lil lllllll 1ll 19 IMIII lI lI KIII lip 11 11111 111105 unludeu 11 11 11 lil ltlt 31gt tll1lx lLl lgt I1 II III II III 111 Il lllt1 111 11111 =1 lll xli 5111 1111 3111 Spir Mics and MIVMI on 11111111 WM ill 31111 111 1111111111 IlIrll1 IIZlIlIxuniuIHI lIIHllIIIIv1l1 IIIII Inn III III11 11 1I11 1I 13111 1111111I tins 1I1Iuo IWIII IIIIII MI AIIIIII RBI ill1 ll hill HM will 1111 111111 11 llui III vi gr III llIlIllIlev III Inliit 111 11401111u 11111 JD 11 IIHIH IIII buy CUSTCI SCOIS T0 IllJllfiV 111uu 111111 uhnli the 111 111 ll hi Iuiplt lil 111 linltw lltltl 11ll 1111 In NLOI sr nuqu llllI 11 Help CrPPCd Child 1111 1111111111111 11111111 11 awnnuJxamvl II 11 11 111111J 111 111OIIIIHIT lNlTE MI 51111 II II III lII 1111 111 11 11 1111113 11PIiiciuonlrutrx IH MISR ItINtII or dOUble Your st llllm 11 1111le 111 111111111 lx1u1 II =IIIlII 1911 New llIIWWW 1111111 rus 111111 111 11111111 money back II 11111 gt11 111 111111 Lnildrcir 11 11 1111 Alter the IIptlllllJ lll3111lilll ll 111 IeloII wals gtEl 11 111 11111111 1Ilt ll rrl 11 ill ill 1111 111 le l1 1111 1e 11 11111511111111 spoke gtyn 11 rlwclllillliu ll Ki 1l Illll Illlll 1111 p11h lt1ll 111 1111 111011111115 who II11II1IL1 II II 111 II1 1ll datHIItI 1I1n 1111111141IltIh Id WI ICITIIIIKI Mum II IIIN newch III 1l W1 1111 Ill1i111and thehm11lhc 111111 is II II IIIIIIII IIIII 11II111I11 111 1111II1111 1111 SI MWIHWHII VII mth H1 113 IIIIIIIII 1111 Ill ilWfleItIuII 11 their 1111111111131 III pm llI 11 fililkll ullllr I211 1111r the 11111111111Iv IIports Kins II 1I IIIIIII MINI 11 1m llIl llllllll11lt took the 111111 Ill her theme 11113 11111 1111111 QM Hm IllilllllI1Il 3115 l1111illIne our Church Meml III II II 13 1111 cm exanunen nlIlI 111111 theislup 111 hristidn Stcxrardsliip IIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111 l111I111 these c111drcu Mm I1IIIIIIIIII mm hmmwnul II II II II II II Ihuw Iltlfl llIilVIhlI 111IIlllwlllII 11 exercises 11d letter 1111111 hll 111 111 11 1111 SIIIIHIVIIII 11 III IIIIII 111111 111 1111 111111 11Igt 3111111111111 gt11n Slenartbhip secrc Jury xhieii told of the extensive 11 111111 Nutntu II 111111111e 1111 lo 1111 51111 941131Ibuildine proerum planich by the 111 11111 Vlll AlilHillAS IHSH 11 IIIIle IIIIII the timely coitturtr 11 1111111 I11d by Mary 1111ce itstti 1111 11 lllm 11141 lLlwmlmll Missionary Society Miss Goodlcl Vim mill VHkllou led in prayoiz Mrs 11111 31111 357915 sweeter TGSTier bread 111 llllll 13111110 1115 licltotnson favored with solo Lord FlElSGlillililliiw With l11l11ue dune 11111 liilhm lllil rlllv ll1lI ml mm Speak to 9111 that may Speak ltlLttgtult Ilnnneidn 1117I 31I i111 lllltll was destltlyIidI Miss linima line in her lllthl IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII II I1II1IIIIIIII RIM IIIM 1511113I1Iire l11 1111 Iniusl he IrebuiltIImtwwwm WIWI IIIIIk Chum TIII IENII IIII HIIIIIIIIIIIIItlivelyn llepplexton Models 11111 Ill llllIllllL lU9l mm ll Eon the Ministry of Health and 11111151 pm In III the lltaut 1111K were l1r11 111111 mm 111 luasterI seals I1lll he used Healing from the study book on hpVIII II II 1111s lioh lIooell and Mrs Moran 1112111911 Clllldlmj 1111urIlndia She told of the advances 111 11111 1111 1th 1111 lillillld lllll 3110111111 Hill gt11IIIllln be111adein the 1151 130 years in sanitaryI 1111th I111 911111 I1 Wlwmm Zuztltl llltllIltlsull 211111 NHll BilltiilIVlly llllcmlmd Iconditions and hospitalization and 111 111m 1111 Kids lictlllll h1111111 lthe fight against tuberculosis 77711777171 1111211111 lrul ltgt 1111 It IIIIIIMIIIC III IS my mum InltIipIa lIlley mid ltdttn Robbin leprosy md Inalnria carried on by one phase 111 1IuuishplomotionI 11 Wde 501 Vhlm the Christian medical leaders The the hind number on the proeraml II esnipnign II IIIAW Indian Red Cross is training the Iils Slilktd Bell 11103 young people in first aid mother bhopllc mm the whim 11110 lainsniek Womens Institute craft and home nursing lead will 0104 Hill linlll The lainsuitk lll1llltlll wM7 mm me ch WCKIISI 03 111111 11111 at the home of Mrs Jim All Barrie Illxamlner subscrip 151IIIIIIBIIIIEIISSIIIMRIIALINIZIIIXLII Morrison Mar 11 with 22 ladies tions are payable in advance II Mrs Badgley bridesmaids Mare1D 11 11 Exclusive Homogenization Process Makes Libbys Baby Foods Ten Times Finer in Texture MPIJIJW oi namental shrubs 11 was decided 11 nd Bctt