Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Mar 1947, p. 18

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FAG EIC HFEE is 1211 tneMiteNorthrrhrkmghwayvi NOTICE TO CREDITORS fler Cockshutt riding plow stone1ging chains cutting box 12in mouth with car hay rake $27131 Loadads NOTICE TO CREDITORS 211 the 111110 11 litei Bishop in the hslalr ut 111111111 1111mm Young 51 11111 111 1am 11 1111 or tntorr 1hr 1st 111 111 pril 111 or 11111110 the 1111111 111 11111 11117 111 Iv 17 if 71 fgt 31111 11 121317550 creolrots TICE TO CREDITORS 111 the Lstalr 11 1241111 111N111 In 1111 Islatc 11 moms 11111141 111 011 1111 111 71111111 111 let lI or iwtore 1110 111111 1111 111 xlll 1117 11111 1111 1v 311 it1 111 2111Z 111T 11 ml 11 crusoirorisi 4444 TOWN or BARRIE Licenses as Outlined in Bylaw No 1541 are New WEE 115 AND 0TH ERS 11 =1 11 Due 1111 must 110 prorurrtl 11111 1110r lt111 111 lllhlrHl litan April I1 15117 11 1111 11m 11 Ialtrrxon tl0rks 1111110 for 1111 111111111111 llll 111ss0s IL 11111111111111 Household Furniture and Effects 11 m111t11il I1 n1 Roland 1m Estate 111 11 In 1110 matter of 1110 Arthur IcMastrr 11 11 111 1111ls111 111111 EllZGbCih Si WCSI End 11101111111 11 11 Grocery Store 111111 thIILI 1s 102011Ir 1101111112s 111211 111011 again1 i111 iilit 11 111131 11 11 011 11y 1i1l1 A110 111 Saturday March 22 111 1911111 WiNti 11111100 1l0st1111111 til 2110 1111 WWI 11011 1111 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1111 BARBIE EXAMINER RABBI ONTARIO ii AUCTION SALE FOm 510va lmPlCmeMnflow of the Corporation of TOWN OF BARRIE Household Effects the Town of Barrie FRANK ALLAN Lot Con 81 West Gwillimbury 31 111s 1lr1sl 111 ill111 111111 Thursday March 27 11 11 11 13 1111111211 111 11 11111I111 11411111111 11 3111111 Notice of Proposed ByI 11 1111111 110 009011 CANADA AUCTION SALES 11 11 11 111 111 lif 11 11 11101 11 111111 11101 Lulu 01101 1111111 1110 11 11 1110s1111 111 11101111111111 11l 1120 111101 1l 311411101 11 111111 11111011 100 111 I11 lllit 011113111 1210 1011111 1111 of 11111 slrult 11 11 Nut 111101 11111 111001111111 1111001 11jl 1111 111 1011 11 510 11 131111 11m 1111110 11 allillarrili mm I11111111110 1311111 11011110 lisporct 1111511 1111 l1rl 011110 TOW 71 MJH Iii 1111111111 CHI 1111 1110 deem 511 11 1111 lv1111s11 11191011111111111111Et lwt ttll12 10 11111111 110113 11 011 1111 l$j 1111111 11 0111 110 1111110 1Cx1111 111 11 11111 111lt 15 gt11v111111 11 111 111 was 110011 finally 11l 11110 311 11i It 11 111111 11 1110 1391111 111 1111110 11l 11111s1111oil1 11 um nit11111 1111 111ml th11 11111 110 11111 112111 1142011 1111 11111111 11111 111 Mayor lcrlz 11111 111310 nlo form 1110 111happen1nv 11111 of 1310 Notic 11 111s 111110 for four 10 1111111011 111 the Cor 111110 001 of 111111110 rink and AU 111110 north of Highway 111 Terms 01s11 8110 11 1111 Thus Farm StockImplements1111111111s11u1 Alml 2Frank 111111110 110 111 111111 s1111 1111110 1131011 10110 11111 11111001111111 011003 T111111 0151 5110 11 pril 8111111110 A1101 11le 1lucstlapr1l 1101 Writtill ii 111 11 1111 Innislli 1ll10 111 Strand Auction s1110 111 turn 411101 111111 111111101110111s Suh 11 11111 1111111s 11sit 5111111110 1101 hills s1111y April yli0 111w 14111 111 111 3111 1N1itt11lt1tta 11111111 111111 1111111 of 81111101 111111 stock and 11111111111111s 110111 Finlay Auclirinccr 121111 1011110sday l1ril2 71111111 lil 11111sl 1111 11o11ti 011 11 ll lhornton A1101 Illllx 0111111111111 Full1111110 1011 11 l11l1 0111111 11 11 1111 1111 AI Inmsiil 11111 iKmliv 1111 Il 11 FM1 11 11 il HousehOId Furniture 111110s west of Churchill 1111411 11111l1lt11l11 CalHilkih 11 111 l1 111111111 silill 31114 1111 111 1311 70s tn Hmong mpmm 111111101 11111 1111 111111 1H1 JOHN N1 rocpivod mrm 5mm implvnwnh and 111 111 110 ll10 111 21 1111 11111 1101 111 iiisl1110li111s from household wls 5110 133 much 11 wt 1111111 11 81111 91111 1111 show l0r111s cash 11 like lindK1 owlx ml H1 INT1 11111 1111 l11111 110IIw0ri l1l 11ioise 11111 11111110 112311 il11 ni 111 1110 110 111 1110 will 110001 1101 Vllvlllx 311 will 1101 1111211s 111111 scs 11111 1151 Lor 18 Con 00 TWP1111g1mI April 330119 the ljllh 011111 sylv than 11111 11lrs 111 1m in gnu Highway nnvu mewnwl 101 13 11Ll111Hjl 11111111gt iii 11111 111 11 INCH 11 11 Guthrie Skating Rink C1111 Vespra on 110110111112 to 11 01111114 1111 111011111111 11 10 11111 gt111 11 lmbll Hindi 1114 11 1111 110111 l1 Form Stock Implements 10 lliloxldkucclJylzltgilllolf 11CI iwwI v11 AIND TAKICV NOTKII 111 ThurSdayl More implements and household furn 1111 1131 51 Mi 11114llt1i 11 111111 11111 1101111112110 1111111 51110 at 1230 5101111 1011 iimliii41m11 Imp 1111 11 111 Etilktfd lt10 12s1111gti11s 11111 RsuI Bum mam 12 yrs 011111111111 Auctioneer l2Hx 51 mm 111111 lbs l11 11111scti rs 1600 lbs 111111 IHIU ceased 111111111 1110 111 01111110111 11mm mum Hal 1500 1b 2211191 Alikmislllu 111010111 will 11 rd pnly 11w11101EH Lof 13 Con E5501 L11TLE Erard WW yrs 511111110 1i1rl17 11111 110 11111111 11111hfmlQd=f1 111111 31111 111 111111 11111 11111 110sh 111111 1111251 1111111111111 11111 11 11 11 films t1l1111 llilllgt11 11111110 1111 11111 1J0 1111110 1111 11101 Nmm m113131inhmnmn Hid imIilili link Ii1ilinl7 Farm SfOCk Implements rs 1101111 gt111 1110 11 1n 1111111111 howi 1I ml 111 tllwl1l 11111 pm 1111 110111111111 and Durham 01I11 Hay GIOII CIOVCI 586d Wm 11 LU rch 111111111114 Durham cow yrs him ayl fresh 1011 Durham cow due HousehOId Furnture MW immIii ihligtll MORE WNOl 2111 11 11m 11 13011110111151 June 31 steers Iieicfords ruin Nit Liiiihl 113111 ll11 llqtlibLlllili 11131551 11 111 MW 15111 la steers Heiefhrdis The undersivncd has received MONmm Mi DAMID BMHE 111 31 11 33 11111 111 11 31 1111111m3 lat heifers Herefords insiiuZtions from 1111111111111s 111 110111 MINm AID 11HI Am Mm Hm 1mm Emu ml CC helm Mrs Arthur Bonney MIISSIIS BOYS BOYS 1111 11111 Solicitors for rlu1inis111to 1011111s t1lll $1110 11 3111110 10li 11 111s1 11111111 13141 A111ti111110 122111 111110 lram Stock Implements Fa rm Stock Implements Husehld Eecfs The undersigned has received instructions from THOMAS SH Lot 13 Con Innisfil One Mile West of Churchill to sell by Public Auction on Thursday March 27 THE FOLLOWING HORSES Grey gelding yrs brown gelding yrs black gold ing 12 yrs sorrel gelding 10 yrs CATTLE Black and whiteIcow yrs fresh grey cow yrs due in