Smith 111 11111t flldgtllfoklltll Sultan leieeler 1th will 51 hp 711mmlyomuy The COISHIICJWOI by III hridulleholarslup loud lllt llllClthl from this fund ilt to be used to pay party were specially designed by expeiwcs of 21115 xllt 10 MdL ML IMO cm 0f 80le donald Hall in taking 70111195 on lurauw l1lty3 lieiwtive sygttem 1111c texture llllltgt llltgtt llttltlr txtra ii11111111ure his first itlllb 111d Tgtv easy to diet510 talilc olten cause digestive upsets liven 11 mils which have l1cchai1lnll FREE BOOKLET on Infant Feeding hllillllttl Contain many coarse lnes 311111111 who llll to learn more nlrdw lml llv and 111 about the exclusive td111tne which require over two hours for complete Libbys lloinogenizatiouk proch lgcbllln gives are invited to write for the rec lnmklct lllealtlllul Feeding 1111 Your Baby lut send your name and active Yeast makes bread thats more delicious and tender sweetertasting ever time ITS FULL STRENGTH so it goes right to work No waiting No extra steps lleischmnnns fresh Greenhouse 1nd1vere beautiful inIHIIIIII IFIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III II 211111110 nent newr 11 mon the vlho lunch T1ill3l by tho llle 115 fl nlt md lmueqm no 01 11 10 at Look valc netted 5328 and was CREME ltt Cl WNW much appreclatcd by thosp atthnL ILRMANENTS 11111lll15ldlulxWillCllllllllbl In its centre HICl rcadv to pin 11II1iIIerl 1an then IImnoIIrrniscd may 1111 on the cold day Mrs Warnica Reg $530 III IIIIIIIIIIIrp IMHIIIIIII III IIIIIII addreslt to 111111ylt 11111II11 111 upon her travelling suit lay her IIIIIIIII III IIIIIII IIIII IIIIIII IEIICIII of 11d 1lt LIJll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII tIIItItIiIo 1n iropy 11111111 9111111 udIIIFIIlIItIIIIv IVIVIIILCthScIItIClCIitIiIsITSI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIVC IIILIIIII fOIII $310 IF YOU BAKE AT HOMEGet liirielk Cllttltlllllll lilllilhlliiltlwill ONLY 1110 committee of the Sorop will HHWHL 157 In 52111131 MALlIINlILIlbb Fleiscbmunnls dame rCSh Yum timist Club in CllzllLC of arraugm Willie 001101 Illllhwd $4110 With the familiar yellow label7 Dependableits been Canadas favorite for more than 70 years Mu II corons netted $141 The draw on Incnts consisted of Iss on IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC hm hunted by MINI bHAMPOOING AND ac Convener Mrs Beatrice Lu 51 Miss Evelyn Tuck Mm Marrld Home was made pIcVIousilyd FINGERWAVING 11 Lin 1111s 11 Kinp held the lucky BC 1nd Mm 11111111101 Talent money Inadclhy +11 lzltivag given by iss lonnm McClure 01 10101110 IIIIIIGIIIItIlIIII YILIIOIII ltlivs Dalton Lcninox had charge If of llliopiognam onAiictIltuic 111111 Kint explained Phone Moonstone bout vctreitnble ivory buttons These are made from the nuts of um Tarrua tree proce55ed1 formed embossed polished and made into iheautilul pearly looking buttons Mrs Mitchell told of I11 potash bed recently discovered in Stskl Iatchcwan which should prove of Ijtrtat VIaluc in the manufacture of felt audition is grave threat to farm cconomy in tho wastage of organic matter $11 told of monument which had recently Ibeen difctcd Lothc latc John Mc intosh who propogated the Mc lntoslrapple ontho 1130 annivers ary 1t lTlSlld thatIFrench settlers 13110ugltt appleseeds to Nova Scotia in 1633 releaw the nourisluncnti lln extra BABY FOODS I12111t1111 ARE BOTH STRAINED AND HOMOGENIZED When shoppiquIior 11111 lilvl1 and 111111 Iquetl Give Your Homeindividuality 11111168011311 113 11M lt2 gtgt serving the lunch For all news ofIvBarrie and Dist II lb intricncb s1CEJMJNTL Skin tlm has been roughened chapped or chatted by exposure responds quickly to sooth Ing ICEMINT Get comfortInI relief today yourselfand Iuse it on chidrcns tender skin too IceMIInt rotccts the skin and acts quiIcklyusc It be ore or met exposure for satisfactory results Try this winter skin aid todaysmall size50c oz economy $100 At Caldwells and Tamblyns Barrie Nana Whittys iIxIIandaIe our represeniiativewill call undiestimateyour requirements Withoutobligettion it El=Il Barrie Tent AwningCo TELEPHONE 4314 34 BAYFIELD ST LIL OKMAN panesrem 84 Dunlap St iIBarIrie Phone 2731 nominating comiiiittee con sistine ofMrst 11 Hi liing an II Mus LT Rogers was appointedI M1sICook1Mrzitfralick and C0 1I PEECOCk $151311 the 110511953 IJs Now hlle our

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