Feb fresh cows black cow yrs bred July grey cow yrs bred July 15 grey Cow yrs bred Nov 20 Durham cattle1 yr Durham cattle yrs Durham calves FOWL 18 Sussex hens HARNESS sets double harness with heel chains set single harn ess horse collars 1110 undersimwd has 1000111011 instructiusn from JOHN GILCHRIST Lot 18 Con Oro Twp One Mile East of Guthrie Rink and to scll by Public Auction on IWednesday April THE FOLLOWING HORSES Black horse 12 yrs 1400 lbs grey horse 11 yrs 1100 lbs bay horse yrs 11100 lbs bay horse yrs 1300 Ilsbay mare 15 yrs 1300 lbs CAITLE DurhamHereford cow yrs due May 27 Hereford cow yrs due May 27 Hereford and Durham cow yrs milking due Oct 29 Hereford cow yrs milk ing Durham and Hereford cow yrs milking due June 120 Dur ham and Hereford cow yrs due May 26 Durham and Hereford cow fresh Durham and Hereford cow yrs due June 10 Durham cow IMPLEMENTS MHb1nderNo yrs due IJune l2 Hereford cow BS 6fl Int mower 5f1 cut yrs due Sept milking Dur new MH spreader aIft MH ham c0w yrs fresh heifers rake lOft hay rack McDD drill rising yrs steers rising yrs 13 discs Int cultivator l2tooth1 DurhamLamfOldLBLH112 MH disc barrow stock rack truck ford bull rising yrs baby beefs wagon set sloop sleighs new young calves wagonubox shelving and sprmg PIGS Yorkshire sow bred Jan seat new No 13 Fleury plows 18 young sows bredJan 20 new Perrin 2furrow riding plow youngpigs about 1001bs each new Imperial Verity 2furrow IMPLEMENTS binder plow MH pulpec 1ootsower2 ft cut withsheaf carrier MHlrow grass Seed sower extension cornbindery 81 1nowerI5ftI ladder cutter buggy wood rack cut Cockslyutl manure spreadeilNo Vega creamvseparator elec nearly new Cockshutt fertilizer tric fencer wheelbarrow set 2000 drill 13discIMH stifftooth culti lb scales chicken crate Chatham valor 9100111 disc ha1rowfanning mill complete with bag 12plate outthrow Oliver 2fur1ger pig crate scufflr new grind3 row walking plow cutter buggystone stoneboat MH grain lift single plows Fleury 13 set 0f er 6ft barn rope 15001 sling sleighs14sec seed harrow scuf ropes chain and trip rope I4 log set 16bullI barrows 24 pulper1grain bags white ash tongue 36 grain sacks number of cedar posts lumber wagon Bain 30doz egg crates 121102 egg Dering copperz 8in crates quantity of scrap iron plate gas engine hp Fairbanks Chains forks shovels etca and hay tedder hay rack Jackson fan other articles too numerous to ning mill homemade tractor set mention Renfrew scales 20001115 Cockshutt HAY AND GRAIN 12 tons red springtooth 2scc barrow hay clover hay tons timothy and al rope 150 ft sling ropes hay falfa half bushel red clover seed fork cream separator De Laval HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS McClary Also cook stove Olympia several range nearly new wood heater tables kitchenchairs beds nupiber of stove pipes HAY AND GRAIN About 100 rotary washing machine bus wheat about 300 bus mixcdvfruit sealers etc boat turnip drill rier MH din IIbarley and cats about 20 tons mix No reserve as the proprietor has ed hay sold hisfarm Forks chains and many other Nothing to be removed until set Inrticles tied for No reserve as farm is sold Terms cash Sale at one oclock Terms cash Sale at pm sharp Charles Thornton1Auct Frank Webb Clerk Auctioneer Runtledge RR Hawkestone Phone 57th Cookstowm Phone 1125 Gm 121 AUCTION SALE Cockshutt lBdisc spout cultivator Imperiah bletrees neckyokes H30 Ebs Llf lat heifer calf months 111d The above horses 1111 113011 tlcsh 0d 111111111111 111111401 1111111 their Fol 13 young Yorkshire 501th me 11111101111s bred 101 20 shop hogs ti chunks CAIILIa 11011 cow yrs 11101111111111 123 lbs each 60 hens yr Apr roan cow 11 due Apr Um 10 Hereford cow 11111 Apr 11 roll and 11110 0101 yrs 1110 Apr 22 rcd cow ti yrs due Apr 17 red 011w 11 yrs duc Apr roan cow yrs 1110 Apr 23 red cow yrs bred months milking well Holstein cow yrs due Apr er Gft cut with good condition lumber 10 Durham Cow IIgtI 110511 Cull Challizun fanning mill with bag 11 111111 steers 11s111e 1v1s 51011 pic box grindstone colony choice condition steers 1151111 house lOxl2 2wheeled trailer choice condition 11 heifers rising yrsin choice condition black steer rising Ivrs choice condition roan heifers rising pie 1alking plow yrs choice condition baby wheelbarrow electric beeves months fat The above cattle bred good quality SWINE POULTRY Brood sow Yorkshire pigs by side tbredl yrs sleighs motor are choiccly drums rows cream separator Melotte brood sows Yorkshire due Mar brass mounted setbridles brass 20 brood sows Yorkslure due mounted several horse collars May store pigs 75 lbs each 125 single set harness hens New Hampshire and Rocks IMPLEMENIS ETC Binder MH 7ft cut tractor hitch near ly new mower IMcCD oil bath ft nearly new sulky rake 10 IL all steel seed drill quantity of household furniture to mention No reserve as farm is sold stiff shank 9pt spring tooth cultivator llpoint 2drum steel land roller set Bissell discs outthrow set drag barrows sec tions John Dutton make manure spreaderp root pulper walking1 plow Fleury 21 wheels walking plow 2furr0w wide bottom Beav er clover reaper MH Al shape gas engine 111 hp Deering root scuffler cutter fanning mill Chat ham set beam scales 2000 lbs low steelwheel truck wagon ex RR Hawkestone 112b tra set of wheels hay rack rush plow Lester engine hp2 gas tongue set of Isioop sleighs 1Y0 Protection drums 170 ftgdraw rope sling NO Cockshutu igOOd as new 91410001000 Ranger GOc pleces red oak plank 2mch chain pulleys 30 ft belt land roller 3drum allsteelz set Grants t0hosp1tals on basm of 55312 pieces timber 10x10x18harrow HARNESS sets of breeching of drag barrows sec walking public ward beds$2200000 There cartrbrooder stoVe extension lad harnessf set of plow harness NOW veering N0 102 new Walk Grimts to hospitals for capital 11 Innel der 32ft brooderhouse OxlO th 26 11 Window selt of block pulleys and rope steel Se oi drum with tap cream separ ator De Laval 600 lbs cap nearly Check It 0Ver pew lawn mower 10 gal feed mo FIRE asses in barrel cords dry hard wood quantity of Ipinelumber AUTOMOBILE dressed quantity of oak plank ACCIDENT steal oil drums quantity 1tings and BURGLARY sac sling ro esp co ars 150 cm 905 PERSONAL PROPERTY HARNESS FEED I2 sets team FLOATER harness heel chains set single harness 50 tons good clover and timothy hay 200 bus wheat 500 bos1Banne1oats choice seed 300 bus mixedubarley and oats Quantity of household furniture including 3picce Chesterfield suite nearly new Also forks shovels chains dou and articles too numerous to mention Positively no reserve as the pro prietorhas sold his farm Terms cash Sale at 1230 pm sharp 121 Now that you have checked have you the PROTECTION THAT YOU NEED Make sure of it by calling at SARJEANI INSURANCE or Dial 21427 It Grose Auctioneer Phone 4234 Barrie PIGS FOWL Yorkshire sow due April 23 young Yorkshire sow bred l11llllltIZlENlS ETC IllH bind sheaf carrier mower 111 cut Cockshutt fertilizer seed drill 13 discs good condition hay rake 10 f1 MH cultivator wagon Adams hay rack with racks set ZOOOIbs scales set seufflcr Kicl Kangaroo plow 2furrow Fleury N0 13 sin MI pulper 131 1111 set 2see1ion springtooth har r11ws single buggy cutter gas sets 4section seed har HARNESS Set double harness HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Many other articles too numerous Termscash Sale at pm sharp Chas Thornton Auctioneer Rhone Oro 1125 WWW mm Here is list otpolictes Lot 15 Con Vespra Mile West of Highway 1121 at Crown Hill to sell by public auction on Friday March 21 THE FOLLOWING HORSES Grey lilillC If rs lbs bay mare yrs 1600 lbs CATTLE Roan cow fresh sale red and white cow 11 yrs fresh roan Cow yrs froshiret yrs yrs due by sale red cow yrs fat red cow yrs fresh in steers roan heifers young Ives 3furrow plow norrow new set otBissell tandem disc 32 plate new MH rolet MltH hay rake 12 ft mower 5ft MH 2row corn scuffler No 77 nearly new land roller ft Diamond harrow turnip pulper Lester chopper an and buggy rack truck steel wagon with rack sling ropes hingshill steel stoneboat din 515 tops 01 hey about bussmixed grain quantitonf clea clover seed The farm will be offered fo sale daysubject to reserve bid implement shed with windmil lot No reserve ing up death of her husband Terms cash Sale at pm Charles Thornton Auc RR Hawkestone 12bI 41 krict read the Examiner POSSIBLE to ENSURE 111311111011 MW WM 1500 lbs grey gelding yrs 14th Jersey cow yrs due by and white cow yrs bred roan heifer yrs fresh red and white heifer yrs fresh red heifer yrs open red and white heifer 2IIyrs yearling calves 51 Hereford calves IMPLEMENTS Farmall tractor 1944 Model on rubber Int bottom cultivator horse and tractor hitch new 1111 binder 6ft cut nearly new seed drill 13disc new hoe drill Autotrac on rubber Chev lbs each store pigs 200 lbs each furrow Int plow nearly new Oxford ewes MH tedder MH spreader No nearly new with attachments Fleurr walking plow scuffler bagger Lester cutting box cutter 15 Int cream separator 750 lbscap circular saw turnip drill 2wheeled trailer with stock 11 potato dust electric fencer sloop sleighsifan horse collarsIset of single harness HAY GRAIN AND Abput us wheat 800 bus oats about 500 sale if not sold before sale on 100acre farm clay loam bank barns steel roofs well equipped drilled well 6roomedcementiclld house spring in pasture and Wood as the owner is giv farmmg owing to the recent Phone 1125 010 For all news of Barrie and Dist News items for the Examiner should be sent in AS EARLY AS 11 131 Ah RECORDS 13111111111 3111 tilllVl ltllliirir iii 111 11 11 411 1111 111 11 11 Oit VICTOR 11 11 111M111 lir11it11 11 11 11 111 11111 301111111 Dd That 1mm In 1111 1111111 um Hill iii Hitlihum 11 1110 Im 111 111111 111 111111 an 111s 11=0111vn 11111 in 911l I111lt1Ilr 1111211 Farm Stock Implements r11 Fl 111 11 l11 1511 1211 1113111 Lnum 10111111 homo 111112 111r1 JoHNHUNrrR That llrnt 1111 111111 1111111111 113113111111 MW 11 1111111 11111 ms 111111 11 NH Lot l9Con9 lnnlsfll 111 11I 111 IV1IIIVjI1I Hi LN 11 11 111 More 151147113 ti1111111 lnnr iii 11 ij unimh 11i11 Put ll1Jt 11111 1111 I1 finalr Tuesday March 1011 11111 1111111 11 Mth My Ililf 11112 H111 11 111 11 11211111111111 11 11 11x 011 1101111 111 1113111 501111111 10111 gmnjwq 11 111011111111 11 111 St i1 111 mm vixm rm 111 1511 1111111 Hunk lr 3111101 1111 1111011 1110 funf mm 1m 11 11 111 111 012 l1 Margarrt 11 1M 51H 73 Spwulw L1 lorumo on Sat gunml 11 010111110 To My Ilrmm 111l All l011 Splint Personality Mill Slain Ii lgt 11 11111v1ilt1 11 hm 5111110 731 51111 112 11111111 111 11111111 1011 it ZUltttltim 11011 tox 11101011111 111 111le 111111 1111 s111 1111 111111 I1011t t1ot llurrziy lhurlow Id Ilc 111s 1111111111 You 111111 Iiiuzlow Mi and 311111 Wayne 1111l 1114 Ell11110111 Vll1lllitlw iril iiy li1il 111111110 731 11 111 111111111 in 11111111111111 Saturdayi 2114110 The How olm 1gtI l11 l1li1ill 103111111 111111 Hawaiian 11111 111111 1137 11 1111 3111111111 111111 1101111111111 l1s 11 811110 11111r 7711 111I111 r0110r hail pase 11 111 my 11 Wall 2411111111 l111 1111 11101 1311111 Wash 311 Airllcr isilctlI Whalta Ya 111111111 Do 13 1111 summr No ari01y 1111101 RM Ilurgess 11 Hit Twice ll lltll lttlxll 111111 lklit 11 731 1110110 110 11010111 111 1111 now orm Saturday iltlnoon 11w 1111111x1111111 0111111111 11y ir ifllhilfk Ihat lid 1111011 Maxie l0ihrstrnun 311011 JI1l1 l1 II11 11 Stiff 11111011111 10111111 ll 11 lllLllWII 1111 311 lldtl 111111 3Il11 131 about halfway 111 12111111 Mr If illlflllllt 111 13 11132 IIp 11 Ill1ru0ss wn lilVlltL south 211111 11110 1341111 5311 1111 MIN It 11112 1711 0111 11th1111111111111 north Vllllw 11111001 11 MOW1 1111 1301312111 111w 111 11 ltt1i 1111 i111111211Litf1111 1110 llzlllit Al 115110 1111111111111111 111 11110013 1111 lump mm tmpl Hugh int 2101111111 I11yIalt 4111111 1111111111 11411111 301 1111 II 11 nth 111110 Mom 11110111 111111111111 11111111111VI11111111111ii 3111 11111 111111 1101 111111111Ii111i111l1 li 111 111111111 no 1111 1111 111111101 1111 111111 01 11100 1111111w up MTV II 11111l17rxlt ht Aluiwwg hospital v1 ltr 11 11117 11 In mum 11111111111 on 1111111 gt03 111111 1111 111111111111 111 Mr 1111 Mrs Frank Moore gt111011l0 111 31111011 111111 s0110s1 Marion 111110111 iIlmral0 son 1001101111 and Sunday 1llttl 1111111111 111111 MINDS 111011111011 liss Joy Smart loronto 11111 Quanno 1011111101111 11 brass1111111111011 Maria lari 111001111111 1111110ss 11 plow hamI wmqick Hamlin 3115 ncmnmim 411 $1110 jiilimiiifklk11130111111115 Illtyllis llcardsall 111111 limit 115113 To Wild Rose 1111111 1111111 3001 111 1111s1hr Tmonw mud water Lilv 1111110 1111111 3111 1111s Ajax 11115 Skills Mil mid 31 nonflmwqfimi By Chung SImlmiliy 010111011 for seed 10 1111s buck 11411111111191 Millllllr ML 3011 lllbll 5100 111111111 131111115 11111 11111111 1311 but 111111s 111111111 Albert and 31 1ss 15123 lrccs 10011 oats 1th bus 1111x011 11111111 111 lltIrllis loncn Toronto with Mrs Iloim The Range 110m WW1 111 llldllilil SHINY Jones lLrl Mmtr Toronto John Charles Thomas $100 3115CILAMZOUSI11111flk111111591at Mans 3111 111111 lirs 1111110 1025 Bless This llousc 111N102 Iltllfltl WW 70110111111 11105 lluhnville with Mrs Ilaiiy Prayer 111 0111 Lady 1111 13 iiiH1O iiwii 11 111 111031 3111 liltl 311s 110 1111110 83 lm 311111l11l ciriiiiiri 11lil11111iil liiiniiiilml ROM Rilcll Tenor 00 Elinrnlo Womens Institute 1812 lair D0 lun0lonnlillit Part and Part 11111111101100s and 11111 111111113111us Forks sluncis Illim other 1r11010s lli Martit mwomup of lilmvall was held at Mrs HILIVICS 111 111011111111 All will be sold without reserve Alma l211th I11 111011111011 1111111110 ICIQPMd WkVWI Mi as 1110 proprictv has gt11ltl his farm Ham propenp IN 11 muck mow 0Old ill1011 1110 15 IS sluiilll Hm Mb Em Slmlwm 111 Richard 111311111111l 00 3111111110 ltli11ll01 11mm nominating 9mm 1121 Phone B111111d 211111 The Whiphnwnt committh for April 1110 IlsI French and 311s II Whitney Each 1110111 1111 will contribute $100 to 1110 1101101111 luml Donations from 1110 lliust Inll were voted 1521 to 111 RED SEAL Serenade Loves Nocturne AUCTION SALE 6610 Farm StOCk lmplementsidlell tross and $5 to the Aid to Bcniamino 1111 $1115 Thinn Iiund T110 village 0011110 03 Air For String 1119321131Sghigusfcmwd will 110 asked to have the sidewalk Ave Maria from 111101181 to the school cl0ar Mischa Elmau $135 011 as safety lllCtlSllltIRtlll call 75001812 111111111111 Part What am planning to do to 1812 Overture Part WH Lot 13 Con IO Essa 5010 by By Leopold Stokowski $135 beautify my home l1 Milts West then South nc 9090 ll Mrs Buresh was enjoyed by 10211 21 mg mg 111 The iiildres 11y 1111 lllousand And One mung to sell by lublic Auction on Anna Lewis pivun at Stonoy tlgtrtisl and gm Creek on the anniversary was icnna 11 11111111101110 wedneSdayl Mord Ilmd byplm RI Black The ML InfillRitual Dance 111 Fire Jalousie Tango By Boston Pops Oreh $125 12192 Wine Women and Song Part and 21 By Boston Pops Orch $135 12592 Babes in Toyland March of The Toys 1y Victor Concert Oreh $135 BLUEBIRD RECORDS 330518 That Dame Left Behind Me 1915 Mother Goose Rhymes By Carson Robison 60c 330522 Smokcon The Water On Dreamy Edge of The THE FOLLOWING 110 $158 Roan gelding yrs 1500 lbs roan gelding yrs 1300 lbs lthe above are matched pair in show couditioni brownmare yrs 1500 lbs bay gelding yrs 11300 lbs CATTLE Purebred Hereford cow yrs due April purebred Herc ford Cow yrs due Mar 27 Here 131111111 concluded with Vegetable contest which was won by Mrs Copttland Choline 1et1r0ishments were served ONTARIO BUDGET NOTES There will be no provincial tax on individual incomes Tax on corporation income of per cent designed to produce $38500000 Gasoline tax remains at 11 cents per gallon following lifting of fed eral levyiof three cents II MI Cities towns villages toreceive shar of gas tax up to 50 per cent of road expenditures or maximum subsidy equal to one mill on general assessment Balanced Budget for fiscal year ending March 31 1947 Surplus on ordinary account of $454000 after making provision for lord cow yrs due Aug Here ford cow yrs due Aug 10 Pollcd Angus cow yrs due Mar 25 Jer sey cow yrs due Mar 28 Herel ford cow yrs due by sale Here ford eow yrs due Julie steer rising yrs steer rising yrs heifers rising yr steers rising yr calves months old Here ford bull 18 months PIGS SHEEP Brood sow York shire pigs byside 10 store pigs 175 lbs each 11 store pigs7125 By Boyd Heath 60c 30525 Talk To The Boss In and yrs all bred choicerlot FOWL 100 Leghorn and Rock hens young geesegander IMvPLEMEINTS Tractor No 102 MH on rubber nw tractor furrow plow 10 bottom Fleury new tractor cultivator McCD point new tractor double disc The Sky Rodger Young By Texas Jim Robertson 600 553210 Rose of The Rio Seal Our Parting With Kiss By Hank The Yodelling account$139353600 Provincial expenditures on ordin ary account$138899600 Special grants to universities valor tooth stiff shank binder 7ftj MH tractor hitch nearly new Imower Stdft cut Deering 011 bath nearly Inew sulky rake 10ft all steel manure spreader Lonely Tonight Sou Promised To Love Me By Hank The YodelingI ing plow Cockshutt 21 root scufI expenditures$1ooaI 30 $2901 per 10 Canadiam Flag fletr root ptulper bfanning miIlIl bed WI cu ters cutino ox tvith 01 =81 er garrigrs grain bcrusher 10 plate Riggizotimslggsidy to ailmnmmpai ltgt iwiligeleiwziighif Ogixiiliudlgevi Additional assistance to public libraries approximately two and one we have Sh 800 tired truck wagon new set of sIoop Sicighs cream separator Me lotte 600Ibs cap CockshutLZ furrow plow quantity of lum ber potao sacks and grain bags extension ladder 24 ft dozen steel silo rods complete with couplings Gem electric fence nearly new HARNESS FEED Set of breech ing harness set of backband harn ess set of single harness good horse collars 100 bus wheat 300 bus choice seed barley 600 bus choicc Ajax seed oats quantity of mixed barley and oats 20 bags Katahdin potatoes Also forks shovels ropes double trees neckyokes chainsand other articles too numerous to mention Terms cash Sale at 1230 pm sharp Variety ofIIIBIeoords at prices reduced by 20 half times greater than uprecelding year gt Grants to school boards to be paid in semiannual instalments Twentyfive per cent of the cost of constructing new ebuntyhomea absorbed by province Province has spent$231045373 on Agriculture Education Health and Welfare In four fiscal years Net debt reduction of $13712531 in fiveyear period Cost of serving provincial debt lowered in 194748 by $1415200 Mining Tax Act to be amended placing imposts on royalty basin No increase in Ontario succession duties Grose Auctioneer Surplus of $367143 onIordlnaiy Phone 4234 Barriemccounti forecast 11111111748 mammar THE 261 ELIZABETH ST PHONE 4424 12h Sleepy Rio Grandl McQD new seed drill Deering sinking funds and debt retirement Rn lidlsc spout tractor hitch setlof amounting to $5441300 sprigs 300 iscs tractor and horse hitch cu tiI on ordinar Provmcml rev noes Theres Pony Thats To The End of The World RECORD BAR

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